TER General Board

Good Girl's list...
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 5214 reads

Ok, so explain to me why it is so important for a client to have a cell phone.  Obviously I don't own one... in fact, I despise them and think the world was a better place before they infested everyone.  Anyway, that's just my opinion....

... back to the question.  Why do I need one?  I give my home phone, my work phone... why do I need that one too?  I've never had problems with appointments before.

I contact the lady, we set a day, time and place.  If it's a hotel, she tells me which one and gives me directions.  I arrive at the lobby, and call her phone (FIVE MINUTES EARLY) and tell her I'm here and ask if I should bring drinks.  She then tells me the room and in five minutes, I'm at the door and life is good.

Has there been times where I made the call and I got the, "something has happened and I tried to call you earlier"... yes, and maybe if I had a cell phone things would be better.  I don't worry about it, it's the risk I take in not having one.

Fact is, it's my choice whether or not to have a cell.  If I buy one, it's for my convenience not someone elses.

Also, if $50 is such a minimal charge that a client shouldn't worry about paying it... then why should a provider have to charge it?  Shoe fits on both feet.

I agree with you on the phone part as to the money,
well to the client it is $50

But to the provider it is
$50 x20clients/week X 52 week equals $52,000 in potential lost income so it always behooves the seller not matter what you are selling to hold firm

the ladies.  You must be talking of that clown hooker Rolanda McHooker, over 1 million served, lol.
For me thats a definite turn off and a person to avoid if I found out that she was seeing that many clients a week.  I doubt that majority of the established and decent providers in this biz even comes close to that number for every three weeks. Dayum that sounds tiring just thinking about it and the service would sure be lousy.  
Oh and for the cell phone thing, if the guy doesn't want one then he doesn't need one.  That's one less bill he doesn't need.  People got through life without it before and will continue that way, eventhough it's nearing 2004 so what.  


-- Modified on 12/7/2003 4:29:37 PM

Vicki Nicole3938 reads

lol, exactly, I see 2-3 clients a week and would never see more than 5 in one week

So you mean you don't see 1040 men a year? Lets see... 1040 men a year for an average of 300 a time.... Hmmmmm. thats $312,000 per year. Wow I wish I had the equipment too. LOL!!!!!!

WrongNumber3691 reads

"...I have been doing about 20-25 apts a week.."

Ya know, when I was working construction I used to get those  calluses on my hands...


DR. Commonsense4754 reads

Although there are many TER ladies who don't see 20 clients a week there are probably just as many TER ladies who do see 20 or more in a week.  Most ladies will not be truthful about their true age or the true number of clients they see in a week.

CumToThinkofIt3220 reads

Everyone here is agasp at the idea of 20 clients a week but get real. The LA board is always buzzing about MPs & AMPs. Just what kind of numbers do those gals reach?
   Don't get me wrong, I'm not comparing our GFE courtesans with MP gals. But to raise rightious indignation over a 20/week customer volume while ignoring 15+ pages of reviews is hypocritical.

reviewed here see 20 clients per week at 1,040 clients a year.  I don't agree and I may be a little naive but definitely not stupid.  There are providers who do choose to rack in as many clients as they can but to keep an average like that weekly, come on now.  
That Sexymegan might have a good month but what do you think what happens in the next couple of months when things are still that good.  You don't think that the rates might go up or she might acquire an hourly minumum to minimize client volume.  Just how long do you guys/gals think a lady can keep that going for her.  No disrespect intended to Sexymegan, just that your situation was brought up on this thread. My apologies if you happen to read this and it had upset you.

business.  Why, am I suppose to?  I did guess right about someone just raising their rates and gonna see less clients though.  Try reading again Dr.Uncommonsense.  You post a reply and just say something childish.  I had a girlfriend who acted just like you.  
Where did I say that all providers only see less then 3 clients per day?  Try staying true to your alias and use some common sense.

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 4:41:43 AM

CumToThinkofIt3566 reads

jammers; Why are you so opposed to the idea that some ladies are more driven than others. Workaholics come in every profession. There is no need for this pissing contest over a preconcieved idea of what an acceptable client volume is for a provider. As long as the lady is practicing cleanly and safely and she is giving a good service; Then what is the issue?

can see that many people every week throughout the whole year.  I could care less if the provider wanted to do that or not.  I'm not trying to put down or persuade any provider from seeing any amount of clients they want.  Either I wrote it wrong or just misunderstood.  
With all the talk of business being slow, no shows, cancellations, vacations, holidays and private time.  You get what I'm saying here right.  I was just laughing about the number of clients per week and said that the service probably isn't going to be that great with the provider being all tired and all.

morghan3948 reads

Honey I wont even see that many in a month.. holy majolie !!!!


howandwhy4779 reads

I couldn't find girls thread, so i can't be sure about this, but your arithmetic must be off. Are you assuming that the provider will be stood up 20 times each week if they didn't call in w/ a cell? Not likely: if that's the case she must be booking about 400 sessions a week. If so, i'd pass on engaging her at all.  Besides, if a hobbiest didn't show up, the provider would be losing her entire fee, not just $50.

Finally, a provider's insisting on a client's having a cell phone would result in her losing all the business of those who opt not to have one--or prefer not to use theirs in this situation, which is likely many more than the # of no shows she'd avoid.

I have to agree with her and disagree with you about the cell. They are cheap now - and they are good for emergencies.

Are you afraid you'll get tons of calls? Don't give out the number except to those you really want to have it. And you can always look at the screen when it rings - if you don't know the number then don't answer.

A compromise would be a pager.

Vicki Nicole4026 reads

I require new clients to have a cell phone and call me twice. One hour before the appointment which is when I give them an adddress and once again when they are outside my location. one reason is because I don't have a doorbell, the other reason is cause I don't actually give the correct location out until I've had a chance to see the client.

He has to have a cell phone because you still don't have a door bell.  Hmmmm..???

Vicki Nicole3954 reads

i don't have a doorbell for safety purposes and i don't want anyone ringing my doorbbell even if i did
so yes he must have a cell phone
if he doesn't i'll consider him apart of the ice ages and more than likely not the kind of person that would interest me for screwing or any other purpose

>if he doesn't i'll consider him apart of the ice ages and more than likely >not the kind of person that would interest me for screwing or any other >purpose

I have an "old favorite" movie for you to watch. Robin Williams in "Hook."
One of the glorious moments in the film is when he tosses his cell phone out the window.

I went to a management retreat two weekends ago. One of the speakers pointed out that the value of such gatherings has been diminished by what ALWAYS happens now at breaks: EVERYONE puts one of those things in his/her ear.

They are in many ways a necessity, but I wouldn't consider someone brave enough to make his/her way without one a troglodyte. He/she MIGHT be a very interesting person who chooses to communicate personally.

That still doesn't answer my question... my point is, why does a provider require that I need a cell phone?  Can't I call you from the payphone across the street, or the McDonald's, or the gas station?  If we've already agreed on the times I'll call you, why does it have to be from a specific phone?

Maybe cell phones are cheap... doesn't mean I want to buy one.

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 4:43:34 PM

Wood Yi3000 reads

dude, get over it.  why do you keep ranting about it?

Vicki Nicole4745 reads

actually it doesn't HAVE to be a cell phone, I've had guys call me from down the street. As long as he can call me right before arriving so I can go up to get him.

that they like clients to be "reachable" at the drop of a hat (i guess in case of last minute snags when she doesn't want you showing on her doorstep)

i have to admit, in this day and age, it doesn't see too unreasonable a request, although i do see your side of it

Yep, you don't ever need to get one.  But that doesn't mean you get to bitch about the lack of convenience because you choose not to.  It's like saying you don't like computers, life was simpler and friendlier without them.  Then complaining that all the great escorts are only available on the internet.

Were you still sittin in your horse drawn buggy when all those smelly old cars started gettin in your way?  It's called progress.  You can find fault with aspects of it, but you sure as hell ain't gonna stop it.

"...for the times they are a changin"

Your choice dude.

Yep. Sure are.  Have you been to a concert or the theater lately?  In a society where common courtesy has become an oxymoron cell phones have added a whole new dimension to the possibilities for rudeness.  People think they have a right to use them freely anywhere, anytime.  Hey, isn't that how they advertise them?

I have a staff who thinks that her cell phone ringing is as permissable and as natural as a sneeze.  Anywhere, anytime.

Jerks need to learn how to turn them OFF as their first lesson in their use.

Lets say I don't have a computer... I can still go to some public place that does and still view the escort's homepage.

Good girl is saying I can't see her because I don't have a cell to call her with... even though I can still contact her via my home phone, work phone, pay phone, friends phone.... that's the point I'm arguing... why should I spend and extra $40 when I don't need to.  What's it to her what phone I use to call her??  If she wants to contact me, she can use one of the other phone numbers she requires me to give as a part of screening.

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 8:02:57 PM

Yeh, you get to not have the phone.  And she gets to tell you no session.  There it is.  Really simple.  You choose to not participate in the technology she gets to show you the results of your decision.

I had to cancel for the first time tonight. As it was, I accepted a date on Friday night when I really felt that I would be better off in bed - my bed! - than at an appt., but I went anyway, after Peptol Bismol, Alka Seltzer, and herb tea still wasn't doing the trick.

When I decided that cancelling tonights appt. was best, I realized I was never given a cell phone number! How was I to contact him at the earliest opportunity so that he could possibly make other plans??!! I hadn't received a call from him to tell me the room number where he was staying, and they won't give out that information anymore. I was really sweating not being able to reach him, and chiding myself for not getting his cell number before his flight out! What if he didn't plan to call me until shortly (an hour or so) before our appointed time?? By that time, it would be too late to make other plans!

I just turned on my computer and here's this thread! Prior to tonight, I had not even known you men would (could) feel this way about cell phones and our asking for them!

But, information is education and I've learned something...
I understand someone feeling as they do, but I have to say that it is most helpful to know I can leave you up to the minute information and having this man's cell phone number would have really helped!

As I said below, I choose not to own one. I like being able to choose when and how my life is interrupted. Yes, I get strange looks when I say I don't have a cell phone. But when I explain why I don't, I usually get a response to the effect that it's great that I don't let a phone run my life.

If I did have a cell phone, I'd have no problem giving out the number. There are times where it would have made appointments easier. But I'm more than willing to make sure I'm reachable on those occasions when I am meeting someone. When I arrive, I make sure I allow plenty of time to find a pay phone, courtesy phone, or whatever.

I'm also willing to sit in the lobby, find a bar, or window shop for a bit if something on her end happens at the last minute. It's the price I pay for not being instantly reachable. Once I'm in the car on my way I'm stuck cooling my heels in either case.

Here is another spin on the cell phones.  I don't want calls to unknown, provider numbers to be listed on my cell phone bill.  The cell phone account is managed by my SO and a call to an unusual area code will raise eyebrows.  We all need to pursue this hobby with discretion and cell phones are not the way to go.  The payphone down the street has always worked well for me.  Being unable to get ahold of me at the last minute is a tolerable risk I am willing to take, being outed because of a cell phone bill is not.

Another solution, use the "clear calls" feature periodically and shred the bill when it comes each month.

"I just turned on my computer and here's this thread! Prior to tonight, I had not even known you men would (could) feel this way about cell phones and our asking for them!"

I don't have a cell phone either, mostly because the people who use them no matter where they are annoy the heck out of me. (Especially when they're driving!) One provider I saw recently was shocked that I didn't have one, and I'll admit it was a pain to find a pay phone on which to call her once I got into her area, so I've been reconsidering getting one. Still, people who use them while driving should have them taken away.

(With exceptions for genuine emergencies, of course.)


The Good Girl3276 reads

The reason I said I hate guys without a cell phone is this- Most escorts will tell you the location, and then ask you to call them when you are there to get the room number. Most guys, yourself included, say no problem and that is that. But then there are guys that whine and say "I don't have a cell phone, can't you just give me the room # now?" Usually, these turn out to be the guys that will show up 15-20 mins early knocking on the door.

If you have never encountered a problem without having a cell phone, then there is definitely no reason for you to get one. I was only thinking of men that use "I don't have a cell phone" as an excuse to bypass policies, as well as sometimes an excuse to no-call/no-show.

Sorry :)


Ouch!  That hit awfully close to home...

I admit, I haven't worn a watch in 20 years.

I also bet I'm the WORST offender when it comes to over-staying!

Best I can say is:  I'm usually people-oriented but, properly directed, I can be quite task-motivated.  If my mission is to arrive and depart on time, it may require both our efforts and we DON'T want to hold our breath.  On the other hand, if my mission(-ary) is to cum in 5 minutes, cuddle for a few and depart NLT 10 minutes from your mark, I'm game.

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