TER General Board

Even though I say pragmatic and humane, I have mixed feelings about it.
zinaval 7 Reviews 346 reads

If I were to deal with it here, I would start with decriminalizing for a generation or two. No, I wouldn't try licensing it.  For one thing, it implies that the government ad hoc can regulate sex! I'm sorry, that's too scary a premise.

If I see one hopeful sign here, it's that they call it an "entrepreneur's license." Now that could be deliberately misleading, governments have known to be pretty obscure with language.

Sad that our government bodies aren't this pragmatic or understanding.

the prostitutes arent complaining.

the gung ho heroes need to go "save" people that want to be saved.

they arent fighting for our rights, they are dictating them.

If I were to deal with it here, I would start with decriminalizing for a generation or two. No, I wouldn't try licensing it.  For one thing, it implies that the government ad hoc can regulate sex! I'm sorry, that's too scary a premise.

If I see one hopeful sign here, it's that they call it an "entrepreneur's license." Now that could be deliberately misleading, governments have known to be pretty obscure with language.

I have never found government approved prostitution to be as good as the wildcat version.  Masochistic men turned on by the DMV worker mystic, might enjoy it.  I picture a lady yelling in a nasal voice - "Next".

I would also rather contribute a donation to a provider, than pay a licensed sex worker with her certificate on the wall.  Especially considering the "permitted" lady is usually paying part of her fee to the "permitter" - the understanding and pragmatic government body known as a pimp here.

Having said that, if it meant tax deductions for the guy, that would be a compelling reason.

GaGambler636 reads

Every one of us who makes an honest dollar has to pay our pimp, the IRS. Why should SP's be any different?

The fact that they are different, makes them special.  I would not wish the IRS on anyone.

You would be surprised at what Hungary and the American Government does. For one thing, there are places in Hungary that are considered R & R for our troops. They can go there for the time they have off. Like Budapest. When you get off of the tour bus there are people waiting to give you fliers to Houses of Prostitution. The women there are tested monthly for every conceivable STD. I have known GI's who spent thousands of dollars on those ladies over there. Why??

Because Hungarian women are downright sinfully beautiful. Walking down the street in Budapest, even as a woman, I was blown away by the complete beauty of these "prostitutes". Most of them are model beautiful in a society that is still largely provincial by our standards. Most Hungarian women do not eat meat, it's considered a Manly thing. Hungarian women do not spit. I found that out after discreetly tossing one over the side of a walkway and having a Hungarian man yell at me. Not fun.

Prostitution is legal in Hungary and it is not like it is here. Those women are NOT free. The majority of them are controlled by Madam's or Pimps. Not sure what the Hungarian version of that is. After seeing it first hand I can say that I prefer illegal and free versus legal and shackled.

To each their own!

And I thought this could be good or it could be bad. I've already posted that I don't like the Nevada brothel system. I was fearing that it was the same coercive system in Hungary.

My hope is to see it de-regulated, not really legalized-- yet.  Until the culture deals with it better without the extra laws.

In school they taught us that sections of town where this is permitted or states/ countries to follow such policies is a policy of inclusion, attempting to bring their citizens into the fold.

Just sharing...

But why does the government have to be involved at all?  Most of you probably think that prostitution should be legal, but regulated.  But why bother to regulate it at all?  Prostitution should be legal, soliciting should be legal, pandering should be legal, and pimping should be legal.  Violence, coercion, and forced labor should be ILLEGAL, not the pimping specifically.  

And some of you are probably thinking that we need regulations to prevent the spread of STDs.  But why?  Does the government "regulate" sex between consenting adults?  No.  Is it illegal to have unprotected sex?  No.  Is it illegal to contract HIV?  No.  Why should this industry be any different?  Leave the government out of it.  People can make their own decisions.  The government is supposed to protect us from violence, fraud, and coercion, and nothing more.

GaGambler290 reads

but government does have it's place. Many other countries have some rather common sense laws when it comes to prostitution. I am not a fan of state run brothels, but health cards are a great idea. I believe that the govenment should have no say so about what goes on between consnting adults, but knowingly spreading STD's should be againt the law, and health cards combined with regular testing does accomplish that.

Aside from that limited capacity, government should stay the hell out of it.

Even though I posted about it, I don't really think Hungary is going about it right, but I think at least they're being pragmatic and more accepting.  

The reason why I'm more thinking of decriminalizing it is I fear the regulation, especially when most people see it as harmful and you're likely to have "regulations" that are worse than the illegality. There has to be a transition.

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