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russbbj 89 Reviews 236 reads

Wild, nasty women that fuck our brains out ...

blessed with so many women who treat us so well.
Wild women that fuck our brains out ...
Courtesans that seduce with a look ...
And so much deliciousness in between.
And then there's your ATFs.  

The one I actually like the most is ... all of the above.  

What's your favorite "style of seduction" ?

-- Modified on 10/7/2016 12:18:02 AM

soft background music, sharing a bottle of wine, and then hoping the sex starts before she throws up the wine on me.

When she throws u wine to your face she may be just wants to submiss you ..  

I may can confirm - I am always more aroused after an arguments
Adrenalin  drives me crazy for love.  
First threw a wine on him -not red wine, please ,  
 Then fight him and submiss to myself - that is my style hahah  

You started so romantically- low light, or cane light.. .. yet - you took bull by it s horns:

You never know a woman until she drunk and mad at you:)
manners matter, good look is a bonus- and humor is MUS

Senator.Blutarsky288 reads

...stop buying two buck chuck and maybe she won't upchuck it on you. 😎

the left over wine if its too good to use in the salad dressing?

-- Modified on 10/7/2016 12:22:27 PM

Her facing the mirror, you behind her while you slowly undress her as she watches...of course there's more but you get the gist....

and I would have gotten a little wood this morning.

Has that ever happened to you?  You just described a fetish of mine.

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.  
That said Friedrich Nietzsche.  know many would say that he is not good example when talk to jewish man .. yet please note the following  
"he had acquired a reputation as an inspiration for right-wing German militarism. The reality was Nietzsche was an opponent of volkist pan-Germanism and advocated a nobiliary, trans-national pan-Europeanism incorporating the cultural-spiritual elite from all Western nations—including Judea or Israel"

So I can not resist but to cite this quote to you as to true gentlemen on your "i like aggressive women"

That is so sweet!!!

and how can you not love someone who has five consecutive consonants in their name?  

By the way, he was not locked up for eating his excrement.  That was a cruel hoax perpetuated by his detractors.  Though the Nazi's tried to expropriate his writings leading to the Superman Ethos that Nazism was in part based on, Nietzsche would have been aghast had he known they had done so.

He faced a rather ignoble end being run down by a trolley, sad to say

make money in philosophy?"  "You can if its the right one."    ---Max Dugan

Back in ancient Greece, philosophers were exempted from paying taxes.

Ah, for the good old days

That would make you too old to hobby.

Senator.Blutarsky216 reads

...it's all good. Especially when she gets that look in her eyes that says... I want you...now!

the one that best fits the two of us, the moment, the mood. Genuine and unscripted.  

Sometimes a slow seduction over dinner and drinks, the flirting and glimpses of exposed flesh, the touches incidental yet deliberate, teasing and laughter, the kiss and the whispered "I want you now".  

Sometimes the pure expression of primal, animal lust... that instinctual hunger that burns to be satisfied immediately; Lips locked, deeply entwined, bodies pressed together against the wall, all pretense fled in the frenetic, hard and wet immediacy of the moment.  

Thank god we need not choose a single favorite style, and can present many sides of our sexuality to one another over time.  

And yes, thanks to all the wonderful women who share themselves with us so passionately and who bring us the opportunity to experience and enjoy those moments of seduction, eroticism, pleasure and companionship of all kinds.

tastes have shifted towards courtesans that seduce in multiple ways. Nothing like lots of teasing, foreplay, more teasing, more foreplay, etc. before the big event.

that, at the conclusion of an otc date, she said "let's go fuck, you know you want to" pretty much ranks up near the top.

My femininity responding to his masculinity.  
The thrill of watching his eyes glinting with pure masculine interest is the most divine inspiration to behold.


-- Modified on 10/7/2016 10:46:37 AM

It is very much a turn-on when a woman confidently KNOWS she is hot, and KNOWS that I know, and isn't afraid to act that way. Flirting and teasing, not necessarily aggressively jumping my bones, but not holding back either when I find her so irresistibly ravishing.  Far too often I meet girls who really are beautiful and hot but act like they think they're average, or maybe they do know but they don't care to really show it off and act sexy because they know we're gonna fuck anyway.

What blows me away is realness. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, and you are correct. This is not the place for that. Nevertheless, it happens. Of course, when it does, it's atf city.  

One atf, on our very first session, sat me down on the couch, and talked to me like we were long lost friends. Our last session before she retired she forgot what time I was coming back through from my trip, and answered the door in old baggy sweats. That was real, and drove me crazy.  

Another atf, on the very first session, literally ran and jumped into my arms when I walked in the door. Wow! Then when she pulled out a fruit basket to share after the session, that went above and beyond. I saw her four weekends in a row, and she was two hours away. She was real.

Another atf, after her first long cum, looked up at me and said, 'I love you'. Of course she didn't, and we both knew that, but that let me know she had enjoyed herself immensely. After the session, when I was literally on my way out the door, she asked if I might hit her with one more cum. My tongue was all too happy to oblige. That was real.  

I understand completely that most ladies can't, or won't do that. That's cool. I'm happy with sex. But every once in awhile, something inexplicable happens.

Wild, nasty women that fuck our brains out ...

Reasonable priced, nekkid and accommodating.

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