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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 50 reads

Do a double with two nymphs like I just did. After the third pop I said my dick was broken. “Oh, really?” She said. “Well let’s fuck some more.” 😊

bizhe3182337 reads

Just checking would you still pay for the ongoing price about $300 for 5 minutes of enjoyment? I am not a regular but did went to provider around 1-2 a year because of the $$ and problem with premature ejaculation. Every single time, I offload  after BJ and i am sure halfway through CG ~1-2 minute. see if you think that is still worth it going to provider

You might even want to explore masturbating about 1 hour before the date.   I did that when I was young because I had the same problem and it worked out well.

Drink half a bottle of tequila beforehand. lol  

Ok ok, I know YOUR advice was more along the lines of "have one drink" but regardless of the amount, alcohol does tend to desensitize you and can make it easier to last a bit longer, or in the case of many of us old fuckers, make it harder for us to finish. which I guess it the same effect just a different POV. lol

Here are two other pieces of advice for the OP which may or may not be helpful depending on his circumstances and his ability to actually try my advice. The first one is easy, depending on how long his recovery time is he could try making longer appointments ONLY with providers that allow MSOG this way he can get one quick pop and then have (hopefully) a slower paced and more leisurely second go at it.

My other advice may or may not be practical but it sure worked for me when I was younger and wanted to train myself to last longer and that is have sex A LOT, The more sex you have, the more you are able to control yourself and the less nervous you are going to be about it. Try going on a "fuck fest" where you have sex several times, (as many as you can, hopefully at least 4-5 times a day or more if you are young) do this for a few days and you should be able to last much longer when you are done. Yes, this might cost a bit, if you can't afford to hire that many providers, you might try finding a civvie friend who loves to fuck, maybe even try letting a "cougar" pick you up and having her way with you, OR you might consider taking a trip to somewhere that you can do this affordably where there are hookers available 24/7 at an affordable rate like maybe the Dominican Republic. It will still cost you a few bucks, but it shouldn't cost you much more than $2-3 grand on a budget for a long weekend of fucking, including air fare, food, drink hotel and hookers of course. Once you fuck 15-20 different women over three or four days you should be good to go. Sex will be completely demystified. lol

Yes!  The best cure is a natural one!  I learned my chops in Amsterdam's Red Light District .. where back in the glory days, your could get a 20 minute session with a cabin girl for the equivalent of $12.  In that low-risk environment, you can train yourself with visualization and breathing to control your orgasm. Also, make sure you're using  properly sized condoms.

There is the miracle of science .. you can get Dapoxetine (Priligy) either from your doctor or online.  It take a little bit of titration to find the right dose (take too much and you can't orgasm), but it works wonderfully.   I'd use it for as a training aid when I got back into the hobby, and had nerves meeting a high-dollar SW for the first time.

you mean the stop-start method ?  or just straight doing it. I tried straight shot while watching porn, won't last more than 2 minutes...

Jack off beforehand and try Viagra

is viagra gonna help? I heard it is for ED.

Also, what fish said.
*scratches head*

... that you need to go slow because you tend to cum sooner than you'd like.  Many providers, especially those who are more mature, will be understanding and work with you to optimize your experience.  

It's ok to share with her... after all, once she's seen your dick you've already established the kind intimate rapport where you can talk about this issue (no pun intended). (Ok, pun intended :p.)  

Life is good

The Cat

I once knew a girl that was a master at torture. I mean edging.  

She seemed to always know when the pressure was building up for me. And she’d change the rhythm or pull away in one way or another. “Don’t come yet.” She would say to me.  

Anyway, after a while I got to the point where I could usually control the pressure myself. All because I had a girl who loved to edge.  

Nobody can tell you what will work or not work for you. But I think edging is definitely worth a try for you.

Do a double with two nymphs like I just did. After the third pop I said my dick was broken. “Oh, really?” She said. “Well let’s fuck some more.” 😊

that big of a deal unless you still have your clothes on.  Lol

I recall another old Playboy cartoon, a guy and gal are sitting in a restaurant, him with sort of a dejected look on his face and her saying "My, that really was a premature ejaculation."

Most of us can jerk off pretty quick if we want.  The quickness comes from turning the stimulus up to max.  So premature ejaculation just means you haven't controlled the stimulus.    
I'd come in most provider's mouths in the first two minutes of BJ if I wasn't prepared to direct them to do something else for a bit.  You have to learn your own body, stop before you go over the edge.  

Have those experiences been one and done and then out the door? You need to read reviews and choose better Providers who won't leave you hanging.
Your ONLY enjoyment is in the 5 minutes of BJ? Or 1-2 min of CG?  She can still suck a limp dick back to life even if it doesn't get fully resurrected. And DFK. And DATY. And so on.  
If you expand your "menu" of enjoyment and get the full 55-60 minutes, it is definitely worth it.

Posted By: bizhe318

Just checking would you still pay for the ongoing price about $300 for 5 minutes of enjoyment? I am not a regular but did went to provider around 1-2 a year because of the $$ and problem with premature ejaculation. Every single time, I offload  after BJ and i am sure halfway through CG ~1-2 minute. see if you think that is still worth it going to provider

WICardinalfan60 reads

.... it's a great day when I cum.  Actually, since I stopped taking Viagra cumming is rarely and issue.

When I started in the hobby a half decent BJ would get me every time.  Cow Girl would send me to the moon.  Both were activities I had not experienced since I was single in the 80's.  Over time I have masted self control.  If I am too close, too soon, I just suggest, verbally or physically, that my partner dial it back a bit.  

Then came the FEMALE CONDOM.  A gift from heaven but a real challenge for self control.  

Your dick is a muscle, use it or lose it.
Think of it as running....the more you run the longer you run. So the more you fuck, the longer you'll fuck.
But seeing that it's 1-2 times a year, well expect to be a sprinter, a 40 yard dash guy.  
Moral of the story, sorry but ya gotta fuck more.

Dick is not a muscle though.  

If it was a muscle, everyone would have a huge dick.  

You can kinda train it, but it's mostly training your mind and body for endurance and patterns

Now pelvic muscles are real. Kegels are fairly important for males as well and are well known too, as many of us do love women who can squeeze us hard.

a prescription for Priligy (Dapoxetine). It will extend your stamina singificantly, effectively doubling it.

After getting a vasectomy, it dawned on me to start sticking lidocaine on my balls. It does have a smell but have never had a girl complain and have found it desensitizes me.

Jseeker63 reads

I experience similar PE.  Typically preferred longer session as the 2nd round can last longer.  Numb cream helps abit.  But be sure to wash it off b4 bbbj else SP will get mad to get a numbed mouth.

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