TER General Board

Had the same thing happen to me...
EbonyBrother 3402 reads
1 / 24

I have seen a few white girls who told they don't want me to write a review on them. They fear white men will not see them if they know they have been with black men. What's up with that ?

BBrain 55 Reviews 1547 reads
2 / 24

. . . that's fucked up!

Would you care repeat? If not, write one anyway and tell us about it.

goodwomanlover 1379 reads
3 / 24

True. I know providers that will not see foreign Asian men, hispanic, black men or any man that goes to a TS. The reasons are many but most deal with std risk group stats.

HandsFree 61 Reviews 2024 reads
4 / 24

There is nothing in a review that signifies the race of the reviewer unless he or she places something in the narrative or has a username such a 'BigBlackCock' that would denote race. As such, you can write the reviews sans racial epithets or other descriptions and simply tell us about the overall experience. Most of us care nothing of your race and those that do are gonna keep doing it likely until they leave the planet. People who play into racial stereotypes are probably people who are not going to invite you to dinner. So unless you have a insatiable need to describe your session in the context of your race, I would respectfully tell you this is not as big an issue and it may seem to you.

Beret 5 Reviews 1190 reads
5 / 24

I agree that is f**ked.  I heard something like that from a porn star who was on the HOward Stern TV show about a year ago.  

Ignorance takes a long time to die.
In terms of review to out a provider like that, it might provide a bit of a feeling of justice, but might hurt you in the longer run in terms of how people see your integrity (keeping your word, if you gave it).
Good post.

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 1067 reads
6 / 24

I have seen many comments that members here won't see a provider if they see black men b/c "they have a higher risk of AIDS"

I am personally going to avoid San Fransisco to avoid the AIDS

Smelly Smegma 2571 reads
7 / 24
mrfisher 108 Reviews 2576 reads
8 / 24

but this business mirrors the society that we live in and that society is tainted with racism (to say nothing of homophobia, sexism, ageism, etc.)
If providers make this request, you can probably bet that it is based on a perception that this would be bad for their business.  Whether you choose to honor it or not is up to you, or you could just mask your race, which is pretty demeaning in and of itself.

At least I commend you for airing the situation here so that all can look upon it and hopefully challenge the hatred that inspires such requests.

In sum, I agree with BB:  It's fucked up.

Mr. Info 1780 reads
9 / 24

It make no sense at all.  But, hey, people make
irrational inferences every day.

But, if even if it did make sense, your facts
about total AIDS cases or rates of AIDS cases
would seem to be widely off.

Educate yourself with the facts at the link below:

Dylanne D Angelo 724 reads
11 / 24

1) men of another race couldn't give a rats ass who I see as long as I see them

2)men of another race don't like the fact I have seen African American men or anyone who wasn't white

3) men of another race love that I have seen African American men and ask me how big they were and did I take the whole thing? LOL

I guess I would say I don't mind 1 and 3, but #2 is just that full of shit- LOL

PS my first review was from an African Amreican gent.

-- Modified on 3/5/2006 2:05:22 PM

Bizzaro Superdude 2491 reads
12 / 24

Seriously, There are a lot of factors in determining who I see - Physical features are one... While I do not select based on skin coloration (there are many women who are black who are exceptionally beautiful) I do select on physical features - none the less - OK I am not perfect.  But who they saw last is one of the least controllable and knowable factors for selection….  Did they see a druggie – that would be problematic to me…. Not skin coloration.

Who the lady has seen before me, well I do not care except that if she has been with a certified JERK - I can count on a less that fun encounter.  If the guy was dirty, smelly, mean, cruel, not on time, stood her up, or shorted her (all which have at one time or another occurred) it will mean that my time with her will likely be spent trying to convince her that all men do not act that way.  

So write away – assuming that you are accurate and honest well, that is all I ask.  Also – if you really want a color blind society – why does YOUR particular color have to be mentioned – either in your review or in your handle?  Think about it – I use Bizzaro rather than GREEN Superdude…. Or the Green one… For the ladies…. I would suggest that you consider – black men of affluence are a happening thing….   I could list the rise of prominent black men who are not what Jesse Jackson preaches about – I work with a black Harvard Law graduate – who is about as quality an individual as you can get.  A black man and his family live in my neighborhood…  They do not come any better… At my former job, I worked with a black lady who was in charge of our media connections, and her leaving was a part of the reason that I quit my job.  Not to mention Colin Powell, and others….   My fav….Wesley Snipes… but we won’t go there…. After all “the vampires will hear us….

Good luck to you , ladies – would I want to see a lady after a black man – yup – with the exception of wilt chamberlain…. For obvious reasons…(not to mention that he is dead – but he was from Philly so who knows! Lol) . More to the point – would I wish to see a lady after Bill Clinton! No! Absolutely not!  Too risky….   Having sex ”with that woman”  the thought of my penis going where a penis that went with Hillary   cannot breath…   getting dark… I am so cold…. Argh……  choke…. Cough…….  lol

Bizzaro Superdude 4079 reads
13 / 24

Always amazes me  how people form opinion without adequate information - like - "lets invade Iraq, they have WMD and not only that - they will welcome us!?"  hummm.......

letschuck 1041 reads
15 / 24

AIDS doesnt discriminate.

And sometimes statistics are political

cant get right 1207 reads
16 / 24

I'm not full white and I have to be honest it's a turn off to me. Maybe it's because I grew up in all black neighborhood's dealing with my fair share of crap. Maybe it's because of the fact that it's constantly crammed down everyone's throat. Whenever you see anything about interaccial 99% of the time it's black man white woman, rarely black woman white man, almost never any other of combination of other ethnicities. I guess the world must be just black and white with no other color's. Let's face it, the media, TV, Movies, the work's, love to paint the black man as superman, the world's greatest lover, the desire of all women. Some people take offense to having someone shoved at them constantly being told they're better than they are. Then to ad insult the white women pile on by the score to drive it home more. Seemingly more so than any other women. Why aren't black women made out more to be sex symbol's? Why don't you see more black women in the magazine's, movies. Why are white women so desirable to black men? Getting back at the white man thing? Why do so many white women go for the black man? Getting back at the white man thing? Your post is very volitile and will certainly get a huge response. I'm mainly playing devil's advocate and throwing fuel on the fire with my response. The majority, if not all response's will be, that's just wrong, the nerve of some people, blah blah blah. Truthfully if it bother's anyone that much they're definitely playing in the wrong game.

Bizzaro Superdude 1988 reads
17 / 24

Ophra Winfrey, or Beyonce, Tyra Banks, or Naomi Campbell or scores of other Black women who are hot hot hot, say about your assertion that black women of "Why aren't black women made out more to be sex symbol's?"

Ok OK forgive me for the ophra incluson... could have gone with Star Jones....   hee hee - hey - they could be hot!  One never knows.....

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 907 reads
18 / 24

...but it wasn't my race, it was me in particular.

MaskedAvenger 31 Reviews 1989 reads
19 / 24
kyoto1 2293 reads
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yeah, STDs and HIV are higher in blacks, and you can't ignore that.  Also, some women seek higher class clientele and charge more, and I think it is becuase of the STD factor, lower class guys have a higher chance of carrying STDs.  I go to asians and higher priced escorts because less chance of STDs.

HandsFree 61 Reviews 855 reads
21 / 24

It matters not to me about who one likes or dislikes and yes, even in this business, people have a right to see who they want and when. But, I agree there should be a category on TER for women who do not wish to see men of other races and cultures. In fact, there are several on RS2000 that are very open about this and I think that is refreshing even in this day of age of improved race relations. While it's healthy to discuss issues of race in person, I think little will be accomplished on this board because I don't trust that many of us are willing to have an honest dialogue without resulting to 'flames' and other language. Just was women in the hobby want to be taken seriously so should they step up to the plate and include this info in their websites and ads. I mean if people are going to succumb to stereotypes and other falsehoods, then why not be "out" about how you really feel? Stereotypes will be around for the ages. They are not completely false, but they are completely shallow.

-- Modified on 3/5/2006 10:56:59 PM

BBrain 55 Reviews 1752 reads
22 / 24

The ladies in question are do not have problems seeing black men; they do not want to be known to have seen them. It is not a matter of personal preference, more like a business decision. I can understand the former if it is advertised but I don't agree with the latter; it is not how you should treat a client.

letschuck 816 reads
23 / 24

ummm  MORE blacks get checked, thus the higher stats.  Asians are the carriers of my diseases period.  ASIAN BIRD FLU  SARS  etc.

massage parlors carry disease and more germs than a hospital.  I DOUBT THEY USE THE SAME CLEANING TECHNIQUES.  sounds like you are a shill, being as though your name is asian.
KYOTO = japan

High priced AIDS is the same as LOW PRICED AIDS

Oscar Wilde 2389 reads
24 / 24
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