TER General Board

God didn't ban it as unnatural...
Arovet 62 Reviews 415 reads

power seeking church assholes did, which is even funnier. I've only done it once and don't plan to again, it felt "weird good" and I can't say I enjoyed it per se. Kind of like the excessive slobber BBBJ, gets the job done but not my cup of Earl Grey old chap.

Or is this just another example of god's well know hilarious sense of humor, making it feel good and then banning it as "unnatural"? There are ladies on TER who specialize in prostate play, guys who wax enthusiastic about it, and of course TS and gay folk go for it. So in all seriousness, please educate me, why are prostates designed to feel good when rubbed?  

(No points for anyone who answers Serendipity or gives a lecture on evolution doesn't have goals.)

power seeking church assholes did, which is even funnier. I've only done it once and don't plan to again, it felt "weird good" and I can't say I enjoyed it per se. Kind of like the excessive slobber BBBJ, gets the job done but not my cup of Earl Grey old chap.

GaGambler418 reads

If someone likes shit shoved up their ass, fine by me. but count me out please. I have found that surprisingly enough I do enjoy a nice soft, wet tongue down there, but the moment you start pushing on that sphincter muscle, I start to have rather violent reactions that I simply cannot help.

Once again, I have zero issue with those who enjoy it, but please don't expect me to have to like it too.

guess I went 100% male when that testosterone kicked in!

And no, I'm not man enough to say nipples. I'm sorry. Lol. Lol. Lol. But yes, please. Thank you. Oh lord, YES!

Because we like to have them sucked? Props to you if you can suck my prostate!

Perhaps it cuts down on prostate cancer, and makes men more likely to be able to function sexually, thereby enhancing the species.

Just a theory

but I'm thinking that some gal (or guy) decided it might be fun to stick their finger (or cock) up some friend's ass and the friend rather than punching them out, told them - in so many words or grunts - that they liked it.

People spread the word around and there you have it.

There's a bunch of weird stuff people do that could only have been begun by someone deciding to push the envelope a bit.

For example, who was the first person to decided that eating a lobster might be satisfying

While we are theorizing - I put my money on aliens.  You know how they like to abduct some random schmo, transport him to the mothership, and stick an anal probe where the sun don't shine?  Or whatever star they come from...  Anyway - one day they hit upon someone who just happened to like it.  Perfectly explainable.

You guys and your monkeys putting sticks in their butts.  Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

Ancient anal probing alien astronauts - now that's just good science

fyi check http://www.happymassage.com/wiki/Benefits_of_Prostate_Massage

Posted By: mrfisher
Perhaps it cuts down on prostate cancer, and makes men more likely to be able to function sexually, thereby enhancing the species.  
 Just a theory.  

NeedMoreThanSugar302 reads

She doesn't much like doing it, and I am generally grateful for her small hands. It only seems mildly erotic to me, which isn't enough to offset the need for gloves and lubrication.

nipples are on the outside, but prostates are hidden way out of the way in the dark. Someone must have been monkeyin' around with them prostates pretty far back in our evolutionary tree for it to develop pleasure signals. Before the genus Homo :-) Maybe our primate cousins enjoyed male-to-male butt fucks as a way of cementing the group so to speak? Would some little simian go fishing in another one's tush with an unclipped finger, or a termite stick? Maybe someone on this board can write their doctoral thesis on the development of homoerotic behavior as a critical tool of higher primate social cooperation.

I think it's just a function of how we are "made".  There seems to be an analogy between the male prostate (p spot) and the female g spot.  Both sexes basically start as the same proto human in the womb during development, then sexual characteristics of a particular sex develop later.  In fact if you look at g spot and p spot massagers they are essentially identical.

So, I suppose you could ask similar follow up questions:
Why does g spot massage feel good to women?
Why do some women like (orgasm from) g spot massage and others don't?
Why do some men like p spot massage and others don't?

As to how it begins?  Not sure - but I imagine as sexually curious and creative creatures at some point we'll stick something in our butts to see if we like it or not.  Either we will or we won't.  But I suppose there's only one way to find out.

And by the way - there doesn't have to be anything homosexual about it.  Having a great orgasm is one of the strongest motivators for a human being.  Why not try all kinds of experiences to get the best one?  And I do happen to fall in the camp of guys who enjoy p spot stimulation (from a finger or toy) when I'm getting a blowjob from a lady.  It feels pretty amazing.  But admittedly it isn't for everybody...  To each his (or her) own

Senator.Blutarsky357 reads

Three engineers were discussing the nature of God.  

The first said, "When you consider the complex structure of the skeleton and the muscles, it's obvious that God must be a mechanical engineer."  

Said the 2nd: "No. The thing that makes a human being human is the brain and nervous system. When you consider all the electrical signals that must be transmitted and processed, it's clear that God is an electrical engineer"  

3rd guy: "You're both wrong, only a civil engineer would put a waste disposal pipeline right through a recreational area.

The prostate plays an important role in the reproductive organs. Prostate fluid is excreted during orgasm because the prostate contracts (squeezed by surrounding muscle). Prostate fluid makes up a good deal of the content of semen and is important to the success of the fertilization process. It contributes to the mobility of the sperm.

So the prostate is a required part of normal ejaculation (although you can orgasm without it). As for the pleasure component, the same nerves that pass through the head of penis also involve the nerves of the muscle surrounding the prostate. At the moment of "normal" ejaculation (no manual prostate massage) the prostate does get manipulated/stimulated by the surrounding autonomous muscle contractions. That's all part of the pleasurable feeling of orgasm. With manual prostate manipulation you're simply getting a head start what would happen soon enough. It's possible to cause an  ejaculation with no erection through prostate manipulation alone.

One day a wife said:  Sex is a pain in the ass.  

Take it from there.

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