TER General Board

Exactly :) -e-
NaomiGrey See my TER Reviews 353 reads


He said no google voice numbers..
I am wondering why do people request such thing? I don't wanna give you my actual number.  
What is the purpose of this type of request?  

Anyone know?

Posted By: NaomiGrey
He said no google voice numbers..  
 I am wondering why do people request such thing? I don't wanna give you my actual number.  
 What is the purpose of this type of request?  
 Anyone know?
No idea, but fuck 'em. Your rules prevail and it's his loss.

I stop talking and don't even bother. I keep things simple and non stressful. But I was wondering why people don't want google voice numbers. Most of the people I know for a while. Use google voice for hobbling. It's private and it doesn't affect the other person.

tech-challenged, like me.  I don't even know what "google voice" is.  I have had a dedicated hobby phone for eight years and it serves me well.  If a provider would make it too difficult for me to contact her, then I would simply move on.  I think you have to remember that you are probably younger than most of your clients, so being from a different generation, sometimes we're slow to get on board with new fangled inventions.  At least I am.

it goes straight to your phone like a real text, and you do not have to have anything different from your normal texting service to do google voice.  

Come to think of it, maybe it's a cop.

I don't have Google voice. I hate text and prefer E Mail. Most of the girls know that the older guys do things the old fashioned way. I do have a hobby phone.

souls_harbor662 reads

I'm not sure everyone is tech savvy in how to have a secondary link that the wife, etc, is not privy to.  So they are probably directing you to the one they know how to use.  Just a guess.

I'd say he's either paranoid, up to no good, or concerned about someone looking at his text history.  Possibly all of the above.

Guys who start dictating how it's gonna be right off the bat are a big red flag for me.  

Just tell him you only use Google voice and if that's not okay with him then you won't be able to meet.


Can you believe it? Clients thinking that because THEY'RE paying that they get to have it their way?  The nerve!  LOL.  ;-)

-- Modified on 7/1/2016 2:35:53 PM

tonightoutcall652 reads

But I will say lately I have just been using email or pm's on p411 or ter and not having a hobby phone or giving out my personal phone number.  
          It s ok to say you aren't comfortable and the last thing I want to do is try talking someone into something this intimate if they aren't comfortable. I have certain things that make me comfortable and really don't compromise on them and wouldn't expect anything different from you. But to me it's not about me paying you and dictating the rules. If I am not comfortable giving out my real name or phone number and you require it I might ask if my p411 oks are enough but if not I just move on. I guess I feel like asking politely isn't the evil sin it sometimes is considered. But also like I said I respect your right to do what ever you need to to be comfortable.  
             My point is it's not personal in some cases or an issue with trying to pull one over on you. If I have six or seven very well respected providers I use as a reference and have Oks from and that's all I am willing to provide I would ask that my choice be respected too.  

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
I'd say he's either paranoid, up to no good, or concerned about someone looking at his text history.  Possibly all of the above.  
 Guys who start dictating how it's gonna be right off the bat are a big red flag for me.    
 Just tell him you only use Google voice and if that's not okay with him then you won't be able to meet.  
 Can you believe it? Clients thinking that because THEY'RE paying that they get to have it their way?  The nerve!  LOL.  ;-)

-- Modified on 7/1/2016 2:35:53 PM

I'll never push anyone to give me more info than he's comfortable giving but my requirements are non-negotiable.

I don't mind if someone asks me if I'll make an exception for him (even though I clearly state all over my site and ads that I won't lol) but half the time I don't even bother to reply anymore.  When I do, it's just a line or two.  So no, asking isn't evil. LOL.

But you shouldn't expect a reply, in my opinion. :-)

even when they do it the provider's way still are not guaranteed anything. Or as someone or her sister might say ...

No guarantees in hobby. Hookers makes rules money not king.

chef1275460 reads

The reason is I'm work a ton so I'm generally setting up my shenanigans while I'm at work.  I'm not an office chef so I'm always around staff and sensitive calls can be problematic.

Everyone has their personal preference. Nothing wrong with that. Ure in a business thats tricky.  

Posted By: NaomiGrey
He said no google voice numbers..  
 I am wondering why do people request such thing? I don't wanna give you my actual number.  
 What is the purpose of this type of request?  
 Anyone know?

I really wouldn't understand why he would require u to text him from regular phone line. I was trying to say that some guys will just be flat out strange in some of their demands. Someone who make demands that go beyond the exposure I'm willing to permit, I won't meet. Simple.

You are the product, and they attempt to track everything thing you do when you use their services.  I would never trust any of their services from a privacy perspective. Maybe that is the reason.  I would never use Gmail for example as a hobby e mail address.  They have no issue in using technology to scan and read those emails.  

There are alternative services to give you an anonymous phone number.

diablowc3439 reads

i don't see what's the deal with someone won't see a client because they are using google voice or vice versa...

If you're paranoid about data been observed, well.....stop using technology all together then because every devices you know today are potentially be observed and monitor

He wants to convince you "it's the right thing to do - you must please me by trusting me with your real number, so I can find you." That's a sure sign of a predator, a user, and an abuser - manipulator - stalker type - name and business slanderer - blackmailer - extorter.

What they do is throw out tests to see if you're naive enough to be abused. This is one of them. Now, Naomi - I know you're not dumb enough to actually fall for it, but for those who are newer in the biz reading this - one of the best pieces of advice I can give to you in this business is - if you set a boundary - ALWAYS keep it. If you change it later, that's fine. But considering anyone's insistence on you doing what you have already expressed you are not comfortable with is someone who is testing you.

There are people who look for specific boundaries to see if you'll let it slide. Then they know they can dig deeper. Now, they may not outright rape you, but they will damage you in some way or the other, and use you - then throw you to the curb when they're done with you, or you get fed up. Then it gets ugly.

I had a dude who would purposefully short me $3, $20, $50, $2, etc etc. Purposefully - and I let it slide "it was only 2 bucks." Let me tell you, that was a very UGLY severance from that guy. Very ugly. A lot of people had to get involved. It was even uglier, because he was a dumb shit and tried to pull that on crazy Courtney. LOL!

Those guys don't get a response, they get put in the trash and blocked!

Check out my screening form. People do offer it up - I don't judge people who don't by a long shot, but I still don't communicate further when they express a "better, more reasonable way" to come put their mouth on my cunt.

-- Modified on 7/1/2016 9:36:13 PM

on how to stay as safe as possible. LISTEN!. Whether you're new to the business or a veteran of the wars,
there's nothing as important as your safety. I had a long conversation just an hour ago with a screener for,  
IMHO, one of Boston's premiere agencies, and half of our time was spent discussing NUT JOBS.  

We discussed time spent with guys outside of the agency's "protection" and guidance. Fortunately, no one was  
physicaly hurt but some of the younger girls were certainly rattled emotionally, to where they "confessed their  
sins" looking for help In both instances, help and guidance was provided and a situation that could have gotten  
uglier was avoided. In both instances, the guy had great references from Top local providers, but no TER handle.  
He was anonymous except for personal referrals. And when he found a safe (for him) victim, he became a stalker.  

Sorry if this comes across as a bit harsh, but I was appalled. For every 10, 20, 50 or 100 great guys, there's a predator
out there. Please stay safe. We care, I care, about each of you, as if you're an ATF.  We're  family. You're like a sister,
only there's not much we can do to help you in these situations.

LISTEN TO COURTNEY ... have fun, stay safe, REPEAT

Something I've read is one of the best ways not to attract these people, or be affected/not even consider is to

- know exactly who you are
- know exactly where you're going.  

People will test it. Once they've determined you don't know where you're going (they look for lost people) they'll tell you where to go. If you don't know who you are, they'll be more than happy to teach you who you are.  

Don't be lost. Don't be clueless. And if you are either, fake it till you make it. :)

Easy prey.  

The whole "you are who you attract" is sort of true. But I feel it's more accurate to say "you are who you accept". If you know who you are, all that other bullshit will be just that. Bullshit. Next. 😄

-- Modified on 7/2/2016 10:21:23 AM

it also happens to guys ... they can be manipulated emotionally
and financially. But to keep it in perspective, any threat of physical harm is much more real on the woman's end.  

As noted in my earlier post, two creeps got in the good graces of two prominent providers to get referrals to stalk unsuspecting providers ... if I was a provider, I think I'd want a guys real name.

But how would I know ...

I was just talking from the perspective of a female provider and/or even a female in general seeking out a male.

But you are most definitely correct - I have actually had many women in real life test me to see if I were "usable". But I have warned men to watch it, because I'm positive there are a few women out there who will pull the strings of a heart and milk that wallet clean. In order to do that, you have to strip someone of all their confidence to get them into puppet mode. And it happens on both ends.

However, on both sides, there are people who want to be used. I hate to say it like that, but I swear I've had a few guys who's actions and offers were screaming "PLEASE USE ME!" I sat them down and had "the talk" with them. lol!

wrps07330 reads

I would terminate all communication with him immediately.

it's no worse than a burner phone.  
I use google voice for all my trysts. It allows me to use Android Hangouts for texting and shit.  
I also like texting from google voice website on my computer.

Gimme good reasons why providers and clients shouldn't be using it.  
Do providers ignore people who call in on a google voice number?

You think ATT Tmobile Verizon don't have backlogs of all the calls you make and texts you send?

-- Modified on 7/2/2016 4:09:40 PM

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