TER General Board

Good tips, thanks. On my laptop, if I want to change font size...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 201 reads

...I put my index fingers on the touchpad and either separate them or bring them together to adjust the font size.  It works the same as Ctrl +/-

It seems to me that everyone's bellyaching about the new TER, I'm here to make your life better.

So, first things first. Being that you're a bunch of old bastards who can't see worth shit, the font is probably too small. This is an easy fix. Every modern browser you can press CTRL+ or CTRL- (that is control plus or control minus) to change your font size.  
Bump it up a couple clicks and you'll be happy as a fox in a henhouse.

Secondly, the colors. It burns your eyes, it lacks contrast, etc. The easiest way around that is a Google Chrome "extension" called DeLuminate. [link http://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/deluminate/iebboopaeangfpceklajfohhbpkkfiaa?hl=en-US]
With this, you can invert the colors, reduce contrast, an overall make a webpage more readable. It only works on chrome, so if you're on firefox, you'll want something like this: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-mode-webextension instead.

And then finally, because we live in the digital age, you're looking at more screens than your eyes are happy with handling. You can give them a hand with some computer glasses like these: https://www.amazon.com/SPEKTRUM-Premium-Computer-Professional-Blocking/dp/B00RJ3OYWG
I'm a young guy, but I have a pair because it makes viewing a screen much, much nicer.

ATLDAWG218 reads

Personally -  I have no problem with the foremat-this is at least the 3rd TER format I have had to learn to use-it still provides terrific info and insight !

I am onboard !!

I'm personally onboard with them even trying to make positive changes. The service is second to none.

... and enter the 21st century.  That's the time when most computing devices (like my iPad) no longer have CTRL keys. It's also where one of the dominant browsers is Safari.  

And FWIW, the font isn't too small.  For me, it's way too BIG, and that plus all the white space and generally poor UI design make it a chore to do most anything in the new TER.  

But I do love the single click needed to send feedback to TER (proving I'm not a robot)!  Big improvement over entering words that are in a myriad of languages.  :)

-- Modified on 5/4/2017 4:02:08 PM

Oh believe me, I live on my damn phone, but I also don't have an easy way to use TOR or a VPN on it, so in the interests of OPSEC I use a proper computer.

If you're using an iPad, they have a global text size setting that will likely work, it's in settings->general->text size. You can make it larger or smaller, so in your case smaller.

Pages and text can't be downsized on an iPad.  I can make pages bigger, which doesn't help me at all, with the usual finger spread move. But not smaller. That works on the old TER just fine. And the global text sizing doesn't affect font size on the new TER. I've tried that too.

I asked TER about this during the beta test.  They had no solution then, and there's no solution yet that I know of.

Posted By: justsauce16

It seems to me that everyone's bellyaching about the new TER, I'm here to make your life better.  
 So, first things first. Being that you're a bunch of old bastards who can't see worth shit, the font is probably too small.  
 Secondly, the colors. It burns your eyes, it lacks contrast, etc. The easiest way around that is a Google Chrome "extension" called DeLuminate. [link http://chrome. I'm a young guy, but I have a pair because it makes viewing a screen much, much nicer.
The only thing worse than some young hooker having to suck the cocks of us old bastards is a kid who has to pay for pussy at such a tender age.

Thanks for the tips!

Man, it's like, I want you to be offensive and troll-y, but like, you're just bad at it.

Like come on OTM, you got it in ya. You can do better.

It was supposed to be a joke post like I thought yours was. You have not given me a reason to be offensive........

...I put my index fingers on the touchpad and either separate them or bring them together to adjust the font size.  It works the same as Ctrl +/-

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