TER General Board

Easy peasy....
scb19 10 Reviews 548 reads

take the flat rate with the EXPLICIT understanding of what that covers....how many visits...how long each visit..etc.  Sit down and write this out for him so there is no misunderstanding. Also cover what happens should he not see you as much one month...does he get his unused time rolled over to the next month?  that sort of thing.  Sit down, think it out, write it out and make it as one sided for yourself as you think you can get away with.  Don't try to make it a "fair" agreement.  I don't know this guy but he may try to negotiate some things, if you make it fair then you have nothing to give up.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I see this client, on average, once a week which comes to around $5000/mo.  He emails to plan the next appointment and asks if we can work out an arrangement since he wants to keep seeing me a few times a month.  He asked for a flat, monthly rate.  
 I don't know what to say because:  
 1.) What if a "few" visits will turn into "unlimited" visits?  
 2.) I like what he pays me and don't really want to take a pay cut  
 3.) He is wealthy, I am not  
 4.) I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops.  
 Any advice?

Pink_Panties1564 reads

I see this client, on average, once a week which comes to around $5000/mo.  He emails to plan the next appointment and asks if we can work out an arrangement since he wants to keep seeing me a few times a month.  He asked for a flat, monthly rate.

I don't know what to say because:

1.) What if a "few" visits will turn into "unlimited" visits?
2.) I like what he pays me and don't really want to take a pay cut
3.) He is wealthy, I am not
4.) I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops.

Any advice?

Bob_Sugar915 reads

I am wealthy too, and very well known in my community.  I would need to be very cautious too.  Some people have tried to create trouble for me.

Be careful asking for advice here.  There are many people here that will be mean to you.

Make him pay for the hotel room.  I have an American Express card that is unlimited.  If he is wealthy he should have one too.  And set the ground rules.  We run a very strict operation at my company.  Some of our clients try and take advantage of our generosity.  We can see that and charge them for their excessive use of our time.

My advice is not to do it. Protect yourself first.
I've been reading this blog for years now. 90% of the "Arrangements" end bad.
Keep it simple stupid. :)
Sending good vibes.

Pink_Panties925 reads

I know what to do.  I'm not doing a round monthly number.  I'll keep charging him per session, per visit, but will give him a little break, like 7.25%.  That way I don't get screwed and he gets a little thank you for his patronage.  He's twice my age, smarter, and more powerful.  Of course he'll take advantage of me if I let him.  Thanks very much!

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 3:24:15 PM

GaGambler868 reads

It hardly sounds like he is taking advantage of you.

So you found some guy who dropped some quick cash and you're equating that to a LTR?

Keep running your local ads.  He's done dropping that coin as he has.

No wonder you aren't dependent on him...but he did cover your income last month.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
So you found some guy who dropped some quick cash and you're equating that to a LTR?  
 Keep running your local ads.  He's done dropping that coin as he has.  
 No wonder you aren't dependent on him...but he did cover your income last month.  
This...  He found what he likes and now he's trying to set his price.  If this was a year+ arrangement then perhaps there's a conversation in it.  but after one month and $5k what he's doing is trying to define the terms if it's going to go forward.  80% chance he walks if you say no.  It sounds like he wants it all, he's probably worked a lot of deals in his professional life so he know nothing is ever set in stone even if it appears on someone's website, and if not with you then he'll have an arrangement with someone.

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:54:33 PM

Wanna play cards old man?
Think better before I take over your daddy's company.

Actually, I have a regular who gives me a similarly reduced rate.  If she get the room I pay her about $100 less than her published incall/outcall rate, but if I get the room I pay her a bit less so her net is actually slightly more.  This is fair for both of us -- I get a better value, and she knows that the guy on the other side of the door is not LE... or far worse.  ;)

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 3:01:09 PM

From my point of view.

Why not see him at your place? (I had this before Ter)
I was more like a side gf.  He can book the room for both of you.
Or you can too on line using Priceline or other sites.  
Anyway back to your concerned.
 Agree to something that is beneficial for both.  
He has the power/ money. He can go somewhere else.
Safety is important.  
 5000 a month is sweet.  

So, hopefully the men can give you great advise.

In the end, you must be happy with the agreed.  

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 9:06:22 AM

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 9:22:21 AM

He either wants the option of more visits per month which will add to your room costs, even if you like the idea of seeing him more often, or he wants a discount for seeing you regularly.  If he wants more visits then I think the flat rate needs to be more and not less.  If it's the second option then why would you want to agree to that unless you are concerned he will go elsewhere if he doesn't get this sort of arrangement.

Pink_Panties730 reads

My expenses will rise, and profit will tank.  I'm not dependent on his income.  The arrangement is a NO-GO.

If you aren't dependent on him...then there's nothing to debate.

Good luck replacing that coin.  Best to be pro-active.  It won't be easy.

Hopefully this isn't your first rodeo with a quasi SD/sb gig.  It does sound like it however.

Plenty of other gals have found themselves in your position.  Just follow the "back by popular demand" ads.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
My expenses will rise, and profit will tank.  I'm not dependent on his income.  The arrangement is a NO-GO.

Pink_Panties603 reads

There is nothing to debate.  Last month was a good month (lol) and I think a lil discount to him per visit is fair to him and doesn't put me at a disadvantage.

However when a dude drops some coin and then a month into the game he wants to change the rules...he's a player.

Play the game if you want...nothing wrong with it at all.  Just don't get played.

String it out for as long as you can.  If he's still the majority part of your income in 3 months, then time to revisit the "arrangement".  Unfortunately the game for you will change as well if you get lax on other regulars and become ever more dependent on one source.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
There is nothing to debate.  Last month was a good month (lol) and I think a lil discount to him per visit is fair to him and doesn't put me at a disadvantage.  

Pink_Panties634 reads

1 measly month and a few bucks and he's trying to change the rules!  I would never, ever, ever go to him and say, "Gee, you're a wealthy guy.  I know I charge $X per hour, but why don't we just round that number up to an even $X?"  No girl ever changes the rules, but it's ok for him to??

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 4:15:47 PM

Not like you have any competition for his money. You're obviously the only hooker around and you've got him by the balls. You must be extremely successful too. How else do you walk from $5000 for a couple of visits a month? Don't worry though, if he leaves you can always turn to Sugar, Cullin, and Christmas. They'd obviously pay much more than $5000 a month for a steady arrangement.

GaGambler731 reads

it sounds like he is nothing but a paycheck for you, and you are nothing more than a piece of ass to him. You two sound like you deserve each other.

My advice since you were the one asking, is to stand your ground, give him a small discount to keep him happy for the time being and try to cultivate a few more regulars so you will never feel "forced" to depend on one man for your livelihood.

In all fairness though, my advice to him if it were he asking what to do, would be to drop you now and find someone who was more appreciative of a steady customer.

but since you were the one asking, my advice to you stands, which I think is exactly the same conclusion you came to.

Pink_Panties801 reads

$5000 is pocket change, and he is just doing what wealthy people do to stay that way.  I have no problem with that, but I also shouldn't be put in a disadvantage now.  And this entire hobby revolves around paychecks and ass, not just he and I.

From your posts, you could drop this john and it wouldn't hurt your business at all. So how are you disadvantaged. For that matter, if you're so successful you can walk away from $60,000 a year for 24 encounters with just one client, why are you posting this nonsense in the first place. I could see a newbie doing it and seeking advice. But being the successful professional you claim to be, it simply casts you as an unsympathetic whiner.

Bob_Sugar580 reads

As a man of incredible wealth myself, I really don't know how much I make until the year is over.

There are stock options that get exercised and my bonus based on many different variables.

I wouldn't discuss with a virtual stranger my personal fortune either.  You seem like a nice person.  But why would you believe what this man tells you?

8 figures?   10,000,000-99,000,000 A YEAR!  Hell!  I'd have at least 3 sugar babies at home and all I have to do is yell--"FRONT" and one of them shows up.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
$5000 is pocket change, and he is just doing what wealthy people do to stay that way.  I have no problem with that, but I also shouldn't be put in a disadvantage now.  And this entire hobby revolves around paychecks and ass, not just he and I.

He likes you and foresees a long-term arrangement and wants to discuss terms.  He comes from a world in which this is a normal way to do business.  In his world, seeking this kind of arrangement isn't rude at all. You're basically asking him to pay you like a trick and then getting upset when he treats you like a hooker.  And in fact, he's not really treating you like a hooker but like the vendor of a service.  Which you are. You're trying to have it both ways.
You seem likable and I don't mean to be harsh but this is the reality I see.

I don't think that's what she looking for Nick. She's looking for the WKs to validate her sense of entitlement.

Pink_Panties458 reads

It is a little hard to not take something like negotiation of your rates a little personally when you think/thought your client really enjoys your services.  But I am a contractor, and I get it.

-- Modified on 5/10/2015 12:18:41 PM

So I must be imagining it every time I see a lady increase her rates?  :o)

Know your business.  Be smart, savvy, and confident.  Don't play the role of victim.  Who cares how much money he makes?- what you "think" he can/and should be willing to pay is an irrelevent value judgement.  What business owner makes that kind of judgement about his/her customers?  What you have is a happy customer who wants to cement an ongoing arrangement with you (or so it seems).  Unless you are uncomfortable with him, it seems to me like you can work out something that leaves you both smiling.  He wants to feel a little "extra" special.  Indulge this.  Just lay out the terms up front.  $X for Y numbers of visits.  If it works out, he feels special and maybe gets a little break, and you have a steady reliable customer.  It's a win win.

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 9:02:22 PM

joecarter500 reads

Grow up.  It is a business transaction and he is looking for the best business deal he can get.  What is to get mad or upset about?  How much money he has is irrelevant.  Say yes or no and live with the consequences.

You are in control of your fee structure and your time. Let him know what you feel comfortable with and not comfortable with. He has every right to sway it in his direction. You have every right to accept or deny his request.  

You can always let him go if his approach is not to your liking or say to him you like things as they are if he is trying to lowball you. You really are in control of what you do.

What you are not in control of is any questions or suggestions a john makes. No need to get upset, just counter with the info you want.

That you and your paramour are on an equal playing field.  I don't think you are.  Your position is much more easily replaced in this situation.  If you don't cut some sort of deal he may (likely) simply move on.

I'm not trying to be a downer or demean your value here, but I'd advise not to get too huffy, or you may find yourself replacing that money he's providing.  If that's not an issue for you, go for broke :)

Good luck!

Posted By: Pink_Panties
1 measly month and a few bucks and he's trying to change the rules!  I would never, ever, ever go to him and say, "Gee, you're a wealthy guy.  I know I charge $X per hour, but why don't we just round that number up to an even $X?"  No girl ever changes the rules, but it's ok for him to??  

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 4:15:47 PM

What an odd number.  Why not go with something simpler?  I mean if you normally charge him $500/hr the discount you're suggesting would cut the price by $36.25.  Doesn't make sense to me.  Just go with a round #and give him a $50 reduction.

Can you afford to lose it if he gets upset and spends that $$$$ else where?  It's workable if you make it  good for both if you. But as I said in my first post to you, make sure to add enough to the monthly arrangement to cover your hotel expenses. In other word your monthly arrangement is going to be more than 5k but a great deal for him because it money you can count on every month. IMO Kelly in DC is the best person to talk to you about this. and of course London as well...  Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 3:31:05 PM

And the reality is he's going to be moving on shortly anyhow.

So she can either stay the course and accelerate his departure....or "offer" him a discount and hope that translates into a few more bucks than she otherwise would have gotten.

These gigs are common in HookerLand.  

Posted By: Joe Christmas
He either wants the option of more visits per month which will add to your room costs, even if you like the idea of seeing him more often, or he wants a discount for seeing you regularly.  If he wants more visits then I think the flat rate needs to be more and not less.  If it's the second option then why would you want to agree to that unless you are concerned he will go elsewhere if he doesn't get this sort of arrangement.

She originally stated he wants a flat fee for a COUPLE of visits a month. My guess is he wants a discount in exchange for providing her a secure and steady source of income. Steph is right. She needs to think this through clearly, and without any of your ridiculous chatter.  

Unless of course you're willing to step in and replace Joe Millionaire. How about it Christmas, you willing to back her play?

GaGambler547 reads

but he is almost as lame. Not quite, but close. He could reach the semi's in the BSU regionals.

I'm shockeddd.  SHOCKED!   Regional semi's?  That's the sweet sixteen.  All right, that's fine.   But the next time you and Jack invite me over for cocoa and cookies I may just be busy lol.

Posted By: GaGambler
but he is almost as lame. Not quite, but close. He could reach the semi's in the BSU regionals.
-- Modified on 5/9/2015 8:04:59 PM

And if I was in a testy mood I'd probably say that clever guys like you who have probably never been able to get a date without paying for it are in no position to criticize anyone.  But I'm in a good mood so I won't say it; I'll simply congratulate you on your immense business acumen and excuse myself now to go watch the next basketball game.   Adios.

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 8:50:07 PM

Since this dude is the majority of your business I would suggest that you take his offer.  If you don't I would expect that he'll be looking elsewhere faster than he otherwise would be.

In either event he's not a long term dude.  He's looking for a sb arrangement.  And you know that most of those last a few months to maybe, if you are lucky, a year.

Perhaps he's actually Bob_Sugar?  If so, I'd be careful.  We've seen that type here before.  

I also would make the cheap asswipe pay for the hotel room.  After all...he's a wealthy dude...right?

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I see this client, on average, once a week which comes to around $5000/mo.  He emails to plan the next appointment and asks if we can work out an arrangement since he wants to keep seeing me a few times a month.  He asked for a flat, monthly rate.  
 I don't know what to say because:  
 1.) What if a "few" visits will turn into "unlimited" visits?  
 2.) I like what he pays me and don't really want to take a pay cut  
 3.) He is wealthy, I am not  
 4.) I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops.  
 Any advice?

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'll agree to disagree.

See ladies?
That's how men behave.

Pink_Panties551 reads

I hope not!  

This guy is a pleasure to have and know, but not indispensable or the majority of my business.  I'm passing on the arrangement.

I'll be interested to know how this turns out.

Maybe we'll also learn about Bob's pending paternity suit?

And of course if TER creates an under 30 board.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I hope not!  
 This guy is a pleasure to have and know, but not indispensable or the majority of my business.  I'm passing on the arrangement.

Make sure it is someone you REALLY are attracted to and love hanging out with, or it will drive you nuts knowing you could be making more money charging the dolt by the hour lol. I spent on average 12 hours a week with my sugar daddies and about 3 solid days and nights per month going on weekend trips.  

It is a worthy and wise move if you truly love being with that person and know there are still no strings attached. Many times I found myself even thinking of that person after we parted ways, but it was not a doodling his name on my binder type of thing lol. More like a habit thing of waking up for 3 days and then I woke up to my cat pawing me.  

Make sure the rate you quote is worth the loss in money from other clients and the wear and tear on your damn vagina. Sugar Daddies are a mixed bag IMO.

But read the OP again. She doesn't say anything about the kind of SD relationship you describe. All she is complaining about is he wants a flat, discounted rate for a steady diet of 2 visits per month (" I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops."). This decision appears to be nothing more than Business 101. I say she drop him like a hot potato and sign Sugar, Cullin, and Christmas to long-term, inflated contracts. They seem more than willing to give her anything she wants with no questions asked

Milk him for every drop you can.    :-D

    I might have quit school in ninth grade but I'm good at basic Math and I've never
    been swindled out of my hard earned money.
  4200.00 a month with a $ 1050.00 surcharge for every visit over one a week will give him the discount he deserves.

  Don't ever forget there is an abundance of wealthy desperate men, and a shortage of beautiful
    women willing to allow ugly men to touch them.
      Never give up your hand when you have the advantage.  :-D  

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I see this client, on average, once a week which comes to around $5000/mo.  He emails to plan the next appointment and asks if we can work out an arrangement since he wants to keep seeing me a few times a month.  He asked for a flat, monthly rate.  
 I don't know what to say because:  
 1.) What if a "few" visits will turn into "unlimited" visits?  
 2.) I like what he pays me and don't really want to take a pay cut  
 3.) He is wealthy, I am not  
 4.) I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops.  
 Any advice?

If so, you'll probably get some really good answers from ladies who are in those kind of arrangement or have been in the past.

My best advice is to find out exactly what his goals are in this arrangement.  Have a honest conversation with him, make sure it beneficial for you. And if he wants to see you more than once a week as I suspect he does, make sure whatever number you come up with arrangement wise will cover the cost of you paying for a hotel room every time you see him.

If he's spending 5k a month now and seeing you once a week you're going to having to come up with something that gives him more time for the bucks without shooting yourself in the foot so to speak.

It's got to be a win win for both of you. BTW these things can get complicated.

I'm not sure what kinds of answers you are going to get here but we'll see. and as I said, post on the lady's board if you are a member and if not write admin and ask to be.


Don't listen to those who would wish to buy you.
I almost became one.
KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to send HoC back to his padded room.

And please take your time coming back.

Thanks for your support!

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Don't listen to those who would wish to buy you.  
 I almost became one.  
 KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is he looking to do?  Why does he want a change?

If I were you, I'd be wary of an arrangement after only one month, and he should be as well.  Tell him it's too early for that.

If you like him and the chemistry is good, you probably want to continue to see him.  If he's a good client, as you suggested, offer a small discount per session.  Or you can offer him more time for the same donation.  If he is paying you, on average, $1,000 per session, offer a discount on extra sessions, maybe $1,000 for the first 3 in a calendar month and $800 per session for 1, 2, 3, or 4 more in the same month.

If he truly wants an arrangement and is wealthy, it's clear that HE should be the one paying for the hotel.  

Thanks for asking about the male views.  Good luck!

If he is paying you per month but yet wants to see you weekly, you are really giving him four free sessions per year.   Unless, of course, you or he takes that into consideration.

For your benefit, and to keep things simpler, I would have him pay you on a per visit basis.   And why would he not get the hotel??

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:51:39 PM

is not good for either one of you. I am not sure if you are already discounting him for multiple hour appointments like a lot of the girls do but if so my advice is to just tell him you enjoy his company but prefer to keep things the way they are.

 If he decides to move on then maybe that is for the best the way you are describing things.

"A few" means how often?  This is ripe for abuse.  If he paid for 4 last month, he could expect 6-8 visits for the same fee & that doesn't fly.
Who pays for the room?  You have the same expenses.  Or he could give some compensation for the room.    
You could discount second hours or Subsequent visits.    

Can you work out an arrangement?  Maybe.  But you don't want to be a door mat.  I really like pay as you go arrangements...  it's just cleaner.

Pink_Panties635 reads

I've got to sign off, but the bottom line is, some will think I'm a greedy hooker for having the audacity to question is a sure thing.  Others, (looking at it from a business standpoint), see it is a losing proposition as it stands now.  I am not out to screw anyone, but don't want to be screwed either.  So it's a big, fat NO-GO on a monthly deal right now.  As mentioned, I'm doing the per visit, 7.25% (lol) discount for meeting frequently.  That's the win/win.  No room for disappointments for either of us.  Thanks

GaGambler576 reads

That doesn't mean that being a greedy hooker is a "bad thing"

I am a businessman, and I try to make as much as I can, I guess that makes me a "greedy businessman" the same as you are a "greedy hooker" you know all about living in glass houses and stones, so I would be the last person to condemn a greedy hooker. lol

and please tell us how you came up with the 7.25% number, I am just dying to know

The more wear and tear a dude wants to put on my vagina, the more that fker is gonna pay. Wanna watch movies, take me to dinner, go on a trip? Half off! Meh.

And we don't know what kind of guy he is to be with. He may be a non wear and tear kinda guy. He can afford to add in more for the cost of additional hotel rooms. I'mma trying t9gether to see don't take AWAY from what she already has, add enough to make him feel like he's getting more for the security of her being able to count on the month to month thing FOR NOW.

Slightly more $$$ to cover the additional expenses, a little more VIP kinda feel for him, a little more time and flexibility for him, as that what I think he's after. and teach her how to cook for her clients and make it REAL food, none of that fru fru shit! Me> I'm a lost cause on that one. My guys would be paying me NOT to cook for them after some kinda of I Love Lucy kitchen disaster-LMAO!

Steph xoxo

She has the power to stop or make sure in the preliminary negotiations that a certain amount of sex is offered and that it is not an open door type thing. I just can't see where a hooker has no say, even if the john is paying. If the john wants a no holds bar deal, then find a hooker that allows that or a blow up doll.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess 7.25% is the local sales tax rate and she's been reading the local furniture store ads... "Buy now and we'll pay the sales tax"... even when we all know those prices are 30% higher than retail...

Thank you for allowing the firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe prepare your recent legal documents.  As always, we are at your disposal to consult on a myriad of matters.

Please have your sugar daddy contact us as well.  It seems he has more money to spend than you.

Please advise your accounts payable department that we generally don't offer discounts.  But if you are prepared to commit $ 50,000 to our firm, we do have a discount of 5%.  We will need the $ 50,000 paid in advance however.

Thank you for your patronage.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I've got to sign off, but the bottom line is, some will think I'm a greedy hooker for having the audacity to question is a sure thing.  Others, (looking at it from a business standpoint), see it is a losing proposition as it stands now.  I am not out to screw anyone, but don't want to be screwed either.  So it's a big, fat NO-GO on a monthly deal right now.  As mentioned, I'm doing the per visit, 7.25% (lol) discount for meeting frequently.  That's the win/win.  No room for disappointments for either of us.  Thanks

I know you want men’s opinions, but I’m terribly bored at the spa….
Indulge me...
You said you are making 5000 a month seeing him 4x
So lets say you are making 1250 per visit
Hotel expenses 300
Now I know you are a pretty girl and require some extras
(Nails, hair, dress, lingerie, transportation, wine and goodies etc…)
And yes- it costs to be gorgeous and outfit a romantic liason..
I’m going to price you at 300

1250-300-300= 650 per visit
4 visits= 2,600
That is what you are actually making

That is 31,200 per year. Not 60K like some ppl are stating



-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:08:15 PM

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:12:42 PM

Finally, someone doing the real business math.

Offer him extra time instead of a discount!

Posted By: AlyssaHille
I know you want men’s opinions, but I’m terribly bored at the spa….  
 Indulge me...  
 You said you are making 5000 a month seeing him 4x  
 So lets say you are making 1250 per visit  
 Hotel expenses 300  
 Now I know you are a pretty girl and require some extras  
 (Nails, hair, dress, lingerie, transportation, wine and goodies etc…)  
 And yes- it costs to be gorgeous and outfit a romantic liason..  
 I’m going to price you at 300  
 1250-300-300= 650 per visit  
 4 visits= 2,600  
 That is what you are actually making  
 That is 31,200 per year. Not 60K like some ppl are stating  
 -- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:08:15 PM

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:12:42 PM

As London mentioned that could be extra wear and tear on the pussy. Look, he either pays what she wants or not, same as she either takes his offer or not. If she wants to add extra time because she feels like it, then she can and still feel good about the arrangement and not taken advantage of.

Not all considered loss.  Itemized deductions or business expense?  Tax advantage?
Sounds like a charity or political campaign soliciter.  

Posted By: AlyssaHille
I know you want men’s opinions, but I’m terribly bored at the spa….  
 1250-300-300= 650 per visit  
 4 visits= 2,600  
 That is what you are actually making  
 That is 31,200 per year. Not 60K like some ppl are stating  

I am not sure how many hours you are meeting with him for at $1,250 per week?  But I see no reason why he should expect for $5K to give him unlimited action.  But I also see no reason why you would want to walk away from a nice client who seems willing to pay you $5K per month, or at least the first month.

How about suggesting one of the following options:

1)  Continue to meet for the same number of times and hours per month, but have him provide the room for a similarly reduced rate?  I mean if you are currently paying $250 on average for the room, perhaps if he gets the room you could meet him for $1,000 per date/$4,000 per month?  Maybe his corporation has a place he has use of?  This way your total net is the same.

2)  Continue to see him the same number of days per month, put perhaps an hour (or two) longer meeting each time you meet?  This way you also gross the same $1,250 per meeting, you arrange the room as always, your gross and net remains the same, and he feels like he is getting a better value?

3)  A combination of both of the above.  He arranges the room, same number of dates, an hour (or two) longer for each appointment, you net the same, he gets a better value.  For this you might want the total monthly rate up-front

Since your room cost seems to be a big chunk of your total expense...  you could see if there are any better deals to be had on accomidations.  You could also explain this to the client...  perrhaps he has a place, a discount, or ??  
I don't know how long your appointments are with this client but once you've rented the room, the fee is fixed so your profit is more "per hour".

Pink_Panties585 reads

but he will not rent a hotel room in his name.  Nor would he involve me in anything related to his business (corporate apartment/hotel rate, etc).  And he doesn't have a lot of time to spend together, so offering additional time would not be useful.

That is not to say that he couldn't pay me back for the hotel, but the initial agreement we entered into is that I reserve and pay hotel as part of my fee, AKA incall.

Thanks for your suggestions!

-- Modified on 5/10/2015 12:45:58 PM

How many times do you see tricks angling for more time or less money or both? Not rare.

If so add the cost of the room to the total figure and then make clear how many visits that gets him and be careful of how long he wants to make this fair.  

If it is not only him, I don't see why he would want an "arrangement" unless he is angling for more visits thus reducing your fee structure. Then I would refuse. If you are delivering great service I see no reason to drop your rate. If you do and are happy, then fine but  watch carefully how long he stays and how often he wants to see you. It can soon become a situation of you feeling used.

-- Modified on 5/10/2015 9:49:56 AM

More of the indispensable commentary you post on the boards?

What do providers, provide?

I guee I'm right I wouldn't keep any clients for long.

take the flat rate with the EXPLICIT understanding of what that covers....how many visits...how long each visit..etc.  Sit down and write this out for him so there is no misunderstanding. Also cover what happens should he not see you as much one month...does he get his unused time rolled over to the next month?  that sort of thing.  Sit down, think it out, write it out and make it as one sided for yourself as you think you can get away with.  Don't try to make it a "fair" agreement.  I don't know this guy but he may try to negotiate some things, if you make it fair then you have nothing to give up.

Posted By: Pink_Panties
I see this client, on average, once a week which comes to around $5000/mo.  He emails to plan the next appointment and asks if we can work out an arrangement since he wants to keep seeing me a few times a month.  He asked for a flat, monthly rate.  
 I don't know what to say because:  
 1.) What if a "few" visits will turn into "unlimited" visits?  
 2.) I like what he pays me and don't really want to take a pay cut  
 3.) He is wealthy, I am not  
 4.) I have to pay for a $200-$300 hotel room each time I see him, so the built in expenses remain steady, while his expenditure drops.  
 Any advice?

If he insists on the monthly rate, include some sort of session "cap".  Max number of sessions per month.Not sure if anyone mentioned that already, just wanted to helphelp.

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