TER General Board

Exactly. (E)
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 403 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
and I have voiced my thoughts about them as well. Some people really should wear more clothes, not less.  
 Personally, rather than barring TS, fatties, oldies, et al. I am just fine with the old rules where NO ONE gets to show their "junk"  
 At least I am not a hypocrite or a phony about this subject, I told you the very same thing privately how I felt about the subject of dick pics on the photo board well over a year ago, remember?  
 and since when has ANYONE accused me of being mature or tolerant? I am what I am, and I don't apologize to anyone about how I feel on certain subjects, but I will say what I think straight out to your face. With me, what you see is what you get. and my personal opinion is I don't want to see "dick pics" and at least according to this little informal poll, the majority of posters seem to agree with me.

GaGambler6545 reads

Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?

Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.

Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?

I cast the first vote AGAINST

Maybe TS has their own Photo board. Just a suggestion.

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?  
 Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.  
 Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?  
 I cast the first vote AGAINST.  

A while ago and pussy shots have been back full force. I knew it was a matter of time before there were dick pics there.

.....Wide open, you can see their pee hole.

Posted By: perfectstorm
A while ago and pussy shots have been back full force. I knew it was a matter of time before there were dick pics there.

GaGambler440 reads

No pics of genitalia for EVERYONE on the Photo Board, but allow it in the ad posts.

That way the dick pics would only appear on the TS Ad boards where the guys interested in seeing dicks would  be able to. Also the beaver shots of the shamus would also only be available to guys wanting to see that type of thing as well as you would have to actually click on the post to open it. Speaking for myself, when I see an ad that starts with "mature" or "MILF" or "BBW" I simply skip right past them as I have no interest, but I realize some guys, actually a LOT of guys like these OTHFB's, so they too would still be able to see what they want to while sparing the rest of us who simply do NOT want to see this type of thing.

The photo board would go back to the old rules where everyone is welcome, but EVERYONE needs to cover up their junk. I predict sales of eye bleach will take a huge plunge under this system.

But I would guess that TER does not want an issue with gender genital bias.

I think I will be ignoring those that post pics of dicks.

just like pussy isn't "just skin" ... and thank God for that too.

I've never had a gal ask me to stick "just skin" in their pussy or mouth. OK, sometime before I'm hard it's just skin... lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?  
 Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.  
 Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?  
 I cast the first vote AGAINST.  

If TS want to post dick picks on the TS ad board, they should be free to do so. I choose not to look at that board. People wanting to see that, can look at that board. If I want to look at the photo only board I don't have a choice to not see a particular photo since they open in flat mode.

I am also against pussy pics on the photo board. TER should reinstate the "no genitals" rule.

Posted By: perfectstorm

 I am also against pussy pics on the photo board. TER should reinstate the "no genitals" rule.

May I ask why you feel this way?

1) Equality: If they allow pussy pics then they kind of have to allow dick pics, and I don't want to see dick pics.
2) Most of the ladies who post pussy pics on the photo boards are not ladies whose pussy I want to see.

I guess I can add a third reason: TER had a no genitals rule for a whle. There must have been a good reason they did so at the time. Maybe they should look at that reason again, whatever it was.

GaGambler456 reads

There are many places, magazines etc. where pussy shots are allowed, but dick picks are not.

I will agree that many/most of the pussy shots I have seen on the photo board were of pussies I'd just as soon NOT see.

I love 20 year old pussies on slim, trim sexy bodies or even those of a well maintained 30-40 year old. Pussies of grandmothers, or of women who have completely let themselves go, I'd just as soon pass on. No need to name names, we all know the guilty parties.

That allow pussy shots but no dick pics, but that is what those places are about. They are exclusive. TER is inclusive. I belong to another hobby site that doesn't even allow mentioning TS, TV etc. Posts get removed. Repeat offenders get moderated and even banned! Their rules state "This site is about sex with WOMEN...." That is their prerogative as a private site.  

However, TER long ago decided to include TS providers on this site. If they are being inclusive, I think they have to be fair. They allow TS to advertise on the site. They allow TS to post photos on the photo board. They even made a TS "Miss TER." Now they can't be inclusive like that and then say "pussy pics are ok on the photo board but no dick pics." In the same way they can't say, "Pussy pics are ok on the photo board but not from old, fat, or ugly pussies." The only fair rule is "No genatalia on the photo board." They can be allowed on the ad boards.

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 9:53:27 AM

Problem solved.

A seperate TS photo board is not being "inclusive." It is being "exclusive." A TS would never be able to be Miss TER again under your proposal, or do you suggest a "Miss TS TER" too?

Also I guess you enjoy the spread eagle Pussy lip shots of the fatties and grannies on the photo board now?

And sure, I would like it the old way but I am assuming TER made a decision on that one and I was looking forward to a possible solution.

And while I don't "enjoy" the fatties or the grannies, I will be more than happy to leap for my mouse knowing I don't have to look at even ONE cock. lol

As for Ms. TER I could care less. That is such a joke as to mean nothing to me.

but transsexuals are also permitted to post on the regional and general discussion boards and the photo board. They are not excluded to only post on "their" discussion board. There is also a seperate kgirl board, and a bdsm board, and a Porn Stars board. So I guess we should have a kgirl photo board, a bdsm photo board, a porn star photo board....

No need for all those boards.  

There is no perfect answer here but I think the peeps would prefer what I am proposing rather than see dick picks, again, assuming TER won't relent on the current "genitalia" policy.

Is seeing the occasional wiener while scrolling the photo board really going to cause some kind of irreparable damage to your psyche, or is it just TS dicks you're worried about? That's not a rhetorical question, either.  

I mean, I don't like buttholes but seeing one occasionally isn't going to kill my buzz in the grand scheme of things.

GaGambler549 reads

I am not a fan of porn, and when I do watch porn I am much more interested in the women than whether or not the guy is hard, flaccid, large or small. I simply am not interested in other men's dicks. and to me football is a spectator sport while sex is a sport I would much prefer to participate in rather than watch others do.

Because it is funny, and because it definitely does not pertain to me!

On a chick photo board, I don't want or need any surprises.

When you go to the ladies head, you don't expect a guy in there do you?  

Same deal.

that's so fucking funny dude. Well with all that practice, it shouldn't be that difficult to prepare yourself for a random dick pic or two on the photo board. Maybe you can watch some porn before you flip to the Photo Board to prepare yourself for .... an ocassional dick pic.  

You're serious right, you prepare yourself for dicks when you watch porn. And exactly what do you do to prepare? Fucking hilarious. Are you adept at this or have you just started watching porn?  

Maybe you can add a course at JDU for the guys.  I'm pretty good at Marketing howzya bout "Ducking the Dick, A Course for the Faint of Hard".

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 11:45:03 PM

You like dicks. The world is very open to your persuasion lately and I don't look down on you. Some here may, but I don't.

You could offer us a valuable service. Maybe you can scan the photo board for me, GaG, etc and report back before we take a peek over there?

I am running out of eye bleach so please hurry.

no Jack, can't say that I'm fond of you, I don't dislike you but you still haven't answered my question. How do you prepare yourself for porn dick?  

Stand on your own two feet and don't drag GaGa into this for support. I'm sure he also wants to know how you prepare to watch porn. Everyone must want to know.  

Cmon ... your probably pissed that I asked you before you had a chance to ask yourself the same question. C'mon... if someone else wrote that you'd ask them the same question I've asked you. Consider it a learning experience

JackDunphy, you do manage to get under people's skin but I have to admit you are funny! Poor Noth is all worked up over your trollery and he doesn't get it. I guess you are not everyone's flavor but you do manage to tickle my funny bone. If I can just manage to pull you back to reality a bit on the politics board, I will feel like I have accomplished something! To Noth: dont worry. I think Jack got the reaction from you he wanted. Funny stuff, Jack!!

right  ... he can be funny. But it's not a matter of who got who ...
I'm still waiting ... you're so thick you probably didn't get  .. never mind ..  
maybe when I grow up I'll "get" clever adults like Jack.

FatVern469 reads

Why is the concept of having a separate ad venue, or photo board for, TS providers vs a female providers?

Buzz kill? Do we have to be reminded of what can happen in public, when a customer is deceived, or feels deceived by a TS provider

That's soooo pre 1950s! No "junk" on the PO Board for everyone doesn't discriminate against one group on TER.  

Steph xoxo

Are you skimming again?  

I merely pointed out another possibility IF, again, IF TER did not go back to the old policy so put your panties in neutral.

Does it count if I'm wearing  neutral colored panties? ;-)

Sorry, no dick pics. GaG already ruined up my whole week.  

Did you know NothofBeantown is very much in favor of the dick pics?

Should he have his own photo board too? :D :D

FatVern601 reads

It's hardly discrimination to suggest that a certain category of provider have their own board.

There are women who are born with a vaginan, anyone with a penis is not a woman.

Let me ask you this, why are we supposed to treat transsexuals as women? When they are not genetically women?

it seems you missed the point ... not surprised tho.  
No one's asking you to treat anyone other than how you  
prefer to be treated. Maybe that's it.

NoYellowEnvelope319 reads

And I'm not a fan of the "Hello, Doctor, I'm here for my pelvic exam" shots either, but I don't mind at all pics that show all of the beautiful female form... just maybe leave a little bit to be discovered when up close and personal.

If they're a provider and wants to post no the Photo Board all I can suggest is whenever you see TS don't look. And also I thought they didn't allow genitals in the pictures, I must have been wrong about that.

are you having a hard time not staring?  If there's a smoking hot woman on the board who's not posting a hottt Shot, I'm past that in a second. A dic pic would be the same for me. Next ...

...Note the ones that say "TS" and note the one before it.  When you scroll down the photos and get to the one before the TS, you'll know to scroll quickly past the TS.

GaGambler482 reads

I agree it's not just dick pics I don't want to see, There are some (several) women who should absolutely be banned from showing more than an ankle's worth of bare skin.

I only wish "scrolling quickly" would allow me to "un-see" some of the horrors I have viewed on that board, and I am perfectly fine with simply going back to the old rules, I don't mind having TS providers posting on the photo board, no more than I mind the OTHFBC, but lets stop with the dick picks right along with shots of labia that hang all the way to the ground.

In the sense that I thought there was a no genitalia rule on the PB anyway. (If that's wrong, somebody correct me) By the time I saw it, I figured someone would've reported it already and there you have it.

But to answer your poll, I would rather not see that around here.

There WAS a no genitals rule in the past but that was lifted some time ago and there have been tons of pussy shots lately.

LoL, oh I've seen some on there. I dunno about tons of them, but definitely some. I just figured they weren't necessarily getting reported much since most guys and a lot of gals like looking at pussys. Plus, if they got reported and pulled down, either before or after I saw it, how would I know? Good to know the rule is gone though, thanks.

TER, please go back to no genital photos on the Photo Only Board please.  


I recall at one point Ter stopped the genital photos.
Before they did that the pussy shots were getting out of hand lips spread open,porn photos of a provider sitting on a uncovered cock,toys in p.
But I don't think I ever seen a ts provider with her cock out on the photo board until today.

Bancer572 reads

100% agree Steph. Well said.

Granted this is a "fuck board", but we must have some standards.

Don't look if you haven't had lunch yet.  Do I need to say how I would vote?  

I don't like it either, but I think in the interest of fairness and consistency, if you are going to allow pussy shots of female providers, you can't really justify censoring out dick shots of TS providers.  I think the solution that would make everyone happy is to have a separate TS photo board.  That way, anyone who goes there knows what to expect and those of us that don't want to go there won't find ourselves being grossed out on a daily basis by having our eyeballs hijacked.  Just a suggestion.  I'm sure there are some here who enjoy a little break from all the pussy, but I'm not one of them.

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 2:47:21 PM

souls_harbor416 reads

Dicks only? Or photobombing dicks?

The first doesn't interest me.  The second I don't care about, as my interest is focused elsewhere

JakeFromStateFarm502 reads

Also, he's right in this case.  Since it happens so infrequently, he should get his way this time.  It's only fair.

Don't know what you guys are scared of. Maybe.......... you are scared you might like her?

She's cute.  She would be cuter with bigger boobs!

Dfusethesituation303 reads

What's good for the goose is good for the gander I suppose.  Escorting is not limited to just females.  Though its not something I want to see, their are clients out there that like to see both GG and TS providers and some who exclusively see TS providers.

I know on similar forums and sites in other countries there is no legal prohibition in advertising or discussing sexual services, but the portrayal of sexually explicit photographs can attract legal attention so they generally do not show anything too overt (male or female), so if it's the case here with TER I can understand why they do not want pussy shots shown, the same may, or may not, apply to dick pics too, maybe the picture in question just slipped by the site admin?

Otherwise I really don't care, we're all adults here (or meant to be), if I don't want to look at dick pics I won't look at pages advertising male or TS providers, it's no big thing (no pun intended), otherwise, each to their own

GaGambler565 reads

This pic did not simply "slip through the cracks" these pics are now fully allowed on the photo board and since the default setting on the Photo Board is "flat" mode, you don't have to click on a pic to view it, ALL pics are shown when you click on that board.

Personally, I am a "live and let live" kind of guy, but I honestly don't want to look at dick pics when viewing a photo board of naked hookers. It's a serious boner killer for me and I simply don't want to view them.  

If this was an "each to their own" kind of issue and I had to go make a conscious choice to view these pics I would have ZERO objection to them, but that is simply not the case under the new rules and I for one implore Admin to go back to the old rules.

I don't look at the photo theme threads anyway. I thought you were referring to the gals who like to include man parts in their photo threads. I guess if that's how a TS promotes herself, then it should be okay. I still don't want to see ANY DICK so I stay away from the places I'd find them lol

If you did look at the photo board you would know that pussy shots are allowed, and there have been many lately, and being that pussy shots are allowed, then dick shots are also allowed. If you looked at the board you would also know that those of us who do check it out, do not have the option of not looking at certain pictures. All pics open when you click on it.

followme494 reads

owever  I would have no objection if there was a separate ts photo board or a photo theme day on the ts board for the tranny chasers like fg.  

Also the link was totally unnecessary…you could have just sent it to fg via pm

I don't enjoy dick picks but they don't bother me ether. I don't like censorship as a rule though so is pushy shots are now legal here so should dick picks. But I really could care less if TER allows genitalia shots or not.

:D :D :D

I vote for no photos of a dick or a pussy... doesn't seem all that lady like to me. I agree that seeing ANY that one finds unattractive would kill a boner. I guess what is fair, is fair. I just don't like seeing either unless I am interested in seeing that particular one.

Is this the first thread you have ever started GaG?

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?  
 Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.  
 Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?  
 I cast the first vote AGAINST.  

GaGambler534 reads

But this is hardly my first. I am sure my number of OPs runs in the hundreds, but considering my overall post count, I will freely admit it's a VERY small percentage.

GaGambler386 reads

The question was "have I ever started a thread before?"

I plainly said I have most likely started hundreds of them. How is that not answering the question?

so in the sense I have no interest in seeing such pics which could count as an against. However, there is a TS population onTER and I think they have as much claim to post what they want as anyone else.  

How about clear labeling rather than a flat out ban just to be fair to all?

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?  
 Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.  
 Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?  
 I cast the first vote AGAINST.  

I saw her pic and went to the next sex worker's promotional pic. I saw a lot of beautiful women.  Some I have seen, some I'd like to see.  
Grow up! It's just a cock!  

What a group of whiney pussies!

skarphedin560 reads

Posted By: micktoz
I saw her pic and went to the next sex worker's promotional pic. I saw a lot of beautiful women.  Some I have seen, some I'd like to see.    
 Grow up! It's just a cock!  
 What a group of whiney pussies!

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 4:56:52 PM

The rest of the men in history weren't scared of a dick.  

Stupid religious modesty indoctrinated into England and America.

a rare Cameo doesn't bother me tho. Hey, it's a fuck board. I've heard you say that 100 times ... last week  lol

especially if the newer lax policy allows for racier lady bits.

when you watch porn, how do you handle that?  
close one eye. 50 gorgeous women and one TS pic
and you're off and ranting.  

perish the thought if there's a second TS cock shot.  
just MHO

We get it. You are into dick pics. Your prerogative.  But you are taking this so personally and running all over this thread with your hair on fire. Very telling. Calm down. Reassess. Chill.

The strangest thing Is that I don't know id take u any other way.  

There's providers in the photo board I also don't appreciate seeing. But as a grown up... I do what most educated, mature, and tolerant people would do. Shut the fuck up and go about my day.  

Love. Sasha  👧🏻

GaGambler584 reads

and I have voiced my thoughts about them as well. Some people really should wear more clothes, not less.

Personally, rather than barring TS, fatties, oldies, et al. I am just fine with the old rules where NO ONE gets to show their "junk"  

At least I am not a hypocrite or a phony about this subject, I told you the very same thing privately how I felt about the subject of dick pics on the photo board well over a year ago, remember?  

and since when has ANYONE accused me of being mature or tolerant? I am what I am, and I don't apologize to anyone about how I feel on certain subjects, but I will say what I think straight out to your face. With me, what you see is what you get. and my personal opinion is I don't want to see "dick pics" and at least according to this little informal poll, the majority of posters seem to agree with me.

I don't care to see a pic or the real thing ever again. After nearly a decade in the hobby, I've seen every penis I ever care to see.

is girl girl. And we both know that's not true. Face It, you love cock and are ashamed to admit it, unlike GaGa who's honest about his feelings. They are feelings, huh. And the fact that a majority of people agree doesn't matter.  

BTW .. I don't think the TS has a beautiful cock. Just MHO and in no way meant to dis the gal. I'm basing that on mine ... and what I've seen on TV.  

I can't believe how cockaphobic guys are on this site. I'm not a dick lover but I don't need to go out and buy a gallon of eye bleach either.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 11:27:40 PM

I'm not a dude and I don't watch porn. I was active for about 10 years and now I'm abstinent by choice. When you fuck
multiple men almost daily for a decade, you're over it. Well at least the case for me.  My guy is lucky to get a bbbj today and he's fine with that. There's a sacrifice. If he wants twat, he knows where to go trolling for it. My vagina is retired and my desire to be a fuck bunny retired with it.  

Posted By: nothrofboston
is girl girl. And we both know that's not true. Face It, you love cock and are ashamed to admit it, unlike GaGa who's honest about his feelings. They are feelings, huh. And the fact that a majority of people agree doesn't matter.  
 BTW .. I don't think the TS has a beautiful cock. Just MHO and in no way meant to dis the gal. I'm basing that on mine ... and what I've seen on TV.  
 I can't believe how cockaphobic guys are on this site. I'm not a dick lover but I don't need to go out and buy a gallon of eye bleach either.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2017 11:27:40 PM

Posted By: GaGambler
and I have voiced my thoughts about them as well. Some people really should wear more clothes, not less.  
 Personally, rather than barring TS, fatties, oldies, et al. I am just fine with the old rules where NO ONE gets to show their "junk"  
 At least I am not a hypocrite or a phony about this subject, I told you the very same thing privately how I felt about the subject of dick pics on the photo board well over a year ago, remember?  
 and since when has ANYONE accused me of being mature or tolerant? I am what I am, and I don't apologize to anyone about how I feel on certain subjects, but I will say what I think straight out to your face. With me, what you see is what you get. and my personal opinion is I don't want to see "dick pics" and at least according to this little informal poll, the majority of posters seem to agree with me.

... I'm offended by her choice of shoes. The heels are too thick. Gotta go with the needle heels.

JakeFromStateFarm347 reads

So glad you brought your sense of humor to this party.

Just give them their own photo board.

dwb475 reads

I'm indifferent. Not a big deal to scroll past the dick pics.

In fact, I've heard from friends that many men who review do not review TS providers.  

I also know plenty of TS providers who fill up their tours like boom. Bam. Pow! Three men a day during a tour is slow for them!  

The demand is extremely high. Sure, you don't demand it, but I'll tell you that picture is being wanked to by many, many TER reviewers.

now there'll be the "not me" guys that can't wait to exercise their masculinity for all to read. Me, I have no interest in dicks but they don't scare me. Is that the right word? lol

So the knee jerk reaction for those manly men is to lash out at anyone who disagrees with them. Weak.  

This was a fun thread. You really don't learn much tho but I'm still waiting for Jack to tell us how he prepares himself to ignore dicks when he's watching porn. Not holding my breath tho.

we as humans have male and female in us.
An integration of the two, within the Being, will establish degrees of bisexuality.

I say take a look.
Take a real good look.

Genitals in relation to Sex come in many different combinations these days.
Just Do It.  
NoShame.  NoGuilt.    


I am a little concerned that my Strap-On Business may Peter-out

Just like I would photos of ladies that I'm not attracted to.
Let's face it, this is a freaky hobby with lots of freaky people - we are all going to see images of things that don't jibe with our interests - this aint Kansas!

Now if HOBBIESTS started posting pics of THEIR weenies... yikes!

FatVern382 reads

I'd have a picture of my penis as my profile pic.

Which reminds me, Anthony Weiner would make a good TS provider name. Anthony, can be a chick's name, right?

Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
Just like I would photos of ladies that I'm not attracted to.  
 Let's face it, this is a freaky hobby with lots of freaky people - we are all going to see images of things that don't jibe with our interests - this aint Kansas!  
 Now if HOBBIESTS started posting pics of THEIR weenies... yikes!

A hot MILF co-worker was telling me how this was her main Tinder follow-up request to guys after they made her first cut - then if she liked their dick pic, she'd meet them and hook up.  That kinda amused me.

and that is said in jest.. some like trannies.. so fair is fair.. I jumped past that pic very quickly.. you have the mouse in your hand.. use it..  
I was against the ban when TER started the no pussy rule.. and am glad that we can now see them when a girl wants to show them.. I always enjoyed it before they were banned and I never understood why the ban was started to begin with..  
You can't have it both ways..

-- Modified on 1/6/2017 9:03:34 AM

Her tat reads "Fuck you pay me". Love it!
She gets a like from me, even though I agree with S2C about the shoes.
Live & let live, etc ....

Sasha needs to take advantage of the new rules.

Thank you for linking that. And Gambler, I like you. One bad aspect of a person doesn't define the whole person.  

Do you not realize you publicly shamed a trans gender escort and got other people involved? Gambler. Is that you? I don't believe it's you. I don't believe you don't have a lick of empathy for other people, and how devastating it can be to be publicly shamed. I used to get shamed for being overweight.  

Last March of 2015, guess why I left the industry? I was planning suicide on my next tour. I was going to make the money to pay family back and give some to struggling family members, then drive off of a mountain. Why? People shamed me constantly! Sure, my life is my responsibility, but the point is, internet or not, people are all going through stuff, and you really don't know how much damage you're doing.  

I was lucky that I had intervention, and I didn't even tell anyone. A pastor approached me and said to a friend of ours, "I believe if she goes, she is going to die. Please invite her to stay with you." Normally that would be a fear tactic, but to me it wasn't. Because I was planning it. He was right. I would not be alive today if it weren't for his intervention (He knew what I was into.) I don't even care if people make fun of me. I have helped myself since. The shame wasn't only here. It was a life of shame from all angles. People started threads about me all the time!

Sure. This is the internet. People should grow thick skin.  

But i spent THREE DAYS crying over TSDiana Hemmingway's suicide. In fact I need to not feel like this bc I have a date in one hour. I don't cry. Ever. That was the first time I cried where it could be heard in the halls in well over a year.  

These people get shamed to hell and back constantly. Let them be and do their thing!

You know I was reading a lady's reviews who is a trans gender escort who is probably one of the the most modelesque ladies I have ever met in this industry. And she can use her dick. Well. And I'd fuck the Shit out of her!  

I have quite a few trans gender friends (doesn't make me anything special) but I hear their stories. Why would you want to be a part of the shaming of something that - by the way - is in high demand? Hella lot more high demand than me, a genetic girl, at $350/hour.  

Let me say this. If I weren't an escort getting dick all the time, that lady you posted about? I'd TOTALLY hire her. In a second! In fact, I can't wait till Sasha comes to Chicago, because that duo would be such a turn on. (Especially w her new toys. I'm a tad douchey myself lol.)

You don't have to accept people. But to publicly shame this person is beyond me. I hope she reads this, the lady you're referring to, and knows she is in demand and there are a lot of us out there who admire and support her as a person.  


Shame on the shamers! You don't want to see me bc I happen to like Transgender? K-BYE. Lol

-- Modified on 1/6/2017 11:54:03 AM

GaGambler555 reads

I made ZERO comments about her looks, dick size, or anything else about her at all.  

I didn't go scouring the internet for some obscure photo that she never wanted revealed.

I simply took a picture SHE posted to get publicity and I suppose more business and linked it here. If anything she should be sending me a cut from all the business I just got her. Did you see the post count from yesterdays photo board thread? she has four times the views as the next most viewed pic. Now the more telling stat is with all those views, she only managed 13 likes, It appears that more people agree with me than you care to admit.

The fact remains MANY of us do NOT want dick pics to be allowed on the photo board, and almost as many of us don't really want to look at the vag shots of some of the female providers as well. We are simply letting our voices be heard, or would you prefer the voice of the majority be silenced by the minority because that particular minority is too "sensitive" to hear any voices that differ from their own.  

The LGBT community wants "equality" well that's EXACTLY what they get from me, I don't treat them any worse OR any better than anyone else.

I mean you have a point about not patronizing due to minority. I'll give you that. But even people exposing twat shots have made me cringe. I just know sure it may not hurt some people, but some it does.  

I just get sad when I see this because I know how I've felt when people openly picked on me. And I'm in a bigger pool here at that.  

I've actually wondered about that. I mean showing the "D" seems logical, doesn't it?

All I can say is Thank you for the advertising and I can't wait to see many of you on your knees.

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this something we REALLY want here on TER?  
 Call me a homophobe if you like, but if I wanted to look at dicks, I'd join a gay site.  
 Can we get an informal poll going? Who wants this kind of thing and who does not?  
 I cast the first vote AGAINST.  

And I didn't wank to it.
But just wondering.....you guys who voted with GG against it, did you all vote for Trump

Posted By: kayjaykay
And I didn't wank to it.  
 But just wondering.....you guys who voted with GG against it, did you all vote for Trump?  

LOL - bad enough that almost every story at sites like the WashingtonPost.com and others has lame political jabs in the comments area these days (including in the Sports Section, Entertainment section, etc. )... but now TER too?  This bastion of tolerance?  Et tu Brute?  Say it isn't so!!

Not intended as a jab, I assure you. And I apologize if you, and others, take it that way.
Just an observation.  
Some of the 'nayers' comments seemed be an extension of the growing intolerant times we live in today.
I didn't intend to start a rhetorical shitstorm on a fuck board

You are wrong about growing intolerance.  It's just that the tolerant are being intolerant about the intolerant.  

There are way more tolerant people, it's just a shock to see intolerance on a fuck board.

People have VASTLY different opinions about the world we live in, and really don't "get" those who disagree, so they just make the ugliest assumptions.  I'm just weary of all the name-calling.  It's BS.

The first post of this thread could have been critiqued without trying to tie to politics.
Far from trying to raise a "shitstorm", I tried to make my point in a somewhat humorous way.  Seemed like a better approach than reciprocating with a political post.  Sigh... I guess I wasn't successful.

Posted By: kayjaykay
Not intended as a jab, I assure you. And I apologize if you, and others, take it that way.  
 Just an observation.  
 Some of the 'nayers' comments seemed be an extension of the growing intolerant times we live in today.  
 I didn't intend to start a rhetorical shitstorm on a fuck board.  

Not really.  Never heard Trump comment on TS dick pics!
And hell, my first reply to this thread was saying I didn't care about those picks.  So it's really simplistic, and quite divisive, to make such groteque generalities about 60 million of your fellow citizens IMO!

cashorcredit314 reads

No interest in dick pics at all

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