TER General Board

Don't re;y on terms...
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 2899 reads

Ever read the Playboy Advisor?  They use these terms all the time.  What's the big deal if he's a hobbiest or not?  If you really want to know... just ask him?  "Ever see an escort?".  He just may tell you if he wants to get in your pants!

The Premise: I'm out at the bars and get to talking to a guy who's flirting with me big time. We talk considerably and every so often he throws out words that makes me wonder if he's a hobbyist. At the end of the evening, I can't say he is a hobbyist but I can't say 100% he's not.

The Connundrum (a): How many board words -- mish, cowgirl, Italian are used by the civilian population?

The Connundrum (b): Is there a question or action that will prove someone's a hobbyist if you've met them in a non-hobbyist setting? I don't want to out myself by showing my knowledge of boards like TER but  I want to know if he is...

Somewhat Damaged3972 reads

Please decribe.

Italian is where the man lays his penis between the woman's cheeks parallel to her body --not anal penetration. They then hump together until orgasm.

It's probably called "Italian" because you can have sex with your girlfriend, yet she remains a virgin. :)


-- Modified on 5/25/2004 2:45:48 PM

I hadn't really thought of that. This is just how it was explained to me.

I'd like to know how "Russian" style got its name, too.


I heard it's because of the well formed bust of a healthy Russian lady.

 Oh, to be inbetween Moscow & Petrograd in the spring!

Dirk Bogard3470 reads

of course, chap!

Extra virgin olive oil somewhere in the penetration as well.


I thought it was called Italian because Italy is close to Greece.  A geography metaphor.  You're almost doing Greek, but not quite.

Though I would think Italians would actually complain about this.


But I knew most of the Countries (greek, russian, french) as a non-hobbiest and the term missionary was taught in sex-ed for cryin' out loud.  Cowgirl you can figure out quick enough as a civilian but maybe if he volunteers Reverse-cg, "your miliage may vary", "Provider", or just mentions "escort" you could raise your percentage.  You won't know for sure unless you fish around because he could just be reading TER without hobbying.  If he's talking this frankly I'll bet he's at least given it serious consideration.  And if he's talking this frankly you can fish pretty easy..."would you ever pay for it?",  "has a hooker ever propositioned you?",  "how much would you give me to whack you on the head with my daquari straw?"

he throwing out that made you even think he might be a hobbyist to begin with?

Well it was a good thing we cleared that one up!

If he's using this many terms, he's probably testing you out suspecting you're a provider.  

It sounds like he's at least lurked on hobby boards before.  It's either one of three things: a) he's not a hobbyist, yet; b) he's a hobbyist, c) he's a cop looking to entrap.

Many of the terms are probably in use in the general population.  But the acronyms would not be. If you said "DATY," as a double-entendre in a sentence that would normally call for "dating," would his ears perk up?  


maybe ask how his experience with girlfriends has been.  If he's an idiot like me he may come back with a play on GFE (depends if alcohol has been involved and how serious he's taking the conversation).

Also, terms like mish and cowgirl I think are fairly standard - I don't think BBJ or daty are ??? (certainly dining at the Y is but perhaps not its acronym)

Ever read the Playboy Advisor?  They use these terms all the time.  What's the big deal if he's a hobbiest or not?  If you really want to know... just ask him?  "Ever see an escort?".  He just may tell you if he wants to get in your pants!

because I remember this wonderful episode of LA Law where Douglas Brackman (the bald guy who became Dharma's father) was in a sushi bar and got busted by a female cop for talking about "hand rolls" in an apparently provocative, but completely innocent way.

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