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Don't just say no, say Hell No!!
xyz23 45 Reviews 238 reads

No way, No how, not happening. I'm all for screening but they don't need your SS# to do it

Being semi  retired I picked up a PT job at one of the local big box stores to supplement my income. There's a provider I've been dying to see and I finally saw her post that she was coming to my area. She is very well reviewed here . She does not accept references, she verifies only through employment. Unfortunately the only way you can verify my employment through my company is to provide the verifier with my SS#, not just the last 4 numbers but all 9 of them. I'm just not comfortable doing that.I have told her that I would give her the main # and she could ask for me by name, and talk to me there to prove I work there. This doesn't seem to be enough for her.My big head tells me don't give out the ss# but the other tells me " ah go ahead". Ladies and gents , your thoughts/ suggestions are much appreciated.

Some of the verification stuff that goes on here freaks me out. In Australia you'd be lucky if a guy gave you his real name let alone where he worked!
To my mind if someone has a presence on here and has left reviews I can ask a lady about, or a reference of someone he's seen recently or just good old P411 membership, that's enough thanks. I don't need your inside leg measurement.

what you are describing seems excessive to me.  She gets to make the rules that suit her and I'm all for her having the right to that discretion.  

Not accepting references and insisting on some very specific company verification instead of a basic phone/name check tells me a couple of things.  1) She's paranoid.  and/or  2) She's high maintenance.

Either way, no matter how good she looks nor how bad I was dying see her, I'm 100% turned off by high maintenance and/or paranoid chicks.  That's game over for me.

Posted By: sajer1
Being semi  retired I picked up a PT job at one of the local big box stores to supplement my income. There's a provider I've been dying to see and I finally saw her post that she was coming to my area. She is very well reviewed here . She does not accept references, she verifies only through employment. Unfortunately the only way you can verify my employment through my company is to provide the verifier with my SS#, not just the last 4 numbers but all 9 of them. I'm just not comfortable doing that.I have told her that I would give her the main # and she could ask for me by name, and talk to me there to prove I work there. This doesn't seem to be enough for her.My big head tells me don't give out the ss# but the other tells me " ah go ahead". Ladies and gents , your thoughts/ suggestions are much appreciated.

No way, No how, not happening. I'm all for screening but they don't need your SS# to do it

You misread my thread. My company makes the verifier get my SS#. She did not ask for it. I just didn't understand why she wouldn't accept speaking to me at my job as proof of employment. Believe me I wouldnt give anyone my Ss#.

Posted By: LondonBay
To all your credit cards debit cards and money!

Don't mind me sweetie.I never read.All I saw was "provider" "verifies"  "employment" "ss#" LOL

No way I would ever give out my SS # (or employment verification for that matter), but before some of the posters go a little too far, *she* didn't ask for the SS #, it is the original poster's *employer* that won't let you verify employment without the SS # (I'm assuming in a "call personnel, ask to verify employment" kind of way).

So, doubt the provider wants to steal his identity or anything, and bad form for the employer to not give you a way to let someone verify employment without giving out your SS #, as it is easy to imagine cases where you need to verify that you have a job but the person doing the verification doesn't already have access to your SS #

GaGambler323 reads

I still think the provider in question is still quite unreasonable to insist on doing an employment verification that requires the OP to provide his full SSAN, or even the last four, which are the four most meaningful numbers, but that simply makes her unreasonable, not an identity thief.

I do of course agree with the consensus who didn't just say no, but HELL FUCKING NO!!!

Or is that the only way your company will verify employment?

The way I read the OP the provider isn't requiring the SSN...

-- Modified on 4/13/2016 9:01:16 PM

You are correct, she DID NOT ask for it, my employer makes the verifier have in order for them to release the requested info.

As a provider each of us have different ways of verifying gents who do not have references or are retired.
But I am sorry there is no way I would give anyone in this business my SSN# I don't care the reason.
Even though she is not asking for your social but that your job has it set up where that is way to verify you work there is a bit much.If she cannot call the main# and asked to be transferred to you to verify your employment just move on.
I don't even know why you even consider giving her your ssn.Other personal info sure but that info no way.
Just my .02

-- Modified on 4/13/2016 10:29:09 PM

your bank account routing number and  
password to you hijacked credit card.  

It would bring new meaning to concept  
of doing anything for pussy.

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