TER General Board

Grammar Mom - more deadly than RED KRYPTONYTE>>> aieeeee! EOM
sicnarf 3636 reads


sicnarf5887 reads

I have been BCing with another hobbiest - and we both have noticed that some ladies start a "fake moaning" the minute that you start to DATY - or touch their breasts or whatever... In short - the response is too quick to be real - and the moans even sound forced.  For some of us that is a definite turnoff...  In fact I would rather that the lady be silent rather than the fake background noise.

Squirtboodles3188 reads

Having been a single mom for many yrs I have long been of the habbit of not making much noise but the squirt cannot be faked nor when thing start contracting down there for that matter

sicnarf2867 reads

I agree - genuine responses are a turnon - fake responses are a turnoff....  I have been with quite a few ladies who distictively let me know when they cum - including my ex-wife...  These methods include various muscle contractions, sweat and my all time fav...   Vaginal contrations!  yea....  

So, the suggestion is - if not real - please no sound effects... or ya could talk a little dirty.  hee hee....

I agree with Squirtboodles (love the nick by the way). Also, when you feel her body quiver, and those juices are flowing, that cant be fake.

Squirtboodles3591 reads

I seriously doubt if you ever knew the true origin of name you would find it quite so arousing lmao. Of course though most of the time I am not as vocal when I orgasm from time to time I have been known to break out into uncontrolable laughter during a realy fantastic orgasam. Oddly my ex never could quite get it that was a good sign.

-- Modified on 5/4/2005 12:29:20 AM

Well Ms Boodles, you can squirt and laff anytime with me :)

Sicnarf.. High scores in your reviews.. Looks as if you gave them something to moan about ;)

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 10:01:18 AM

CRS15939 reads

I find some of the remarks (okay alot more than some,haha) made on this board so funny!!! It just doesn't seem like a girl can please anybody these days!?! First it's she talks to much/not enough,and now this,lol.Although I do agree fake moaning is somewhat a turnoff,silence is even more so and would much more likely lead to a bad review. Lets try to all remember this is a JOB and even if you love your job,some days you just gotta grin and bare it. Or grin and moan it,as the case may be,pun intended haha. Or maybe she's just trying to get herself worked up more by vocalization. Alot of woman do this and it doesn't mean their faking. Yet,alot of people think contractions can't be faked,which is a total lie! It's called kegeling people and if you've ever been in a strip club,you have most likely seen this done on stage. Thus, with lube and some good kegeling a man is none the wiser and leaves feeling happy,which is after all your wanted result. Most importantly I think we should all remember these wonderful woman (wether faking or not) are not mind readers and will gladly give you what you want if you only moan a little yourself and say so:)

My ex husband would immediately put himself inside of me after I came through DATY and I asked him why and he said the feeling of my muscles gripping and squeezing drove him crazy. When you have responses like that it isn't fake. ;)

sicnarf3106 reads

I do appreciate the complement but some do for real, and some do pretend and some just - well lets just say it was a very quiet night.  

I try to make my fantasy very simple -

It is the end of an evening - dinner, show - some other activity - we go back to her place... and she invites me in - She is interested....

That is IT ! that is all of my fantasy....   Providers who get into it - get it... those that don't don't - and whatever is said in here doesn't matter...  So yes, I like to have a good time, but, to me, it is equally important that the lady gets into it as well....

My ATF left the area, and I am very sad and lonely, - any ladies wish to try to fill her shoes - uh, bra!?

....do actually get hot when you touch any part of them, but I would have to agree that the majority do not and it is probably faked. I, personally, dont like fake moans and dont wish to use them in a session unless asked to. I am usually silent with a smile unless genuinely aroused or pleasured.

Although I do think there is an exception, in the case of PSE, in which you are looking for the total fake fantasy thing, and of course an overdone and obviously fake moan would be on the menu for such an occasion; and then I think the guy would be looking forward to it and vice versa would complain if it hadn't happened!


I always hear guys talk about faking and moaning during DATY but what about moaning prior to all of that? I had this guy who was running my knee and my p*ssy muscles were jumping. He wasn't near my vagina and we were sitting close but still. That got me moaning and wet. Does it matter to the hobbyists on here if she moans only during DATY? I wish not to offend anyone but I was just wondering. I moan alot like if you rub the back of my neck or scratch me lightly on the back, rub my knee a certain way and if you go anywhere near my ear wiht your mouth, I'm yours. Those are very arousing to me. Ok back to the subject. lol

BILL183562712 reads

wadda ya mean? all those moans are fake on PSE?

Oh Crap you just ruined a perfectly good movie I was watching

...although I cant imagine that many of the bigtime porn girls feel too much anymore. Wheres the sexual stimulation when you have to take on "monster cocks" in all your scenes? These days, I swear, the size of the guys in those movies just gets bigger and bigger-- those girls have to stretch from here to eternity just for one scene! I can imagine what DATY on a real PS much be like! Be careful smacking too loud it may echo back at you!

Ha ha! score one for the "private" entertainers! we dont have to deal with massive footlongs on viagra all day long! Just another reason I am happy where I am.... oh yeah!

No offense to any porn stars or aspiring pornstars out there! (I joke, I joke; I kid, I kid)

No seriously though, that is another reason I quit that aspect of the sex game... dont wanna be too worn out by the time I am 30 and have to get plastic surgery on my hoo-hoo.

former porn wannabe....  

-- Modified on 5/5/2005 1:29:16 AM

why just last night...

I'm thinking the chains were too loose or maybe the handcuffs  were too tight!...although...right after this tape:


cuts out...

... she says in this hoarse sexy voice...

"VonRyan ...keep doing whatever it is... your doing"


which are unaccompanied by physical responses like wetting and contraction of the vagina, erection of the nipples, and convulsion and arching of the body, blushig of the face, chest, and crotch areas, are generally faked.

(which doesn't make sense really, given that I am most of the time) but, I think there is a negative correlation between noise and real orgasms.  For the statistically challenged, I'll summarise - screamers are, well,  screaming, they are not having an orgasm.

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 6:59:46 PM

Bizzaro Superdude2565 reads

I beg to differ, as I have had on some occasions women who not only yell and scream - they actually put hair off the top of my head, rip sheets off the bed...  and in general sing at the top of their lungs.  All this, I might add while physically convulsing...   So, moaning and screaming - they happen - just that they are not the best indicator for an O.

by the by, what was the correlation coefficient - I will not stand by and accept anything less that 0.6 as tying anthing statistically to anything else...

so, my question to you Bond, Miss Emma Bond, is why is it so sad that athiests do not belive in God?

Answer, they have no one to talk to during sex...!!! I crack me up.

V = -1.1O  + 5.8A + 7P + 12C + 11G + W

V = propensity to vocalise
O = impending or current real orgasm
A = blood alcohol level
P = whether she is or was a porn actress
C = cramp in leg
G = male's average annual income - female's
W = if she's your wife, W=-1, all other cases W=0

methinks2857 reads

ah, Emma, shouldn't the "plus" after the 1.10 actually be a "X" with the rest of the numbers being included within a single parenthesis?

Regression equations generally take this form.  Regardless, the placement of parentheses as you describe would be redundant. The 1.1O at the beginning is an O for orgasm, not a zero.

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 9:34:02 PM

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 11:16:16 PM

-- Modified on 5/4/2005 1:32:30 AM

Bizzaro Superdude2591 reads

Of course everything is reversed south of the equator due to the Coriolis effect - which I might add you failed to take into account, rendering your equation useless unless you come to the US and provide the US hobbiests with your proof!  

I actually prefer the well know probability equation for sexual conjugation -

P = Probability for sexual conjugation
T = Mean room temperature expressed in degree Kelvin
E = Erectamine concentration in the male subjects blood.
R = Reluctance factor - sometimes expressed as:
    Female desire = Sum from 1 to the number of available females within 100 miles (male bank account in $/(# of ex wives + child support #))
e = [enlightenment factor contained in prior 24 h food and drink consumption]  (enlightenment factor is rapidly metabolized into raw inertia.

Sometimes the equation is expressed as :
P=ETeR  and has also been called the PETeR Principal....

Screamers may be so sensitive they cry out. Now, it may not be an O but it would seem to at least indicate heightened pleasure. I would hope no provider would go so far as to scream loudly to fake an O.

If she starts from the moment you start touching her, she is a professional who gets sex regularly, and you are not someone she is in love with...yeah, pretty likely fake, and I agree, silence is much better.  However, many men's egos need to be stroked, and, to be fair, many women foolishly think that is the best way to do it.  

Once again, I have to quote a wise friend... communication = the response you get.

It depends on how and where you are touching she could get her motor going the minute you touch her.

indicate orgasm for me.  That would be either much louder or very stifled, often a series of grunts and gasps which is not quite of the english language... though there meay be a few "ooooh Gooood yeah yeah yeah's" thrown in, maybe even a "yes yes yes right there oooooooh yes!"

BUT I will moan with the heat of breath hitting my ear.  I may moan at the feel of a palm running across the curves of my ass.  That first lick of hot tongue against my hungry pussy lips...
nope not memorex.
Just means my body is responding favorably.

More of us should learn to give the voice back to our breath.


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