TER General Board

Five dollars is five dollars. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 328 reads


a certain poster whose name could be translated as "tear-a-lot" tells me he is banned from posting.  I'm not sure for how long.  I know some of you will be happy about that, but I sort of liked the opera buffa quality of his work, though it is often hit or miss,  and hope he returns.

I'm afraid I was really warming up to his (I assume) unique view of things. It allowed me to get my daily dose of crazy without needing to venture on to the dreaded P&R Board.

RevEJones702 reads

always imagined it was " second language "   for "farts-a-lot" or  "lots of brain farts "

Posted By: mrfisher
a certain poster whose name could be translated as "tear-a-lot" tells me he is banned from posting.  I'm not sure for how long.  I know some of you will be happy about that, but I sort of liked the opera buffa quality of his work, though it is often hit or miss,  and hope he returns.

If he gets $5 eight times he's got the $40 he needs for one of his hookers.

Allowing him to post took this board, and TER for that matter, to new lows in terms of credibility.
In a perfect world he will be gone forever IMHO.

JakeFromStateFarm555 reads

He put up three new OPs in a row and I guess Admin felt it was over the top.  So the question is, fish, how long is his posting ban?  I'm guessing a month max.

RevEJones545 reads

hopefully, until he is able to come close to constructing  and properly punctuation a sentence.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
He put up three new OPs in a row and I guess Admin felt it was over the top.  So the question is, fish, how long is his posting ban?  I'm guessing a month max.

And why in the world was your OP with "regrets"?

I would suggest that future trolls have to pass an exam to get posting privileges.

Posted By: mrfisher
a certain poster whose name could be translated as "tear-a-lot" tells me he is banned from posting.  I'm not sure for how long.  I know some of you will be happy about that, but I sort of liked the opera buffa quality of his work, though it is often hit or miss,  and hope he returns.

he was nuts and annoying but in the way fancy is nuts and annoying...while being entertaining at the same time.

i never found his stuff to be as offensive as some around here who are still actively posting.

too bad.

aren't we supposed to be more inclusive now?   Suppressing others' harmless opinions is not really necessary, in my opinion

We'll probably be named co-executors of his estate.

I really don't need a box of bottle caps, do you

For all we know, he could have begun to annoy people by PM.

Actually, why the pleasure in seeing him banned unless he did something bad to one of us? As is frequently repeated and repeated on this board, if you don't like his(?) posts, ignore them.

-- Modified on 9/23/2016 10:37:07 PM

For a few days, or at least posts, his material was somewhat intelligible and I have to admit it wasn't nearly as amusing.  Here's hoping his TER imposed rehabilitation goes well and he continues to entertain us in the future

Skyfyre336 reads

For setting an example that those criminals who violate and butcher Engrish with impunity now will no longer be tolerated.  

Next level of punishment upon repeat offensive:  deportation to country of origin

He wasn't the best troll, but bless him he tried. I even laughed at some of his posts. Hope he gets to come back soon. :(


Posted By: mrfisher
a certain poster whose name could be translated as "tear-a-lot" tells me he is banned from posting.  I'm not sure for how long.  I know some of you will be happy about that, but I sort of liked the opera buffa quality of his work, though it is often hit or miss,  and hope he returns.

There's a couple more that should be banned

His plan is to enroll at JDU immediately and before we get to "Hobbyist 101", we will put him in a crash course of remedial English.  

But don't worry Fishbro...that won't happen until after his delousing. LOL

Prayers, best wishes and giving ME tips on hot, young, discounted hookers is what is best for him. :)

Please, no other visitor requests for now. Fancy and Mtedewking are all he can handle at this point.

With my guidance, what could go wrong? :)

Zzbottom2322 reads

Just trying to read his illegible posts were exhausting.

I think he was a fraud and imposter.  
Too many times his posts were semi lucid and I think that's when he unintentionally dropped character.

You should be jumping up and down with joy. Hope the TER slams his ass on the way out. Then TER should lock it and not let that troll back in

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