TER General Board

For years I was always jittery before and at the start of a date....
russbbj 89 Reviews 2325 reads
1 / 20

So, I traveled today and scheduled my appointment for 4 1/2 hours after my scheduled arrival time, learned a lesson earlier this year to allow ample time in case of delays in flight, I had to cancel my appointment with a TER star because of flight delays. So, we landed about 10 minutes early and I've had too much time on my hand prior to an appointment with a new lady. I've taken 3 showers, brushed my teeth three times, shaved, went down to the managers reception, drank some very bad Bourbon (I guess I'm a Bourbon snob, never thought I'd be a snob of anything but rotgut is rotgut). The anticipation is driving me nuts.

Do any of you guys get the pre appointment anticipation? How many showers do you take killing time?

We'll I'm off to see the wizard, going to hang out in the bar of her hotel, and have a real Bourbon.

Happy hobbying.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 553 reads
2 / 20

Usually two showers if I am hosting at hotel. One when I get in, and then if I get sweaty in next two hours , I will have another..

Looks like your Tribe are ahead against Royals, and I am watching them on ESPN right now...

Enjoy your drink !!

GaGambler 651 reads
3 / 20

unless of course I take another one at her place once I get there. As for Bourbons, be careful my friend. I am a drunk and routinely FUI, if you are really that seriously amped up with anticipation, be careful that you don't drink an entire bottle and end up sleeping through the session that you have been so excited about having. lol

hungry101 64 Reviews 498 reads
4 / 20
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 580 reads
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I know those per-appointment jitters. I never use alcohol to soothe them, but if I did it would be good bourbon, probably, or in the hot weather gin. I think it's okay to be snobbish about Bourbon. I mean, look at the Scotch drinkers for fuck's sake!

I usually take two showers over the course of getting ready, and often a third when I get to her incall.

Sometimes the jitters are intense and make the trip to her place feel like an adventure. But more and more it's a matter of just making sure I've got keys, phone, toothbrush, whatever. Lately the anticipation seems more a distraction to just efficiently getting on the road.

Sometimes I make it a point to take care of a couple of errands (drop off dry cleaning, whatever) just to not get too zingy.

Skinny_Minnie:-) 671 reads
6 / 20

Girls get super nervous with a new guy too, but for different reasons.

We worry if you'll like us, be attracted to us, if we look as good as our photos to you, if we've done enough sit-ups, I shouldn't have ate that damn cookie, now I have gas!, if our hair and makeup looks good, if you like our lingerie, if you're a cop, if you're going to be a psycho, why won't my damn pandora play on this hotel radio?!, if we'll satisfy you, if you'll write a nice review, and on and on....  Pretty nerve wracking

useyrhead 4 Reviews 516 reads
7 / 20

Whoever you are, I'm really starting to like you and your humorous and thoughtful replies. Not sure that you should really care about that. Just wanted to tell you I appreciate what you do.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 618 reads
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i usually bring a few extra pairs of underwear because i have copious amounts of pre-cum at my age..

MasterZen 33 Reviews 588 reads
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although I can get just as excited about meeting someone I know well. Simply different reasons for the feelings

mrfisher 108 Reviews 713 reads
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but now I take it all in stride.

Funny, I always looked forward to getting past the jitters, but now that I have, I look back fondly upon them.  I guess that's part of being human.

I also used to down a jigger of bourbon or two before a date.  Jim Daniels or Wild Turkey for me.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 562 reads
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a drink or two can help ease the nerves and assist your getting laid better in both the p4p and civvie worlds? I guess they didn't call the bars a "speakeasy" during prohibition for nothing...

cspatz 67 Reviews 597 reads
12 / 20

..jitters have subsided over time. My palms occasionally get sweaty. Irish whiskey works for me.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 524 reads
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keystonekid 114 Reviews 571 reads
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meeting or a previous friend; probably more so with a new provider.  Anticipation is good.

If I have extra time on my hands, I will read or watch TV.  I get into "game mode" about an hour before with one good shower, shave, etc. before driving to her incall.  If it is an incall date, I will start my preparation about 40 minutes prior.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 623 reads
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cspatz 67 Reviews 528 reads
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..never even heard of it in my 45 years of drinking. Sipping an Irish whiskey as I pen this seeing as I just got home from work. The dog is bugging me to go out but her will have to wait.

Irredeemable 1 Reviews 464 reads
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I feel you!  Virgin here, and I'm freaking out about tomorrow.

Trying hard as hell not to over-think it and panic.  Have to do a shot or two before it's time.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 545 reads
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Will she cancel last minute, is she as good as her reviews, does she look like her photos?  Will she think I'm too fat, did I shower enough, will she have a shower available for use, will I get ripped off or worse.  Is she clean?  What will we talk about, or will we go straight to it?

It works out in the end but. Jitters are jitters

mrfisher 108 Reviews 597 reads
19 / 20

As Homer Simpson once noted:

Booze, the cause and cure for all life's problems.

2236707 3 Reviews 597 reads
20 / 20

Seriously, the good part of the new-lady jitters is the sweet anticipation but the worst part is wondering if a cop or video crew will be behind the door. I hate that part!

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