TER General Board

Don't you really mean...
Dr Who revived 673 reads


Nah...AM would rather keep on contradicting herself...it's more fun that way  LOL
Posted By: OSP
You should learn to brush these miscreants off though.

Love your moxy

A bit earlier I had discussed about hiring an intern to assist with the extensions.  So I posted an ad and got this back.

Who do I hire?

Assisting. But sorry, no pic for you.  


-- Modified on 4/6/2014 5:18:15 PM

JackDunphy660 reads

Oops. Wrong thread. Sorry. But now that I am here, how did you manage to get the chick from Wendy's commercials down to her bra and panties?

The other one needs to stay away from Wendy's hang out with Jared from Subway for awhile.

No dammit the T Mobile babe.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Oops. Wrong thread. Sorry. But now that I am here, how did you manage to get the chick from Wendy's commercials down to her bra and panties?  
 The other one needs to stay away from Wendy's hang out with Jared from Subway for awhile.

Some things on this GD board are so ridiculous.

Seriously people, go outside. Find something to do with your time.

Life is not all about a message board and who can be the bigger a-hole.

On a side note, I'm pretty stoked that I just learned how to block people today. I have been having a field day with it.

AnotherDonJohn784 reads

There are a few new faces.

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Some things on this GD board are so ridiculous.  
 Seriously people, go outside. Find something to do with your time.  
 Life is not all about a message board and who can be the bigger a-hole.  
 On a side note, I'm pretty stoked that I just learned how to block people today. I have been having a field day with it.

AnotherDonJohn674 reads

I'm just a simple John trying to make it in this crazy mixed-up world...

Nice to see you're still busting balls, Nicky.  

Posted By: inicky46
Welcome back, dude!  

I'll just fall back on my favorite quote about Harry Truman, a/k/a "Give 'em hell, Harry."  A reporter asked him, "Why do you give them hell?"  
He replied, "I don't give them hell.  I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."
Heck, I'm even playing nice with Taylor and Roddy.
Trouble is, The Rodster doesn't know because he told Curly he's blocked me.  LMAO!  At least Taylor has a more open mind

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 2:37:27 PM

You should learn to brush these miscreants off though.

Love your moxy


Nah...AM would rather keep on contradicting herself...it's more fun that way  LOL

Posted By: OSP
You should learn to brush these miscreants off though.

Love your moxy

Full of piss and shit and smells disgusting. No amount of air freshener will take away the stench. You either plug your nose and stay and paddle around in the filth or you leave.  

Sometime you just have to spit back. There are plenty of ugly fat ticks you can poke if their fat hooker old hooker banter gets to you. Most can take it, some are little bitches and cry but you'll figure it all out.

Back_In_Black702 reads

the cold months and the kinda not chubby one for the warmer ones . is it still cold by you .. go fat  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
A bit earlier I had discussed about hiring an intern to assist with the extensions.  So I posted an ad and got this back.  
 Who do I hire?

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Some board help here pleaseA bit earlier I had discussed about hiring an intern to assist with the extensions.  So I posted an ad and got this back.  
   Who do I hire?
 Neither of you are looking  like a wise choice for finding all the deductions .
  The girl on the left is the girl on the right after weight loss , exercise , hair coloring , make up , wardrobe color coordination , better lighting ,  and cheap stripper heels .  
Her hair texture/style  and the way she parts it was my first  giveaway she's the same girl  .
 Second clue ,  eye brows and lips .

    Losing weight and exercise didn't make her any wiser or a good  employee choice  , wearing those heels on the office dilapidated walkway  puts her one step shy of a worker compensation claim or lawsuit  .








-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:37:47 PM

Back_In_Black678 reads

but some guys here would still give her a 10/10 for either look .......

AnotherDonJohn776 reads

Nice to see ya still stimulating the economy, CPA.;)

Posted By: ChgoCPA
A bit earlier I had discussed about hiring an intern to assist with the extensions.  So I posted an ad and got this back.  
 Who do I hire?

Yes, they are not worthy lol


And who the hell cock blocks clients... really?


I thought people knew how to take a joke...

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