TER General Board

Excellent Idea Suzanne, can I be exempt from that though? LOL (eom)
Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2646 reads


ex-NYorker6950 reads

I've just been through about three dozen ladies websites and it is amazing the number that say "beautiful and attactive".

Just once, I'd like see a provider post on her website "Dumb as a box of rocks and built like a VW Beetle". LOL

You know the ladies I'm talking about. The ones who's photos are either so blurry or are wearing tent-like clothing or where the angle of the photo is so oblique that you know she's hiding something that is going to scare you away if she revealed the truth.

I highly recommend you stay away from those providers that scare you, have baggy dresses or are the boogie lady in disguise.

Otherwise pick another topic.

MsColdHeartedBitch4951 reads

oh this is good, thank you. there are no ugly or stupid clients either. nor smelly or gross, not to mention fat, no no fat ones, nor any that always hit you up for 'discounts' or say they'll give you a 'great' review.

btw I'm an ex new yorker too. waaaaa

Suzanne in San Diego2310 reads

.. to submit a picture of themselves naked whenever they contact an escort for an appointment... I wonder if that would shut ex-NYorker up, Smarty?  :-)


BlackListDiva3696 reads

Oh Im in!!! I'm SOOOOOO in!!!! When will this movement start, Suzanne? Can we also destruct careers (instead of just post pics) of the random clients that reviewed us badly but are truly "ugly and stupid" themselves?? And ruin our business for months to come until we get another "normal" review again??

Wonder how they would like it....hmmmm.

A Different Viewpoint2471 reads

..The customer is always right.

Wow, how many of you forget that we men are the customer.  We are the ones paying the money.  Men having to submit a picture?  What's next?  Having to submit a picture to buy that nice car?  

As to "fat" wow!  Does it really bother you that someone is larger?  Talk about small minded!

WebTerrorist2337 reads

Ok, you do know that doesn't actually exist anywhere, right?

The actual rule for businesses is "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone".

There is no business where any and all customers are "always right".
I guarantee you if you behave in a certain manner no business anywhere will think you "right", no matter how much you pay.
Cause a disturbance in a hotel, they will throw you out, and you won't get a refund. Be rude to waitstaff and other customers, and no retsaurant or bar will say that you were right.
Go into car dealership, and yell, kick the cars, belittle the employees, scare the other people and you will be shown the door.
Go to an "exclusive" night club and not have the "right" look and you are not getting in.
Go to fancy restaurant with a dress code, and not have the proper attire and you will not be seated...and you can slip the maitre d' a tip...but it won't help.

It is arrogance to have an attitude of "I'm the one that's paying so you will do as I want." without respect for the business you are attempting to give your patronage to.

The idea that a lady in this business should have to take any and all clients simply because he has the required fee is ludicrous. No business serves absolutely everyone simply because they may have the money for the goods or services offered.

Now, as to Miss Suzanne's post and idea of having nude pictures required of clients...note the "smilie" at the end of her post, this indicates humour.  She was making a farcical statement in reply to the original post in the thread...and anyway...who would ask for a nude picture first...first you get the clothed picture, then if they don't look too bad you ask for the nude...come on...*smirk*

As for your statement about about "fat", I see no mention of weight in the post you replied to.

QUOTE: ".. to submit a picture of themselves naked whenever they contact an escort for an appointment... I wonder if that would shut ex-NYorker up, Smarty?  :-)"

No mention of wieght, size, fat...

That said though, I am sure if a lady would be characrterised as small minded and be admonished for a statement of one's weight, then you also must PM every reviewer that makes statements about a lady's weight, or any other aspect of her appearance and tell them how small minded they are.  I assume if you see a post anywhere on the boards mentioning a lady's weight and appearance you rightfully chide the person that made the staement, and let them know in no uncertain terms they are short sighted, small minded, judgemental, etc. and that it is reprehensible that they would use appearance to decide whether or not too see a lady.

I am also sure that if this is such an afront to you, that you never look at the galleries on a lady's website as it would be shallow to base you thoughts of her and seeing her on what she looked like...you would also never mention in any reviews you may make any remarks critical of her appearance because surely it would not bother you that much, and you are not small minded.

(please read the above post whilst smirking, it gives the required tone)

In the interest of full disclosure:  I am short, fat and ugly...lest anyone were to assume I am so  physically pleasing as to be the able to speak for the beautiful people, or be offened by the less than attractive...nope.

Webbies evil twin1841 reads

As usual, you went right for the throat, and I think you're right on base.

But really, as kids I don't remember you being any shorter than me...and if we look the same, are you implying that I'm not a beautiful swan?  I see counseling in my future, and it isn't gonna be cheap.

WebTerrorist3027 reads

We don't look alike...

you are the beautiful and tall swan,
I am the ugly and short duck.

Webbies evil twin4014 reads

You always know the right thing to say.  So ducky, wanna go for a swim???

Suzanne in San Diego3066 reads

As has happened in the past, my national movement to require clients’ pictures was meant to be a joke, and a jab at the original poster. Obviously it wasn't considered a joke.... maybe I should just stop posting on this board altogether!!  


PS I do remember posting something on this board about 'Client satisfaction should always be first and foremost', and that's all I'll have to say for a while!

I think that's an excellent idea Suzzane. And based on the responses by the other providers below you, quite a popular suggestion. I propose you all commit to test market this idea for a period of three months, then report back to the forum here on how it went. :)

MsColdHeartedBitch2652 reads

hun, wait let me find a new stick of gum. You can call me anything you want.

ReticentMale2695 reads

So I guess you knew who I was referring to - LOL... take no offense - and find another stick of gum...

ex-NYorker1823 reads

"hun, wait let me find a new stick of gum. You can call me anything you want."

Man oh oh man.... You just conjured up images of my old girlfriend from the south shore of Long Island. You wouldn't by chance be from Massapequa? ;) BTW: She WAS a cold hearted bitch. But I mean that in a good way.

MsColdHeartedBitch1400 reads

not Massapequa, but manhatten, flushing, I have a little staten island in me, oh and some jersey too, oh and I'm a whacko.

You're description sounds very much like the rumors I've been hearing about me of late.

...you ladies are the ones selling the fantasy. There's something about having dough that makes a man look good.

"Back then then, they didn't want me; now I'm hot, they all up on me."

If all a man needed was money to get in my pants, I'd be booked from now until the year 3000. Unfortunately, many of you boys are under the impression that many providers are simply money hungry bitches looking for the next trick. Sure, there are some women like that but there are many more, especially the ones who post here, who have standards. Gasp! Can you imagine a whore having standards? Yes, that's right. My clients MUST be kind, respectful, ultra clean, light hearted, gentle, prompt and genuinely nice people. If they aren't all of the aforementioned, they do NOT have the golden ticket in order to gain entrance into this whore's heaven. No amount of money makes an arrogant jerk with a stinky ass and demanding personality sexy. None. Do you hear me? None.

When I was young and dumb, I'd allow men like you to dictate how *my* business was run. Now that I'm older and wiser, *I* do everything *my* way. And guess what? My line around the block is longer than ever.

Patooie!3108 reads

You're simply...."comical"... with a big chip on your shoulder and you really have issues with men.

-- Modified on 10/13/2005 8:43:59 PM

WebTerrorist2649 reads

but Miss Interesting Woman's post was not in reply to the original poster.  It was in reply to catdaddy69's reply to Miss Cold Hearted Bitch's response to the original post.

You are correct in that the original thread started mentioned only "stupid and ugly", but in catdaddy69's post he said,
"All the client needs is pretty money, my dear...
...you ladies are the ones selling the fantasy. There's something about having dough that makes a man look good.

'Back then then, they didn't want me; now I'm hot, they all up on me.'".

Hence Miss Interesting Woman's reply about money.
He added the implications of "money hungry" so I guess he must be the simply "comical" one, with a chip on his should and issues about women?

Discussions on message boards do tend to make a lot more sense if you learn how to read and understand the hierarchy of the posts.

A. I was being funny because I get a kick out of how serious and high-minded some of you get whenever someone expresses an opinion that you all don't agree with

B. Whether I have a chip on my shoulder against women canno be ascertained by any of you armchair psychologists. I've got a beautiful sister and daughter and I was raised by my mother. Check the school you got that psych degree from. I happen to LOVE women.

C. Please further entertain me with more pontification...it's been a long day and I need a good laugh.

WebTerrorist2162 reads

Since I wasn't replying to you, or your post, just pointing out to whom Miss Interesting Woman was replying to (you may want to learn the post hierarchy thing too...really, I kid you not, it makes message boards so much more understandable) I wasn't actually making any assertations as to anything about you.

I was pointing out that if by her reply to you that Patooie could conclude about her a chip on her shoulder and issues with men, then the same must be true of your post...see wasn't actually about you...was drawing a parallel of posts and the reaction of one to said posts.

as to your points...

A.) Interesting that you would choose to reply to Miss CHB's post to attempt your satirical (I assume when you state you were "being" funny, you were attempting satire) retort as her posts are rather known for being witty and sarcastic and satirical...odd choice to the post you think an example of "high-minded" and serious.

I of course knew all along you were joking, as anyone that posts anything that seems to cause offense always explains that they were joking...no one has ever made a serious post to anyone in the history of the internet...all posts that offend are made in the nature of humour and all those that reply are simply too serious, or lack a sense of humour of the level of the person that they reply to....of course in reality they also were just joking so no one really over reacts or is overly sensative either...just a lot of jokes, offending those those neither witty or wise enough to understand them in turn.  *smirk*

B.) My post wasn't about you...I stated, I draw no conclusions of you.

If I were to play arm chair psychologist though, I might question your reaction to a post that, if read and comprehended was not only not to you, or in reply to your post but only using yours an a parallel, that you would feel a need to defend how much you LOVE women...
I might ask you why the defensive tone to your reply and why you felt you had to give a resumé of your history with women in your life to "prove" that "LOVE" of women...
but I'm not an arm chair psychologist so I won't question that.  :)

C.) But of course I shall continue to entertain you. I am here to serve. Think of me as a message board jester of sorts.

...boy, Bush really needs to do something about unemployment in this country.

Patooie!1839 reads

Unfortunately you were not astute enough to pick up the association I was trying to make in pointing out that comical or ironical is a provider, like us, using an alias, but one easily figured out. You were correct in my misreading the post however. Now, do you feel better about yourself as being so superior to the rest of us?

-- Modified on 10/15/2005 1:32:00 PM

...kind, respectful, ultra clean, light hearted, gentle, prompt and genuinely nice people."

Hmmm. Let me guess. We haven't met, have we.


I'm sure that you consider yourself a selective provider, and that's your prerogative to think that. But, if you're giving freebies to good-looking guys because it's not about the money with you, then let me know because some of us "boys" got it like that. Bottom line: Wrong is relative to one's experiences. You see it how you see it, and I'll see it how it actually is, sweetie.

Interesting Woman, all this and NO link?

Why do I feel there's something wong with this picture?

SeriouslyThinking2077 reads

Yeah, but we pay you.  Therein lies all the difference.  I grant that there are some behaviors on the part of clients which are plain inexcusable, but you want us for what's in our wallets, not our charm or physical characteristics.

suZeee3019 reads

It's called Marketing mr ex nyer.  I tend to agree with Ms Coldhearedbitch.  Funny thing though....even when you guys get mostly *all* of the pictoral..somehow the imagination tends to want more.  For instance, I put up full photos of me on my site....tell everyone *exactly* who I am...yet mr client shows up and is expecting someone else leaving me with a hotel bill I wouldn't have had.  The clincher of this to me is that I can walk out of that hotel room and pick up some hottie 25 year old and make his eyes go all googly....so I suppose my three heads, which I don't show on my website, added with my stupidity of taking on a client that was less than that....well....what would you do sir?
Yeah....ok.....so you say this in jest.  But you did know you were on a posting board for escorts right?  How stupid are you?  No, sorry, that was out of line.  You don't really need to advertise that.  LOL.

...who will see a stupid and ugly client is a beautiful and attractive lady to me.

Thank you, ladies. I love you all.

WebTerrorist2700 reads

clients have above average penis size, can shoot three times in an hour have exceptional DATY and other skillz and make every lady "O" at least a half dozen times in an hour?  *smirk*

Oh My God this thread is comedy and made me laugh real hard today thanks girls you rock :)

Webbies evil twin1483 reads

...that you doubt the truthfullness of those reviews.  Just how excited would the average guy be to see the lady that just succeeded in getting my overweight ass off in 30 seconds, followed by 20 minutes of begging it to get hard again so I can stick it back in and grind her till she's raw without any hope of me getting off again?  See, we pen those reviews for HER benefit.

WebTerrorist3677 reads

I had missed the altruistic intent of the  reviews, I stand corrected...and am humbled that I was so quick to misjudge the situation. *grin*

Webbies evil twin2273 reads

Just talking generalities.  Personally, I'm quite the stud in bed.  But then again, I'm usually dreaming at the time.

Some posts just otherwise scream it so loud that they don't need a disclaimer.  This is like complaining that knives don't have a warning label that says that they are sharp and pointy-- but I guess those concepts are foreign to you.  Or how about a warning label on lighters that tell tell you that fire is hot.  

Does it occur to you that it would be hard for a woman to stay in the business if she thought of herself as stupid or ugly?   Does it occur to you also that their websites are advertisements.

You would be surprised how many of those 'fat women' are exactly what many men want and find irresistable..  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  The rest is up to using TER reviews intelligently on your part.

..."goddess" having two Ds, but I wouldn't want the lovelies with As, Bs, and Cs to take offence. ;)

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