TER General Board

Especially since the bulk of clientele on here ...
EuroModelsShown 467 reads

Claim to be drunks, or suffer from some other deplorable social disease. WTF do they need with an Ivy League PHD lawyer that speaks twenty seven different languages, who happens to have time to turn tricks on the side.

Some things never cease to amaze me.

We've all read bios that we knew were fake. There was one prolific poster here who faked her cultural background, lied about her age horribly, employment background, claimed to have a MBA from a good school (fake of course), owning real estate even though she rented and 100 other things. Others have done pretty much the same thing.

I understand the reasons for the fake bios but do the guys really care that you've never been more than a food server or never been past Paris, TX? Some of us have heard some funny stories when asking pointed questions about
your educational or travel backgrounds.  

Do you ever have trouble keeping a straight face? Do you marvel at how easily fooled some tricks are? Ever laugh out loud about it?

Do you guys ever walk out laughing at the con job?

Between this post and the vacation one you must be having a very boring weekend

GaGambler328 reads

BUT, that doesn't mean he is always, or even mostly, wrong.

Hey, we make fun of the reviewers who claim to give every provider 11 orgasms in a thirty minute session, why can't we also make fun of the delusional hookers who claim to be doctors, lawyers or fucking UN Ambassadors that just hang out here for the fun of it?

Posted By: GaGambler
BUT, that doesn't mean he is always, or even mostly, wrong.  
 Hey, we make fun of the reviewers who claim to give every provider 11 orgasms in a thirty minute session, why can't we also make fun of the delusional hookers who claim to be doctors, lawyers or fucking UN Ambassadors that just hang out here for the fun of it?
Well not only on this situation, in my normal life when someone lie on my f*** face i feel like is insulting my intelligence.
But at the end i feel pain for this person who need to create a virtual reallity (like Avatar) to can have some happiness. Or worst, needing that random strangers give their approval. So sad.

Also i had some friends who works as escorts and lie about how money they make, and telling you about richness deliriums, and then ask for help coz they have problems to pay the rent. So when someone come to me and talk this kind of shit, i don't give 1 min of my attention. Like automatic pilot.

This board is certainly not for the thin skinned.  Not everyone is just full of sunshine and rainbows.  

Admittedly I've seen a whole lot of profiles and self descriptions that just are so questionable.

When they list their education as "collage". Really? I've never attended one of those.  

Age is always a favorite.  Some women seem confused about it.  One week they claim they are x and somehow on another ad posting, they are y.  On a third they are z.  When you meet them, they are not even close.

Or when they say the don't smoke, but their clothes give away a hint that they enjoy the "devils weed".  

I could go on, but there isn't a point to.  You are who you are, I am who I am and once we're both horizontal, none of it matters anyway.  

Claim to be drunks, or suffer from some other deplorable social disease. WTF do they need with an Ivy League PHD lawyer that speaks twenty seven different languages, who happens to have time to turn tricks on the side.

Some things never cease to amaze me.

GaGambler257 reads

and I am sure indoor plumbing still amazes you.

Why would you make fun of a person for having a job. It's not even an insult.

I really think it makes you look foolish, or perhaps insecure if you were unemployed, that's just the way it looks. I don't get it, I thought hookers liked tricks with a source of income.

... that just make me smile or even lol (in a positive way) and put the provider on my to-see list because they're refreshingly honest and tongue-in-cheek about themselves and their profession.  No bs, just some good-natured humor (usually sassy, often self-deprecating).

I can't think off-hand of a good example, but maybe others can think of some bios like that.

souls_harbor239 reads

The thing is, men don't care about a female's status.  Men want sexy, pretty, fun loving.  Men know that women inherit the man's status by pairing up with him.

Women care about their mate's status.  Therefore they project that into their ads, thinking men must care about it the way they do.  

Great theory. I agree. Her background matters in the context of long term thinking (sugar baby or mistress), but does not matter to me in a limited scope relationship.

for being able to keep that straight face under a variety of trying circumstances!

It's pretty easy to keep a straight face because the only difference between my provider persona and my "real life" is a stage name to protect my privacy.  

I'm not sure why women embellish their bios; although, I have wondered the same thing. How do you back it up? However, I would argue there is extreme classism within the provider world which in turn places an immense amount of pressure on providers to potentially make false claims.  

However, does this really happen that often or am I just ignorant to the fact?


I'm exactly the same. I feel like I could have written this myself. I'm literally the same personality, just under a different name.

You're not hiring them to be your sales manager.

If  you like them, then enjoy them.  Why go looking for trouble?

Posted By: mrfisher
You're not hiring them to be your sales manager.  
 If  you like them, then enjoy them.  Why go looking for trouble?
That's a rather glib response. Do you enjoy being lied to? Do you enjoy having your intelligence insulted?  

They looked for trouble when they used fake backgrounds.

JakeFromStateFarm168 reads

This is not one of those times.  mrfisher's response didn't seem at all glib to me and there's no implication (except to you) that he "enjoys being lied to."  He simply doesn't give a fuck about lies at this petty level.  Neither do I. And your statement "They looked for trouble when they used fake backgrounds" is laughable on its face. You are apparently the only person on the planet who is bothered by the marketing fantasies spun by hookers.
Fishbro rolls his own way.  It's not my way but it works for him.  And knowing him as I do I can guarantee you you'd be a happier person if you were more like him.  
You might consider changing your handle.  To OldSourpussMonger.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
You are apparently the only person on the planet who is bothered by the marketing fantasies spun by hookers.  
 Fishbro rolls his own way.  It's not my way but it works for him.  And knowing him as I do I can guarantee you you'd be a happier person if you were more like him.    
 You might consider changing your handle.  To OldSourpussMonger.
I'm the only person who laugh at and calls out bullshit. I don't think so.

 Let me guess: The profile I gave fits a girl you consider a "friend?"

JakeFromStateFarm174 reads

I have no idea. You are waaaaaay too.... whatever..
Please relax.

and this hobby is no different.   Relax, it's theater.   Yes, we all get lied to every day in all kinds of ways.

We are grown-ups and can discern between the frippery that comes with buying a product, and when someone lies about a serious situation.

If this kind of thing gets to you, then this hobby is not for you.  

Ok. That said.  
This is a world of fantasy! While I, and most of the women I've met, try to stay as close to reality as possible (without endangering our own privacy) there's definitely an amount of veiling and doublespeak necessary to build an image and create anticipation. The more a provider reveals (or seems to reveal), the more willing suspension of disbelief the patron should have.

If the Provider op mentioned listed her good school, her real estate, and "100 other things" so openly, I feel like you have to know she's spinning a beautiful tale! It would be unequivocally dangerous to reveal that much truth about herself! If it's convincing, and/or if it's an exciting fantasy why question it? Where is the fun in that? It's very likely that she's still really amazing company, smart, and beautiful despite having a different educational background than her profile claims - there's no point in mocking her about it. If you prefer mystery, then obviously she's not the one for you. If you prefer naked truth then maybe this isn't the hobby for you.

Posted By: hellogracekay
Ok. That said.  
 This is a world of fantasy! While I, and most of the women I've met, try to stay as close to reality as possible (without endangering our own privacy) there's definitely an amount of veiling and doublespeak necessary to build an image and create anticipation. The more a provider reveals (or seems to reveal), the more willing suspension of disbelief the patron should have.  
 If the Provider op mentioned listed her good school, her real estate, and "100 other things" so openly, I feel like you have to know she's spinning a beautiful tale! It would be unequivocally dangerous to reveal that much truth about herself! If it's convincing, and/or if it's an exciting fantasy why question it? Where is the fun in that? It's very likely that she's still really amazing company, smart, and beautiful despite having a different educational background than her profile claims - there's no point in mocking her about it. If you prefer mystery, then obviously she's not the one for you. If you prefer naked truth then maybe this isn't the hobby for you.
I don't see anything beautiful about making up lies about yourself. There are lots of ways for a lady to be intriguing without completely faking a background or lying about her accomplishments.. And, yes it's ok to mock a girl's bullshit. It happens all the time.

how ridiculous you sound retorting without wit, when you asked the question in the first place?

Your OP and this rejoinder serve no point or purpose other than to mock the gals.

Why not simply concern yourself with those you fancifully believe to be "truthful"?  

To paraphrase Grace: Good luck with that.

Posted By: MasterZen
how ridiculous you sound retorting without wit, when you asked the question in the first place?  
 Your OP and this rejoinder serve no point or purpose other than to mock the gals.  
 Why not simply concern yourself with those you fancifully believe to be "truthful"?  
 To paraphrase Grace: Good luck with that.
If I mock the guys who purport to have three cum shots in an hour and are Supermen in bed at 55 you would not care. I I mock the girls who purport to be rocket scientists you and others act as if it's a bad thing around here. Looks like I struck a raw nerve again.

Posted By: NewYork_NewYork
The MBA was just one of many things her and many other girls have faked in bios.

 I call out bullshit. Get over it.

-- Modified on 4/10/2017 1:07:48 AM

I've known a few gals who believed their lies, and things did not turn out all that well for them.

As Shakespeare said:  To thine own self be true.

I think your bio DOES matter. There are men looking for more than just looks, they are looking for people who share common interest, certain personality etc..... but lying about your education and other huge lies are unnecessary.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
We've all read bios that we knew were fake. There was one prolific poster here who faked her cultural background, lied about her age horribly, employment background, claimed to have a MBA from a good school (fake of course), owning real estate even though she rented and 100 other things. Others have done pretty much the same thing.  
 I understand the reasons for the fake bios but do the guys really care that you've never been more than a food server or never been past Paris, TX? Some of us have heard some funny stories when asking pointed questions about  
 your educational or travel backgrounds.    
 Do you ever have trouble keeping a straight face? Do you marvel at how easily fooled some tricks are? Ever laugh out loud about it?  
 Do you guys ever walk out laughing at the con job?

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