TER General Board

Your and you're; ad and add
Nico Veneta See my TER Reviews 2122 reads

When considering whether to schedule an appointment with a companion, how important is their ability to articulate thoughts, use proper grammar, distinguish between commonly misused words like 'your' and 'you're,' as well as understand the disparity between 'ad' and 'add'?

Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of any interaction, be it professional or personal. Being articulate and using correct grammar not only conveys intelligence but also shows respect for the other person by ensuring that messages are expressed clearly and accurately. The difference between 'your' and 'you're' may seem minor, but it can significantly alter the meaning of a sentence, leading to misunderstandings if not used correctly.

Similarly, understanding the discrepancy between 'ad' and 'add' showcases a level of literacy and attention to detail that can enhance the quality of communication. Precision in language is crucial for effective communication and can influence how one is perceived by others.

In a social setting, the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and accurately can contribute to meaningful conversations, foster connections, and create a positive impression. On the other hand, errors in grammar or confusion between commonly misused words may detract from one's credibility and hinder effective communication.

Overall, the significance of linguistic proficiency and attention to detail in communication cannot be overlooked when considering the quality of interactions and relationships, making it an essential quality to consider when choosing a companion.

Lustfully naughty  
Nico Veneta  
[email protected]

not always.

I believe that what a person has to say is more important than how they do it.

Typically when I book a companion, I’m more interested in their looks, personality and ratings, rather than their ability to ace the verbal section of the ACT.   I also find people who act as the grammar police on message boards and social media to be pretentious and, frankly, lame as fuck.  The only exception may be when someone is insulting another person but use the wrong words (eg writing “Your an idiot”).    I’ve been a victim of autocorrect before and written the wrong word, only to have a bunch of message board smart asses challenge my intelligence, which I found to be laughable.  Hope I punctuated that correctly…

between auto correct errors and texting in a hurry, plus trying to keep messages brief,  proper grammar is becoming a lost art.    i do appreciate when i receive entire sentences instead of  "Where R U ?"  ...  there was a story recently online about a 20something year old that got a text from a 35 yr old and could not decipher his intent when after a 1st date he said " had a great time, have a nice day"  

and i plead guilty to not always catching auto corrects of your vs you're  ...  only takes a moment to proofread but seems people just do not do that.  

oh well ..  WTH WTF IMHO so BTW this was my 2 cents   LOL  

(eg writing “Your an idiot”)

I think one should try to read posts in their most positive light. For instances the above typo should be viewed as saying something similar as "yours truly". The other poster must be working hard to establish themself as someone's idiot -- who wants to be some stray idiot wondering the internet without an owner?

while grammar is extremely important, bad grammar will not stop either of us from shtupping an insanely hot woman.
Conan says she won't be using bad grammar when his schlong is in her mouth.

Steve_Trevor23 reads

I saw a granite monument today and looked at its inscription. Someone obviously spent considerable time and money erecting it. It had a grammatical error: it’s instead of its.  

So, no, a provider making a mistake like your instead of you’re doesn’t affect my decision about whether to schedule with her. That’s a very tiny issue in this big world. Kind of like some people making a big fuss about nudity in movies but not about people having their heads blown off.

Typos are fairly common. I don’t take minor typos to mean a person isn’t smart. Also, misusing your and you’re could also be an oversight. I do not assume someone doesn’t know the difference. But hey, if it’s really bad, I will have concerns.

RespectfulRobert24 reads

I say "virtually" bc I am thinking of the worst case scenario where there are numerous misspellings all over her ad, or website, and her grammar is so atrocious that I can barely understand what she is saying, but those cases are extremely rare.  
What I value is beauty, compatibility, and sweetness/kindness. It is hard enough these days to find all three of those qualities without having to add in spelling and grammar as possibly disqualifying. I would disagree a bit with your statement of "Precision in language is crucial for effective communication..." That of course is true in many fields, but I don't think it applies to this lifestyle, at least not for me.  
I don't need a provider to be "precise" in her communication with me, as I just need to be able to fully understand what she is saying. Using your examples of "ad" or "add" or "your" or "you're", I will quite easily be able to understand what she is saying as there will be context provided from the rest of the sentence or paragraph. It's never once been an issue for me.

every provider you have seen, save ONE, the maximum allowable score under TER rules, I agree that whatever their shortcomings may be, they are meaningless to you.  

educated gentlemen prefer educated companions.   I agree 100% with everything you said.  

It's interesting that you say that spelling of homonyms can change the written meaning, yet through context alone when hearing them we can figure out the intent.  In fact most people are not confused when the wrong homonym is spelled out in writing and they can in fact figure out the intent.
English is a bastard language -- which is both a strength and a weakness.  The weakness is its inconsistency and complexity. The strength is that it is quick to adopt new words to incorporate new concepts.  Keep in mind that languages are formed through usage -- rule books are written as an afterthought.
If I am looking for signs of intelligence, I look for structure of thought and not fealty to the pliable "rules" of English.  I'll take a concise thought versus precisely spelled gibberish.

before I realized that straight people can use homonyms, too.      (Okay, it's a joke, but pass the smelling salts to the gasping pearl-clutchers anyway.  Lol)  

I believe that no matter what.....Proper Grammar is the best thing for both the Hobbyist & Provider.  But some grew up in a Ghetto area and just do not care about what they say. It is as if the person that they are talking to must understand what the person is saying.  

If they’re not correct, then the larger ones will most likely be overlooked too.

I know that many providers are not native English speakers so I don't expect perfect English and grammar. It's definitely not a deal breaker for me, tho if the communication is just too hard to manage I will reluctantly walk away 😞

I know many providers who speak perfect Korean, but their English is understandable but not perfect  I, on the other hand, speak perfect English, but my Korean is barely understandable sometimes and other times, downright wretched.  Lol

I was scrolling down the 20+ replies to see if anyone would mention English as a second, third, or more-th (I just made up that word: "more-th: used in place of "fourth, fifth, sixth, etc." when using an ordinal series. Example: "For some Providers, English is not their first language. It is often their second, third, or more-th language.") language.  
I probably do make inferences based on spoken accents, written advertisements, etc.. If someone CLAIMS "I am currently working on my third masters degree ..." but their writing is, uh, not so good, it plants seeds of doubt.

Posted By: lopaw
Re: While I do love a fluid conversation....
I know that many providers are not native English speakers so I don't expect perfect English and grammar. It's definitely not a deal breaker for me, tho if the communication is just too hard to manage I will reluctantly walk away 😞

But I do believe I like “more-th” much better!

Start a petition, I’ll sign it.

Thanks! You're the more-th person to offer to sign it!

Posted By: Lt_FrankDrebin
Re: The word you needed there was Nth…
But I do believe I like “more-th” much better!  
 Start a petition, I’ll sign it.

But I can’t, because experience has been teaching me otherwise. I want to agree with all these people saying that her looks, charm, and bedroom skills are way more important to me than her command of the written word. Honestly, that makes logical sense and I used to think that way. I’ve been finding, however, that poor writing seems to be a fairly good indicator of what kind of experience I’m going to have.  

I had a lit teacher many years ago who would often say spelling is no indicator of intelligence. I agree with that, and I suppose grammar isn’t either. It does seem to be some indication of attention to detail though, at least some of which is required for this line of work.  

Any time I’ve been ghosted or had a provider act wildly unapologetic and aloof about wanting me to wait in a parking lot for two hours even though we set up a time two days prior; it’s always someone who communicates mostly in “text speak”.

I care about it a LOT less around the boards or if we’ve met and we’re just texting to setup a return visit. Most board posts from providers are just them trying to keep their name out there so that they come to mind when clients are looking to schedule. I respect that. I think a lot of the errors in those cases arise from talk to text. Those programs are far from perfect and the lady is in a hurry. Fine.  

However, the providers who can’t even be bothered to proofread when building a website or an ad profile are in a league of their own. They don’t seem to be able to manage their time, in general. These providers usually turn out to be flaky and unreliable, in my personal experience. If I do make it into a room with them, instead of being playful and engaging, they have a “let’s get this over with” attitude, whenever they’re not looking at their phones.  

I don’t know WHY that is. I don’t know what the causal link is, in fact I don’t believe there even is one. I don’t believe it proves they have low intelligence. I am not saying every provider with poorly written sites & ads has these problems, I’m saying almost all of the ones I’ve interacted with. It’s just a pattern I see often enough that terrible grammar is subconsciously becoming a bit of a turnoff.

Re: poor writing indicative of in-person experience

One lady who hasn't posted in a while tended to not write the best in her posts. Maybe a combination of auto-correct/typing on a phone and just rushing to get her thoughts out. This gave no indication of the quality of my experience with her.  

Not only is she very intelligent but time spent with her is amazing - probably the best I've had.  

I have found other ladies who may not have been the best writers with their spelling and grammar but provided top-notch experiences, so I generally ignore writing style when getting to know someone.

RespectfulRobert34 reads

There are just too many other factors at play, especially in these more modern times with talk-to-text, autocorrect, etc for me to be concerned about it unless it is truly egregious and widespread, then maybe that might be a turn-off. MAYBE. Then Lopaw chimed in with an insightful comment that English is a second, or third language for many women, thus further muddying the waters.  
Looking at the responses here from the buyers where we can distinguish what side of this debate they fall on, it seems roughly 75% of them don’t put much stock into grammatical errors. And re: the ones that agree with the OP, I wonder how many of them would REALLY pass on a provider they are wildly attracted to, who possesses a fantastic profile, backed up by great reviews and is compatible with her in terms of cost and her other requirements to see her (deposit, verification needs, etc) simply because she confused your with you’re, their with there, or ad with add.
IOW, it’s one thing to say on this board, in this thread, you (plural) wouldn’t see the type of woman the OP describes…its quite another to pass on her when her availability is staring you in the face and you are desirous of her. Me thinks many, if not all, of the OPs defenders would cave in a heartbeat, given the scenario I lay out above. Well, all of them except CDL of course. We all know him to be a very principled man. Lol.

420Smoka4Eva25 reads

Grammar mistakes are a YMMV thing for me.  

If a provider is trying to position/brand themselves as an educated and erudite provider, they better have impeccable grammar and usage. Any mistake makes them seem arrogant. If a provider is a native English speaker, I'm willing to overlook a few mistakes but I expect the provider to write professionally, clearly and coherently. I don't like a lot of slang or when a provider starts to sound too hood. However, if a provider is not a native English speaker, than the mistakes can become cute and endearing, especially the Latina providers. They try to spell things out phonetically with their accent which leads to some very adorable typos. Yes babe, you are in FLOOSHING QWEENS lol.

Yeah. As I was writing that post I was thinking about one in particular I’ve met who is very intelligent and reliable/punctual. Her board posts are often not grammatically correct, BUT her ads and website are always beautifully written, and if you email her you don’t have to get a HS kid to translate her reply for you.  

That’s why I said I care a lot less about these details in posts. I was talking about the women who never show any respect for the written word. They seem to be the ones who flake on me or are always significantly late.  

I agree with Robert, it shouldn’t make sense. The two things don’t seem to have anything to do with each other. At the same time, how many times are you gonna get burned by something before you start thinking it’s true, even if you don’t know WHY it’s true?

We’re all just thinking from our experiences here, this has been mine. Doesn’t mean I think every provider with less than perfect sentence structure is bad at her job; just that when everything, even her website, is fairly bad that’s sort of a red flag for me.

You mean me holy. But yes I was rushing to get my thoughts out and not thinking about being a grammar nazi.  I thought this was some random petty ass monger board, but clearly I was unaware that this was the Harvard School of Tricks n Hoes. I also did not know I was writing a dissertation about the prostitution world in these discussions 🙃 on that note, peace out

But I do see that for a few nitpickers it's their way to target a few ladies, to kinda give them a jab over their grammar.
And it seems, it only happens on this board....weird, huh?
But in reality, how much written correspondence are you guys having with the ladies? I keep it brief, and simple. We're not discussing over emails or text “War and Peace.  
If I say during our text exchange, “Looking forward to meeting you” and she responds with, “Me two”...am I going to cancel? Is anyone going to cancel over this??...Really?
And I would hope that once you meet, you're not writing notes back and forth in person.
Imagine this, some guy going down on his girl, she moans “Yeah, there” does he stop and break stride and figure, “does she mean there or their or..??”. Or when she says “Your turn”, will he stop and scratch his head and think, “Does she mean you're turn?”....I'm fucking around but some comes off like that.  
In the grand scheme of things, are we going to be that petty? This is a fuck board, you're not opening a joint checking account.But if guys want to treat this board as their ego boost, then have at it.
Oh and Hi Nico...it's been awhile...fun in the sun at the Bellagio. Great time. You're in Ohio, WTF!!!

"I  applaud  you  @Miss Nico Veneta  for  your  exquisitely  written  post!"  "Brava!"  

"0P",  your  post  reminds  me  of  a  particular  person  on  this  "General  Board"  who   vastly  
disagrees  with   our  mutual  compulsion  to  interface  on  a  professional,  intelligent  level.

{ I  submit  said  person's   "direct  quote"  from  a  previous  post }:

    "technology  is  not  always  fun.  
      Auto  correct + grammar  &  I
        speak  🗣️ Spanglish"

{ My  reply  to  this  above  quote  was }:
"In  my  honest  opinion,  there's  no  excuse  for  being  lazy  whilst  communicating  using  the  
English  language."

"0ur  technologically-advanced  age  has  not  hindered  one's  ability  and  intelligence  to  properly  
communicate,  regardless  of  one's  primary  language."
"It  has  vastly  improved  our  lives."

"If  a  person  has  but  a  "pea-of-a-brain",  one  can  communicate  on  a  "Mensa"  level  simply  by  
N0T  being  lazy  with  one's  prose!"

"Just  a  thought?".....  

"Perhaps  use  said  "technology"  to  your  { N0T  "you're" }  advantage  by  expanding  your  verbiage?"....

      “e.g.”  Use  "Google  Translate"  advantageously  if  one  has  difficulty   intellectually  composing  a  
                  thought   from  one's  rudimentary  language!

"I  cannot  excuse  the  blatant  disregard  for  your  ( NOT  "you're" )  constant  inanely  misspelled,  
mis-punctuated,   grammatically-incorrect  and  superfluous  posts,  littered  with  "street-slang"  which  is  
truly  slandering  "The  Queen's"  English!"    

"It  is  not  classy  nor  cute,  however  quite  the  opposite!"  

"Indeed,  if  one  has  an   "Elite",  "VIP",  supposedly  "Intelligent",  and  "College-Educated"  self-branded"  
persona  to  uphold,  rather  you're  conveying   an  off-putting  and  ignorant-sounding  persona  whom  
just  types  haphazardly  attempting  to  bump  your  name  to  the  top  of  the  heap."

{ I've  yet  to  glean  their  response.....  }

@"Miss  Nico Veneta":    
Finally,  To  quote  your  perfectly  eloquent  summation,  of  which  I  unequivocally  agree:  

"Overall, the significance of linguistic proficiency and attention to detail in communication cannot be  
overlooked when considering the quality of interactions and relationships, making it an essential quality to  
consider when choosing a companion."

💋 Affєctionatєℓy  &  Intєℓℓigєntℓy  Yours,
Angєℓina  Jonєs  

In the story of the king who had no clothes, the king was "educated" to believe his clothes were of such luxurious and fine threads that only the most elite could see them.  When a young commoner boy upon seeing the naked King strut down the street exclaimed "The King has no clothes!" the "uneducated" boy proved to the "educated" king that indeed the commoners were too lowly to see his finery.  The king's "education" was reinforced.
The king was "educated" but the boy had "knowledge."    Never confuse the two.

That point being, that people can be so stupid and prideful that they are easily suckered into thinking they are buying something valuable when they are not.

Others will just go along with the herd because they don't have faith in their own judgement and fear being ridiculed when in fact, it is the herd that ought to feel ridicule.

The boy is the innocent who knows better and speaks the truth, thus eventually shaming the rest into finally acknowledging same.

There is really no comment on educated and knowledgeable being made in the fable.

Suffice it to say, many people obtain useful knowledge without having a degree from a school, and many school graduates, despite their education lack a lot of useful knowledge, but I'll still see a doctor, lawyer, etc. who has a diploma on his or her wall every time.

That point being, that people can be so stupid and prideful that they are easily suckered into thinking they are buying something valuable when they are not.

Others will just go along with the herd because they don't have faith in their own judgement and fear being ridiculed when in fact, it is the herd that ought to feel ridicule.

The boy is the innocent who knows better and speaks the truth, thus eventually shaming the rest into finally acknowledging same.

There is really no comment on educated and knowledgeable being made in the fable.

Suffice it to say, many people obtain useful knowledge without having a degree from a school, and many school graduates, despite their education lack a lot of useful knowledge, but I'll still see a doctor, lawyer, etc. who has a diploma on his or her wall every time.

But that's what it takes to get Fester to understand how dumb he is.

[The Emperor]
The suit of clothes is all togethеr
But, altogether, it's altogether
The most remarkable suit of clothes
That I have ever seen
These eyes of mine at once determined
The sleeves are velvet
The cape is ermine
The hose are blue and the doublet is
A lovely shade of green"
(Lovely shade of green)
"Somebody send for the queen"
[Parade Watcher]
The King is in the altogether
But, altogether, the altogether
He's altogether as naked as
The day that he was born
The king is in the altogether
But, altogether, the altogether
It's altogether the very least
The King has ever worn
A derivative concept is from someone's exclamation that, "The Emperor Has No Clothes!"  
"... The phrase has since become an idiom used to describe a situation where someone is pretending to be something they are not, or when something is revealed to be a fraud. It’s a way of pointing out that someone is not as powerful or impressive as they claim to be, or of exposing a lie or deception. ..."
"Since the publication of the original tale, the phrase has since been used as a symbol of speaking truth to power and has been adapted into various forms of media, including books, films, and even political cartoons.  ..."
How many of us had to sit through meetings where some pompous ass is making pronouncements about a project, strutting their stuff, dressed in their finest bullshit and then someone points out one or more major flaws or lies. "Your key component doesn't exist yet. If you actually read the description, you'd know that it's a dream product that might be available after 50 years of R&D. Maybe."

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: I think you miss the point of that particular fable...
That point being, that people can be so stupid and prideful that they are easily suckered into thinking they are buying something valuable when they are not.  
 Others will just go along with the herd because they don't have faith in their own judgement and fear being ridiculed when in fact, it is the herd that ought to feel ridicule.  
 The boy is the innocent who knows better and speaks the truth, thus eventually shaming the rest into finally acknowledging same.  
 There is really no comment on educated and knowledgeable being made in the fable.  
 Suffice it to say, many people obtain useful knowledge without having a degree from a school, and many school graduates, despite their education lack a lot of useful knowledge, but I'll still see a doctor, lawyer, etc. who has a diploma on his or her wall every time.
EDIT: I had to change the wording of the original post so I am submitting this as a NEW post with the same basic message. "The Emperor has no clothes!" is also be about Speaking Truth to Power.

so i copied ALL the texts in this thread to OpenAI and the summary is ....  :::  

This forum discussion focuses on whether grammar and spelling mistakes affect the perception and choice of companions in the context of booking services. Some users argue that grammar is irrelevant to their decision, prioritizing looks, personality, and other qualities. Others feel that proper grammar indicates attention to detail and intelligence, which can be important. There is a consensus that while minor errors are acceptable, consistent and egregious mistakes can be a turn-off. Additionally, the context of non-native English speakers is considered, with many agreeing that understanding and intent are more important than perfect grammar. Overall, opinions vary, but the importance of grammar seems to depend on individual preferences and the context of communication.

yay --- now i don't have to read 47 posts  LOL

John_Laroche25 reads

That said, I don't put a priority on spelling or grammar in choosing to see a new provider. The vast majority of providers that I have seen 10 or more times were ESL. Spanish, Thai, French, Portuguese.  
I do, however, feel some frustration when a provider can't put a sentence together well enough to communicate important information regarding the arrangement we're trying to coordinate and I'm certainly less likely to repeat if we can't have verbal interactions without a struggle. A one-time romp is one thing, but hand signals or translator apps don't cut it if I want to communicate a particular preference, or just want to chat during foreplay or downtime.  

On another note, when a provider talks about her education, professionalism, "high class", etc... but can't, or won't differentiate between your and you're, and seemingly can't put together a coherent sentence, I have no problem calling them out; even more so when they post total gibberish on a forum.

I'm a professional writer, so you might expect me to be a stickler for proper spelling, grammar and punctuation, but I'm not.
In fact, it's because I'm a writer that I understand the most important aspects of communication are the ideas a person is conveying and the clarity and logic through which those ideas are conveyed.  Of course proper spelling, grammar and punctuation are intended to provide clarity, but their absolute perfection isn't necessary.
To this point, I've read plenty of posts where I though the person was dumb and consequently lost interest in them -- but again, I'm usually making that assessment of their IQ based on the ideas and structure of their thoughts, not their typos.
I'll also offer this:  if you can't understand an idea being conveyed unless it conforms to a strict set of rules, then you probably have a low verbal IQ.
As many people have pointed out in this thread, there are all sorts of reasons for typos in posts, ranging from auto-correct and text-to-speech populating the wrong word to fat-fingering mistakes.  I've suffered those mistakes myself.  I absolutely know the difference between "it's" and "its", but I'm certain there must be posts of mine with those terms mistaken.  And finally, lots of providers have English as a second language.

And don't forget, there are a lot of pinheads out there who get their jollies by pointing out the mistakes of others so they can feel superior.

Not ALL Pinheads are like that.

Posted By: mr5mike
Re: Additionally
And don't forget, there are a lot of pinheads out there who get their jollies by pointing out the mistakes of others so they can feel superior.

It’s funny to me because you posted your website & email it’s, like an ad. If grammar was important, so would credentials. I have a college degree. I have certifications that’s don’t matter here. TER is a fuckboard is what I was told ten years ago.  

If something has changed please lmk.

John_Laroche19 reads

telling others that they don't matter, while at the same time,laughably calling our another provider for a potential threAD.
The irony is strong.

That being said, I can overlook errors/misuses in texts and emails to a certain degree. It happens to all of us as y’all have noted. I do hold it against her if her add that she has carefully curated to withdraw as many funds as possible out of us for her services has errors. It should be pristine.

Nobody called me out for dropping the “add” Easter Egg?  👀🤓

Pedantic, supercilious, didactic--not so much.

In reality proper grammer does not matter, because most of the Providers & Hobbyists are GHETTO (Street improper Talking)  type of people (Sorry to say it that way but it's true and ok).

Very ironic post for obvious reasons.  Your clientele perhaps,  but I wouldn’t generalize.  

John_Laroche11 reads

From 30,000 feet she's probably correct.  TER-world is a small piece of the industry, then add in the "luxury providers" who are ghetto IRL, only exposing themselves in their oft word salad-posts with no regard for convention or syntax.

Word Crimes .. a quick funny must see ..should end this series of posts !


Posted By: nevertoolarge
Re: a funny must see video guide to good grammar
Word Crimes .. a quick funny must see ..should end this series of posts !
(I hope the link works. I tried to create a web accessible Rebus Puzzle that says, "One can hope." in reply to "should end this series of posts." The Rebus should look like ( bone - b ) ( candy - dy ) ( hole l=p) . It can be hard to comment on the grammar of a Rebus Puzzle.)

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