TER General Board

Four Months to be Pro Active before State, Local, Federal Electionsregular_smile
TheLostSchlong 14 Reviews 4665 reads

The November 2002 elections are not far away.
Instead of cowering in corners, I challenge every one of you to contact a local, state, AND federal legislator, by personal letter FOLLOWED UP BY in-person meeting in the next month.

Tell them that the govt is wasting too much time and money on low impact crimes, such as in the N'Orleans brothel bust by the FBI and the TBD & Naples FLA cases and the DC Downtown Spa case and the Virginia ongoing busts all over, and the Maryland massage parlor harassment of girls supporting their little Asian kids, etc.

Remind them that the USA is the only big country still in the stone age on decriminalization of sex work, except Ireland.
Suggest that the various Canadian and European models be followed in part, as in the Czech Republic, with legalized incall brothels that are modestly licensed and taxed for revenue that goes to public health and education alone, with free medical testing monthly for STDs.

A model law can be simply an amendment to the state and local prostitution laws that says those laws do not apply to establishments or to individuals licensed by the County Health Department to provide consenting adult services in private. Licenses at $100-200 each would work, with the licenses and medical records expressly confidential. There would be only a fine of $500 for failure to have such a license, and no prosecution otherwise. The licensees' names  would be confidential and only available by court order.
There would be a local tax of 5% gross income earmarked for the health department, payable quarterly.
At the national level, perhaps Trent Lott (LOL) or Strom Thurmond (LLOL)could introduce an amendment to the Mann Act and Travel Act to the effect that these provisions do not apply in any way to persons or other entities licensed by a state or county health department to provide personal and private services between consenting adults.

We've talked enough about this. It's time for political action.
In DC the federal rep of course is Eleanor Holmes Norton. Two of the DC City Council women, Ambrose and Schwartz are very smart and approachable. Let's get going!!
Taking this initiative also at this time might give LE second thoughts with any little sting ops that are percolating here and there.

I mean it. Cancel your next bj appointment and write a letter. Follow up with a call in 3 days. Get 2 other people to go with you to meet your representatives. Tell them you are tired of reading about FBI agents listening to wiretaps while the WTC is being hit by jetliners!!

I just received a Jury Duty notice.  Talk about low impact crimes...This is going to be such a waste of time.  Trying to figure a way out of it!  Any ideas will be much appreciated. This is what I get for being a registered voter!

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 6:54:47 AM

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 7:32:24 AM

What a facinating way to study the human species.

However, I am paid regardless of WHAT I do.  Your time is your money and that makes it tough.  Obviously your boss can't write a note.  Virtually any excuse (at least where I live) will only delay the inevitable.  Only sure bet is to go first day and foam at the mouth or something. That way at least you will go back to the bottom of the availability pool.

BTW, I have never been picked for a Grand Jury which would be even better.  Concupiesance AND variety.  It doesn't get any more exciting.  (You would be stuck for the duration, however.)

Va Gentleman3183 reads

How do you know it will be a low impact crime and if it is, wouldn't you rather that peers with some common sense like yourself be on the jury? If only the lunatic fringe serves on juries, then the lunatic fringe dictates. This is your chance for "jury annulment" if this turns out to be government meddling in personal stuff. On the other hand, if the case turns out to be serious crime, fry em!!!

b u d d h a3688 reads

The Lost Schlong (TLS),

It's time for you to run for office. We need more people with liberal, progressive thinking minds at all levels of political office -- from the city Mayor's office to the White House.

Cheers mate!

Number Six3862 reads

I used to be a Republican, until I saw the Religious Right (an oxymoron if I ever saw one) take over with their 14th Century Torquemadaesque approach to handling societial ills.

My solution is to vote straight ticket Democratic all the way. At the very least, it will force Falwell and Robertson to have to love me even more, for all my faults!

Va Gentleman3851 reads

I hear you. Living here in VA where the Falwell/Robertson troops own the Republican party has forced me to hold my nose and vote Democrat in every state election. The current problem with the Republicans is similar to what the Democrats had in 1972; the wings of the Democratic party spanned conservative southerners to liberal socialists. I think it was PJ O'Rourke who said a plane with that wingspan would dwarf a 747! We ended up with more Nixon.

Now the Republicans have the same dillemma. The Republican party has libertarians like me who oppose government social engineering on one side and on the other side religious fanatics who want the government to control the most personal aspects (sex) of our lives. Totally incompatible.

For this hobby to thrive we need less, not more, government meddling. Your fooling yourself if you believe that the DEmocrats won't oppress you, me or any other person if they think it will get them votes. Us libertarians need to retake one or the other party!

Garry Moore2977 reads

The last great Republican president was....Bill Clinton, a Democrat, at least nominally.

I won't discuss W or his daddy more than what is needed here, but suffice to say, let a former oilman/spook get that much power, and you can see what mischief it can cause. Daddy's cronies includes guys named Saddam, Osama, Manuel and last, but not least, Ruhollah.

But hey, the girl action is great in Houston, that's probably no accident either. Nothing like grabbing a cold one and a blowjob from a hottie when you've had a rough day plotting the New World Order!

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