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Good Luck Rush.......
Raoul Duke 4182 reads
1 / 23

Rush Limbaugh admits to a painkiller addiction.
That is f**kin rich!

Mr. Conservative is a druggie.
What's even better, all the dittoheads that spout the ramblings of a man around the bend on painkillers.

linkmeister 5 Reviews 4165 reads
3 / 23

I assume he would want the same consequences for himself...

"...if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3706 reads
5 / 23

I admire his character in accepting responsibility and admitting that he has been going thru this for the past couple of years. I don’t give him a pass on the illegal purchase of class A narcotics but I understand the pain involved having seen a family member deal with very serious back injury and the pain that accompanies it.  
Anyone who thinks Rush somehow got addicted to painkillers for the high is surely mistaken. Sometimes drugs are the only escape from pain that severe. True, he should have tried other therapy when he saw that the drugs were becoming a problem but I see him and others in his position allot differently than your run of the mill heroin addict. It would have been better if he had admitted his problem before being caught but we all know that’s a hard thing to do.
I hope he recovers quickly and completely and returns to his “Attila the Hun Chair” in front of the “Golden EIB Microphone” as soon as possible so he may continue his great work sparring with liberals “with one half of his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair”.
Good luck Rush, get well soon.

Puck 20 Reviews 4651 reads
6 / 23

He acts like someone on dope - the ridiculous reasoning, delusions of godhood - hey bribite, let's hear it for good old conservative hypocrisy. How come I don't hear you yelling for his head?

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 7:33:28 PM

Lauren1972 See my TER Reviews 4230 reads
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It's gotta be something heavy-duty!

I think Rush was experiencing some cognitive dissonance, if he was still believing his own astounding claims, such as this one from his radio show, April 29, 1994 (excerpted from my eye-opening copy of "The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Rein of Error").

  "There is no conclusive proof that nicotine's addictive...And the same thing with cigarretes causing emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease."

Puck 20 Reviews 4182 reads
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"Admire his character"? What part of buying and using illegal drugs while pontificating about how drug addicts should receive the full force of the law do you find admirable?
Pain management? If he used even half the drugs he is reported to have done, it goes way beyond pain management.
If he had any character, he'd have gone to his doctor when the prescription ran out, not his local connection.If he had any character, he couldn't have said what he did about harsh penalties for drug abusers without the words curdling in his lying mouth.
I for one am quite happy to return some of his own vitriol in exatly the spirit it was initially offered.

He's a junkie, pure and simple. I hope he's locked up in a nice prison where his type belongs - according to him. I'm sure he'll get all the rehab he needs there.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 4347 reads
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If you re-read my post you`ll see that I admire him for "accepting responsibility" and admitting his problem.
It`s not often you see a public figure do that. If you don`t like him then so be it. He`ll do fine without you.

Slowstart 8 Reviews 3000 reads
10 / 23

First Bill Bennett with an $8 million dollar gambling addiction and now good old Rush with a major drug addiction.  Sure is nice when the boys of virtue are held accountable for their actions. Now these guys can join the likes of Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert in the hypocrites hall of fame.

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 9:37:22 PM

IISB 2585 reads
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And Bill Clinton who doesn't know what "is" means. And BBBJ is not sex. HUH!!

Inline6 8 Reviews 2756 reads
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Okay, so everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I am just plain sick and tired of liberals downplaying the misdoings of people in their own party. Then, once a conservative is found with a skeleton in his closet, liberals are all over him/her. Bottom line is, no one is perfect. Case in point: The L.A. Times publishes stories about Schwarzenegger's alleged bad behavior toward certain women but refuses to publish anything about Gray Davis throwing fits on numerous occasions, screaming at his staff and using expletives, and then actually shaking one of his secretaries to the point where she quit. That's just patently unfair and trash journalism in my opinion and just one example of the liberal bias.

We have all made our share of stupid mistakes/errors in judgement. Rush Limbaugh: bad decisions, apparently. But does anyone know his situation, the pain he endured that led him to this point? I don't endorse his behavior, but at least he's owning up to it. Then there's Clinton, who simply says, "Gee, I didn't know oral sex was sex." Now there's ownership for you.

Raoul Duke 3316 reads
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To paraphrase Denis Leary....When my career starts to ebb,I'm goin on a bender,beat my wife and my kids, go into rehab, wind up on the cover of People Magazine..."sorry I fucked up!!"

Truth is..Rush will fare just fine much to my chagrin, just like Gary Busey, Nick Nolte, Courtney Love, Matthew Perry, Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, just to name a few....

He'll just be more sanctimonious...like ex smokers.

HarryLime 10 Reviews 3250 reads
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... Still feel badly for the guy.  All of us have more than a bit of humbug.

Raoul Duke 4139 reads
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Jesus was walking thru Jerusalem, when he noticed a crowd gathering. He moseyed over to investigate and saw the crowd was preparing to stone a prostitute.

He stepped in front of the crowd and proclaimed...Let he who be without sin, cast the first stone.

A little old lady worked her way to the front of the crowd, picked up the largest rock in sight and beaned the harlot.

Jesus looked at the woman and said....Sometimes you really piss me off MOM!!

caharmon 2 Reviews 3118 reads
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Fifteen years ago, I was right smack dab where Rush is now, not as high a habit(thank god), but high enough. No where near as popular, or as rich(Damn!).

I won't defend the man, as he probably has been sanctimonius about this topic in the past, as others have suggested.

I will say this,although everyone is entitled to his, or her opinion on anything, until you have walked in his shoes, you have no idea what the man is experiencing. What happened to Rush can potentially(I said potentially)happen to anyone. So although everyone is entitled to a personal opinion, I think that the only fair thing to do is keep you opinions to yourselves.

Remember, (yes, yes I know that this could never happen to you. Go ahead stay in denial)on about 12-24 hours Rush will be one sick puppy.

MfSD 39 Reviews 4785 reads
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Limbaugh, like the fat hypocrite he is, is now faced with his own public admission, of his own personal demons. And spare me the, he's a stand up guy, and he's taking responsibilty jive. If he truly had any charecter, he would have addressed this issue when it first became a problem a few years back...........prescription pain killers, or shooting H in your arm, it's all about the same thing..........addiction.

I hope the guy gets the help that he needs, and thinks twice about lecturing his listening audience about a particular issue, if his own house is not in order.

But like Bill Bennett before him, the moral crusader who spent many a night on a Vegas casino bar stool, throwing 5 grand a pop in to slot machines, the political right wingers will continue to lecture us on our behavior, morales, and life style.......

MfSD 39 Reviews 4242 reads
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Clinton is no longer in office...remember. Let it go already............

Slowstart 8 Reviews 3425 reads
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Not the same thing IISB.  Neither Clinton or Arnold make there claim to fame denouncing those you do the very things they are doing.  I am talking about hypocrisy.  I have never heard of Arnold preaching about the evils of groping or Clinton denouncing BBBJ.  Those you live in the glass house have the most to fear from stones.  

Why should Rush be treated any different than those he has riled against for these past many years.  I could never take part in the hobby and preach to others how evil it is, could you?  If so than I think you need some help.  People like Rush, Bennett, and Swaggert have some real selfidenity problems, but they spend their lives trying to make our lives miserable.  What goes around comes around.

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 3:31:48 PM

Slowstart 8 Reviews 3010 reads
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Caharmon, understand Rush has been using his influence over 20 million radio listeners coming down very hard on drug users.  He has been the one not only giving the opinions about the weakness of the users, but also demanding the full force of the law against these evil people.  All the while himself having a serious addiction with a very powerful drug.  These guys are far worse than the so called "losers" they are always so eager to denounce.  Am I sorry he has a drug problem, sure. Do I have sympathy for the man and the deception he has played on millions, hell no.

As for liberals never letting conservatives have their vises, that is not true.  But we do have a problem with anyone who is very vocal preaching one thing and than themselves doing the opposit.  It is a matter of honesty and integrity which these individuals hammer at us all the time.  

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 4:02:13 PM

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Lauren1972 See my TER Reviews 4055 reads
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-- Modified on 10/12/2003 2:14:02 AM

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