TER General Board

EOM is too complicated for him. He may screw those 3 letters up so...
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 475 reads

just an "E" would be better.


I seen a provider that kiss hug gave a bbj and but when it cane to intercorse she let be put it in her but refuse to spread her legs so it was hard to do any thing

JackDunphy1103 reads

You fucked a tranny dude. You really have to read the reviews bro.

It's nice to come back to read such pathetic shit.. Makes me feel big.

You are a liar! Aren't you?
They call people like you trolls because you are ashamed of yourselves. Hiding under mental bridges.  
For shame! Have some respect for yourself!  

There is no need for that shit you know? I would respect your honesty because I really don't give a shit about you.... Get it?

GaGambler753 reads

Haven't you ever rattled the bars on the monkey cage at the zoo? It's the same thing here on the internet, you rattle the cage and then sit back and laugh as they start flinging poo at each other and at you too of course, but unlike the zoo, you can't get any of it on you unless you start taking this shit seriously.

Come on, you try it. Just find the stupidest poster you can think of, someone like this moron, or maybe the dumbfuck from Michigan, lob an insult at him and watch for the reaction. Yes, it's low brow entertainment, but it can be fun, just like the other game we like to play here "Whack a Troll" but we can talk about that game at another time. Lets just call this game "Poke the Retard" lol Try it, it's fun.

And I did have something to say to him on another thread he started. And now he's on the Newbie Board posting with the angry face!

Steph xoxo

and how the hell did you get him into a suit????

eom so those of us looking for amusement will not open a blank message.


messages with a subject line that clearly state "EOM" or "E?"   Apparently, it is complicated stuff!

GaGambler714 reads

The first stems from my years of moderating this board, it was necessary for me to read EVERY post here, just to be certain that nothing snuck through.

The second was to keep track of my own posts, I would click on every other post turning them red, while my own posts remained green.

I have no idea why other people click on posts that clearly say eom, but that why I do it.

The first two were already mentioned by GaGambler and inicky but I will repeat them.
1) It turns the post red. Makes it easy when you come back to the thread later to see if there are new posts to the tgread (they won't be red).
2) To reply to the poster.
3) To PM the poster.
4) To check the reviews of the poster.
5) To "like" the post or "ignore" the user.
6) To annoy those people who are annoyed when others click on EOM messages.
7) Some folks actually post things in EOM messages. Sometimes there are some pretty pictures. Scoed, Dr Who, and some others used to regularly do that.

-- Modified on 12/3/2014 5:39:50 PM

Sometimes people post shit even though they end with EOM so put that in you noodle and cook it!

I know it bugs the hell out of you so every time you post an EOM message, I click on it multiple times just to annoy you. :D

skarphedin726 reads

That pic made me spontaneously splooge!  

Thank you.

If a guy is borderline big and he keeps wanting to "go deeper" I move in the thighs to keep him from doing so..not exactly a non spread but a very controlled one. I HATE having my cervix punched.It will make me so sore and nauseous the session is done. and no refund, especially if I have warned him to take it easy and not try and cervix punch me

eing less than well endowed, I would never have the problem of bottoming out. I have seen some of you ladies post in the past about the cervix punch. That obviously sounds painful, but I don't get why a guy would do that. How is that not painful to him? Like I said, it would never be an issue for me but I know if my dick ever punched something, it would hurt like a muthafucka!

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If a guy is borderline big and he keeps wanting to "go deeper" I move in the thighs to keep him from doing so..not exactly a non spread but a very controlled one. I HATE having my cervix punched.It will make me so sore and nauseous the session is done. and no refund, especially if I have warned him to take it easy and not try and cervix punch me.  

That along with a myriad of other not so pleasant things (gagging, face slapping , spitting, making a girl vomit), it clearly is some kind of turn on or power trip or a combo of both.  

I don't get it but I have read on here how some guys love to bottom out and don't mind if it hurts the lady.

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