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Good show old chap. But then again, cops & newscasters usually refer to a perp
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as "the gentleman"!

Lord_of_the_Board2752 reads

I searched all over and can't seem to locate how to get my accreditation on this.

I see that many escorts require this.

GaGambler1143 reads

regardless of how good or poor her service. lol

That should get you the accreditation you (and others) seem to crave.

Lord_of_the_Board1122 reads

Lot's of times I see things like:

gfe=more dollars
classy=old and more dollars

Maybe the upscale gentleman is just a code for "don't question my rates".  Yeah, I'm sure that's what it really must mean.  I do see that a number of well respected posters here suggest that rates are always negotiable however.

Seems like a conundrum.

Posted By: GaGambler
regardless of how good or poor her service. lol

That should get you the accreditation you (and others) seem to crave.

not terribly silly, usually older but pretty fucking hot anyway and generally willing and able to give you what you want without the blank stare.

just kidding - no offense to the immature;) hahahaha
no for real. just joking around. a little

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 3:59:33 AM

guess that's why we "charge"  "too much" .... hahahahaha.  
just playing. kinda, LOL ;)

What exactly defines upscale? And if I take a guess on what it means, I suspect its not likely that the guys who aren't upscale are going to admit to it, or that they'll say "well I'm not upscale so I guess I'll look elsewhere"

Senator.Blutarsky863 reads

The proctor is ready to see you now...

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 5:22:40 PM

I always wear a cutaway coat to all my assignations with ladies of the evening.
I always have my batman exfoliate and buff my entire body with particular attention to my "bits and pieces."
When arranging an appointment with a "soiled dove" I give her all my personal information including credit card and checking account numbers.
I make sure to present her the full donation plus a 25% tip in a subtly perfumed envelope.
Even though I arrived squeaky clean I immediately take a shower so she knows I am dewy and fresh.
I then indulge in light social banter after decanting the fine Bordeaux I brought in a velvet-lined leather case.
After gently disrobing her, whilst kissing each piece of flesh I expose, I graze between her snowy thighs until she shudders with orgasm.
Then I fall asleep, confident in a job well done.
When she gently rouses me from slumber I quickly dress and leave, thanking her profusely for her indulgences.
No wonder my return is always welcomed.  Because I am the very definition of an "upscale gentleman."
As you can plainly see

Lord_of_the_Board1183 reads

I didn't realize that passing that test, or exam as the Senator  is suggesting would be so difficult.

Pardon me for asking, but I didn't see anywhere in your example that you actually get serviced.

Is that correct?

Or are you just there for the connection factor?

Posted By: inicky46
I always wear a cutaway coat to all my assignations with ladies of the evening.  
 I always have my batman exfoliate and buff my entire body with particular attention to my "bits and pieces."  
 When arranging an appointment with a "soiled dove" I give her all my personal information including credit card and checking account numbers.  
 I make sure to present her the full donation plus a 25% tip in a subtly perfumed envelope.  
 Even though I arrived squeaky clean I immediately take a shower so she knows I am dewy and fresh.  
 I then indulge in light social banter after decanting the fine Bordeaux I brought in a velvet-lined leather case.  
 After gently disrobing her, whilst kissing each piece of flesh I expose, I graze between her snowy thighs until she shudders with orgasm.  
 Then I fall asleep, confident in a job well done.  
 When she gently rouses me from slumber I quickly dress and leave, thanking her profusely for her indulgences.  
 No wonder my return is always welcomed.  Because I am the very definition of an "upscale gentleman."  
 As you can plainly see.  

my day job is waiting tables at an upscale restaurant.  Sometimes I take my ladies there for a fine dinner, after they wake me up.  But I always pay them for their time, as well as for their upscale meal.
It's how I roll, so to speak

Lord_of_the_Board981 reads

You don't know either.

Maybe you're just jealous you can't be one.  But are you an upscale lady?

...but jealous is not one of them. What is there to be jealous of? That statement didn't make sense to me.

Am I an upscale lady? I guess you'd have to ask the providers that have seen me that question.

Lord_of_the_Board965 reads

I am just seeking how to be upscale.

There is no place that defines this, so asking your escorts seems unreliable.

Posted By: lopaw
...but jealous is not one of them. What is there to be jealous of? That statement didn't make sense to me.  
 Am I an upscale lady? I guess you'd have to ask the providers that have seen me that question.

When I was in my early 20s and clueless about everything, I was introduced to a circle of 10/10 girls, also in their 20s, by my pretty female friend-with-"just a tiny bit of benefits."  I was "the reliable guy friend" (read: back burner loser) and soundboard to help her rebound.  In exchange, I scored good sex for maybe once or twice a month.  One thing that kept popping up in their conversations was this term - "upscale guy"  

Upscale guy: it doesn't matter how much $ a guy makes, what matters is how much $ the guy is willing to spend (on the girls).  The girls' goal was not get the richest guy (who can often be frugal), but get the most lavish spender.  

My time spent with them made me realize many things.  I stopped revolving my life around girls and became 100% focused on my career and my continued learning.  Nobody can love ourselves as much as we do, that is my lesson.

Now I am a hobbyist..

When having a dinner with a lady, after you order and the server leaves, if you do NOT spread your napkin on your lap you are a slob.

If you DO spread your napkin on your lap, you are an upscale gentleman.

If you spread a SERVIETTE on your lap you are a pretentious snob.

Just put your napkin on your lap and you'll be fine.

GaGambler975 reads

The server should have already done so for you.

Just what kind of "upscale" places are you dining in anyhow?

Lord_of_the_Board989 reads

Does that qualify me?

Posted By: GaGambler
The server should have already done so for you.

Just what kind of "upscale" places are you dining in anyhow?

When you hear the William Tell Overture, if you think of Rossini’s last opera you are an upscale gentleman. If you think of the Lone Ranger you are not.

Lord_of_the_Board1094 reads

Are you suggesting that I attend an opera?

Would you come with me?

I'm a smart man, generous and extremely good looking.

I also don't make loud farting noises....and have excelled at making it look like it came from several seats away.

We could even talk about torts...tarts...farts...something like that.

Posted By: rrasha88
When you hear the William Tell Overture, if you think of Rossini’s last opera you are an upscale gentleman. If you think of the Lone Ranger you are not.

What does it mean if I don't know what the William Tell Overture is,  or who Rossini is and there is no song or tune that makes me think of The Lone Ranger (although I know a pretty good joke about Tonto and the Lone Ranger)?

I suspect this puts me well below down scale, a cuss who has very little cultural sophistication, one who has the artistic ability of a door knob. I'm all "left brain" or "right brain" whichever is based upon math and logic. Although I'm a Scientist, I totally bypassed Biology, no desire to cut open a frog and examine its innards.  

But now I know three things, I'm not upscale, my envelope is always correct and you Rrasha, you have an incredible ass. I'm a nerd, plain and simple.

As it just makes me think "gee, I'd really like an apple right now."

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 11:54:09 PM

Lord_of_the_Board1159 reads

It was used earlier!

A true upscale gentleman would have read the OP and replies.

Guess you're not...sorry  :(

RaymondDonovan1056 reads

Hombre to hombre. if you NEED to ask then for sure as hell it ain't you....lol

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 6:12:29 PM

Lord_of_the_Board1093 reads

upscale hombre to upscale hombre?

Then I'll be satisfied and confident going forward  LOL

Posted By: RaymondDonovan
Hombre to hombre. if you NEED to ask then for sure as hell it ain't you....lol

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 6:12:29 PM

An upscale gentleman is normally a gentleman that doesn't offend a girl talks considerately to her brings a small gift and dresses appropriately that would mean a suit or casual dress close. Mostly very thoughtful and mannerly on time and leaves when he sees its appropriate to do so without a problem and only saying positive things.

JackDunphy1163 reads

Is that in lieu of the fat envelope? You said nothing about money. That's fkin awesome.

You available this week

"casual dress close" LMAO Does an upscale gentleman prefer a Lady that understands proper grammar?

lol. sorry.  
in my opinion, an upscale gentleman is a fella who can behave like a gentleman. you know - not pick your nose, ass, or balls in public. they know how to act around a woman who has (hopefully) gone out of their way to impress (albeit for consideration at times) someone who has the potential of picking their nose/ass/balls anywhere they feel like it;) tee hee hee.

 also... an upscale fella would prefer not to take their date to a seedy motel, a parking lot, ask for a car date, etc, etc, etc... or pick their nose ass or balls in a public place with the lady standing there. lol
unless of course, that was a fetish or fantasy they would like to play out, in which case, either do your research & communicate with the lady upfront that you are upscale but desire to play out a fantasy of being a monkey man" ...  or you could do the scary backpage thing .... lol

also, offering to get the room & booking a red roof type place is not all that great of a idea. at least on a first date....

these are just my silly thoughts...


and say what a classy lady is to me...

It actually has nothing to do with "social class."
Nothing to do with how expensive her clothes are and what she wears.
Nothing to do with her knowlege of places and things in the world, degrees she has, or how many languages she speaks.
And it has nothing to do with the quality of her incall and the wine she has waiting for me.

For me, a classy lady is one who doesn't look down on anyone, treats all the same, regardless of class or education - realizing you can learn as much about what is really important in life from the poorest schlub as you can from the jet-setting CEO.
She's straight-forward and honest - but when correcting others for their errors, does so - when circumstances allow - with charm and gentleness, and not derision.
She truly realizes that she doesn't know everything, and fully embraces life's journey and the new experiences and knowlege that each day can bring - often from unexpected places.
And while not a door mat, she also tends to be a natural giver, concerned with the well-being of others.
And lastly, she is confident, but not arrogant, takes pride in her appearance, and looks you in the eyes with a smile upon meeting you.

So to me, I approach being a gentleman in much the same way.  If that - and bringing the right donation of course - is enough for a lady, then great.  If she has some other idea of what being a true or "upscale" gentleman means, then that's fine, but perhaps we won't be the best fit.

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