TER General Board

Have you ever made love with a provider?regular_smile
goofball42 1 Reviews 2624 reads

I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.

I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  

You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

Panthera12702 reads

I am sure that it happens. There are a lot of lonely and socially inept hobbyists who experience that nearly every time out. That's what they pay for as long as they understand it is all fantasy it is money well spent.

That sounds kind of sad. Something I would say. But actually I did fell in love a few times in my youth. But they didn't return the feeling. Then I got into this and don't know about the other.
Never fell for a provider though. But some became friends to this day.

I'm that socially inept hobbyist. Now I'm sad.  
I guess I'll go see my a girl.

Posted By: Panthera12
I am sure that it happens. There are a lot of lonely and socially inept hobbyists who experience that nearly every time out. That's what they pay for as long as they understand it is all fantasy it is money well spent.  

Panthera12729 reads

and didn't you find Jesus earlier this year?

Or was this a TER scavenger hunt?

Posted By: Panthera12
and didn't you find Jesus earlier this year?

Back_In_Black669 reads

get him a gift for Christmas , we'll say its from Santa , add that to the gf and jesus and he won a trifecta .

wtf is going on around here are these guys serious ? just hope they all make love and get the fuck out before the next guy arrives . that would be interesting , good bye my love the next dude is at the door to fuck you call you later and I love you . I left the grocery money on the dresser .  

Posted By: Panthera12
and didn't you find Jesus earlier this year?

Posted By: Panthera12
and didn't you find Jesus earlier this year?

Posted By: Panthera12
There are a lot of lonely and socially inept hobbyists who experience that nearly every time out.
If we weren't lonely and socially inept why would we be here paying for sex?!?!?

And don't try the "strings free," "convenient," "less time consuming," etc. And if you're married or have a girlfriend, for god's sake nutup and get a divorce or dump her if you're not getting what you need.  

The guys who aren't socially inept go out and score with ease without even spending money on a drink. It's not the 1950s.

Your statement is like the engineer who thinks he's an extrovert because he looks at YOUR shoes when he talks to you

Back_In_Black730 reads

attached with this situation and for that time of the week that one wants companionship he is or should be treated as a king of sorts , pampered , showered with attention and his wishes fulfilled without question or without having to owe something other than the donation . the idea and concept of a mistress goes back centuries and has worked well for men who use it wisely to explore to try things that may be forbidden by a wife or gf or so . socially inept men can use what they learn here to build confidence and it may help them to have a real relationship and men in a sexless marriage can enjoy the pleasures that come from being with a woman instead of being alone . each person has their own reason and there isn't a one size fits all answer as to why men are here however to place all in the category of being socially inept or lonely is a truly absurd statement and one with little or no merit . good luck to you and I hope you and the others understand and someday find what it is that your truly looking for .  

Posted By: rumen
Posted By: Panthera12
There are a lot of lonely and socially inept hobbyists who experience that nearly every time out.
 If we weren't lonely and socially inept why would we be here paying for sex?!?!?  
 And don't try the "strings free," "convenient," "less time consuming," etc. And if you're married or have a girlfriend, for god's sake nutup and get a divorce or dump her if you're not getting what you need.  
 The guys who aren't socially inept go out and score with ease without even spending money on a drink. It's not the 1950s.  
 Your statement is like the engineer who thinks he's an extrovert because he looks at YOUR shoes when he talks to you.  

Didn't really read my post did you?

Nut up and dump your safety net and let's see that amazing social sophistication go to work!

I look forward to learning at your feet, oh wise one!

Unless, of course, you are European royalty and had to marry for political reasons then you can have many mistresses and concubines, but then I don't think you really pay for them as you can just exercise divine right or right of first night.  

In my humble opinion my lord.

Back_In_Black647 reads

one ALWAYS PAYS a price for a woman , in one way or another but ALWAYS PAYS .  
no didn't really read your post but I do like mine , and as far as the op walking away making love and others recently on this board are in need of a reality check and I also agree with the op as I think its worse than the ive fallen and cant get up . hope its not contagious .  

Posted By: rumen
Didn't really read my post did you?  
 Nut up and dump your safety net and let's see that amazing social sophistication go to work!  
 I look forward to learning at your feet, oh wise one!  
 Unless, of course, you are European royalty and had to marry for political reasons then you can have many mistresses and concubines, but then I don't think you really pay for them as you can just exercise divine right or right of first night.  
 In my humble opinion my lord.

GaGambler806 reads

You try going out and getting a different 20 something year old hottie to fuck you every night of the week, AND try doing it without having any of them turning psycho bitch on you. You do that and THEN get back to us about how much game you have, or how little you think we have.

Are you a retard in real life, or do you just play one on the internet?

I am a rather average looking, non rock star, non star athlete, mid fifties man without a horse cock. Somehow I have managed to fuck literally thousands of women, and never had any (well almost any) of them turn psycho bitch stalker on me. You do it your way, I'll do it mine. Get back to me after you reach your first thousand women and then MAYBE we will some basis on which to compare notes. In the meantime, please just STFU

Like the engineer...

That's a fantastic line! :D

Panthera12710 reads

You are clearly lacking in social skills and you are exactly the type of hobbyist I was talking about. Embrace your ineptness by stuffing envelopes. A fantasy is better then nothing. Don't worry you are not the only one. Just read up on the board and you will find others just like yourself.

Look at the ego on you!

Please, bless us with more of your exceptional social skills!

more lunatic bullshit..

Posted By: Panthera12
You are clearly lacking in social skills and you are exactly the type of hobbyist I was talking about. Embrace your ineptness by stuffing envelopes. A fantasy is better then nothing. Don't worry you are not the only one. Just read up on the board and you will find others just like yourself.    

Panthera12577 reads

Your crusty old ass was up very early this morning.

You are generalization are not only wrong but stupid. People do this for many reasons. First one being thsy want the to hassle with civilian relationship and the complications it brings. Second being, people don’t have as much time these days to play the mating head games.  

You are completely incorrect in stating that, one cannot have a relationship with providers. I see three providers often and have for quite while and we all know each other and have great friendship with each other.

Engineers are no longer your stereotypical geeks anymore. They don’t look at your shoes but make you look at their shoes, what? They have the money in the tech era and a lot of women like them because they are intelligent, gentle, worldly and treat women with respect and kindness.

Fire away


Posted By: rumen
Posted By: Panthera12
There are a lot of lonely and socially inept hobbyists who experience that nearly every time out.
 If we weren't lonely and socially inept why would we be here paying for sex?!?!?  
 And don't try the "strings free," "convenient," "less time consuming," etc. And if you're married or have a girlfriend, for god's sake nutup and get a divorce or dump her if you're not getting what you need.  
 The guys who aren't socially inept go out and score with ease without even spending money on a drink. It's not the 1950s.  
 Your statement is like the engineer who thinks he's an extrovert because he looks at YOUR shoes when he talks to you.  

Those who know me would certainly not say I'm either lonely or socially inept.  I am single and just have no interest at this point in a long-term relationship or sexual exclusivity.  I also prefer to have sex with younger women.  I have no patience for or interest in the bar scene or even traditional dating.  I actually like the women I pay for sex and have social relationships with many of them.  This game is just about perfect for me So, please, don't put me in your cookie-cutter assumptions of what a John is.

Now find another one who'll top that experience.

She didn't let on that she was putting together her grocery list while you were humping her?

I hope she didn't blurt out "beige...yeah that's what color I'll do the ceiling in".

It's all good pal...enjoy the illusion.

Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
 I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  
 You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

Back_In_Black962 reads

started talking about kids , holidays , white picket fence and aluminum siding versus vinyl . she started calling all her friends I asked which drawers would be mine . ah , then we both woke up and had some coffee , I suggest you do the same ! oh the closer Christmas comes the lovier the threads are . dude these girls lost their cherries a longgggggggggggggggggg time ago no cherries in this group . lol  

Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
 I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  
 You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

but yeah, I've had a couple dates where the lady completely let go, and the energy suddenly became electric and the kissing became passionate.  If you are halfway decent looking, treat the lady with respect as if it was a regular date, and enjoy pleasing too, anything can happen.  It's certainly fun when it does!

encounter but I would say maybe 30-40% of the time.  Also depends on the level of provider you are visiting.  If it is a BP provider who offers 30 minute sessions, then not so likely.  A true well-reviewed GFE, then more likely.

The answer is yes, each and every time. I always bring my best self to the session. But a more important question is, has she ever made love with me? With ladies you've seen many many times I'd like to think so. The reason you return so often is because of the shared comfort level. There are many little ways you know she enjoys your company, and can let go to the moment. With someone new, or someone you've seen only a few times it's not so discernible. But there comes a moment when the fake moans become more intensely serious. When her body starts spasming with uncontrollable jerks. When she starts squirming up the bed, and her hands start slapping the walls. When her more intense moans turn to screams. So loud you start thinking the neighbors will knock. When she reaches up with light in her eyes, gives you a warm, full body embrace, and kisses you deeply. It's a that moment when yes, she really just let go.  

Now I know what you're thinking. That she just won the Oscar for acting in a leading role. Well no. I've been with many different women, from high end to low. Even the ones who are really acting, who are great at using their mojo to make you think it's real, who give you cumming sounds ten times better than a porn star, never ever spasm, jerk, squirm, slap, and scream. They may even climax to a certain degree, but they'll never take it that far. That's way too much effort, even for the very best. When you find one who does, you both need to clear your schedules.  

Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
 I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  
 You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

To think a pro could shudder, spasm or scream is unthinkable.

Did she take your money?  A stud like you should be getting paid.

Posted By: mojojo
The answer is yes, each and every time. I always bring my best self to the session. But a more important question is, has she ever made love with me? With ladies you've seen many many times I'd like to think so. The reason you return so often is because of the shared comfort level. There are many little ways you know she enjoys your company, and can let go to the moment. With someone new, or someone you've seen only a few times it's not so discernible. But there comes a moment when the fake moans become more intensely serious. When her body starts spasming with uncontrollable jerks. When she starts squirming up the bed, and her hands start slapping the walls. When her more intense moans turn to screams. So loud you start thinking the neighbors will knock. When she reaches up with light in her eyes, gives you a warm, full body embrace, and kisses you deeply. It's a that moment when yes, she really just let go.  
 Now I know what you're thinking. That she just won the Oscar for acting in a leading role. Well no. I've been with many different women, from high end to low. Even the ones who are really acting, who are great at using their mojo to make you think it's real, who give you cumming sounds ten times better than a porn star, never ever spasm, jerk, squirm, slap, and scream. They may even climax to a certain degree, but they'll never take it that far. That's way too much effort, even for the very best. When you find one who does, you both need to clear your schedules.    
Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
  I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.    
  You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

Panthera12855 reads

and seriously delusional if you think you are giving the hookers mind shattering orgasms. If she is slapping the walls and screaming it's because you shorted the envelope.

GaGambler621 reads

Maybe she just has a Charliehorse, and he confused her screams of pain for an orgasm?

You know to a guy who has never actually given a woman an orgasm before, it might be hard to tell the difference. lmao

Panthera12448 reads

I never thought of her being in actual pain or having muscle spasms but honestly the type of behavior that he is describing sounds more like a temper tantrum. I mean, who slaps the walls while having sex?

JackDunphy852 reads

Who admit they fake on a daily basis? Yep! Full of shudders, screams, cries of joy, millions of "Oh, God, Oh God"etc etc etc.

Think these girls don't know the game? They know exactly what to do to get johns like yourself, to come on boards such as these to infuse us with your delusional rantings.

And you may have heard but guys put these "events" in words in reviews for all the world to see and the girls get what they want with a repeat client and a great review for free advertising to more guys just like yourself. See how this works chief?

So...Is it possible she came? Sure. Will you ever know it to be a fact? No. Never.

or done any of that over the top stuff. I'd like to think it's because they realize I'm not insecure and therefore don't require the theatrics. Or maybe I'm just not that great a lover, which is totally fine as I enjoy myself immensely and that, after all, is why I'm here.

GaGambler778 reads

and they did it so badly that they totally ruined the moment.

OTOH I have had a few point out the flood of wetness running down their leg as proof that I was doing a good job, which made an already good time so much better.

started talking dirty almost PSE. this was something she never did before. When I checked her reviews I noticed hobbyists describing the same thing this was something that was not mentioned in any earlier reviews.

She learned some new tricks! lol

When she gets really turned on (or seems to) she clicks her teeth together.  She also bites the inside of her upper arm.

It is possible, if you are in love with her.  Its not something I recommend nor I condemn, but I do understand.  

In my personal opinion, the term "making love" connotes having sex in a loving relationship. If you don't love her, its just sex.. It could be terrible sex, or it could be amazing sex, or something in between (where usually my appointments fall...), but just sex...

cashorcredit688 reads

You're suppose to leave feeling what the hell was that, just means she did her job well.  

Had one provider her "game" was so good sorta like the game Heather has, I found myself slipping, she pussy-whipped me so bad the next day I called her asking what could I buy her lol

Gotta be careful with that loving making shit, you don't want to mess around and start to develop feelings for her

Most draw a line between emotions and their professional life. The only emotion I feel with my clients  is friendship and sometimes empathy. And sometimes sexual feelings if they do me good;)

JackDunphy821 reads

That would be like finding the Holy grail for them. Lol.

A hooker acknowledging they knew a few other hookers who just orgasm all over the place? And those O's were REAL????

That could be worth millions to the manginas here.

Back_In_Black591 reads

cute and you've got an amazing ass ,plump like the turkey im having for thanksgiving I just wish I was your favorite stuffing , and my drumstick is all yours if you want it . have a nice night .  

Posted By: Katie_krush
Most draw a line between emotions and their professional life. The only emotion I feel with my clients  is friendship and sometimes empathy. And sometimes sexual feelings if they do me good;)

Lol. Thanks dear! I love stuffing;)

Posted By: Back_In_Black
cute and you've got an amazing ass ,plump like the turkey im having for thanksgiving I just wish I was your favorite stuffing , and my drumstick is all yours if you want it . have a nice night .  
Posted By: Katie_krush
Most draw a line between emotions and their professional life. The only emotion I feel with my clients  is friendship and sometimes empathy. And sometimes sexual feelings if they do me good;)

Back_In_Black780 reads

oh I almost forgot I also have cranberry sauce and im sure your gravy not only is delicious but overflows and I love gravy on my drumstick ..

have a wonderful holiday Katie and I may just have a crush on you lol lol you are a darling that's for sure xo  

Posted By: Katie_krush
Lol. Thanks dear! I love stuffing;)  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
cute and you've got an amazing ass ,plump like the turkey im having for thanksgiving I just wish I was your favorite stuffing , and my drumstick is all yours if you want it . have a nice night .    
Posted By: Katie_krush
Most draw a line between emotions and their professional life. The only emotion I feel with my clients  is friendship and sometimes empathy. And sometimes sexual feelings if they do me good;)

Thanks, that's so nice of you to say! Hope you have a great holiday too:)

Posted By: Back_In_Black
oh I almost forgot I also have cranberry sauce and im sure your gravy not only is delicious but overflows and I love gravy on my drumstick ..  
 have a wonderful holiday Katie and I may just have a crush on you lol lol you are a darling that's for sure xo  
Posted By: Katie_krush
Lol. Thanks dear! I love stuffing;)  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
cute and you've got an amazing ass ,plump like the turkey im having for thanksgiving I just wish I was your favorite stuffing , and my drumstick is all yours if you want it . have a nice night .    
Posted By: Katie_krush
Most draw a line between emotions and their professional life. The only emotion I feel with my clients  is friendship and sometimes empathy. And sometimes sexual feelings if they do me good;)

and I quite purposefully do not see her exclusively, or too often, lest I lose my objectivity and forget what's going on here.

Sometimes there is something...call it chemistry, connection, love - whatever. Two people who, for whatever reasons, let go and live in that moment. Together; shared.  

It happens with two who are in love sometimes, and sometimes not - sometimes it is just sex.  

When it happens, whether a one-sided illusion or not, celebrate and enjoy it. It is a rarity and a gift.

Do not expect it to recur, and please always respect boundaries. A loving moment is not being in love, and being in love has moments that are not so loving.

When used as a noun, love is simply defined as "an intense feeling of deep affection". You can love someone without being "in love" with them.  

I refuse to be emotionally devoid, or to become so jaded and cynical that I lose my ability to experience the joy of a moment shared.

In a word, your answer is "yes"

GaGambler866 reads

The relatively few times it's happened for "real" and I discovered it was mutual have led to a few LTR's.

That said, I doubt that it has happened to me even once in a hundred different women, my best guess is maybe once out of every 200 women that I have seen has something like this happened, but yes it does happen, and not only on a first meeting. with a couple of ladies that ended up as real life GFs, something has just clicked on the second, third, or fourth meeting and just grows from there. Of course, considering my short attention span, I have managed to fuck up every one of those relationships, as i imagine I am going to fuck up several more. lol

bigguy30759 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
The relatively few times it's happened for "real" and I discovered it was mutual have led to a few LTR's.

That said, I doubt that it has happened to me even once in a hundred different women, my best guess is maybe once out of every 200 women that I have seen has something like this happened, but yes it does happen, and not only on a first meeting. with a couple of ladies that ended up as real life GFs, something has just clicked on the second, third, or fourth meeting and just grows from there. Of course, considering my short attention span, I have managed to fuck up every one of those relationships, as i imagine I am going to fuck up several more. lol

Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
 I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  
 You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

But most of the time we get lost in each other and something magical happens. Occasionally we just have a fucking fun time.

bigguy30764 reads

I would say yes it has happen to me too!

Sometimes you just click with a provider and she knows what to do in the bedroom.

Posted By: goofball42
I'm not talking about "I've fallen, and I can't get up" falling in love.  
 I'm talking about getting things started in a session, and then at some point, you both just kind of let go...and things just go where they go? Where sex becomes the cherry on top, not the total main course.  
 You walk out thinking, WOW! What the hell was that????

GaGambler596 reads

and he makes just as little sense when talking about things other than politics than he does "over there".

Hey fatboy, have you ever tried stringing sentences together so they actually connect and make a cogent thought?

Just how do you combine the sentences

"The more you see a provider and hit it off" followed by "I would say yes it has happen to me too"???

Conan, would you please hit this moron over the head with WillyWonka's brick? He makes AnnoyingFungus look well spoken in comparison.

His posts are so riddled with mistakes and incoherent statements it would take all of Conan's time to give him remedial assistance.  Conan chooses to expend his efforts where there is a remote chance of success.

GaGambler684 reads

Well I think that we all KNOW that fool is beyond help, so feel free to treat this as a rhetorical question.

bigguy30772 reads

I should really take it easy on your old ass and usually like old people.

Since you and your boyfriend Nicky46 want to be assholes.

The fun will only continue for you clowns!  

Posted By: GaGambler
Well I think that we all KNOW that fool is beyond help, so feel free to treat this as a rhetorical question.

bigguy30636 reads

Posted By: inicky46
His posts are so riddled with mistakes and incoherent statements it would take all of Conan's time to give him remedial assistance.  Conan chooses to expend his efforts where there is a remote chance of success.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 5:38:12 PM

bigguy30686 reads

When you came crying like a bitch on the political board yesterday.

I was thinking at first you were just being a clown.

So now I see you and your insecure boyfriend want to feel important on here.

This is really sad when old people need this much attention.

The both of you look weak and any man that needs this much help fighting his battles is not a man. lol  

Posted By: inicky46
His posts are so riddled with mistakes and incoherent statements it would take all of Conan's time to give him remedial assistance.  Conan chooses to expend his efforts where there is a remote chance of success.

bigguy30681 reads

So your clown ass assumes I am fat and that is all you have old man?

I can see being old is hard for you.  

Just remember with no proof it's lying! LOL


Posted By: GaGambler
and he makes just as little sense when talking about things other than politics than he does "over there".

Hey fatboy, have you ever tried stringing sentences together so they actually connect and make a cogent thought?

Just how do you combine the sentences  

"The more you see a provider and hit it off" followed by "I would say yes it has happen to me too"???

Conan, would you please hit this moron over the head with WillyWonka's brick? He makes AnnoyingFungus look well spoken in comparison.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 12:58:36 PM

The ad of one of the all time great escorts in the Columbus area (now sadly retired) used to read

"Let's fall in love for an hour"

And she delivered - every time!

I'm glad you had a "wow"moment. That's what makes it worth doing.  I'd say, see that lady again!  
You connect with people or you don't. I've had dozens of encounters where I was sexually very satisfied but emotionally not much was there for either of us.
With my ATF, many, many times we have let go of ourselves and had intense, passionate experiences together. I don't know what to call it, but who cares?; all I know is, it is wonderful and I plan on seeing her again very soon.

making love.  

Can you even make love alone?

 Remember she is still working and those thoughts are not on her mind like it would be with her SO.

HandleWithCare642 reads

There's a provider I know who has what I think is a rare gift, something I've never experienced in quite the same way with any other provider: she makes you feel as if you're enveloped in love, from the moment you step into the room with her. Not love in a romantic sense, like she's your SO or girlfriend--more the love of a really good friend who cares about you and enjoys being with you and having a good time with you. In that context, it's impossible for me to NOT "make love" to her in return. And I know what you mean about sex becoming the cherry on top, because everything before and after the sex with her is great too.

Its my version of the GFE and its mutually satisfying

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