TER General Board

Found TER by following a Wikipedia link....
hardknocks6 37 Reviews 191 reads

I was reading a Wikipedia article that referenced prostitution.  The word "prostitution" was in blue, indicating it had it's own Wiki article, and I clicked through to find out what Wikipedia had to say about the oldest profession.  There was a link in that article that led to a couple of click-throughs and I found a reference to TER.  So I found it just by regular old "surfing the net".

I lurked for about two months before I joined and bough VIP.  Then I lurked for another 14 months before my first date with a provider.

I started with BP learning about it from news on the website (lol). This was about 5 or 6 years ago. I then met one BP girl (who is now a TER girl) and she told me about TER 4 years ago. I can't believe what I was doing before and the risk I was taking without TER. I have now developed some wonderful relationships and references. I have relied on TER religiously since then and always make sure the provider has positive reviews.  

It still took me awhile to actually join because of privacy reasons even though all you need is to create an email to start the VIP (as long as you provide reviews regularly). I finally joined last year and have enjoyed the juicy details and writing reviews for the lovely ladies I've met. I also love reading the general discussions and contribute occasionally. It's great to see everyone on the board (hobbiest and companions) come from all different stages of life and civilized 😉 majority of the time to each other (with humor as well).

So, what is your story on joining TER....

And BTW, thanks TER and boys and girls keeping me entertained!

I was originally on this site as denverdon2757, then changed to my current handle of doncord a few years back.  I rely on it for all my dates

I've been hobbying for almost three years now but didn't know about TER until last May.  A BP girl I had a couple dates with told me to check out her TER reviews after our first date.  I've been relying on it since.


Saw Sweet Latina from the now defunct LA Ladies back in 2000. She turned me on to it and I haven't looked back. I looked back at my first reviews that weren't approved and dam, what was I thinking.

I was doing a double with a MP gal I had already known about ten years (Still know her.) and her house cleaner, if you can believe that.

Anyhoo, the two of them  were chatting away during the seventh inning stretch, and one of them, new to the internet (as was I) said there was some website where you can read reviews of providers -can you believe that?  She said it was called "Dog Eat Dog", or something strange like that.  So, all ears, I got to my computer and searched and searched until I came upon that "shall remain nameless" site, and then eventually to TER, which I found far more to my liking anyways.

I did not join however, because I only had a work email which I did not want to give out, and foolishly thought I would have to pay a fee to get another email on some site like Yahoo or Google, until a gal clued me in that these emails could be had for free.  So, around 2005 I joined formally, and the rest, as they say, is history

He is retired from the hobby but not forgotten and definitely missed

I was on another review site and wondered if there were other sites similar in my city with forums.
2010 is the first time I ever heard of reviews for providers and review sites.
When I googled this site came up.I read the different boards before joining as a member

I was watching a special on escorts on the playboy channel and learned of the bow wow site, which I quickly checked out. A post on one of their boards led me to TER, which I always thought was kind of funny considering how TER forbids any mention of their competition. I lurked for a while then signed up in 2000 under a different handle I have long since forgotten. I have been perfectstorm here since 2004. As PS, I also lurked for years, before becoming an active poster and reviewer in 2011. While I enjoy TER and think it is a great hobby site, it is not the only one, and I still use multiple sites, to feed my hobby.

I know of P411 (have not joined), Date-Check (have not joined) and Eros (had an up sell experience). How reliable are the ones I mentioned? And other good ones out there?


TER and P411 is all you need to hobby happily ever after.  I'm a lifetime member on P411

Forbid mentioning other review sites. The ones you mentioned are not review sites so they are ok to talk about. P411 is very reliable. While I am a member of date-check, I have actually never used it, so can't speak for it personally, but other folks use it and like it. EROS is an ad mall. There are some great gals there but also fakes, etc. Anyone you find there, should be cross checked. (I.e. Look for reviews, and other info on her) Don't book someone solely off an Eros ad.
By the way, Google is your friend. ;)

2011 was the year that I discovered TER, but I did not become a VIP until 2012.  I have been hooked ever since.  I have developed great lasting friendships all over the United States as a result of my participation on TER.

I could not imagine being a part of the hobby community without it.

Posted By: UOnlyLive2x
I started with BP learning about it from news on the website (lol). This was about 5 or 6 years ago. I then met one BP girl (who is now a TER girl) and she told me about TER 4 years ago. I can't believe what I was doing before and the risk I was taking without TER. I have now developed some wonderful relationships and references. I have relied on TER religiously since then and always make sure the provider has positive reviews.  
 It still took me awhile to actually join because of privacy reasons even though all you need is to create an email to start the VIP (as long as you provide reviews regularly). I finally joined last year and have enjoyed the juicy details and writing reviews for the lovely ladies I've met. I also love reading the general discussions and contribute occasionally. It's great to see everyone on the board (hobbiest and companions) come from all different stages of life and civilized 😉 majority of the time to each other (with humor as well).  
 So, what is your story on joining TER....  
 And BTW, thanks TER and boys and girls keeping me entertained!

The first provider I met directed me to TER and a few other useful sources of hobby related information. That was about 4 years ago.

Squeezetheorem231 reads

I did not come here to post, or even read the boards regularly until this past year. I had heard of TER, of course, and had work profiles, but the agencies handled any board advertising and interaction. Aside from being shown reviews sometimes or hearing gossip, I didn't give it much thought.  

It always sounded so Thunderdome-esque.  Lol

-- Modified on 2/13/2016 6:46:08 PM

check out her ad on Eros. Found Eros and found several ads that mentioned reviews on TER. Used reviews to find providers and eventually found the discussion boards. And the rest is history.

Wanted to find a hooker but was too afraid of getting arrested to do anything about it.  Checked Boston After Dark newspaper and Craigslist (which was new at the time?)  Had recently heard on a radio show you could find hookers on craigslist.  Found a name and number of a girl I liked and did an internet search on Alta-Vista...boy this brings back old memories.  This was way before Google (and the internet was fairly new?).  Still had a desktop computer.

Anyway this lead me to TER which got me started hobbying.  Had been faithful to my wife for 20 years (had not touched another woman for 20 years) because the wife took good care of me.  One day she she tells me I'm not getting any more blowjobs.  This is what got me started looking elsewhere and it took me a month to find TER and have my first session.  Still married and still no blowjobs from her, but I am happy hobbying!

I was out in the midwest looking for a provider.

I learned about it a really long time ago.
Someone had written me a review before I even knew anyone did such a thing.

Nice to know you are still around.

Ways to avoid that.  I would still love to see a new bp ad by the little hottie that ripped me off

....didn't get serious about it until 2014.

I was first informed about escort review sites by a provider I saw in Portland (Oregon) while there on business.  I told her a story about my earlier getting ripped off (a cash and dash) in that particular city.  She told me about another review site and that I should check things out there.  (She was really a first class provider.)  

When I moved to Las Vegas back in 2002 I wanted to expand my knowledge and find out what other review sites were out there.  Came across TER just by use of a simple search engine.  I lurked for about a year before I joined and started writing reviews and reading/posting on the boards.

Signed up for TER in July 2013.  

In January 2013, I decided to see an escort on my trip to New York, asked an escort twitter friend for any advice, and she said to find one that was well reviewed and independent. Googled "New York Escorts" and the first one I found that had a reasonable rate, was independent and had good looking pictures, I decided to try my luck at setting an appointment. She had a link to TER on her profile so I read some of her reviews. Unfortunately, she was not in New York during my trip, but she was blonde, she was hot, she had big boobs so I really wanted to see her. I was able to book her when she toured DC in July.  

I just use the basic membership. The only times I have VIP access is when I review.

I assume I did an internet search.  Anyway it's been great.  Thanks TER and all you crazy guys.

FatVern192 reads

I was with a provider, when I noticed a six digit code inscribed on her ass, so I Googled it... and that is how I discovered TER.

A fellow hobbyist told me about TER ca. 2002, but I lurked for awhile before joining in 2003. I actually got started in the hobby in 2000 at the Nevada brothels where I met some guys who played on both sides of the fence.  One of the guys told me about TER and gave me some advice on researching indies and told me sign up for VIP to get access to the reviews.  Although in those early years, I had to play legal due to my career so I didn't see my first indie until 2003 after changing jobs.

I signed up in 2005, but didn't get VIP and start hobbying until after my divorce in 2011.

I've never looked back.  

I love my life!

I first learned of Ter from one of my clients that I met in a  chat room.
I believe he learned of it by following a Ter link on a BP ad
Been lurking on the site ever since

the name and number of his special "friend". A few months later, I called. After, she introduced me to TER, P411 and this world

January 2014. And, I’ll forever be in newbie status with such limited reviews as I've never became VIP and haven’t gotten a second review accepted or paid into TER for VIP. However, I’ve gotten to know some of the personalities through the discussion boards and had some fun participating. Although of late, I been away from TER and I just dabble in seeing providers.

But I digress, as far as how I found out about TER, I just surfed the internet looking for the best and safest way to hook up with a provider; then I came across TER. It made sense, even with just reading the general details, it seemed to be enough to go on.  So then I booked an appointment, got a request for a review from the provider afterwards and joined.  

A side story here: Two years ago this day there was a sting called “Operation Cupid” (Google it) on Valentines Day. Eleven men were busted. One was an off duty police officer and another worked for the public school system, made local news after the sting and resigned from his part-time position. When I read this, I felt a calm come over me that I did my homework before I booked. Yet for these guys that got busted, it just didn’t seem fair that one night of anticipated pleasure cost them more than just money for fines, attorneys, etc, it also cost them exposure and listed names forever in cyberspace.

I’m glad there is a better way; I trusted TER and it worked.

-- Modified on 2/14/2016 6:23:25 AM

rollaxroll189 reads

find TER from many providers' personal website. There are many providers that link their TER reviews on their personal website.  It's really hard to miss TER in this hobby world today.   Same for P411.  If you look at their TER profiles, so many have P411 link.  Hard to imagine senior hobbyist who don't know these two websites.

I met a gentleman and I played with his member and he suggested I join ter
Time flies when members have their privileges or when I am privileged to enjoy members

I was reading a Wikipedia article that referenced prostitution.  The word "prostitution" was in blue, indicating it had it's own Wiki article, and I clicked through to find out what Wikipedia had to say about the oldest profession.  There was a link in that article that led to a couple of click-throughs and I found a reference to TER.  So I found it just by regular old "surfing the net".

I lurked for about two months before I joined and bough VIP.  Then I lurked for another 14 months before my first date with a provider.

They wanted to surprise me, and took me to one of the brothels. After returning home I went online to try and figure out what the hell I just experienced. While surfing I stumbled onto TER.

I think lol. You don't expect me to remember do ya? sheesh lol

G xo

Posted By: UOnlyLive2x
I started with BP learning about it from news on the website (lol). This was about 5 or 6 years ago. I then met one BP girl (who is now a TER girl) and she told me about TER 4 years ago. I can't believe what I was doing before and the risk I was taking without TER. I have now developed some wonderful relationships and references. I have relied on TER religiously since then and always make sure the provider has positive reviews.  
 It still took me awhile to actually join because of privacy reasons even though all you need is to create an email to start the VIP (as long as you provide reviews regularly). I finally joined last year and have enjoyed the juicy details and writing reviews for the lovely ladies I've met. I also love reading the general discussions and contribute occasionally. It's great to see everyone on the board (hobbiest and companions) come from all different stages of life and civilized 😉 majority of the time to each other (with humor as well).  
 So, what is your story on joining TER....  
 And BTW, thanks TER and boys and girls keeping me entertained!

A friend was dancing at a local strip club. (2008 the economy went in the crapper as you know. She wasn't making the good money like in the years before.) One of her customers told her about escorting, an agency he used, and TER. She told me about it. She did go to work for the agency and I began seeing the agencies providers about 6 months later. (This was my introduction to seeing escorts. Didn't know I could afford it before this.) I didn't become a registered TER member at first and simply lurked reading the boards and FAQ's. I eventually registered under another handle from this one and still lurked. I probably posted twice under that handle. When I decided to review a favorite in 2010 I changed my handle to what it is now. My history here is all under this handle.

Joined TER in 2003, lurked for a while prior to that.  It has been so long ago that I don't remember how I learned about TER.

As I was entering my hotel room, I heard sounds from the room across the hall that I initially thought were porn, but it quickly became apparent that there was live action taking place instead.  No matter, over the next half hour I unpacked, set up my laptop, and made preparations to get dinner.  As I was making the latter, I heard the door open across the hall open...the lady said "Nice meeting you", the dude said "thanks for coming", then the door slammed shut, with the ladies footsteps fading away as she proceeded toward the exit.  This seemed strange for a second, then it hit me...the dude had an escort visiting!  And here I was getting all ginned up to hit the tittie bar later that night.  I walked over to the window, and saw an attractive redhead, early 30's by my estimation, walk out the side entrance and get into a Lexus, and drive off into the night.  Was she the lady that had just left the room across the hall?  No way to know for sure, but it seemed logical.      

After I was finished with dinner, I Googled "escorts", and TER came up at the top of page one.  After going over a few pages, I eventually returned to the top, and clicked on TER.  Over the next three weeks, I was blown away...read the forums, signed up for VIP, studied all of the newbie advice, and checked out a number of related websites as well.  Eventually, it was time to pull the trigger, and after one false start, arranged to see a lady visiting from Florida in NYC.  She was highly regarded here, and had pages of stellar reviews.  Just as was advised for newbies.

That first encounter was successful, as expected.  Far beyond that, in fact.  Over the intervening years, we developed a friendship that still burns bright.  That first encounter set the stage for so many adventures both with her, and a few others that have made the hobby a significant part of my life that I could never have imagined was possible.  Had I entered that hotel room a half hour earlier later or later... ???

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