TER General Board

He certainly has a thing for men he considers hot.teeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 1340 reads

Men acknowledging who is chiseled and well groomed are one thing but getting offended cuz others don't agree is a little teeny tiny bit out there.  

Personally I don't care how some other dude looks and wouldn't obsess or worship some other dude. I too had the same initial reaction that "blue" posted below about this thread...  lo

for me it's david gandy. i'm not gay, just a straight dude who can recognize true perfection of the human form when i see it. if god returned to earth as a mortal i believe he would look like david gandy. everything about his face and body is perfect, especially when he was in his prime.

nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

earthshined1213 reads

well, actually two.

This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?

Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)

Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.  

Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.  

Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.  
 This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?  
 Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)  
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

you don't have to say blue-pill lies to make your clients and some of the guys on this forum feel better. those of us that are in touch with reality know he's a God amongst all people as far as beauty goes. we are men, not sensitive little girls that will be offended if you admit the truth.

He definitely possesses a lot of qualities that jive with the typical western standards of beauty, but he just doesn't appeal to me. In all honesty he kind of looks like my dad. Sorry, but I'm not impressed.  

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a liar.  

Posted By: andrewww12
you don't have to say blue-pill lies to make your clients and some of the guys on this forum feel better. those of us that are in touch with reality know he's a God amongst all people as far as beauty goes. we are men, not sensitive little girls that will be offended if you admit the truth.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
He definitely possesses a lot of qualities that jive with the typical western standards of beauty, but he just doesn't appeal to me. In all honesty he kind of looks like my dad. Sorry, but I'm not impressed.  
 Not everyone who disagrees with you is a liar.  
Posted By: andrewww12
you don't have to say blue-pill lies to make your clients and some of the guys on this forum feel better. those of us that are in touch with reality know he's a God amongst all people as far as beauty goes. we are men, not sensitive little girls that will be offended if you admit the truth.
the fact that he may look similar to your dad is the only possibility i could see for you not finding him attractive. i've shown his pictures to many women i know IRL on facebook and most of them agreed that he's very handsome.

and his qualities are not just attractive going by western standards. more like biological standards. let him walk thru a village in africa or china and i can guarantee most women will become wet with vaginal juices flowing like crazy.

The villagers considered them funny looking and sickly. Not everyone is going to find that guy attractive, regardless of whether or not he resembles their dad. The point I was making is that he's nothing special or unique.  

What I really don't get is why you're so emotional about this dude. His own mother probably gets less offended when someone doesn't find him attractive.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
The villagers considered them funny looking and sickly. Not everyone is going to find that guy attractive, regardless of whether or not he resembles their dad. The point I was making is that he's nothing special or unique.  
 What I really don't get is why you're so emotional about this dude. His own mother probably gets less offended when someone doesn't find him attractive.
i'm not being THAT emotional. i just don't like it when people try to speak ill of my Lord, not that you necessarily were but it seemed like it at first.

Posted By: andrewww12
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The villagers considered them funny looking and sickly. Not everyone is going to find that guy attractive, regardless of whether or not he resembles their dad. The point I was making is that he's nothing special or unique.    
  What I really don't get is why you're so emotional about this dude. His own mother probably gets less offended when someone doesn't find him attractive.
 i'm not being THAT emotional. i just don't like it when people try to speak ill of my Lord, not that you necessarily were but it seemed like it at first.

The OP wants this guy and wants everyone else to want him too. Not surprising that this type of crap oozes off this board. Where is the individual choice and live and let live?  

Jesus get off the cross we need the wood, we now have tricks telling us who we should  be attracted to and disagree if we are not.  

To the OP, find him, make a pass and hope he let's you blow him.

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 5:35:36 PM

Men acknowledging who is chiseled and well groomed are one thing but getting offended cuz others don't agree is a little teeny tiny bit out there.  

Personally I don't care how some other dude looks and wouldn't obsess or worship some other dude. I too had the same initial reaction that "blue" posted below about this thread...  lo

And he's apparently in love with this dude.

No different than the dudes who review the fat chicks and love their look...while others like the waifs.

Or the dudes who like tall while others prefer short.

Frankly Giselle wouldn't be high on my list...while others love that look.

Leo was a cute kid...but most kids are "cute"  LO

If he was Joe average, a hot chick possibly would not look twice at him and his pasty skin, tube arms and gut.

for a guy who says he's straight! I'm wondering how many hours he spends looking at pics online of him? And posting underwear pics of him....



PS... if your dad looks like him and is available, can we talk? ;-)

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 6:24:15 PM

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 8:44:38 PM

earthshined1078 reads

really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.

Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.  
 Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.  
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.  
  This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?  
  Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)  
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

I'm just saying I wouldn't fuck him for free.  

And hell yes Johnny Depp always and forever. Totes jeal that you got to meet him. He is often voted the nicest celebrity (iirc, Will Ferrell is the opposite).  

Posted By: earthshined
really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.  
 Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.    
  Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.    
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.    
   This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?    
   Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)    
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

earthshined1165 reads

women do that. that is, they have to feel something for the guy. I don't mean "love", but the guy has to make them feel a certain way.

 guys don't do that. i don't know ANY man that would turn down Megan Fox for free.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm just saying I wouldn't fuck him for free.  
 And hell yes Johnny Depp always and forever. Totes jeal that you got to meet him. He is often voted the nicest celebrity (iirc, Will Ferrell is the opposite).  
Posted By: earthshined
really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.  
  Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.    
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.    
   Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.    
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.    
    This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?    
    Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)    
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

Even if Johnny Depp was a complete twat, I'd still fuck him six ways from Sunday. Trust me, women don't need any more emotional attachment than men do.  

Posted By: earthshined
women do that. that is, they have to feel something for the guy. I don't mean "love", but the guy has to make them feel a certain way.  
  guys don't do that. i don't know ANY man that would turn down Megan Fox for free.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm just saying I wouldn't fuck him for free.    
  And hell yes Johnny Depp always and forever. Totes jeal that you got to meet him. He is often voted the nicest celebrity (iirc, Will Ferrell is the opposite).    
Posted By: earthshined
really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.    
   Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.    
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.      
    Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.      
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.      
     This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?      
     Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)      
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

earthshined1425 reads

i didnt say emotional, you did,  
you get paid for fucking dudes.im talking about the rest of the female population.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Even if Johnny Depp was a complete twat, I'd still fuck him six ways from Sunday. Trust me, women don't need any more emotional attachment than men do.  
Posted By: earthshined
women do that. that is, they have to feel something for the guy. I don't mean "love", but the guy has to make them feel a certain way.  
   guys don't do that. i don't know ANY man that would turn down Megan Fox for free.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm just saying I wouldn't fuck him for free.    
   And hell yes Johnny Depp always and forever. Totes jeal that you got to meet him. He is often voted the nicest celebrity (iirc, Will Ferrell is the opposite).    
Posted By: earthshined
really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.    
    Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.      
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.      
     Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.      
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.      
      This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?      
      Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)      
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.
-- Modified on 9/20/2014 11:20:20 PM

earthshined1322 reads

i didnt say emotional, you did.
btw, you get paid for fucking dudes.im talking about the rest of the female population.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Even if Johnny Depp was a complete twat, I'd still fuck him six ways from Sunday. Trust me, women don't need any more emotional attachment than men do.  
Posted By: earthshined
women do that. that is, they have to feel something for the guy. I don't mean "love", but the guy has to make them feel a certain way.  
   guys don't do that. i don't know ANY man that would turn down Megan Fox for free.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm just saying I wouldn't fuck him for free.    
   And hell yes Johnny Depp always and forever. Totes jeal that you got to meet him. He is often voted the nicest celebrity (iirc, Will Ferrell is the opposite).    
Posted By: earthshined
really? I'm sure some women dont like the beefcake strong macho types but his physique is not bodybuilder freakish.    
    Johnny Depp? Still? all that smoking has to have taken a toll on him. To me, from afar, he has an androgynous quality to him I met him briefly. A very warm personality.      
Posted By: Tobi Telford
The guy in the OP's photo is not hot if you ask me. His face is nothing special and I'm not into the overly chiseled body types. Pretty boys are so not my thing.      
     Second, I'd be pissed if a client sent anyone in their place. That'd be totally nerve-wracking and creepy. The only exception to that would be if Johnny Depp showed up. In that case, how he got there wouldn't matter.      
Posted By: earthshined
well, actually two.      
      This guy is obviously a model. For those attracted to him what if you saw the pic without the face? Would you feel the same way?      
      Too, if I had seen you a few times before and booked another session but have someone like him show up instead of me would you go for it? (either as a surprise or planned out)      
Posted By: andrewww12
nor is it objective. beauty is David Gandy.

And when I don't shower or shave for a few days I get really yucky looking. Sometimes I get dick cheese,  eye cheese,  and all that good stuff.  

Does this mean you'll see me for free?  


sure sounds gay to me..

Read his replies to TT. It clearly is................

Posted By: macdaddy1944
sure sounds gay to me..

Posted By: andrewww12
for me it's david gandy. i'm not gay, just a straight dude who can recognize true perfection of the human form when i see it. if god returned to earth as a mortal i believe he would look like david gandy. everything about his face and body is perfect, especially when he was in his prime.

Big man scoed. I'd be literally crushed if he sits on me. lolol

just teasing. :)

bonordonor1135 reads

You are gay!!! No that there's anything wrong with that.

89Springer977 reads

an Italian pickpocket.

I don't have "man crushes", but there's actors I wouldn't mind looking like. They tend to be of previous generations of actors, not contemporary. Guys like James Coburn, Lee Marvin, Sam Elliott, and even George C. Scott. Not pretty boys, but guys with interesting faces.

long hair and super athletic. Rhonda Rousy., Gina Carano... (no tats but yowser) a nice little tag team match right there.

Making me drool ...

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
long hair and super athletic. Rhonda Rousy., Gina Carano... (no tats but yowser) a nice little tag team match right there.

To me she'll always be the girl from That 70s Show....which was kinda the opposite of hot.

Posted By: FatElvis
To me she'll always be the girl from That 70s Show....which was kinda the opposite of hot.

I'd do her just for her voice ... sexy.:)

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 8:56:58 PM

When she beats the shit out of Channing Tatum in the beginning of Haywire....oh hell yes!! Very hot :)

Hell no.  

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
Duck Dynasty

89Springer1272 reads

You've made no secret about your attraction to Johnny Depp. That's understandable. The biker and Johnny-Depp-as-greaser threw me (and others, I think) for a loop.

Just trying to find a pattern. You put a lot of yourself out on the forums, and it's interesting.

Personally, I like my men rough around the edges. Bikers, musicians, and the occasional hippie usually have that look that piques my interest. Tattoos, beards, and a penchant for dressing in leather jackets will also up the sexy points in my book.  

That said, I find Bradley Cooper quite attractive. Normally, I don't go for the pretty boys, but there's something rather effortless about him. I think that's the key pattern: effortlessness. Vanity is a huge turnoff. I guess I go for the "zero fucks given" types in general.  

Posted By: 89Springer
You've made no secret about your attraction to Johnny Depp. That's understandable. The biker and Johnny-Depp-as-greaser threw me (and others, I think) for a loop.  
 Just trying to find a pattern. You put a lot of yourself out on the forums, and it's interesting.

Some guys grow into their faces and some totally lose it, but he always seemed to have it at any age. Too bad about Brando, streetcar era he was the shiznit!

89Springer1126 reads

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 8:31:02 AM

at my doorstep, and I would know what to do.

Very, very slowly.


Getting all hot and bothered over this other dude?

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