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Get a good lawyer and don't let her clean out your financial holdings. eom
keystonekid 114 Reviews 848 reads


So my wife revealed to me that she's leaving me and has been fucking a co-worker behind my back for months. I've stayed clean and away from the hobby for nearly three years in an effort to rebuild my marriage with her, and now this.

She never was able to forgive/forget my hobbying past but also never bothered to communicate to me about it or do anything about it (counseling, etc.). She "allowed" herself to fall for this guy and now here we are.

So fucking pissed, and I want to call up a provider right now.

GaGambler797 reads

but somehow I can't work up a bunch of sympathy for a guy who got a taste of his own medicine.

Maybe he's just chosen the wrong bird as his handle, maybe he should have named himself a gander as in "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"

I just wonder how much satisfaction she is taking in dumping him for another guy after catching him with "his dick in the hooker jar" lmao

He cheated on her but now he is all butthurt because she is cheating on him. Cry me a river. Where's the violins?

But I think you meant to say, "...with his dick in the hooker jaw."

Posted By: GaGambler
but somehow I can't work up a bunch of sympathy for a guy who got a taste of his own medicine.

Maybe he's just chosen the wrong bird as his handle, maybe he should have named himself a gander as in "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"  

I just wonder how much satisfaction she is taking in dumping him for another guy after catching him with "his dick in the hooker jar" lmao

Welcome back to the wonderful world of the hobby. Life is good here, we've been holding down the fort for you.

Hopefully you'll not be stupid enough to fall for that bullshit union again.

Welcome back, stay safe and happy hobbying.

Are you really pissed, you left "reservations" for a reason...

Sadly, reality of life confirmed that we can't have our cake and it eat too.

Sending you lots of hugs and kisses during this "tough love times"


Posted By: awesometurkey
So my wife revealed to me that she's leaving me and has been fucking a co-worker behind my back for months. I've stayed clean and away from the hobby for nearly three years in an effort to rebuild my marriage with her, and now this.  
 She never was able to forgive/forget my hobbying past but also never bothered to communicate to me about it or do anything about it (counseling, etc.). She "allowed" herself to fall for this guy and now here we are.  
 So fucking pissed, and I want to call up a provider right now.

When proposing you should ask " would you like to spend the rest of your life with me until one of us dies". Kind of puts the whole idea into perspective of how unnatural the institution is. I think the comedian was Azii.

...if you found out she fucked dozens of guys on the side would you stick with her. Would you seek counseling. And for how long. Three years. More. And btw so she fucked a guy. You fucked many (hopefully). Yeah, Robin said it best ... Revenge sex. Its a killer.

-- Modified on 7/14/2014 5:37:11 PM

take a trip to Carson City and to America's Only Red Light District.

90 ladies will help rebuild you!

Isn't it funny how karma works. You seeing escorts before now your wife having an affair with a co-worker.  Karmas a funny funny thing.  Maybe it's meant for you to get back to seeing escorts.  The escort world is happy and gladly willing to oblige in you pissed off status.    

My 2 cents..

I think it comes down to how much you loved her or didn't for you to continue your hobby until you got caught. I am not in a serious relationship now but if it develops into one i would hit the "kill switch" so to speak.  

I am also curious what other hobbyists think once he/she gets married or in a serious relationship?

Posted By: awesometurkey
So my wife revealed to me that she's leaving me and has been fucking a co-worker behind my back for months. I've stayed clean and away from the hobby for nearly three years in an effort to rebuild my marriage with her, and now this.  
 She never was able to forgive/forget my hobbying past but also never bothered to communicate to me about it or do anything about it (counseling, etc.). She "allowed" herself to fall for this guy and now here we are.  
 So fucking pissed, and I want to call up a provider right now.

GaGambler700 reads

If I am in a relationship where exclusivity has been promised or even implied, I am perfectly capable of keeping my dick in my pants, or at least keeping it out of other women. lol

I will confess, I rarely get into exclusive relationships because I am a whore mongering pig, and rarely will a woman turn my head enough to "forsake all others" Well rarely does that feeling last for any length of time, but when I do get the urge to see other women, I either break off the relationship or "modify" it, I am simply too lazy too lie and cheat. Others of course are free to do what they want, I try not to judge.

And now she found a better fuck and you are crying? Grow up you baby, you can't handle the fact that she has found a better cock to suck. Did you want therapy before you poked a hooker? You guys are fucking priceless with your double standard bullshit. Fuck off!

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