TER General Board

God, you're beautiful!!!
ellobo69 2728 reads


itsthefaceandeyes4me6086 reads

I need some feedback please.
When seeking a provider with whom to spend some time, some guys are leg men, others look for the ass, tits, body art, etc.
When I am seeking a provider to spend time with, I look for the pretty face, and eyes.
But it seems that more and more providers are either fogging out the facial features, or showing neck down body shots. I fully understand this is because of discretion and anonymity, but can someone suggest a good way for me to get around this?
I recently filled out two "contact forms" for providers who have chosen to hide their face (but who presented an intriguing image via their website and/or reviews), and in both cases, requested an image of their face and eyes be provided before I would book with them. One simply said "not until I know you", which totally defeated that possibility, the other didn't even respond (its been over a week).
In both cases, I provided proper references including referrals from other providers.
Did I just pick the wrong ones, or is this de rigeur that I gots to take my chances with the beauteous bodied faceless?
Its really all about the face and eyes for me.

They blur their faces until they trust you and you're probably gonna get minimal response to your request.  (I trust you but I'm unusual that way.)
There would be some, of course, who won't mind after they screen you so it may still be worth trying.

But I'd PM reviewers and ask for a description.
I'd attend any TER based parties that get posted or you get invited to.

What's in their eyes is in their brain so reading their posts and chat room stuff lets me know if I'm gonna like their eyes.

-- Modified on 5/2/2005 8:54:19 PM

ellobo692948 reads

If they have it blurred, it's for a reason and without knowing you, they aren't sending it out. Read the reviews for insight. Looks are usually mentioned, esp. regarding blurred out providers.

Bizzaro Superdude4818 reads

On my planet - most womin have green skin and blockish faces....   but then again it is a bizzare world....  Now, how do I git invited to TER Parties....

stpenn3809 reads

-- Modified on 5/2/2005 6:45:03 PM

Providers don't blur their faces in their pictures just because they had a whim the day they put up their website. They do it for discretion, as you correctly point out.

The only way to get around it is to take a chance. Read their reviews and see if other hobbyists thought they have attractive faces.

Personally, I enjoy not seeing a provider's face before I meet her. It adds extra anticipation to that moment when I open the hotel room door. I've never been disappointed. Yeah, I realize not everyone likes that kind of uncertainty, but give it a try.

Pre$ley4581 reads

In the review they rate the providers appearance. Judging by those you should be able to get a pretty good idea if she has a pretty face. I think if shes consistently getting 8= really hot 9= model material or 10's chances are good she has a pretty face. Good luck..

Lia Silver3823 reads

If the photos are blurred, the ladies definitely value their discretion.  If they sent their photos out by email, who's to say you wouldn't send it to your friend who sends it to his friend and so on?  Ladies know gentlemen are often tempted to send photos of their girl du jour to other men.  That's why they won't offer the temptation.

Your best bet is to read the reviews and PM the reviewers if you want a description.  If that isn't enough, there are still plenty of ladies to choose from who will show their face.  But as another poster said, please respect the lady's wishes if she chooses to keep her looks confidential, for whatever reason.

Eden B's PA & Lackey du Jour

-- Modified on 5/2/2005 5:51:20 PM

If you don't normally wear glasses, you'll need to get a pair with plain lenses. Then you rub a film of Vaseline on them. You'll have to play with it a bit but, when you get it exactly right, the distortion you added will cancel out hers. Enjoy!

stpenn3169 reads

Girls post photos with their faces blurred one month, not blurred the next, blurred the month after that and so on.

What's up with that?

Thought Seeker4649 reads

come to think of it, could be the photographer keeps going in & out of focus....  wonder why?

You have to respect their privacy, but at the same time...if seeing a providers face is important to you, then stick to your guns and find the right lady for you.  Keep in mind, turn about is fair play.  I show my face on my website but I also ask for a photo of my gentlemen callers face showing his eyes and smile.  Just as you choose us, at least in part, for our looks...we like to enjoy and be attracted to you as well.

Something to think about aside from seeing a providers face, is how she responds to your calls and/or e-mails.  How quickly she responds may be indicative of the attention she will pay to you in the session.  How she writes (as well as how you write) can show you the type of conversationalist she will be. While being physically attracted is obviously extremely important, other details are just as telling.

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 2:20:33 AM

and if it's a face you want...you will find it if you keep looking.

I blur my face on my web site for obvious reasons. However I have lately posted some recent photo's with my face unblurred, when visiting city's where I don't live. I cant really say why the change, except that I feel my eye's are one of my better features, and I am not as concerned, about someone I know from outside of the biz, recognizing me.  All the same, if after I have screened someone, and they ask me to send them an unblurred photo of my face, then I have not objected.

If the women you want to see has current reviews from respected hobbyists, you could always PM them and ask them what their thought on the lady's face might be. However in my experience, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and relative depending on the individual.

You are a very beautiful woman. Please come to Vegas. Really though, what sets you apart on the subject is that, yes, you are using some blurring affects, yet one can really the the beauty through the blur. If I was you daddy or your neihbor or friend I would recognize you in the pictures. Plus there are many photos, which makes it evey more exciting.

A very classy website, for a classy, classy lady. This is without reading any reveiw. Let me go back there now.....geeeeez

Were her breasts in focus?

I think that is why they have reviews.

Only worry if they say the picture is accurate and her fase is still blurry. It might mean all the guys need a perscription adjustment and maybe they have the rest of her miss represented.

bad experiences with them. I will see ladies that do not blank out their faces but only show them in profile. I have often read statements here that ladies blank out their faces for privacy reasons. I have yet to meet a lady that did show her face on her site that looks close enough to her pictures to have me, as a stranger, identify her as being the person in the picture. Anyone that can must have enormous skill, or if relatives, were checking out escort ads for the own satisfaction.

have very distinctive faces.

I recently began blurring and cropping my face after  a casual friend recognized me from my site.  No big deal, but still...

Keep in mind that most ladies aren't so concerned that you "as a stranger" recognize them as say - their boss, their neighbor, their SO, their grandmother...  Even IF they were checking out ads for their own satisfaction, why make it easier to out yourself?!?


[Quoted by Sola]
Keep in mind that most ladies aren't so concerned that you "as a stranger" recognize them as say - their boss, their neighbor, their SO, their grandmother...  Even IF they were checking out ads for their own satisfaction, why make it easier to out yourself?!?

Exactly! :)
I try to show enough of my face (profile view or covered by whisps of hair) so that gents will be able to tell I have an attractive face, but not so much to be easily recognized by male family members who might happen upon my web site.

Hugs & xoxoxo,
Genni  ;-D

I am for sure leaving this hobby now! I could never take that kind of pain, seeing my grandma posing for the boys.

LISA-ABBE4145 reads

Can you tell from my web site that my face is attractive ?

xo Lisa

Nice job with only partialy hiding face. Your face, and the rest of you, looks great.

HEll YES!!! And, so is everything else about you attractive, OMG. To die for is what comes to mind.

GaGambler2755 reads

It may take hours for me to decide, maybe days.

skisandboots4261 reads

If you can't find a lady whose face isn't blurred out that you like, stick to contacting those with 9's or 10's in the appearance category (and of course good performance rankings).  Try explaining to them that you're picky and would understand if they didn't want to do the following: tell them you will be at a very public place (food court of a mall, etc.) and describe what you'll be wearing/doing etc.  Tell them that if they don't like the way you look they can leave without ever approaching you.  If they have confidence in their own looks and like your looks then they can approach you and introduce themselves with the understanding that you may decide to back away.  Not all providers will go for this, but some may.  As some others have stated, some providers have taken to asking what new potential clients look like before seeing them.  I know that I've had to describe myself several times (granted this is usually to a provider who does show their face on her website).  Once I told a very hot provider that she could come watch me play softball (I told her my jersey #) and could contact me the next day if she still wanted to see me.  I got a very HOT email telling me that she had stopped by to check me out and was turned on by watching me (and probably some of the other guys) play, and that she couldn't wait to see me.  I know, she could've been blowing smoke, but if she was I won't ever know because when I saw her later that day and in the 2 times since the sex has been ELECTRIC!  My experience was definitely enhanced by her screening process and the suggestion that I'd made.  I say turnabout is fairplay.

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 7:30:20 AM

Man your picky so I suggest you only see Nicky.

Blurred faces aside is that the only thing you see a Provider for?  Does not the whole overall experience count for anything with you?

As others have said part of the excitment of seeing only her body till that door opens is a turn on at times.  

Another thing, many show pictures including their lips and that should be enough to get you going thinking of how well she kisses and sucks!

Oh I forgot to mention Nicky has the most lovely face of them all but man her body is full of green spot, pimples, blackholes, hairy as hell and rolls and rolls of something or other.  But you only care about how lovely her face is so call her at 1-800-854-9262  (uglybod)

Get real here. have you no respect for a providers discreation?

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