TER General Board

Another curiosity of mine that my former inquiry got me wondering-- how important to a man is the...
danielle dubois 8184 reads

...atmosphere of the environment?

When a lady has an incall session, and her house isn't what you expected, does your excitement meter go down any? Now of course I am not talking about if the woman's incall place is horribly dirty or foul smelling or full of massive amounts of piles of crap and clothing; that, is just ghastly and you would be expected to want to leave or at least make note of it in the review... but I am curious, how important mood lighting and soft music or candles would be to a man... do they set the mood? do they turn you on even more? if she greets you with wine and appetizers in a little negligée are you automatically doubly aroused? do you give any credit in her favor if you have scheduled a last minute appointment and she isn't doing anything like this? does it make any difference to you if the magic fades after two or three times and the fourth visit she doesn't bother being so romantic? or are you still thinking from the moment you enter and all throughout the entire session "ooooh, boobies, boobies, boobies!" and/or "oooh, Im a-gonna get me some!!!"

and dont give me any of that crap that any man that notices is gay-- I know some of you notice, and are very hetero!


-- Modified on 5/2/2005 7:57:52 PM

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 4:14:02 PM

sicnarf2734 reads

i'll be honest - and say that I think I do not care... but the two best providers that I have been with - take great pride in providing a really nice place to meet....  and they both got a 10 in performance from me - everything from selection of music to even once having strawberries and chocolate waiting for me!  What a sweetie!  so, while it may not count as much as I think I think - I think that it indicates how a woman approaches the "event!"  

I should also say that in both of those instances the evening turned very personal - and was absolutely magical - so setting was important.... hope that helps.....

GaGambler3790 reads

Does that mean that I can't make any references to being "interior designer" gay. Fine, serious question, serious answer.

I believe a provider has the onus on her, just like men do in a "civie" relationship to keep it fresh, ie romantic, special, etc.

There was a post earlier about a guy who was bored with his ATF after two years. I don't want to use the same standard as opposed to a double standard but men get bored the same way women do. Let's face it, sex is only two things, friction and fantasy. The friction doesn't change much, the fantasy does.

I promise, this will be my last serious reponse of the evening, and don't call me hetero. I'm actually a lesbian trapped in a man's body lol

GaGambler3669 reads

Yes I was, but I promised no more serious answers until I read Snowblind's post

I always appreciate the effort at atmosphere. But my premium is on low-volume providers. I have noticed very few high-volume girls do outcall, so that's kind of my hedge against being the third-in or more. When I make exceptions and do incall, I don't expect much more than a clean place, a water and a pleasant mood.

There is no better window dressing than an amazing woman. No its not just "boobies, boobies, boobies!"

To me a kiss and an inviting smile kills me every time.

Now with that said...

nothing kills it faster than a place where you are scared to put your jacket down because it might become infected. Maybe if her boobies were awsome enough I would forget that too!

dirty sex can be hot too. lol

Oh hell who am i kidding... its "oooh, Im a-gonna get me some!!!"

I drive a car that is expensive and is noticed, so I don't use providers who do not live in an upscale apartent or use a hotel/motel where the car will stand out too much.  Providers in such places usually also have nice atmosphere inside.  Only thing I hate is the tv being left on during a session.

maybe she is telling you the TV is more interesting, next time bring an apple so she can chew on it while you are there

Bizzaro Superdude2755 reads

Me think Tarzan go to those girs.... in tents...  Jane and cheeta get mad.
TV left on - that big problem.... why do Canadians like to do it doggie???

Cause that way they can both watch the hockey game....hee hee.

I like a well prepared atmosphere for most encounters.  Candles, lighting, some nice light jazz/instrumental stuff all just adds to the moment.

I also love it when there is ice cold water around, for those inbetween moments when I need to catch my breath.

shakeyjoe2928 reads

To me the good atmosphere is very important. It adds alot to the moment and because I'm not looking just to get the release, but to have a great experience that will make me want to come back. It also gives the impression that the provider really does care and wants you to relax and enjoy yourself and that its about more than the $ for her. For me, a GFE includes all those elements. If it didn't matter, than I could always go to a cheaper provider at the closest motel for less $ and get a quickie. But I want it all...its my escape.

Doctor Gonzo2683 reads

I am not gay, and I most definitely do notice the environment and atmosphere. I've walked out because of unexpected "other guests" in the back bedroom of a trick pad, and because the place smelled badly of cigarettes.
I have no qualms about walking out if it doesn't feel comfortable for me.
I prefer outcall anyway. My stash is much easier to get at when I'm home! Woohoo!

Atmosphere is probably not as important for men as it is for women.  But most of us guys do appreciate the effort made, and if the effect makes the lady happy, then it makes us happy.
That said, some things do make a difference to us.  A nice aroma in the air, soft but adequate lighting (We guys are very visual; don't deny us this with dark rooms.), and soothing music in the background are all very nice.  Provide a beverage, even if just a cold bottle of water, and have some candy mints around.
Most important though, for the guy, is to be greeted with a warm smile by a lady who smells good and wears a sexy outfit, be it lingerie, dress or whatever.  Do wear heels, and remember many of us middle aged guys like to see a lady in pumps or stilettos more than in platforms.  Thats about it, FWIW.  Hope it helps.

When I was young and in a rush only the boobies and the thought that I am going to get me some mattered.  Luckly I have survived and hopefully matured and there is nothing like being greeted by a beautiful woman in lingerie and a soft smile.  The atmosphere of candles and music really helps set the mood for me.  On short notice of course things can be expected to be less but a neat house helps or at least a clean bed room.  More important is a safe nieghborhood.  This is my humble opinion but I have been told I am wierd and diffrent.  I often bring flowers to my friends.

BILL183563606 reads

to me. Smells in particular would drive me right out the door. No offense to cat lovers and I like cats but I simply can't tolerate the smell.I also have no interest in having a dog sniffing my crotch.

Presentation does matter and if that makes me gay then I'm finally out of the closet. Now if I made a lsat minute appointment and she was simply accomodating my schedule its all on me and I have no right to complain about anything.

Soft,lighted unscented candles...

easy going mood music, Sade works wonders...

some cold bubbly champers...followed by

warm teasing titilating sweet nothings whispered in each others ears


a peck on the cheek

a lustful embrace

eyes meet again

then our hot lips and tongues entwine with passion

and then...



I think it's very important. There has only been a couple of times that I can think of where the atmosphere ruined a session for me.

I really don't care for the music though and I don't drink alcohol so that doesn't matter to me.

stays in Vegas. I called a provider on a lark on a Saturday morning some time back. I was really surprised even that she picked up. We had exchanged a couple emails prior. She envited me over right then, so it was sort of sperm of the moment. This excited me.

When I arrived at her condo and parked right outside her back door in the carport and entered the door of her pad, I was totally surprised. Not only surprised, shocked in fact of the condition of the place, her unkempt persona at the door with a dirty unbuttoned silk shirt or something. Yes, I should have left, but let's see. Discussed fee and was shocked to here she wanted 5, which was far from ad on web site. Settled for less and thought I could get BBBJ and get out of dodge.

Cat's running all over the place, even on the bed during the deed. Clothes all over the place, no closet doors, so everything was everywhere. This does not even tell the whole story.

I had trouble even keeping it up and the performance was reflective of the condition of her trick pad. It was truly the worst experience I have ever had. I never wrote a review on her, yet see her on this board all the time responding to threads. Best to just let bad experience die. But then this thread came along.

....would you like to talk about it? you sound like you have some issues there that you need to get off your chest. Maybe you should contact her and let her know you feel that way. Has anyone else been to her incall and wrote a review about such a horrid experience? I wonder...


No I have no issues Dani. If I did, I would have written a reveiw of my experience. It is much better to let sleeping dogs ly. And no, there were not other reviews warning of such similar experiences, that was what was shocking to me. Maybe she only did outcall, that's all I could think.

I wish you all the luck in the world Dani, you seem to be a very bright and spriited person on the boards.

...wouldn't chuck it up to your worst experience, after all, you had mentioned it was very early in the morning and last minute, right? and perhaps there are other reasons or unknown elements involved that caused things not to be as you expected as well... then again, it all comes down to a matter of perspective; that is, in the end, what rules most of us, how we see and intemperate things...


and I have certainly moved on as she probably has too. Your also right about early morning and spur of the moment encounter. Perspective is a funny and often misunderstood thing.

The environment can play a big part of the experience.  Whether your tastes go to a dungeon or a romantic oasis filled with candles, they help set the mood.  We men are visual creatures and you providers are the focal point, but the little extras can push the experience from good to amazing with the right ambiance.

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