TER General Board

General Public
ShanaLay See my TER Reviews 26 reads

It's like working with the "general public'  in ... general. LOL At a flower shop, guy walks up to counter, "Hey, you guys got plants here?"
Some of it feels like that to me we all become zombies when we're buying stuff.  
I also think the last poster is right that they are fishing.  

Nothing gets my juices flowing more than when a man indicates that he read through it and has a question or two NOT covered by my content or wants to expound on something it says.

Mommascomin3667 reads

This is just out of curiosity, but many ladies provide so much information, from rates to location, etc, on their website, only to be asked for it all by text or email? Wouldn't it be easier to check her site than waiting for a response to know whether you can afford her?  

So gentlemen, what keeps you from going to her website if she has it listed in her ad and asks you to look at it for info? is it just laziness? and please include a bit of info about what website you usually look at ads on, and what hourly range you usually seek.

-- Modified on 10/4/2017 10:09:05 AM

John_Laroche31 reads

I check her website, her P411, her TER profile and they have conflicting information. So I ask!

I search in the 300-600 / hour range and always start on TER. I also subscribe to email alerts from a few agencies. I check BP ads if I'm in the mood to TOFTT with an unreviewed FBSM provider.

I imagine some mongers like to "ask" in hopes she offers a discount.

Mommascomin26 reads

If they conflict then i understand asking and you should ask. I'm talking about when they don't and a client hasn't bothered to check.

It's like working with the "general public'  in ... general. LOL At a flower shop, guy walks up to counter, "Hey, you guys got plants here?"
Some of it feels like that to me we all become zombies when we're buying stuff.  
I also think the last poster is right that they are fishing.  

Nothing gets my juices flowing more than when a man indicates that he read through it and has a question or two NOT covered by my content or wants to expound on something it says.

Mommascomin28 reads

when you've shown you've read and i don't need to tell you every little thing, you get the world from me. but if you're asking me stuff thats easily found on my site or ad, then you'll get a tepid version of me that doesn't care if you book or not.

I find it annoying when a guy asks what my rate would be. I have different rates for all different lengths of time. It's on the site for a reason :D or when I get emails when I'm out of town but my site has an availability schedule on it.

I can understand asking how a hotel incall works or what a "babygirl" is. But rates are on my site and something I feel weird discussing with someone.

. . . that can be found in a short, clear and concise *AD*. In my *AD*, a gentleman can find my rates, location and stats. If he wants to find anything else about me, then he can visit my website and/or do his research on TER.  

Moving on, my website is a place where I host my pictures, a blog and some interesting factoids about myself. Nothing too in-depth but enough for a gentleman to paint a picture. I don't feel the need to dish out my whole life story to him in a paragraph of text . . . he'll find out more about me later when he books.  

Nonetheless, I used to have an extravagant website where I had paragraphs of texts about myself and the "elite courtesan experience" that I offer. You know what? I checked out the analytics for all those pages and guys only spent a max of 90 seconds on them. Those pages were just taking up space on the internet!  

So . . . I ended up gutting my site and only including the bare bones and I've found that my bookings have actually gone up. I've even been commented for having a simple, yet elegant website. I figure that when men are looking at my site, they are horny and want to see two words, "Pictures" and "Contact".  


-- Modified on 10/4/2017 11:09:10 AM

Mommascomin40 reads

and thats fine, but i'm sure you've received questions  that can be easily answered by reading your ad thats what i'm talking about, the non readers.

From the point of view of the money invested, time, and risk if something goes wrong, I don't see how so many guys just decide to call a number or send an email before knowing what they are doing.

My guess is that some of them perhaps can't read.   Adult illiteracy is a thing, even among the affluent.

How much research would you do before ordering a pizza from a new restaurant? Not the "maximum possible" I bet. Now researching a house to buy would be an entirely different matter.

Ordering up a hooker is a lot closer to ordering a pizza for me than it is buying a home, and quite frankly I order a lot more hookers than either pizzas or houses. lol

I usually can find out just about everything I need to know about a woman that I am thinking about seeing in 5-10 minutes. Any more time than that is a waste of my time. I can take a quick look at her pics, check out the fact she has reviews, look for anything that would disqualify her in my eyes like BSC board posts or a shitty attitude and as long as I find her hot, her menu includes what I want and I haven't found anything to "disqualify" her in my eyes, I am good to go. Just how much more do I need to know about a girl before meeting her for an hour?

I know some of you guys like to pore over every detail and read every sentence of every review before booking with a girl, but I find it kind of foolish to spend thousands of dollars worth of my time doing research on a girl who I only plan on spending a few hundred bucks to see.

to read a gal's website and a sampling at least of her reviews (Maybe 4-6), would only take half an hour.

That's not a bad investment, IMHO.

You said "maximum research" and for many of the guys here that means HOURS of research, poring over every review, advertisement and board post they can find.  

Personally, I would never spend anywhere near 30 minutes "researching" a provider, but I can see how others might. "Maximum research" like I described is just idiotic and obsessive as far as I am concerned.

reasonable, would be a more reasonable term.  

That is brought to you by the department of redundancy department.

This brought to you by the GaGambler just got laid and is in a really good mood department.  

The half a bottle of tequila I just drank may have had something to do with my good mood as well. lol

Most of your posts are anti-hobbyist. I am curious as to why that is? Have you had a lot of bad experiences Momma?

Mommascomin31 reads

I'm specifically posing this question to hobbyists so i can see if there is a more efficient way to dispense information if they don't like checking the website, and to find out why. how is that anti hobbyist?

I can't argue with that statement, and neither should you. It's an argument you won't win.


As for your OP, it's not "hobbyists" who are lazy, it's "customers". Customers of hookers are not unique in the fact they are lazy. It's just that hookers seem to be one of the few classes of business people who like to whine about their customers on a site designed to review THEM, not the customers.  

It certainly is wise of you to post under an alias, You would be on every non BSU's "must miss list" if you posted under your real hooker name. Personally I hate welshers, but if I lost a bet and the stakes were "loser has to book with you" I would almost certainly refuse to honor that wager

I am frequently contacted by men who say they found me on TER, want to meet me, and then go on to make it very clear they haven't read Word One about me on either my site or in my ads.

Most of the time, it's from someone visiting my home city wanting an evening outcall to his hotel and directing me to look at his Whitelists and Reviews to "verify" him.  
Dude, you're 0 for 4!!!    
When I respond to say that I'm actually not in my home city at that time, and even when I am I don't offer outcalls or night-time dates and I also require more than your handle with Whitelists?

The most common response is, "Sorry I just read your outstanding reviews and didn't visit your site."  REALLY???    

Who DOESN'T go look at the pictures??   NO ONE.  
Ok, occasionally someone MIGHT only click on my P411 ad and ONLY look at the pics there but we all know that most will also check out her site's gallery for even more photos.  
Sigh.....   I must really look dumb.  LOL.  ;-)

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Sigh.....   I must really look dumb.  LOL.  ;-)
Nope. You don't look dumb. Other considerably more complimentary adjectives come to mind.  :-D

... scour thru a provider's site to see if I am a viable customer for her. More times than not I have to contact her anyways since her clientele preferences are often not mentioned.

People lack simple reading skills!!! It's very annoying to answer the same question that the answer/answers are in plan site!!!  

America,  taking time to actually read the literature will avoid the aggreviation you cause to the person/persons you seek to have "naughty playtime" together!!! Lol  

Happy October Ter peeps!!!  

When they see our photos, the blood rushed down to their other head without the brain, that the one with the brain can't read nor comprehend.

It is kind of a mirror image complaint that so many female SOs have about their male SOs. Complaints about them never listening, never paying attention, not following directions. "If only he would change and do it the way I want him to do it!"

I know for myself, I am dyslexic and my attention and ability to remember what I just read is sometimes lacking. So, hearing or getting the information separately from a whole mixture of information is the only way I will take it in. That's not always the case, but some of the time. Sometimes there is conflicting information, or the information isn't there.

But also, sometimes as a client shopping for an intimate service like this, it seems more appropriate to get issues clarified personally by the seller of the service.

Or, sometimes it is just plain self centered. I'm in too much of a hurry to read everything after doing research and getting my mind numbed by several beautiful lady's websites, adverts or board reviews, etc. , that have turned my brain to mush. Shit, I think about all you gorgeous women and I'm all..............................  Wow!

Or sometimes, it comes under "You can't fix stupid!".  

What I do know is that I read these complaints a lot on twitter and here by the ladies. Sometimes, it will turn me to the off position. It probably isn't the best marketing idea to vent these frustrations where your clients can read them. Though I do understand the need to vent the frustrations. Perhaps the Providers Only board is a good place for that.

Mommascomin29 reads

yeah i thought it was mainly laziness. I was curious to see if there was an easier or more preferred way to dispense info to clients if not on the website, but it seems no matter the method, most don't read

I usually don't ask for anything beyond... are you available for a two hour [incall/outcall] on [day] at [time]? Everything I need to know is either on her p411 or TER profile. While I do check her website for pics, I tend to skim over the marketing copy most of the time.

When sending email inquiries, I have the website right there, so no problem. But I almost never phone or text while in front of the computer. If I am interrupted while on the computer, I can shut it down and resume later with no rudeness to my Provider recipient. If I am on the phone, I can't just hang up if I get a real phone call or if someone needs to ask me some questions or get info.  To hang up in that situation WOULD be rude.
So I save a contact number or two but almost no notes and then call when I know I won't be interrupted. Unfortunately, I have forgotten almost everything from her website by then! I then use "dumb questions" just to break the ice and get myself reoriented and try to get to where we're going.  
I don't mean to be annoying. And I'm not a total idiot. A first phone call is just awkward.

Posted By: impposter

 So I save a contact number or two but almost no notes and then call when I know I won't be interrupted. Unfortunately, I have forgotten almost everything from her website by then! I then use "dumb questions" just to break the ice and get myself reoriented and try to get to where we're going.  
 I don't mean to be annoying. And I'm not a total idiot. A first phone call is just awkward.
Honestly, this should have occurred to me but it didn't.    

One of the main reasons I no longer publish a phone number is because people kept texting me to ask questions which are right in my ad or website.  I should have realized people might be doing the same as you.  

It just seemed to me that they'd look at the ad & pics then scroll down for a contact number and reach out without bothering to read anything at all.  But there can always be another explanation, or side to the story, so I appreciate you sharing.  :-)

Mommascomin23 reads

interesting, i hear that often  that guys just save numbers with no info. explains quite bit, thanks

souls_harbor23 reads

I think it was the late Joe Carbo (The Lazy Man's Way to Riches) -- the direct response marketing guru, who toiled energetically to pursue every response, every question, knowing it was a potential sale.  He said he spent a ton on marketing campaigns and therefore those fractional percent response rates were the veins of gold he was looking for.  He didn't complain that the potential customers didn't read the ad carefully, rather he realized that out of all the millions who saw his ad and  promptly ignored it, here was someone that demonstrate some sort interest in his product.  He doubled down on his efforts to sell to those prospects -- almost certain to have a higher return rate than the public at large.

I suppose on the other hand if you expect the customer to jump through hoops to please you, it must be a seller's market.

However, I've personally learned which ones have NEVER wound up booking.  

The 2AM email of "how much" or "avail now?" or the infamous multi-paragraph description of how he wants the lady to be his sugar-baby are examples of these.

Not worth our time responding, though to be honest, I usually do send a copy-and-paste canned response to even the briefest contacts.  
Why?  Because once in a great while someone whose message was nothing more than "please send info"  will actually schedule and turn out to be a perfectly fine client.    

 The vulgar ones, hagglers, and those who just want a civvie date receive no reply at all.  ;-)

Assuming men who want to verify the rate have not read the webpage, which could possibly be out of date.

Using the word "lazy" instead of something more positive like detail oriented

Implying someone can't afford her vs simply does not want to spend their hard earned money on a dud.

34 replies from people with nothing better to do with their time.  Guess I make that 35.  

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