TER General Board

hahahah I remember reading those! oh wow LOLteeth_smile
ChiTownHeaux 357 reads


FIDCUOF1767 reads

Whats the story?  Were you in school and needed the money?  Did a girl friend introduce you to it (I've heard that a lot)?  Please share.   I think it's fascinating how a girls/women get started in the business.

GaGambler436 reads

Too bad you fell off the map last year. You were a mortal lock to win last year. This year you have a lot of ground to make up, but I have no doubt you can still make a run at it.

Gambler perhaps you can team up with one of your illustrious friends who is currently active in the industry and have a television show called " What do you know about being a hoe".  In you first episode you can ask the question about how your lady friends gained entry into the sex industry. Then you can learn about from all of the walks of life they came from and how they arrived in their currently capacities within the industry.

Perhaps just pull up one of your old stories...maybe the mirror story?

Posted By: FIDCUOF
Whats the story?  Were you in school and needed the money?  Did a girl friend introduce you to it (I've heard that a lot)?  Please share.   I think it's fascinating how a girls/women get started in the business.

VOO-doo585 reads

creepy dude noticed me struggling with car payments, and persuaded me to join the dark side. In exchange for a little discount, he "helped me get started" on TER. LOL.  

Remember those posts?

I wanted to do I it since I was a teenager.  But I never tried to do so underage (under 18).  What I did do was cruise bars and go home with men who I would pick out from the crowd.  In my state, it was legal for me to sleep with older men at the age where I was doing this - in MD the legal age of consent is 16 and I started doing this about halfway through that year.  They would offer buy me a drink and I would accept, understanding that this was part of the bar cruising ritual.  But I wouldn't even touch it usually, because although I was interested in exploring my sexuality, I wasn't interested in driving after drinking.  And I would always close the deal by following them to their place in my own car so that I could leave whenever I felt done with the experience.

Sometimes it was really fun and sometimes it wasn't, but I always used protection and usually learned something about the different ways people like to play with each other.  The hottest guys were sometimes the worst in bed.  Sometimes it surprised me who I wanted to see over and over and who I was bored with fifteen minutes into it.  I noticed how astonishingly easy it was for me to get with almost any guy I wanted, and vaguely / almost jokingly thought to myself that I could be charging for this considering how high the demand/desire for my company seemed to be and how wildly people seemed to enjoy themselves with me.  Some guys had a hard time understanding why I didn't want to date them or hook up with them again.  The fact that it sometimes wasn't fun didn't seem to bother me, nor did I feel shameful or emotionally complicated about my explorations.  My enjoyment of these types of casual hookups with older men during my late teenage years coupled with my passion for educating myself about sexuality and learning ways to play that would still be safe, gave me a very good idea that perhaps being an escort could be a wonderful and perfectly healthy thing for me to do with my life.  But I was really afraid of getting raped, murdered, arrested, etc.  I had no idea how I could be an escort in a way that was safe and didn't know anyone who did it.

Eventually I went off to college, dated some people, and still had hookups but more with college friends and less with random older men.  I did work tutoring engineering students.  In retrospect I really wish I had started escorting during this time because I struggled a lot financially and worked a lot and didn't sleep much which was really unhealthy for me.  But I was accidentally in monogamous relationships (what was I thinking?) that were very consuming and didn't leave a lot of room for me to seriously consider doing this kind of work.  I think it was always in the back of my mind that I was interested in using these skills that I had developed over the years, especially since I already felt confident that I would enjoy it and that it would not be a harmful source of shame in my life or anything.  But I didn't seriously consider it.  If I'd known someone else who was doing it, I'm sure that would have been different.  Eventually I realized that chemical engineering was something that I was very talented at, but not something I wanted to do with my life.  The jobs that I was being trained to do all seemed pretty soul-crushing and my spirit yearned to wander the country and be free.  It took me about a year and a half to admit that what my spirit knew is that I should not be a chemical engineer, even if I *could* and was good at it.  So I ceased to attend university in search of more fulfilling pursuits.

In the years following I decided to focus on pursuing the two things in my life that make me the most happy - delicious food and adventurous sex!  I've spent many years developing my culinary skills and pursuing the development of my personal sexual interests, learning more about prostate pleasure, breath play, watersports, fisting, and even the most simple arts like using one's intuition to sense what one's lover desires, how to read from someone's kiss how they want you to kiss them, etc.  Now I'm successfully running a small business as a private chef and artistic event caterer which brings my culinary arts to life in a manner that is still flexible for me and my life/schedule.  I am my own boss and that is awesome!  And I also sell my time and companionship because that's another thing that I genuinely enjoy doing.  I really like variety in my life/work and enjoy that both the catering and sharing my companionship are both ways to make a living that entail a lot of variety and allow me to do what I love!

Sometimes men who meet me assume that I must be escorting out of a lack of other choices and see it as a tragedy that I did not finish my chemical engineering degree, and encourage me to go back and finish school.  I realizes that my choices are not for everyone and that I am a very rare type of person, but I think anyone who really knows me understands that I couldn't be more happy with my career choices.  I am truly living my dreams and that's really awesome!  :)

Sorry for the long post, but I haven't really told this story on this board and I thought maybe a few would be interested to read it.  I'm interested to hear other ladies' stories too.  I'm actually also interested in hearing stories from the gentlemen too.

Why us men started hobbying in the first place?

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
I wanted to do I it since I was a teenager.  But I never tried to do so underage (under 18).  What I did do was cruise bars and go home with men who I would pick out from the crowd.  In my state, it was legal for me to sleep with older men at the age where I was doing this - in MD the legal age of consent is 16 and I started doing this about halfway through that year.  They would offer buy me a drink and I would accept, understanding that this was part of the bar cruising ritual.  But I wouldn't even touch it usually, because although I was interested in exploring my sexuality, I wasn't interested in driving after drinking.  And I would always close the deal by following them to their place in my own car so that I could leave whenever I felt done with the experience.  
 Sometimes it was really fun and sometimes it wasn't, but I always used protection and usually learned something about the different ways people like to play with each other.  The hottest guys were sometimes the worst in bed.  Sometimes it surprised me who I wanted to see over and over and who I was bored with fifteen minutes into it.  I noticed how astonishingly easy it was for me to get with almost any guy I wanted, and vaguely / almost jokingly thought to myself that I could be charging for this considering how high the demand/desire for my company seemed to be and how wildly people seemed to enjoy themselves with me.  Some guys had a hard time understanding why I didn't want to date them or hook up with them again.  The fact that it sometimes wasn't fun didn't seem to bother me, nor did I feel shameful or emotionally complicated about my explorations.  My enjoyment of these types of casual hookups with older men during my late teenage years coupled with my passion for educating myself about sexuality and learning ways to play that would still be safe, gave me a very good idea that perhaps being an escort could be a wonderful and perfectly healthy thing for me to do with my life.  But I was really afraid of getting raped, murdered, arrested, etc.  I had no idea how I could be an escort in a way that was safe and didn't know anyone who did it.  
 Eventually I went off to college, dated some people, and still had hookups but more with college friends and less with random older men.  I did work tutoring engineering students.  In retrospect I really wish I had started escorting during this time because I struggled a lot financially and worked a lot and didn't sleep much which was really unhealthy for me.  But I was accidentally in monogamous relationships (what was I thinking?) that were very consuming and didn't leave a lot of room for me to seriously consider doing this kind of work.  I think it was always in the back of my mind that I was interested in using these skills that I had developed over the years, especially since I already felt confident that I would enjoy it and that it would not be a harmful source of shame in my life or anything.  But I didn't seriously consider it.  If I'd known someone else who was doing it, I'm sure that would have been different.  Eventually I realized that chemical engineering was something that I was very talented at, but not something I wanted to do with my life.  The jobs that I was being trained to do all seemed pretty soul-crushing and my spirit yearned to wander the country and be free.  It took me about a year and a half to admit that what my spirit knew is that I should not be a chemical engineer, even if I *could* and was good at it.  So I ceased to attend university in search of more fulfilling pursuits.  
 In the years following I decided to focus on pursuing the two things in my life that make me the most happy - delicious food and adventurous sex!  I've spent many years developing my culinary skills and pursuing the development of my personal sexual interests, learning more about prostate pleasure, breath play, watersports, fisting, and even the most simple arts like using one's intuition to sense what one's lover desires, how to read from someone's kiss how they want you to kiss them, etc.  Now I'm successfully running a small business as a private chef and artistic event caterer which brings my culinary arts to life in a manner that is still flexible for me and my life/schedule.  I am my own boss and that is awesome!  And I also sell my time and companionship because that's another thing that I genuinely enjoy doing.  I really like variety in my life/work and enjoy that both the catering and sharing my companionship are both ways to make a living that entail a lot of variety and allow me to do what I love!  
 Sometimes men who meet me assume that I must be escorting out of a lack of other choices and see it as a tragedy that I did not finish my chemical engineering degree, and encourage me to go back and finish school.  I realizes that my choices are not for everyone and that I am a very rare type of person, but I think anyone who really knows me understands that I couldn't be more happy with my career choices.  I am truly living my dreams and that's really awesome!  :)  
 Sorry for the long post, but I haven't really told this story on this board and I thought maybe a few would be interested to read it.  I'm interested to hear other ladies' stories too.  I'm actually also interested in hearing stories from the gentlemen too.

Not why, persay, but HOW.  Although sometimes explaining why is part of telling the story about how.  ;)

GaGambler399 reads

They most often come down to "I was horny, she asked for money, and a whoremonger was born" lmao

Ok, in my case it was "I was drunk (and horny) she asked for money, and a whoremonger was born"

The HOW is also a short story, I was 15 and drunk off my ass in TJ. as for being horny, I was ALWAYS horny at that age. I just never realized how easy pussy was to get until that drunken night in TJ. I was far from a virgin at 15, but I never realized that for a few bucks I could get all the pussy that I could want.

Great BBBJs from the wife for over 20 years.  Never touched another woman all those years.  Things changed fast once the wife stopped, cold turkey!

Some women tend not to like having a dick shoved forcefully down their throats. Kudos to her for putting up with you for two decades, I guess the 21 st year just put her over the edge.

You might just give FIDUCOF a good name.

And let me say that you blend food and sex very artfully, and I should know.

There should be some way to make chemical engineering sexy.  Sex is after all just a chemical reaction brought to fruition with the body and mind.

Get all of these 3 things lined up and you'll have the trifecta.

FIDCUOF520 reads

Yes, thank you for that long post.  I love to hear how people got started in the hobby.   Good clean fun  :  ;)

your bedrooms skills and offer incall dinner dates.  I'd certainly be interested.

BTW, your website is very good.  Your pics are hot.

Glad to know you are so well adjusted and love what you do!  Wish every provider was so comfortable with themselves and their choices as you.  Keep on smiling beautiful!

Men kept offering me things, I finally decided when I was of age and ready for some adventure to be a BAWS about it….

Besides…I was just sitting in my apartment masturbating profusely...

I used to have a luxury sports car and my friend would ask to rent it from me for $100 to go out on dates.  She would also bring it back detailed and with a full tank of gas.  I started prying why she wanted it and how she was paying me and so she introduced me to this life.  Soon, I was using my own car to go out and she was stuck driving her unsexy minivan.

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