TER General Board

fat guys
dallas4u1969 See my TER Reviews 44 reads

I always say..I need a chuibby hubby for my chunky monkey...I just go with the flow an have fun!

Guys are always talking and writing about a lady's size and shape - but if the shoe was on the other foot, what would providers say?  Ladies, what percent of your clientele are fat or overweight.  I'm curious to see if the results are different in different geographic areas...

Too many Fatburgers  !!!    But Clean....LOL

J. Wellington Wimpy, to be precise.

Oh OK, thanx haven't seen Wimpy in a long time LOL   Where's Popeye, Oliveoil, and Brutus

...That's because he was in the movie theater in 1933 when they showed the first Popeye cartoon before the double feature of "King Kong" and "The Invisible Man."

and stop proving how much you know about what happened in 1933.  I had no idea you were such an expert on ancient history, Olive.
At least Olive was skinny.  She probably had no excess skin from her days as a fatty.

providers that I see that have a weight statement on their website; something like "prefer men no more than 50 pounds overweight". These type statements are not nearly as common as "prefer gentlemen at least 40 yoa or no AA.

And just say "Height should be more than circumference."

The size of his wallet should be more important than the size of his gut, or his dick.  

She's not there to find her ultimate Brad Pit surrogate. She's there to provide a service. He's paying, she's providing. As long as the guy is clean, pays as required, is polite and doesn't ask her to do anything unsafe, she should be glad he choose her to provide.  

I suspect that the % of guys who use provides who are overweight is fairly consistent with the % of overweight guys in the local population.    If there is some presumption by the OP  that fat guys can't get laid with civvies as much as fit guys do, and therefore a larger % of a provider's clients are fat, that's just not accurate.  

Seriously, if you want to know what % of the hobbyist population is fat, go spend an hour people watching at the mall.

Fatties tend to fart more..

But then I saw one of those charts in my doctor's office.  Said for my weight, I should be 6'6".

Felt much better.

 I realized that my problem wasn't that I'm too heavy...... Its just that I'm too short.

You have more Chins than a Chinese phone book, we still love ya.

HA! The only phones they have in China are the ones they steal from the Apple factory. So no phone books.  

Now, if you said "Hong Cong" ...

I know I'm a newbie here in this world
But I'm certainly not a newb as far as life and sex go
One thing I've learned over the years is that
What is pleasing to the eye doesn't always equal to what is pleasing to the touch (or taste😋)
Bigger guys and gals can definitely rock your world just as well as the gorgeous beanpoles of the world
It's all about attitude and chemistry, IMO
just my .01 cent

I had sex with overweight gentleman that have rocked my world..and I had sex with super fit guys that left with with a bad taste on my mouth "literally"!  

It's more how that person make me feel and yes from the inside out!

If I could fuck fat broads, or old broads or ugly broads, my trifecta of "feas, gordas y Viejas" think of how many more women would be potential "fuck mates" for me, but alas I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't need beauty queen looks, but a woman has to meet certain minimum standards in appearance for me to have even the slightest interest in her.  I just kicked a 19 year old SB to the curb after she gained too much weight for me to want to fuck her. Now before you flame me for it, I didn't tell her she was too fat, I am not THAT mean, but I haven't returned her calls for a couple of months now so I am pretty sure she got the hint.

I guess that is just one of the many reasons I would make a lousy hooker even if any women were interested in paying me for sex, it's almost certain that the women willing to pay the likes of me for sex would not be anywhere near hot enough for me to fuck for all the money in the world. I am VERY happy that not all women are as shallow as me, or I'd probably never get laid. lol

No, Drop Dead Gorgeous does not guarantee great sex, but old, fat or ugly pretty much guarantees a lousy time, for me at least. My apologies in advance for all the old, fat, or ugly women I just offended. lol

left a bad taste is because the fit guys are eating hummus, and the fat guys are eating cream puffs and eclairs.  Its not complicated.  

Today I witnessed a scantily clad, extremely obese gentleman eating a large number of Twinkies dipped in hummus
Wtf was that about? Talk about a bad taste in your mouth
I could tell he was conflicted
Nice guy though

Because they are left with acres of wrinkly, stippled, excess folds of skin.

-- Modified on 9/12/2017 7:49:40 PM

was "weight" not "fat."   I have had friends that were professional body-builders that reduced their muscle mass and had the same problems with their skin.  In most cases, it can be surgically corrected by some removal and repositioning.  

Have you ever seen pictures of these people?  They look like human Shar-Peis.

Even though I'm extremely low volume, the majority of men I've had the pleasure of spending time with are quite healthy physically with quite the stamina to match lol. Especially as of late lol.

I always say..I need a chuibby hubby for my chunky monkey...I just go with the flow an have fun!

I know for sure I am a fat boy

Actually most of my clients are in fantastic shape. They hit the gym on a regular basis and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle from what we chat about when we meet.

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