TER General Board

Exactly my thought!
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 339 reads

You can live fine with one kidney and a partial liver. No big deal.

Is there such a provider that you refuse to see because you're afraid afraid she might ruin the hobby for you?  

If my question is not clear enough please ask and I can elaborate, but I think it's pretty clear. Also for providers. Is there such a client who you saw once and refuse to see anymore because you're afraid of your own feelings about seeing him/her again

NoYellowEnvelope663 reads

... why this is on the Newbie board. It seems like a general question to me.  

But I'll answer based on how I interpreted your question:  there's LOTS of providers I refuse to see because I believe they'd ruin the hobby for me.  By "ruin", I mean the experience would probably be so awful I might never want to see a provider again.  

If I misinterpreted your question, please enlighten me.

GaGambler562 reads

but I wouldn't swear to it. I think she is asking if there was a woman so fucking awesome you were scared that you'd throw rocks at the other hookers after seeing her?

and of course, conversely do any of the women find a guy so hot they wouldn't able to fuck "normal" guys again, even for money?

Or something along those lines.

For me the answer is a simple NO. I have women all the time that make me forget about all others, "for a time" sometimes it lasts twenty minutes and I have even seen hookers that have become GF's where I didn't fuck any other women while I was with them I was so taken by them.  

The good news when you are pig like me is that I always know its going to wear off at some point. No matter how beautiful, no matter how talented, at some point I am going to get tired of fucking her. It's just how I am wired.

and my answer would fall along the same lines as yours.

Now, on the other hand, if I woke up in a hotel room minus one of my kidneys, I might consider hanging up my spurs

have another one.  I wouldn't hang up your spurs until their both gone.

You can live fine with one kidney and a partial liver. No big deal.

I said I'd CONSIDER it.

Probably I'd keep going, as you suggest

H I L A R I O U S >

I think she is asking if there was a woman so fucking awesome you were scared that you'd throw rocks at the other hookers after seeing her?

when throwing rocks. That's a good thing.
So is finding that amazing woman that makes  
you wanna toss a rock or too

NoYellowEnvelope305 reads

Too bad we don't see more of it!

If the basis for the question was as you believe, then my answer is NO also.  Because I've met such a woman. Actually more than one.  One was a 12/12 on TER's scale.  What a provider... what a person!   But I only saw her a few times before she retired. The other is ~8 appearance wise but off the scale on what lies beneath her skin.  I still see her regularly.  But I see other providers also. Not because I get tired of her, but because she's so very good at what she does. Really really good.  And she has an SO.  As do I.  

My turn to be obtuse.  :)

the providers that might answer the OP's question not to identify me by name.  Thank you.

The best provider i have been with was so nice, beautiful and such a lady(but very sexual)  I had to remind myself afterwards its only a paid date. I had to keep telling myself you don't love her and you absolutely have NO chance with her without $$.

I am fairly new, maybe 30-35 paid sessions, most all have been very good but she was really spectacular.

I will see her again if our paths cross and with experience, I am now more content in the P4P world.
Content may not be the right word, but I now know there is no love/relationship possible but it is damn sure fun!!

Skyfyre345 reads

Whether "ruining" as a positive or negative context (as mentioned above) are you talking about a provider that the hobbyist has seen at least once? because otherwise how am I going to know the provider will "ruin" the hobby for me (either positively or negatively) if I have never seen her? purely based on reviews? on how the pics (photoshopped?) look? or how fancy her ad is? if I believe a provider will "ruin" my hobby without having seen her that will be pure conjecture and presumption only. And that would be silly.

I'm confused..

Good one tho.  

Once I was with a guy who was just intelligent and well spoken. we were having a very cool conversation about how we can't think in certain ways if we don't possess certain attributes whether they're physical or mental.  

Your bigoted answer can only come from a bigot. Therefore that's what you will extract out of my question. Either that or you're a troll. Not a big diff in either tho :-).  

Kisses hunny.

There was nothing about Walt's post suggesting he was intolerant toward those holding different opinions. He just want's to know the truth and not be deceived that seems to be a problem
for you.  Secrets do have a way of coming out.

then met a dancer that did ruin it for all others. When she retired, I never went back. Good thing I discovered FBSM and FS. I can see finding that one perfect provider. It's easier for a hobbyist to settle down and say I found her and stick with a true ATF. Much harder for a provider who still has bills to pay.

have enough money, many providers are willing to settle down with just one guy and not see anyone else.  Its called an exclusive arrangement.

He was unreal in bed and I broke it off after a few appointments because it felt like potential trouble. It wasn't romantic enough to be worth leaving work over, but too addictive sexually to not be disruptive. Some people aren't particularly gorgeous or brilliant, but when viewed through a filter of multiple O's, get built way up.

I regret breaking it off because that made me far more idiotic with cravings than if it had continued.

I once heard about a lady who showed up at the door of her favorite client, and presented the abortion bill to his wife. I refused to see her.

I’ve read reviews of ladies who robbed their gentleman clients. I refused to see them.

I’ve read reviews where the ladies got very poor ratings, and even no showed occasionally. I refused to see them.

I’ve read posts in different forums that showed certain ladies to be certifiably crazy, and or mean spirited. I refused to see them.  

An atf told me of two ladies who turned to the dark side, and started working for le. I refused to see them.  

That’s why reviews, posts, and open conversation is so important here.  

Now if you’re asking me if there’s a lady out there who is just too damn beautiful, just too damn sexy, with whom I could fall in love given a different time and circumstance, would I not see her because she’d ruin the hobby for me? Then the answer is no. Those are the ladies who make this hobby exciting. Those are the ladies who make this hobby fascinating. Those are the ladies I crave. It doesn’t matter that they’ll eventually move on. Just the fact that you were with them once, twice, a hundred times is what it’s all about

souls_harbor444 reads

The only providers I refuse to see are the ones that are too expensive.

My interpretation of what you mean is whether I might develop feelings towards certain providers that would spoil the game going forward.  Answer to that is no...in fact, I rather enjoy becoming friends with some of the ladies I meet.

We're not taking a life and death matter here; it's better to have loved and lost and all that. Have that amazing experience and if/when it burns out, you'll always treasure the memories.

I am really new to this. 5 or 6 ladies in a few months. (for the 2nd time in my life) Problem is I was aiming for one and I fucked others to get to her. Once I got with her, she has been better than I expected. She is my atf and I have been seeing her about once a week. Had I not had such a great connection with her (we have done otc time together) I would probably have been with several other ladies. Now I am very selective, more than normal, and not really interested in others. I am not leaving my SO for her, but if I was unattached I would be tempted to be exclusive. I said all that to say she fucked up my hobbying. :) without here I would be shagging multiple girls, but now she is like my only one....for now ;)

and love when that happens ... variety is always there when desired  ...  
but having a sex partner that gets you is the best.

I might have 2 or 3 favorites, but no one who would "ruin" all the others for me.  Variety is the spice of life.

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