TER General Board

Don't tell fish he had a great idea, it's sure to go to his head
GaGambler 77 reads

but yes, I think fish has a great idea there, much better than Jack's. Sorry Jack. lol

I am not so sure about the 140 character comment unless of course the comment is removed if Admin decides the review can stand. We don't want the review system to become a constant back and forth between reviewers and providers or every ROB will simply challenge every bad review she gets.  

Hey fish, have you been drinking? I know "some" of us make a lot more sense when PUI. lol

I've had a couple of reviews with reference to services I do not provide. I'm at not sure why this happens or what the point maybe. It is frustrating as I do not want any confusion for future clients. Why does this happen? Had this been an issue for anyone else? I do enjoy my "work" and appreciate people taking time to write reviews. So what's the deal? Any pointers? Opinions?

Sorry, can't pretend to have advice for you, but thanks for bringing this issue to our community.  Sorry this happened to you,  this is a serious topic.  False reviews cause problems for hobbyists and providers

GaGambler118 reads

Guys like this deserve to be run off the board as they cause problems both for you and the guys who book with you as it makes them uncertain about your menu, even if it were true (which I believe you if you say it never happened) a guy should NEVER brag about a BBBJ from a non GFE provider as it gives unrealistic expectations for the guys who book with your after reading this review.

I agree with Melissa, don't be a door mat,  there are a lot of "he said/she saids" where it comes to reviews, but your case looks pretty clear cut as it's not a "bad" review you are disputing, but a review that claims you offer services you don't, which you can back up with your internet ads, your website and page after page of reviews backing up your side of the story.

Be patient, but be firm, TER doesn't always act quickly in these cases, but they do have a "pretty good" track record in eventually removing these kind of obviously fake reviews.


BTW, did you actually see this guy, or did he invent the whole thing for the 15 VIP days?

Good luck, and hang in there.

I've contacted both him and admin. I am concerned that people having unrealistic  expectations like mentioned before. While it is a "good" review I do not ever want to mislead others about what to expect. Also yes, if you read other reviews it is very obvious. I do not advise as a "GFE" provider and just as anyone else can chose what I do and do not provide. I'm not shunning anyone for what they provide I just don't provide certain services.  
        Also like mentioned before the VIP for reviews can be a double edged sword. I am wondering if it could possibly be the issue? Either way appreciate reviews just not misleading ones. Will keep working to get the the bottom of this mixup.

I have followed you on TER for some time and read many of your reviews.
Your are a beautiful lady but the CBJ was always a deal breaker for me,
Then I read the newest review and thought to myself , " bet that did not happen".
Was waiting and hoping for second and third review to confirm a possible change.

I would think based on your many past reviews, TER ADMIN will take that out or ask reviewer to resubmit, remove altogether.

I wish you great success in the future Olivia!

dipstick5094 reads

Wow!  So you really do exist.lol  I wouldn't be too concerned about your most recent review.  I could tell right away that it probably wasn't truthful.  Ladies generally don't all of a sudden change their menu/offerings.  If they do, it is usually a gradual move and they are consistent with their new change.  It's a blip.

If a girl sees a fraudulent review, she should have the ability to bring it down instantly and have it go "under review" for a period of  say, 15 days.

In your specific case, you would then make your case to TER, evidence that you don't do menu item A or B or whatever and if you do, the review either gets shit canned or edited. If you don't provide the info, the review goes back up on day 15.  

In the case where a meeting never occurred, the onus would be on the reviewer to prove that it did with emails, pms, etc. If he cant, the review stays down for good.  

Many IRL review websites have this capability and it protects all parties. Not a perfect answer but something much better than we have now.  

or at least an asterisk should be placed on it which would indicate that the provider is taking exception to the review and TER is investigating it.

There's potential for abuse there if they can just quarantine whatever review they want.
For example, If their account was compromised and LE was mopping up their clients, potentially we wouldn't know about it for 15 days.

I think fisher has the right idea here, have a tag on it that says it's in dispute, and perhaps even a 140 character comment from the provider as to why.

but yes, I think fish has a great idea there, much better than Jack's. Sorry Jack. lol

I am not so sure about the 140 character comment unless of course the comment is removed if Admin decides the review can stand. We don't want the review system to become a constant back and forth between reviewers and providers or every ROB will simply challenge every bad review she gets.  

Hey fish, have you been drinking? I know "some" of us make a lot more sense when PUI. lol

Ladmo128 reads

An even better idea would be for TER to stop giving free VIP status in exchange for reviews. As long as they do so, there will always be fake reviews.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Re: I think the gals should be able to "quarantine" a review.
If a girl sees a fraudulent review, she should have the ability to bring it down instantly and have it go "under review" for a period of  say, 15 days.  
 In your specific case, you would then make your case to TER, evidence that you don't do menu item A or B or whatever and if you do, the review either gets shit canned or edited. If you don't provide the info, the review goes back up on day 15.  
 In the case where a meeting never occurred, the onus would be on the reviewer to prove that it did with emails, pms, etc. If he cant, the review stays down for good.  
 Many IRL review websites have this capability and it protects all parties. Not a perfect answer but something much better than we have now.  

TER will never do that because it's one of the only ways they can incentivize guys to leave reviews.
 Fewer reviews being written is bad news for a review site.

Often it's a case of male ego, i.e. "fish tales" as another poster put it--"look at me, I'm so great, I did something no one else did with this provider!"  Sometimes they actually did what they said they did, but it was a YMMV situation so they shouldn't have mentioned it lest other guys think they can do the same.  I've been in that situation many times. If I'm going to write a review, I always ask the provider if she wants me to mention the stuff that happened that's not on her published menu.  A couple of times they said OK, but usually they wanted to keep it just between the two of us.  

Then there's your situation, where the guy lied about what happened. That too could be inflated male ego at work.  But sometimes it's something more sinister:  it's the reviewer's way of exacting "revenge" on the provider for not doing something he wanted to do but she didn't want to do.  Lying about what happened for an ego-boo is bad enough, but I think there should be a special place in hell for guys who write "revenge" reviews.

said review is either modified or removed, you could offer a disclaimer to any hobbyist who contacts you for a session. Something like, "Just to be up front with you, the review by X is not accurate. I do not offer ___ service. If you still want to see me, please reply ASAP with your references."

Good luck.  

Some guys do this because they want to give youba higher rating that is based off of services performed.  

Some guys do this to embellish their story or experience.

It should not happen period.

Good luck, hope the review can be fixed or removed for you.

when it comes to services offered, the profile is my guide; simply because guys embellish reviews. I also recognize that even if it is in the profile, it is YMMV for many possible reasons.  

I would start by making my profile as accurate as possible. I would also take others' advice and inform TER of the fake or "embellished" reviews.

No most definitely is not,  if you read my other reviews you could clearly tell which one is not accurate.  It is frustrating to mislead future clients who are looking for something I am not going to provide.

Thank you all for your opinions and Feedback. I am still working with administrators to figure out what the issue was and how to correct to correct to mix up.  There is some very valid points on here. I appreciate those who took the time to respond. It  serves no one to have  exaggerated reviews. Weather it is someone thinking they are trying to "help" or out of  malice or "revenge". Whatever reasons maybe it doesn't help to reviewer community. With everything there are imperfections. I do maybe suggest as I've seen with other review sites a chance for providers to respond to reviews or a  reciprocal mini review process for clients us girls can see just based on how clients attitude is, hygiene, respectfulness etc...

 The review in question is not a bad one just mentioned service I don't provide would be nice to be able to get a chance to myself to say "hey this is not an accurate  representation of services I provide"

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