TER General Board

Don't pick on Bruce...
Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1533 reads

...the tabloids say he bagged Linsay Lohan. Not bad for an old, bald guy.

Okay, so a pregnant woman needs loving too... and I am all for that, but I question why any provider would put herself in that situation and continue to provide. It also puts you in mind that many providers go raw with their BFs, SOs, or spouses who are likely getting candy elsewhere... As for the attraction, my one example was that she was so "hot" that she was always hornier than hell and young stud that I was at that time did not disappoint. We did it clear up to her third trimester and she told me her orgasms where thrice as intense... I have not seen a preggers in the context of the hobby, but I know some guys who have a fetish for breast milk...

Avas Bull2142 reads

Agree with HF about the horniness.  My wife was semi-frigid but highly orgasmic when she was pregnant.  So the obvious Q is:  has anyone on the board been with a pregnant provider, and HOW WAS IT?

Bizzaro Superdude2101 reads

that comes after the baby mostly.... and she nursed a good long time....   the bed board was stained with her milk spray....   a nice reminder of what "could have been"   oh well....

I can remember when a bunch of porno was made with pregnant PS's - sometimes they were hot - and sometimes it was just plain messed up - maybe the best was PS Trinity....  then she filmed a couple of films with her boobs just dripping milk.... I get hard now just thinking about it!  man..... what a show...

In my area there is on UTR who specializes in milk madness..... but somehow she is very difficult to connect with.

Just my luck  - I'm tellin you this green thing is killin me....

I have been with pregnant providers three times and I loved it.  In each case it was a person I knew very well, so they felt safe.  They were also very horny because of their pregnancy and they had lost a lot of business because most of their regulars didn't want them.  I can't put my finger on what it is.  The shape, the taboo aspect, the way they got so excited by the sex or a combination of all.  I also just love breast feeding.  It is so intensely personal and tastes so good.
As far as the charge of pimping the baby, that's a little too much.  Unfair mostly to the provider to make such an accusation.

Loth_a_rio3294 reads

The Freudian explanation is that since she was impregnated by someone else the male competitive spirit makes you want to "partake" in the impregnation.

I was very attracted to my own wife both times she was pregnant (although sex was off limits at the time, for medical complication reasons.)  Any shrinks out there who can shed some light on this phenonmena?

Loth_a_rio2397 reads

you didn't need a cover...

 I have never had sex with a pregnant woman, to the best of my knowledge. At the very least, not one that was showing. I understand, that some men might be turned on by the concept, but I fail to see the attraction. Breast milk fantasies may be a different thing. Whatever "Floats your Boat!" I'll admit, that woman's breasts never look better, than in the later stages of pregnancy, but as to the added libido, I can only surmise. If it's the same drive as menstration, than I can relate. Some of the best sex I've ever had was with women who were flowing.

 Ladies, care to weigh in on this?

I don't care to comment on the moral implications, but to me pregnant women are a big turn on.  There is something about seeing a woman in all her fertile glory that makes it attractive, to me.  There'e also something about it being off limits, or beyond acceptable boundaries, to have sex with a woman who is not carrying your baby.  It's also somewhat taboo and naughty, making it a turn on for some guys. I, for one, would like to give it a try.

Like Bruce Willis' stardom, the popularity of rap, or voting for Ronnie Reagan or Ed Koch, this will always be a mystery to me.

-- Modified on 1/4/2006 5:26:01 PM

Bizzaro Superdude4325 reads

Mr Tom Cruise - argh.... spit out the feeling in my mouth after saying his name.... better mistery - Katie Holmes.... and TC!

...the tabloids say he bagged Linsay Lohan. Not bad for an old, bald guy.

Yes but Ms Lohan is drunk, aneoxeric [spelling?], neurotic and a minor substance abuser.  But I'll take her anyway I can get her.

Hey, if BW loses his erection and it just WILL NOT spring back to life, is that Die Hard With A Vengence?

my _kids_mom_is_a_pro1346 reads

IMHO, as a mother and a provider I personally think it's an abomination...Providers are exposed to many different dangers than civvie women...and I am not just talking about soending time with strangers,I am talking about colds,flu.viruses,STDs etc.,there is a great stress inherent in providing,as well as the strain of being on the road,the hours,the bad food...All this is not an environment in which to grow a new life,Capitalizing on a pregnancy is akin to pimping out your unborn child and putting it in harms way to make money...
I will not even get into the spiritual ramifications of this behavior....If a provider is not a crack whore but an upscale woman she could abstain during her pregnancy and allow a healthy human being to grow inside her.

Crack Whore2269 reads

Like supporting the dead-beat that knocked her up in the first place!
I can't imagine that the percentage of "planned pregnancies" is very high among providers. I imagine most keep working for reasons of survival.

my _kids_mom_is_a_pro1916 reads

You know as long as there are women there have been deadbeat dads...not all of these women prostitute their unborn children to make ends meet...I stand by what i say..there is a prominent pregnant provider going out on tour,she could probably see one man a day at home and do fine most normal people can do fine at $2000 a week without publicizing her pregnancy and capitalizing on it...That is pimping out your child and if you think this is ok you are deluding yourself and thinking with your dick.

. . . a pregnant woman having sex with someone other than the father of the fetus is kind of creepy.

But, isn't he the one always trying to figure out which one is the father?  That would imply that somebody that isn't the fetus' pappy was getting a little from mom.

. . . I've heard about that. He did some the weight loss sjows as well.

Well I have never been with a provider that was pregnanat however my spouse so horny she would come to my office to get a fix...and after the inital shock it was the best ever

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