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friends with benefits
HillaryLynk See my TER Reviews 27 reads

I consider my regulars friends but I am not going to start hanging out with them for free, Its a mutually beneficial relationship and I feel like I cannhave both friendship and financial support. win/win in my book :)

I've become friends with a few hobbiest. They are Some of the greatest guys. Great conversation, laughs and good times.  
The fucked up part is when they decide to see you outside of the "friendship". For me it become weird.  
Like, once I friend zone u... it's hard to  fuck or suck you again.  
Gentleman... thoughts?
Ladies... thoughts?
I think I'm gonna rethink my "hangout on humble" meetings. Ugh... slippery slope!

souls_harbor33 reads

I didn't think the friendzone would extend to p4p.  You learn something new every day.

On the plus side it proves they really are friends and not just marks -- on the negative side, it robs them of the one thing they all want -- to be physically intimate.

What a twisty world we live in.

In this case I had dated two of her very good friends (one rather seriously) I was friends with most of her friends, knew all of their real names, birthdays etc and she just really felt uncomfortable fucking me for money. She did leave the door open to actual dating, but I knew I would fuck that up so we decided to stay "friends"  

Full disclosure here, I have a LOT of "Hooker buddies" that I don't have sex with. I have no issues with this at all.

That is friendship time, not GFE time.  No touching, no kissing, no HJ under the table at Denny's...save that for paid GFE time.  No problem at all for me.

The thing I won't do is have sex with a woman that answers the phone at an agency.  There have been a few agencies from time to time where that was possible, but I did not partake.

I've had a number of women place me in "the friend zone" that I would have been interested in taking things to the next level. It's tough to accept when those feelings aren't reciprocal, but I've learned to accept it and either keep it in the friend zone or move on.

In p4p? Never experienced that myself, but have gotten close a time or two. She has either recognized the potential for disaster before I did and called it off, or we just stopped seeing one another in any capacity.  

Sometimes, things just don't work out the way we'd like them to -- you can either accept it and get beyond it, or stew for a long time in those "what might have been" blues, and that's not a good place.

Stranger  things have happened.  💋💋

souls_harbor32 reads

I think I can explain the friendzone.  It seems irrational at first ... willing to fuck a stranger for money yet unwilling to fuck a friend for any price.  

The reason is insecurity.  If you have a friend how do you know they are friends and not exploiters?  They have to pay a price to be friends.   So the friendzone is a constant test zone to prove you are friends and not just anyone looking for a lay.  

I think the more secure you are in your own self the smaller your friendzone test zone is.

... and it can really fuck up the sexual chemistry. But sometimes it enhances it by having a deep trust. It can be a slippery slope for me (innuendo intended ;) )

In the best cases, of which I have a few, we become friends often talking on the phone and going on play-dates like to a movie, or just relaxing at each others' homes.    

Sometimes a gal decides we can no longer be client/provider, but not too often.

Sometimes there's a blow up, such is life.

One thing for sure is that I insist any sexual activity be paid for.   That is one of the best means to avoid recriminations, etc.

I have quite a few clients that have become really good friends and we seem to fuck even better than not being friends. I have also become friends that ended up just that.... just friends.  It's ALL good either way for me because one can never have to many real friends.  

I feel like the closer that I've gotten with some clients the harder it is to continue to keep them as clients, and I've also "fired" a few for being better as friends too.  I'll always provide them the best references though.

We are on each other's FB pages, I've been out to IHOP with one of them and her children. Totally, friendship zone Then later that week we go to a strip club, get each of us lap dances and go to her incall for a turned on paid session. Freaking awesome. We both seem to be able to separate it. It's actually better that we keep the paid sex in the mix, so we don't get too emotionally attached in our friendship.  

That one does have a few other guys, who were clients, as friends. They don't want to fuck.

It's the same with an old civie friend, we have been friends for about 10 years. About a year ago, she flirted with me and we decided to have an NSA fling. It's really cool. We both are not looking for a live in or committed relationship. We just fuck each other silly, for the fun. And then we are still friends.  

It helps that I don't live in the same city as any of those ladies.  

The other p4p lady that is my friend has a different situation. She has a husband, who I thank for lending me his beautiful wife. I go to social situations with her and sometimes both of them. She started in p4p because they were swinging and she wasn't getting satisfied and wanted more variety. I've done paid and unpaid sessions with her and leave that totally up to her. It doesn't bother me either way.  

I think it's just a personality thing. There's no right or wrong. I have several women friends that sex is definitely not on the table at all.

Several of the women are still active in P4P but we don't have a sexual relationship, paid or OTC.  We stay in touch, offer each other advice, have dinner, etc.

I've always tried to be a good friend both in the hobby and IRL.
Few months ago a local favorite was being stalked and seriously harassed.  
He'd been a client previously so he knew where she lived, her real name and even met her daughters.
She was scared to death.
I got involved.  
Her problem went away.  
During the period we were besties.  
As soon as the issue was resolved it was like she didn't know me.
From now on friends are friends and while I truly and genuinely like the girls I see I'm going to keep it all separate.

I have a pretty full civvie life that is separate from my provider life.  
Yep, I have 'fallen' for a few special hobbyists and I get along like old friends with a lot of my hobby friends. Actually, I think I can say I truly love some of the guys. (If this was another world, I'd want them all to myself- Ha Ha Ha )
But most married/attached hobbyists pay us to have fun and and not get into their lives. I don't know, something makes me think that a friendship outside paid time would be at the guy's convenience. Or due to an emotional attachment that could destroy their own civvie life. The smart husband has a hooker not an affair.
The only thing I know is what I do myself to avoid drama for myself and my guys.  Chit chat on the phone once in awhile - sure I like to hear from you and know how you are doing. I always do wonder and think about you. Beyond that it's gotta be on the clock....eh, sometimes the clock has more then 60 minutes to an hour but still.....
I agree, once in the friend zone I'd have to stop the nooky nooky.

Posted By: MoMontana

I've become friends with a few hobbiest. They are Some of the greatest guys. Great conversation, laughs and good times.  
 The fucked up part is when they decide to see you outside of the "friendship". For me it become weird.  
 Like, once I friend zone u... it's hard to  fuck or suck you again.  
 Gentleman... thoughts?  
 Ladies... thoughts?  
 I think I'm gonna rethink my "hangout on humble" meetings. Ugh... slippery slope!

Hobby friendship are great when there is an understanding. Gotta be mature though.

Also as was mentioned by a couple of other posters, I think it's critical to keep the friendship platonic, with no crossover to what you pay her for doing with you.  That's the only way it could work for me anyway... and has worked in a couple of cases.  

Yet I don't seem to have any problems having "hooker buddies", some of which I sleep with, both paid and unpaid, and others where we never have sex.


I just don't get all the angst over this, I am one of the least mature poster on this board  and I seem to "get it" Why do the rest of you struggle so much over where certain lines need to be drawn?

Just why do friendships "need" to stay platonic? I can see where many friendships would stay platonic, but it sounds like many of you think that sex and friendship need to stay mutually exclusive. What a fucking pity so many of you are so closed minded.

It's probably because so many people can't love someone without getting possessive and jealous. I'm not looking to live with, get married or be monogamous. That makes it easy to separate love from sex.

Forgive my little closed mind if I don't believe in paying my friends for sex.  It's important for me to keep the sexual part professional.  It's a fucking pity that some people are so close minded that they can't begin to understand that perspective... that the only take on this that's possible is their own.

but just because it's important to you doesn't mean that all of us have to keep it "professional"  

I am not telling you what to do, I am just saying "I don't understand all the angst over it" You are free to have whatever kind of hangups about sex that you want, I just don't share your particular hangups.

... who shares my perspective on this that you think we're fucking pitiful.    

Re-read my post. I explained what works for ME.  I don't expect everyone else to think the same way, or else they're pitiful in my eyes.  Everyone has different circumstances--which you either don't understand or refuse to accept.  That's a textbook case of close-minded.

souls_harbor39 reads

Friendship comes in various degrees.  I might ask a friend to remodel my house -- but I think I am going to be paying him or her.   Or I can imagine a friend fixing my car for free -- but more likely paying a friend to fix it.

I have civie female friends -- most of whom WON'T have sex with me.  Intimate is a qualifier word to friend.   That qualifier word is applied in much rarer circumstances.

We do things a bit in reverse order in the sex work world -- we pay for sex and then might develop a friendship.  That might make it seem like we are immediately intimate friends.  But I don't think that is the logic of friendship.  

Also most people have limited number of slots for friendship.   Friendship has its costs.  Intimate friendship more so.  Obviously you can't be a generous giving friend to everybody (and you'd be exploited ruthlessly if you were.)  

So in summary you probably wouldn't pay an intimate friend for sex, but you might pay a friend to be intimate.

Well put. In a lot of cases,  there are costs to intimate friendships that aren't always monetary.
My NSA sex partner was an intimate friend before we started playing. Because we have the same understanding of the nature of our relationship, we don't have attachment (desire to live together, be monogamous, or be with each other all the time). But, we do discuss almost everything without fear of loss and fuck each other silly when we agree to.

The ladies that are in the industry that are my intimate friends, the ones we  share very personal things with, also separate the sex from the friendship. So I pay. I don't feel like I am being taken advantage of, and I guess that is the difference for some. If they plumbers, I wouldn't want free repairs. In fact, because they are my friend, I would be happy to contribute to their welfare and well-being.  

I guess there are many understandings of what we each want from and give to friendship.

-- Modified on 11/10/2017 7:42:51 AM

If I had an accountant as a "friend" I would expect to pay her if she were to do my taxes. Now if I had an accountant who was my GF/SO I would "expect" her to do my taxes for free.

I feel much the same about sex workers. If I have a hooker "friend" I may or may not ever have sex with her, but if I did have sex with her most likely I would pay her professional rates. If I were "dating"  hooker, I would expect not to pay her for her "services"  and most definitely if she were my GF/SO I would not be paying her to have sex with me. I have to say  in "most" cases I don't have sex with my hooker "buddies", but in some cases I do, but in many cases a lot of guys would think the relationship was a "dating" relationship not a "Friends with paid benefits" relationship.

I know I have spoken about this Thai girl I saw on a "friends with paid benefits" level for well over a year before. I would see her once a week or sometimes even more often, I would book an appointment through her booker making sure I was the last appointment of the day, always for only one hour. I would go to her incall, we would enjoy our session which really would have no clock to it, but the sex would rarely last more than the hour I paid for, and then we would go out together for the evening, dinner, a movie or whatever. By no means was she my GF, and I wouldn't even call it "dating" because aside from friendship and great sex neither of us had any romantic feelings for the other, we simply enjoyed spending time together.  There were no losers in this relationship and eventually she went back to Thailand and we lost touch.  I am sure a LOT of people would have made a lot more of this "relationship" than there really was to it, it really was just a "friends with paid benefits" and nothing more, and we both enjoyed it immensely.

This is EXACTLY my approach on this.  But a few posts ago you barfed all over what I said.  Sheesh.

Posted By: GaGambler

... I feel much the same about sex workers. If I have a hooker "friend" I may or may not ever have sex with her, but if I did have sex with her most likely I would pay her professional rates. ...

I have one whom I chat with, but we don't chill outside of appointments,  but we care about how one another are doing.

Do the guys still want to fuck You?

I have become friends with 1 provider I see. We call our relationship  "friends with paid benefits".  It isn't hard as long as both have that understanding.

It is probably where I'm coming from but.... if I became friends with a provider I would stop seeing her as a provider.  That is just me but as soon as I start caring about her personal life it is a danger zone for me.   I know that sounds harsh but I've been burned and I'm not interested in being burned again.  I don't even like GFE for that reason, I don't want to kiss and even pretend there is a relationship other than the sex

Would be cool to have a friend with benefits but it could quickly get complicated.

Have two good lady friend in this hobby.A few things changed but the  business part of the hobby still remains the same ,and  it works for us.

Obviously, this depends on your personality. I have many providers who I consider friends. Two are very close friends in fact. We still have P4P on a regular basis. We hang out beyond the dates and draw the lines very strictly.  So long as I never ask for freebies, and I don't, I am sure we will remain good friends. One young lady went from escort, to good friend / escort,  to just good friend, to getting married. I even met her husband. She and I keep our little secret and I wish her well. Like I said, it all depends on your personality.

Going on six years ago. done a double with a Lady and we have became great friends. On and of the clock It has never  caused any problems . I think I've read if your friends for seven years you'll always be friends!

...In the past eight years I have had three different ATF's that I shared Many sessions with & i attempted to cultivate friendships with, for different reasons it just never worked out. All three are now retired & do not answer their provider E-mails. I have been under the belief that with providers the friendship taboo was an unwritten role.

If so, how many clients have you worked with in your career?  And how many of them became friends after you first met them as clients?

Now... with how many of those client friends do you have (or have you had) sex?  😏

It's possible for a friendship to develop between a provider and client. But it's going to be relatively rare.  Of all the provider's I've met over the years, only two became friends and only one of those is an active friendship today.   But then, I'm not seeking friends when I see providers. So if a friendship develops, it's going to take special circumstances.

I consider my regulars friends but I am not going to start hanging out with them for free, Its a mutually beneficial relationship and I feel like I cannhave both friendship and financial support. win/win in my book :)

Saw an matched her on tinder a knew she was a provider.  Never met because of timing. See she's in my area 6 months later. Walked in an she thought she knew me but told her we matched on tinder. We laughed about it an proceeded with the session.  I told her next time she's in town we should get a bite or drink before or after a session. She said I had a choice. See her as a client or friend. I chose friend.  Most times she's in town we get a bite, hangout an end up massaging each other each time. And each time becomes a lil more intimate. Good friends n fun times.  

Great topic Mo.  I gotta admit I've struggled with this with my ATF.  We've become great friends and text every so often just checking in on each other between visits.  She's a beautiful person inside and out and I could really see myself being with her in the civvie world.  We can laugh and talk for hours before our session even starts.  BUT I understand the reality of the situation and keep my cool and just be respectful of our time so it doesn't get awkward.  You can meet some great people in the hobby and she's one of the best.  I'm just blessed to have her as a friend and I try to make sure I don't do anything to fuck that up.

Yeah, me too Fan. Exactly the same scenario with my top girl. She gives me way more green lights than I could ever have imagined since we began seeing each other. No clock, Two hr OTC dinners after play , real friendship etc. I want her all to myself but know that`s impossible so will stay content with status quo knowing all the while I get way more than  her other clients. Nice feeling isn`t it. I`ll take it and be thankful and so will you.
I need to keep reminding myself how easy and comfortable these girls are doing this and how they compartmentalize their daily trysts at the same time having a special fave. Could you do this? I think I could. Imagine boinking three hotties a day several times a week, pulling down big bucks and being told how wonderful and appreciated we are? No-brainer!
Ah, sweet dreams, lol.

Try going to a M&G someday and then get back to me about what the typical "hobbyist" looks like. lol

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