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Haven't heard that one in years . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads

The skinny wimp getting sand kicked in his face from the Joe Wieder ads in comic books when we were kids.   I must say it was good marketing, because I never wanted to be that guy.  Evidently, he doesn't mind it.  I agree that 5-10 and 150# is going to look like someone who's terminally ill with cancer.  Not really an attractive fuck partner for the ladies.  On the other hand, if they only charge him by the pound, he's put one over on the system.  Then Kudo's to him for figuring out how to make wimpiness pay.    

on the real secret of how he stays lean and trim.  This is good news for the fatties here, both hobbyist and provider.  We can call this the GaGambler diet.  

It seems there are compounds in tequila that fight obesity.  The article stops short of saying the more you drink the more you lose, but this might be the ticket for some.  

I read the title and thought you were going to be outing him for the total asshole that he really is, as I do on occasion. Oh well............

I'm sure all that fucking he's doing Helps!

-Orgasms r for Health!  : )

. . . how my Bourbon for Sex Appeal cure works.

for awhile, that the more I drank, the more attractive I became, but a friend of mine ruined that for me when he told me it wasn't making me more attractive, it was just lowing my standards on the women I was willing to approach.  And here I was so proud of how well I was doing.  

... ‘Bitch” post. Grow a set and be your own man. Or girl. Or whatever. As long as it is you.

a joke about his drinking.   What's your problem?  Why so hostile?   Did he bend you over a barstool and stretch out your asshole in front of your buds?  If you can't see the humor, then GFY.  

I think I remember what it was, but remember I've done a lot of "slapping of bitches" over the years, so I can't be sure.

I vaguely remember him a few years ago BRAGGING that due to his walking several miles every day he had gotten himself down to 5' 10" and 150 lbs, and that all of us could do that if we would just walk 5+ miles every day like him, and I simply mentioned that being 5' 10" and only a buck fifty was something hardly worth aspiring to, much less bragging about as that type of physique is much more likely to get sand kicked in your face instead of attracting women. lol I don't think he shared my opinion, most likely I hit too close to home.

As for actually bending him over a barstool? Sorry, but there isn't enough tequila in all of Mexico to get me to fuck his narrow ass. Drunk or sober, I still play for the same team.

He is kind of hostile now that you mention it, isn't he?  Oh well, we don't get to pick our stalkers, they pick us. That's something else I am sure you can relate to.

The skinny wimp getting sand kicked in his face from the Joe Wieder ads in comic books when we were kids.   I must say it was good marketing, because I never wanted to be that guy.  Evidently, he doesn't mind it.  I agree that 5-10 and 150# is going to look like someone who's terminally ill with cancer.  Not really an attractive fuck partner for the ladies.  On the other hand, if they only charge him by the pound, he's put one over on the system.  Then Kudo's to him for figuring out how to make wimpiness pay.    

zorrf45 reads

But you definitely went out of your way to inject some creepy dick-gobbling in there.  I think if you're honest with yourself you can acknowledge that.  

With dicks would even think that from what I posted.   Would you not describe someone who works out regularly as lean and trim?   However, the real point is it set up the joke by telling those that don't know that he is not fat.  Unless you're homophobic I don't see how that would seem odd to you.

I didn't drink the right liquor when I drank. :)  I was a daily drinker (2-4) glasses of wine or beer.  I done this religiously for 3 years when I would come home late from work.  And would cook a heavy supper like chicken n dumplings.  And eat that heavy right before bed but not until I was done drinking.  I slowly, very slowly gained 30 lbs. over 3 years of that lifestyle.  I was also a work-a-holic and didn't eat regular meals and when I did eat; it was crap!  Mom and Pops lard homemade biscuits, Captain D's..  I was miserable and made a lifestyle change, It took 2 years to undo what 3 years did to my body.  I decided to just cut back on alcohol after New Year's Eve several years ago. A horrible accident happened to me right at the beginning of that year, that forced me to give up alcohol.  It brought me to meet and cross paths with the most amazing doctor that believed me, and helped me change my life.  So I had to come clean with the doc that I was self-medicating extreme stress/panic attacks daily with alcohol.  I decided to do it his way, with medication.  I healed my stomach and obesity.  I thank God for my doctor.  He wants me to feel my very best and have the best quality of life!  He also doesn't drug screen me because he knows weed helps me in the evenings.  I love him.  He totally detoxed me off opiates, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, sedatives without any withdrawals.  We done it slowly over time as my life started improving with a specialist.  That's my story of why I no longer drink.  It doesn't mix well with medicine I take, but weed mixes well with EVERYTHING! :)

I've smoked weed for 30 years. I feel no negative side effects from weed at all in small amounts. It relaxes me, reduces stress and helps me sleep like a baby at night. Alcohol is another story. I get the spins, I feel nauseous, I throw up if I drink enough. If I don't drink enough, it just gives me a headache, so I don't pretend to even like it. At parties, Im sipping a coke to carry a drink around while I'm enjoying my edible. I had a mild edible candy before my session Tuesday and was in total relaxation during my BJ. I loved it LOL. Not sure how Mik finds his way in handcuffs if he uses cannabis? Smoking weed and getting rowdy are usually not connected.

me too!  Even before I quit drinking, I had learned a very healthy respect for liquor and my limits to when I was no longer fun.  Yes, I crossed that line of no longer fun a few times.  The last time I remember doing that was a class reunion I attended late; missed the food and on an empty stomach I drank everything that was handed to me.  Then an after party at the home where some ladies were a lot more hardcore than me.  They broke out a new bottle of Patron.  I can remember slamming several shots with them and couldn't keep up.  I was dancing with one of the girls and playing with her big boobs.  Next thing I remember I woke up on an air mattress very ill the next morning and nursed DT's and migraine for days that I thought would surely kill me.  I was delirious on the way home and puking out the window.  I had a headache for days that made me cry it hurt so bad.  My nurse was trying to get me to eat some chocolate for the shakes and I couldn't stomach one bite.  I never crossed the line with liquor ever again after that recovery.

CDL and GG were finally coming out of the closet as a couple...

*On a side note maybe tequila is the reason I don't get fat (and my liver looks like a leather belt)...

a long time ago . . . . . a couple of assholes.  

Mr.M.Johnson51 reads

I lost 50 lbs when I switched to scotch.  Although, I also went on Atkins (no carbs) at the same time.  Upon further review, it mighta been Atkins not scotch that lost the weight.  Regardless, I’m in good shape now AND I also get to drink scotch which has no carbs!

souls_harbor41 reads

Scotch doesn't have carbs but it has calories.

Scotch is probably bad for you but it`s sure good for what ails ya. Been drinking it my whole life. 4-5 every night after
 6 PM, never before 6. Dewars White Label only. Never met a scotch drinker I didn`t like especially if I was drinking with him.

And finally:
"Doctors keep tellin' me I gotta stop putin' em down! But there are more good drunks than than there are good doctors, so I guess I`ll have another round."  (Norah Jones and The Little Willies)

20strojl, I’ve been drinking scotch for 20+ years now - we should/could be friends.  Lately it’s Glenlivet and Macalan for me.
Souls. FYI FWIW, calories don’t matter on Atkins - only carbs count

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