TER General Board

For all the married and attached gents
blondiegirlxxxx See my TER Reviews 5025 reads
1 / 40

I am curious  about how the married and attached guys eould feel if their wives or girlfriends were in the hobby as well and I don't mean as a provider.  What if she were seeing straight male escorts like the Cowboys for Angels?  Would you be ok with it?  Shouldn't it be ok for her  to indulge as well?

micktoz 41 Reviews 41 reads
2 / 40
lopaw 29 Reviews 44 reads
3 / 40

.... because if it's good enough for me then dammit it's good enough for her too!!  

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 29 reads
4 / 40

Realistically, though, there's a much better chance that the Browns win the Super Bowl in 2018 than my wife wanting to see male escorts.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
5 / 40

Because my late wife was hot enough to get laid by a younger guy on the side without paying for it.  

souls_harbor 31 reads
6 / 40
micktoz 41 Reviews 27 reads
7 / 40

Yeah, but like us, she would have been paying them to leave.
P4P, most of the time, takes the stalker /needy situation out of it

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 30 reads
8 / 40

my own perspective has changed to that of a single man.  

IMAWINNER 53 Reviews 26 reads
10 / 40

What’s good for the goose...

MasterZen 33 Reviews 34 reads
11 / 40

A little strange every now and then is good for both.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 23 reads
12 / 40

As long as it doesn't cut in to my hobby funds.  

DT_lover 188 Reviews 29 reads
13 / 40

If she ever wants sex i'm right there...in the bed already...and ready to roll.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 29 reads
14 / 40

In that sense your first wife is still screwing you every day.

RSpork 23 Reviews 41 reads
15 / 40

I guess I'd be glad if she re-activated her libido and I'd like to think I'm not a complete hypocrite.
If she found a cheaper hair place she could really see some high-dollar guys.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 58 reads
17 / 40

Because A. - very little to no free time to herself to hide it (like me)
B. - while she is an orgasmic woman who is a tiger in bed wben we do, do it, she has such a low libido that its only about once or twice a month that she actually wants it.
C. - like someone said above - I am right here and available every damn day, she doesn't need to pay for it.  I do, hell, if I could afford it, it would be every damned day rather than once a month provider and 3 x a month SB.  I am a weekly dabbler.  Would be daily if funds and opportunity w/o getting caught could present itself.  But as I always say...  Friday is my day to play. (Yay! Today is Friday! I'm gonna get laid!)

micktoz 41 Reviews 45 reads
18 / 40

.... saying to a friend, "I know my man, he would never fuck around on me."

You guys are hilarious.

GaGambler 52 reads
19 / 40

I mean you can't ever be 100% sure, but even after we split up and were living in different states, I heard from mutual friends that she didn't start dating until almost a year after our break up.

Oh and for the record, I never cheated on her either, but I only waited a few days before "getting some strange" after we split. lol

But yeah, I am sure you are right about some spouses being clueless in this regard. The reason I am so sure my ex wasn't stepping out on me is that she tried to stay glued to my hip and we were together "constantly" I just don't see where she would have had any opportunity to cheat on me. That is also a big part of what drove me away. Way too much "togetherness" I am even worse now, anything more that a couple of days of being together with someone and I need some "me time". The longest I have stayed with a woman non-stop without spending a night apart since I bought my freedom was two weeks about three years ago and a ten day vacation (the longest ten days in my life) to Hawaii maybe 8 or 9 years ago. Other than that I can't remember spending more than a week with one woman in the last twenty years or so. Needless to say, I don't see myself ever getting married again. lol

Fridays117 27 Reviews 44 reads
20 / 40

Same, 99.99999 percent sure.  Never cheated first few years on her.  Wish I had neber gotten married actually now.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 32 reads
21 / 40

... (a really close friend), "I've given my man (or woman, lopaw!) permission to fuck around", or other words to that effect.  Some very understanding, loving SOs who don't have the desire and/or ability to please their men sexually but want them to be happy, so they outsource it.

GaGambler 36 reads
22 / 40

It was still expensive, but a lot cheaper than if I had put it off for year after unpleasant year like many of the guys here have done.  

Yes, divorce is expensive, but so are most things that you REALLY REALLY want. lol

Looking back on it, I don't really wish I had never been married. Otherwise I wouldn't have any frame of reference to know if it was for me or not, but I am even happier that I got divorced, worth every fucking penny.

corsean 35 reads
23 / 40

If you had a fulfilling physical and emotional marriage would you all still have to feed your old egos with p4p?

micktoz 41 Reviews 31 reads
24 / 40
MissSophiaL See my TER Reviews 33 reads
25 / 40

*wonders how much the men on this board actually knows about a woman's libido*

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 35 reads
26 / 40

... there's many reasons people do p4p.  But if I got the physical intimacy I need from my marriage, I would never have started into p4p.  

STOLGUY 24 Reviews 29 reads
27 / 40

And show me pics and something new when she got back.  Geeeeeeeez

souls_harbor 31 reads
29 / 40

Different standards.   In general, women stray when they fall out of love.  Men stray for variety.  So when a woman strays she's right at the edge of leaving anyhow -- maybe only money or security holding her back.  While a man can stray and not have any intention of ever leaving his wife.

So the woman's reaction to man's straying is more drastic because she projects her own blueprint onto his behavior (he doesn't love me anymore.)  And a woman's straying is more dangerous BECAUSE she doesn't love him anymore.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 36 reads
30 / 40

More women in recent years are straying while still loving their SOs and remaining committed to them.  See for example the article cited in this recent thread.

Posted By: souls_harbor
Re: Double Standards!
Different standards.   In general, women stray when they fall out of love.  Men stray for variety.  So when a woman strays she's right at the edge of leaving anyhow -- maybe only money or security holding her back.  While a man can stray and not have any intention of ever leaving his wife.  
 So the woman's reaction to man's straying is more drastic because she projects her own blueprint onto his behavior (he doesn't love me anymore.)  And a woman's straying is more dangerous BECAUSE she doesn't love him anymore.

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 32 reads
31 / 40

I’m not sure how I would feel about that. I’d probably prefer not knowing.  My former spouse cheated and then ultimately married the guy she cheated with; not sure with how many she cheated before meeting him.  I got over it pretty quick and harbour no animosity.  

Tippecanoe 28 reads
32 / 40

She fucked around on me before, and I was a bit pissed - but hey I was screwing around, too.

She's let herself go, I don't want to fuck her anymore.  So, I'm good.  If she's getting laid, good for her (which she is, we both just pretend we don't know about each other's other life".

So the answer to your the OPs question, no, it doesn't bother me.

TheApe 23 reads
33 / 40

Good point.  
At the end of the day, my position on the original question is I would not be bothered if:
1. The men she is with are not in my circles in anyway
2. She is not negatively impacting my income or business in anyway
3. She is taking care of what she is supposed to do on the homefront and not changing her attitude
4. She is not negatively impacting the health of me or my kids  

What it comes down to is discretion and respect...

Dunkindognuts 30 reads
34 / 40

Since having kids, we live more of a roommate existence and sex is non existent. Not sure how it happened but it has been years. Travel so much we don't even sleep in the same bed (also we both snore) and I found her ever growing dirty draw of vibrators. If she is getting some strange on the side (doubt she would pay for it) good for her.

unbearable-light 1 Reviews 35 reads
35 / 40

it would allow me to be open and less guilty and sneaky about my hobbying, i think it would be fun for her/stress release, and i think it would make her more sexual in general which would actually increase the amount we have sex and decrease her self consciousness with it.

scoed 8 Reviews 48 reads
36 / 40

She provides at a legal brothel in a small Nevada town. She also sees both gigalos and female providers both with me and without me. I am OK with it. It is just sex. Sex is not love. I see other ladies and I love her more than ever. I know she loves me too. She has fun with others but she comes home and loves me and that is what important to me.

Now if she was lying to me about it and hiding it from me THAT would matter to me. The lies hurt. I know. Lies kill marriages.  

A good marriage is built on trust, love, and respect and lies kill all.of that. A while back there was a time the trust wasn't there as we both made huge mistakes and was way less then honest about them. Those lies nearly killed the most important relationship in my life. I was heart broken by her lies, she was devastated with my mistreatment, lies and selfish actions. Lies kill.

We talked things out. Time, work, honesty fixed the damage. We have an open relationship. It is honest and healthy. Her need for strange is met. If I have an itch strange I can scratch it. No poisonous lies, just sex. I am fine with just sex.

inaznow 70 Reviews 32 reads
37 / 40

Same story here.  We are partners in many things...just not sex.  I know she sees some other guys to fuck and I am ok with it as long as it does not impact our family or home.  The only time we have discussed it (after deciding to have an open relationship) was when some Tinder-trash guy got pissd she would not see him again and threatened her by saying he was going to tell me about them and that he saved texts, pics and made videos...all that he was sending me.  I stepped in and made it clear that I knew my wife fucked him and that I also knew his name, his wife's name, where he worked and lived.  Needless to say, he crawled back in his hole like a whiney little bitch and we never heard from him again.

DC9428 2 Reviews 23 reads
38 / 40

...But if I did have a wife, I wouldn't care. In-fact, I'd think it was kind of hot lmao.

Tippecanoe 35 reads
39 / 40

I would be fine, but I wouldn't want to know who she was seeing.  

liloverman 64 Reviews 45 reads
40 / 40

That would be great. It would men that she has an interest in sex and I don't have to keep spending so much money on P2P.

Posted By: blondiegirlxxxx

I am curious  about how the married and attached guys eould feel if their wives or girlfriends were in the hobby as well and I don't mean as a provider.  What if she were seeing straight male escorts like the Cowboys for Angels?  Would you be ok with it?  Shouldn't it be ok for her  to indulge as well?

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