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Duo with two providers
dranon01 5 Reviews 3514 reads

I just wanted to get your thoughts on a duo appointment with two female providers. I know a lot depends on the people involved but are these kind of appointments fun in general? What are the general do’s and dont’s from a hobbyists perspective that you guys have experienced with such appointments?

Thanks for your time to provide feedback!

Steve_Trevor85 reads

then in my experience it’s best if they know each other and are both really bi (not just labeled as such).  Also best if they have reviews as a duo, but that’s not always possible.  

It is important to read reviews and make sure that both gals will engage you simultaneously rather that do a tag-team approach (unless the latter is what you want anyways.

It can be a wonderful experience, though pricey.   It is also important that you be in top physical condition to really take advantage of it.

I had a duo with two sugar babes.  While it was interesting, maybe a bucket list thing, it wasn't super amazing.  It was even  a bit distracting to have to worry about the need to essentially ignore one when involved with the other.  I never want to let anyone feel left out.  I haven't been motivated to do it again.

Steve_Trevor82 reads

If the two women are really into each other (see my post above), both will always find something fun to do.  For example, one DATYs or fucks the other while you’re face fucking her.  Or while you’re doing doggie with one, the other is under her with her tongue, vibe or dildo in action. Or two of the three give the other a 4-hands sensual massage.  Etc etc.  Lots of possibilities.

If the two girls are really in to each other then it can be a great time.  If they aren't then meh.

You won't have to go through a box of condoms as you switch back and forth.

I couldn’t agree more.  If the girls are really into each other, there’s no better experience you could possibly have in my opinion.  Well worth the high expense.

MFF hookups can generally run in two flavors (no pun intended):

1. The guy is the center of attention:  Here, the two providers focus on pleasing you most of the time. This can be wonderful or less than wonderful depending on your stamina, preferences for specific activities and how well the women can coordinate their interactions with you, and each other. Do you want one to blow you while the other kisses you or you  go down on her? Do you want them to switch off from position to position?  Or do you want one to please you while the other waits for her chance to rotate in?   These can all be amazing. But bear in mind that if they do a tag team, you may actually finished in half the time while each of them did half the "work."  

2. An equal opportunity fuck-fest:  Here, everybody is into giving and getting pleasure from the other two.  You each spend an equivalent amount of time giving and receiving, and you may find yourself just watching the other two have fun for a while.  That can be good or not depending on your voyeuristic preferences.  Again,  your experience can vary based on how much each of the women are into each other.    

Either way, a few things to consider about a three-way:  
1. Condom rules.  You may need to use a new condom each time you switch. It's up to you and the women to discuss and agree. Female condoms may be the way to go, if both of them are comfortable using them. This needs to be discussed before any clothes come off.  
2. Two providers typically means twice the price (or more!).  And you may want to actually book a longer session than  you would with a single provider to ensure you get a satisfying amount of time with them. So twice the price for twice as long could really mean 4 times the cost for a MF scenario. Worth it?  If you get everything you want and can afford the extra cost, it certainly is! At least it has been for me the few times I've tried it.  

How to find the perfect duo? This is more art than science, but here are my suggestions:  
1. Start with a current favorite provider. Ask her if she has a preferred duo partner she can recommend.  
2. Read LOTS of reviews for each of them, especially if they have duo reviews together or with other providers.  
3. Once you've selected a duo to consider booking, ask (using a mutually agreed-to safe method) which ever you know best if she can discuss your personal desired activities with the other before you book.  
4. Plan the session with enough time for everyone to feel comfortable. If the ladies feel comfortable and relaxed with you, it will show in the session.  

Life is good

The Cat

nothing I can think to add.  Personally, I have done some number ones, but the real thrill for me in number two, where there will be some girl on girl action with me as the voyeur.  I usually plan two hours and they do each other during the refractory period for me between pops.  Its a great way to get warmed up for round two.  

I really like the FC;s but DATY becomes impossible, so I like to have about a half-dozen covers standing by so I can quickly switch back and forth.  I was offered a bareback double once by two girls, but I passed, even though it would have presented that rare opportunity to acquire two different STD's in ONE session.  That's not a bucket list item for me.  Lol

And have since lost count.  
Yes on chemistry. Two girls on opposite sides of the bed is not my idea of a duo. Kissing and eating pussy are sine qua non for me.  

So how do you get there? Above advice is terrific and I have only a couple of things to add:

Trust your spider sense.  The girl who off-handedly says "sure, I'll do that" probably won't do that.  It's like when you bring your sports car to Goober the local mechanic and without a thought he says "sure, I work on these foreign jobs", you probably should look elsewhere. I've had a dozen women pull this shit over the decades and it's irksome to no end when they get in the room and suddenly develop an allergy to pussy.  I didn't listen to my spider sense.

Read duo reviews carefully.  The idiot who claims a girl is bi but has never seen her tongue labia is useless to you. So is the numbskull whose review says "it was all a blur". Fuck that noise. You need to see that girl A buried her tongue inside girl B. Otherwise you are hoping that the reviewer just forgot to mention that.

Having said all that, happy trails to you. If, like me, you truly enjoy Sapphic love, you will find some dynamite providers, at least here in the City of Angels.

As for the session itself, sense the room.  
If the girls are new to each other I will leave the room and allow them to get acquainted.  

If one is better known to me, I will pay special attention to the other lady so she feels equally welcome.
I obey the same rule as with solo dates--her body, her rules. If they draw the line at X, respect that.

Don't be afraid to give direction.  If the girls are experienced they know that it's about what you want to see and they'll accommodate you. If they're not experienced but are willing, you may need to give more direction.  

Finally, relax and enjoy the ride. You don't have to work in every possible permutation of a 3some. It isn't a science project. It's fantasy sex. And done right, it's fantastic sex.


The  logistics of creating a truly mind-blowing "threesome FMF tryst"
takes creativity, stamina,  and ultimately the genuine affinity between  
said Providers.

We're aware of our individual likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.    

We're also abreast of each other's stamina, and provide to each  
unspoken nuances of when to change activity, positions, alter pace,
and timing.

We're  intimately aware of each other's safety/pain threshold in the
instance when/if a Gentleman is being too rough, or needs to hasten
as time is of the essence.  

I enjoy working with my "Duos Partner because the chemistry is
apparent.... we joke, laugh, and love to pamper our Client and each  
other,  and it shows.....because I mean why not?    
Life's too short to not indulge  "disfruta el punto dulce!!    

If Duos Partners are synergistic as my partner and I are, we always
provide  ultimate satisfaction to our Clients.  

I find it so gratifying to see the Client's "Cheshire Cat Smile" on his face
as he's departing our rendezvous.
I'm assuming he's replaying the encounter in his mind over and over  
which hopefully brings him ongoing pleasurable memories.

xo Angelina Jones

Thank you everyone for the amazing responses! That was very useful and informative.

I did a duo with friends who traveled together but weren't bi or into each other. I was expecting at least SOME FF or MFF contact but the best I got was some two girl BBBJ.  
In other words, I got 1/2 Hostess A and 1/2 Hostess B = 1 Hostess for 2x the normal cost.
Know what you want (FF? MFF? MF/2 + MF/2?). Do your homework (reviews).  
Good luck.

Posted By: dranon01

I just wanted to get your thoughts on a duo appointment with two female providers. I know a lot depends on the people involved but are these kind of appointments fun in general? What are the general do’s and dont’s from a hobbyists perspective that you guys have experienced with such appointments?  
 Thanks for your time to provide feedback!

...I know that either the 2 girls are into women, or are very very VERY good actresses :D

Lots of girls down there promise you what they call "a Lez-bion Cho" but it's mostly bullshit. I've done a few of them and never saw a SINGLE pussy get eaten. Fortunately, there was still fun to be had. I do recall hanging out with a bi lady monger who seemed to have pretty good Gay-Dar and she seemed to be having a good time. Anyway, she'd been down there a bunch of times.

I get the feeling that they wouldn't try to pull that shit with an actual lesbian client ;)

I'd love to tag team a "Lez-bion Cho" with you! I promise to only touch the OTHER Lez-bions. LOL!

I don’t know where you are but there are some excellent PSE kgirl doubles offerings to be had in the Bay Area on occasion. $6-7 for the hour and you leave bow-legged.

Edit: I just looked and it looks like many of the usual doubles pairs are off so keep an eye out.


WAAAAAY back in 1999 I tried it with girls who were actual lesbians. One of them was ugly and unpleasant, the other was cute and unpleasant. Which, at the time, seemed to be very common in lesbian relationships.  
I think they were just curious as to what it would be like with a man, and they very quickly decided they didnt like it. But they got angry and took out their issues on me, which I did not appreciate. Anyone who has had real experience with lesbians probably knows what I am talking about. There was no yelling, but a lot of harsh language and insults and finally they stormed out.  
Anyway, many jobs later, and a new town or two, and I was living in Eugene, where chicks are way more laid back and mellow. Was seeing two escorts on rare occasions. Told each of them individually that I wanted a threesome and they were both very into the idea. They both came over at the same time. They even slipped into the bathroom and put on some slutty little outfits. For some odd reason I felt like we should have wine and beer available to smooth things over, but it wasnt needed. And also a bad idea. One of them was on prescription antihistamines and forgot to tell us. She drank anyway.  
Long story short, we had a few minutes of oral sex and then a night I can only describe as crazy and massively disappointing. Sober girl took fucked up girl home, and I didnt see either of them for months. That little misadventure cost me 1200 bucks, which at the time was like 3 months of disposable income.  I never made the effort again.  
If you do it, make sure neither of them is an addict or having a bad day, make sure they are both into girls AND guys, and try to keep your expectations low, at least for the first session.

First, if they're both really lesbians, they would only do this from hunger. Nothing good is likely to come from that.

If only one is bi, not much better. I did a session with two women who were a couple in real life and one was bi. I was not allowed so much as to touch the lesbian. As in, keep your fucking meathooks off! I was allowed to watch them eat each other but even that was awkward. I was then allowed to fuck the bi-girl while she ate the lesbian, but the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling they were both pretending I wasn't there. Weird and uncomfortable.

advertised themselves as bi-sexual who were really straight up Lesbian.  The sessions always suck because its easy to tell they are just going through the motions for the money and are not into it at all.  Likewise, I'm sure Lopaw has had some providers who advertise themselves as bi-sexual and really aren't.  They prefer male customers but are just being "gay for pay."  So your conclusion that they were just "pretending" is the rule, not the exception.  

Why anyone other than a bi/ gay woman would book with known lesbians is beyond me. But if that was a bucket list type of thing, then at least you got it over with, lol.

was a good idea?  Did you think that once they got a little of YOUR dick, they would convert to hetero?  A common male fantasy, but non-existent in real life.   Even since I was old enough to know what a Lesbian was, I knew they were women who were not much interested sexually in anyone with a dick, so they can be your social friends, but not your lovers.  

If you expect two women to be a good experience for you, then at least ONE has to be bi-sexual.  I actually did this, when I was barely 20 years old, with a much more positive outcome than you had.  I was dating a bi- girl, and she brought a Lesbian in to join us for the specific purpose of having her Lesbian friend teach me how to eat pussy.  The Lesbian and I had no interaction at all, which was fine with me, but it was two hours that changed my life forever.  I learned more from her in that one meeting than most guys learn in a lifetime of watching porn.  

I did NOT book 2 lesbians hoping to convert one or both. I booked 2 women who said they would provide a 3some experience. This was back in the dark ages before TER, before even the internet.  Back then you had ads in the back of local indy newspapers and the yellow pages. You talked to someone on the phone for a few minutes (no email or texting back then)  and if you got too explicit they'd hang up on you.  So you took your chances. They didn't tell me the full deal until I was in the room and money had changed hands. I had a choice--hope for the best or leave my money behind.  Obviously I would never put myself in a similar situation now with all the background information available.  

The 50+ 3somes I've had in ensuing years were mostly a hell of a lot better and many were mind-blowing, in a good way. In the TER Era nothing quite that bad has happened.

Travini, not you.  If you are not in tree mode, then you should be.  The indents in tree mode will always tell you who is responding to whom, even if its three feet down the page.  

Posted By: helixir
Re: Calmez vous everyone  
I did NOT book 2 lesbians hoping to convert one or both. I booked 2 women who said they would provide a 3some experience. This was back in the dark ages before TER, before even the internet.  Back then you had ads in the back of local indy newspapers and the yellow pages. You talked to someone on the phone for a few minutes (no email or texting back then)  and if you got too explicit they'd hang up on you.  So you took your chances. They didn't tell me the full deal until I was in the room and money had changed hands. I had a choice--hope for the best or leave my money behind.  Obviously I would never put myself in a similar situation now with all the background information available.  
The 50+ 3somes I've had in ensuing years were mostly a hell of a lot better and many were mind-blowing, in a good way. In the TER Era nothing quite that bad has happened.
Gee, maybe you should have included in your post the tidbit about finding out they were both lesbians after you were face to face with them. None of us read minds.

Can you do a duo with one provider?

The Kgirl duos in the L.A area, about 9 or 12 months ago were the two Kgirls hitting you high and low at the same time and switching up and moving around, which was a great fun time!!

Not bi or into it in my experience, but would accommodate a request or direction.

But, that doesn't mean they can't be found, plus I think you'll get more bang^^ for your buck!

Posted By: badger48
Re: Just wondering!
Can you do a duo with one provider?  
The Kgirl duos in the L.A area, about 9 or 12 months ago were the two Kgirls hitting you high and low at the same time and switching up and moving around, which was a great fun time!!  
Not bi or into it in my experience, but would accommodate a request or direction.  
But, that doesn't mean they can't be found, plus I think you'll get more bang^^ for your buck!
Why do I find myself wondering if I'm the only person who doesn't understand what anything means in this post? Who in the hell are you even addressing?

-- Modified on 11/22/2021 5:34:31 AM

[EDIT] Just to clarify, by "duo", are you talking about passively watching while two women put on a bisexual show for you, or do you mean a threesome in which you'll participate with two women? I wrote the entire post below before it occurred to me that your use of the word duo might not mean what I think you means, so I added this paragraph. As you will see, my answer below is about a threesome where you actively participate instead of just watching.

I am definitely a fan of the FFM threesome. I've had some that were completely disappointing duds, some that were so-so, or mediocre, and some were great. Here's what I've learned about them in P4P:

Tipping. Have a plan concerning tipping. That means know in advance if you want to tip them or not, don't let it catch you as an afterthought.
There's no right answer here; YOU decide whether you want to tip them or not. However, not only are you dealing with two separate people here, you're dealing with two women. If your criteria for tipping or not tipping is performance-based, you have to decide what you'll do if one performs greatly and the other performs loudly. Tipping two women in front of each other can get awkward if the dollar amounts are different.
Once, I used an envelope system for tips. I had four tip envelopes set aside, two with a high dollar amount in them, two with a lower dollar amount. Waiting until one of them was in the shower or toilet at the end of the session, my plan was I'd give the other woman her envelope privately, then wait until she went to shower so that I could give the first woman her envelope. If I decided not to tip either woman, I wouldn't give any envelope at all. If I decided they both deserved a high tip, a lower tip, or one deserved high and the other low, those were the envelopes I'd pull out. The tip envelopes were not the donation envelopes, that was handled separately.
It's not entirely unheard of that some escorts may have the nerve to ask you for a tip if you don't offer one, or may "gently remind you about tipping" if she thinks you forgot or if you actually forget to do it. If  you want to give a tip in those circumstances, it's best to have it ready beforehand. Of course, if you don't want to tip, you do not have to.

Roll call. Personally, when it's an outcall setup, I prefer that both of the women arrive at my hotel at the same time, of its incall at their place, I prefer that they're both there when I arrive. You might have your own preferences about that, either that for for incall they're both already there or for outcall that they arrive together, that they arrive separately, or that it doesn't matter to you at all.
I've read some other guys' reviews where they've waited 10, 25, 45, 60 minutes for the second woman to arrive. Awkward! You and the first woman might wait for her, might start without her, or might try to contact her to find out when she thinks it will take her to get there (if at all). Also, once she finally makes it, there's the potential for more awkwardness depending on how long it has taken her, or where the two of you are in the session.
To avoid the late arrival problem altogether, I insist on both of them coordinating with each other and I make them understand that I won't even entertain or recieve one of them without the other. They can either carpool or one can wait in her the other's arrival, or for incall, let me know to wait because the second one isn't there yet.
Keep in mind that a no-show, or worse yet, a dual no-show, can occur with a planned threesome just like it can occur when planning to see one woman by herself.

Are they both really into it? The points made by others who already answered you about the chemistry between the two women cannot be stressed enough. It's amazing how in this P4P world, women can easily meet and strip naked for and swap body parts and bodily fluids with strange men one after another for pay, often faking every form of tolerating the guy, yet the minute a second woman is introduced into the equation, all of a sudden cattiness or cooties or some other strange reason makes one or both of them balk at interacting with another of her own gender. The funny thing is that if you want to pay an escort for a threesome with you and your wife, or with you and your girlfriend, it's often  a green light all the way. Let the second woman be another escort, however, and it's sometimes game over before game begins. Not too long ago, an escort I'll call Sheila suggested to me a way around this. Sheila is bisexual, and was very willing to do a threesome, but told me that she didn't know of anyone currently available who
 she could ask to join us. I know about the escort-to-escort chemistry conundrum, so I knew I couldn't just pull a rabbit out of a hat and hope that any escort I selected would have an automatic connection with Sheila, so that was out. Well, Sheila suggested that I tell the second woman that I wanted to pay her for a threesome with my girlfriend, and Sheila would pose as my girlfriend. According to Sheila, she's done it before and it works. Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to put it to the test. I'll report back as to how well it goes.

-- Modified on 11/22/2021 7:50:16 AM

Chemistry is a major aspect of a threesome and will determine how much fun you’re going to have. I’ve had a handful of threesomes, and they’ve ranged the gambit from the most incredible sexual experience of my life to terribly disappointing.  

Ideally you want two girls that have already worked with each other extensively so they’re comfortable with one another and are ACTUALLY BISEXUAL. This is a major thing too, make sure these girls will actively interact with one another, as in kissing, pussy eating, sharing a cock during a blowjob, fondling each other, etc. I once had a threesome where both girls refused to kiss each other because that was “gay”. I shit you not, they refused to kiss each other and didn’t do much with each other at all. I couldn’t even comprehend why these two women were doing duo sessions if bisexual behavior was off the table.

Additionally, you should also book both girls separately so you can build up a least some amount of rapport and trust with each one. For this other threesome encounter I had already seen this one provider multiple times so I decided to ask her if we could do a threesome. She had multiple duo partners so I asked her to compile a list and over the course of a couple months I researched each partner, checked out their picturess, read their reviews, and of the ones I liked the most I booked each one separately, three girls in total. I chose the best girl of the bunch, the one I had the best chemistry with and provided the best sexual experience that was also the hottest. So when it came time to do the actual threesome I spent three hours with two girls who already knew each other and who had already built up a rapport with me, so we were comfortable with one another and had a great time that honestly hasn’t yet been matched yet. Keep in mind that took lots of time, effort, and money to pull off but it was really worth it.

Additionally, make sure you make clear what you want. Have an honest and open discussion about what you expect them to do, and find out what they’re both willing to do. Do you want them to wear costumes, do you want video recording, do you want a rim job, or a golden shower, or anal, or have the girls fuck each other with a strap on? Make sure you get those things ironed out ahead of time, so both girls can feel comfortable and enjoy themselves and get compensated fairly while you get the well tailored sexual experience you’re seeking.

I had seen a particular lady 20 or so times. Met another lady who said she loved doubles. Arranged a meeting and even paid for extra time so they could meet in the hotel bar and chat discreetly.  
Although the sex with the first lady had been reliably great, she would never do BBBJ or DFK. So I had some trepidation about how engaged she might be. I needn't have worried.  
Once in the room, the first lady buried her tongue down the throat of the 2nd lady. Followed soon by a master class in DATY between them. Managed to repeat a couple of times before the 2nd lady retired. They were great together.

I had seen a particular lady 20 or so times. Met another lady who said she loved doubles. Arranged a meeting and even paid for extra time so they could meet in the hotel bar and chat discreetly.  
Although the sex with the first lady had been reliably great, she would never do BBBJ or DFK. So I had some trepidation about how engaged she might be. I needn't have worried.  
Once in the room, the first lady buried her tongue down the throat of the 2nd lady. Followed soon by a master class in DATY between them. Managed to repeat a couple of times before the 2nd lady retired. They were great together. Guess they both liked pussy after all.

I only had one duo and as I think others may have already noted, it's hard to connect with two ladies at the same time. Eventually you end up focused on only one of them if you find something mutually enjoyable that really connects.

In my case one of the lovely young girls absolutely loved it when I buried my face in her ass and the other did not. So the two of us spent some truly wonderful quality time together. One of my best experiences ever. I think the other just browsed on her computer for the rest of the time.

If that’s happening then you’re doing it wrong. Get the strap on dildos out and have one girl fuck the other girl while you’re getting a blowjob, and then switch spots. When I came, I came on their faces, or had one riding my cock while the other made out with me. That’s why chemistry is important, and making sure you know what both girls enjoy doing and what they’ll both be willing to do while also knowing what you want and how to make that a three person activity.

You definitely want to get your money’s worth out of both girls and I certainly wouldn’t tolerate one girl yawning at one side of the bed while’s she playing some game on her cellphone. That’s my dime she’d be wasting, and I certainly wouldn’t need two girls for a rimjob heavy session, she better open her mouth and suck some cock if I’m rimming the other chick. Or operate a camera or something.

The Do's & Don'ts Of Having 2 Providers @ The Exact Same Time Are......

1)   Make sure they are willing to work together & they know each other.

2)  Make Sure That everyone is on time.

3)  Make sure there's no beauty sleep needed.  

4)  Make sure the price is established before  

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