TER General Board

Heard that one before; an instant classic!!! (EOM)regular_smile
KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 3114 reads


fistfuck4060 reads

Cialis is clearly the worst of the 3.  Viagra works well but has lots of side effects (heart burn, bluish vision, headache, etc.).  IMHO Levitra gives rock  hard wood with LESS side effects than Viagra. Levitra lasts longer than Viagra as well. I've tried all 3 at max doses. Levitra 20mg. is best, Viagra 100mg. is next, and Cialis at any dose is a waste of money. All are comparably priced on the web.  I don't have ED, Ijust like to be "armed for bear" for maximum pops in the hobby.

Is there a difference between GENERIC VIAGRA and the real viagra?

There is no generic Viagra yet.  The company that makes it holds the patent for it and they haven't licesned anybody else to make it.

Usually generic viagra = rip off of your money.

I've had prostate cancer surgery and tried all three.  The only thing that works for me is Caverject (by prescription only).  I have to use a needle and syringe to inject a drug into the side of my dick to get a one-hour hard-on - it sounds a lot worse than it is, but for you guys who are using these drugs to enhance your erections, just be thankful that you can get an erection....and if you're getting up there in the 40's and 50's, make sure you get your PSA levels checked periodically.  Not being able to get a hard-on pales in comparison to being dead (although there have been times when I've thought seriously about those two options :).  The up-side is that my surgeon wants me to get an erection at least once-a-week or more regardless of method used (use it or lose it principle) - what's not to like?

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