TER General Board

Don't forget
Big Vein 5 Reviews 2922 reads

Sorry, I never meant to suggest that we should forget -- how could anyone ever forget???  That day changed all of us forever.  What I meant to say is that I'm trying to move forward.  I guess "closure" was a poor choice of description.

I have listened to the broadcasts of the tape of Betty Ong aboard American Airlines flight 11 on September 11th several times and can only marvel at her professional calm in the face of an unbelievably terrifying situation.  I wonder how many of us would have had her composure in that setting.  Everytime I think I've gotten closure and have moved forward from this terrible day in our lives, I am jolted and heart-wrenched by the amazing acts of heroism by people like Betty Ong that to date I had not yet heard.  I am reminded to honor these heroes in my soul again and again and again.

God bless and keep you, Betty.  You are a hero.

Definitely a heroine in her own way.  Lest ANY of us forget who our true enemies are, look at this link below, please!

There are many of us who forget that freedom comes neither easy nor free, but painfully earned, often at the cost of lives.

"TANSTAAFL", a quote from Robert A Heinlein.

Play hard, live fully and always remember........


Flt Attendant4414 reads

Year after year our training is reinforced with emergency cabin response techniques even going as far as simulating emergency calls in stressful situations. Betty was an example of courage and composure in a situation some of us flying for years have never encountered. Her instincts took over immediately allowing her to follow steps we repeatedly learn in training.

What some of you shouldn't forget is that two crew members lost their lives from trying to prevent access into the FD. We're trained not to open that FD door under any circumstances because opening it means giving the emeny total access. LFA's & Pursers are your first chain in command and ultimately the first to risk their lives for us.  I am courageous but after 911, i've never worked 1st class since.

Flt Attendant

justaplayer2493 reads

if there should be closure. Because if we all allow closure what then becomes of the phrase, "we will never forget." It's been 2+ years and there is still a blend of sadness and anger on my part.

There was a documentary we saw some months back called Winged Migration. It was up for an Academy Award last year and it's all about different types of birds and there migrating habits. Please believe me the documentary was more interesting than it sounds. Anyway, they must have filmed these various birds over a several year period of time. Now some of these birds travel 10,000 miles each way and then back - every year. They fly the same exact route each and every year, and to get where they are going they utilize visual markings along the way. There was one scene that lasted all of 20 seconds and it showed these particular type of birds flying past the Trade Center. Obviously those birds were filmed at least two years before the documentary's release. Afterwards, having coffee, my wife asked me if I thought those birds would now get confused because a key marker was gone and would they still be able to make it to their destination. Needless to say we both got extremely emotional, at a Starbucks no less.

I guess I just pontificated a whole lot, when I could have simply said the overused phrase, I feel your pain.

As of 1/28/04- - I have not forgotten.

I am still pissed at the PLO for blowing up a couople of cousins in Europe, a couple in Israel.   The IRA blew up my sister's friends dad in London in the late 70s.

Fuck them all- those who would try to use innocent deaths for a political cause.

But Americans are going to have to get past 9/11.   Remember the D-Day officers' chant.  Get up move inland!  More likely to die on the beach than iff you keep going.

If we resolve to rise above- we win.  Change our lives and get all defensive- THEY WIN!

Recognise that THERE WILL BE MORE CASUALTIES.   Possibly many more.  

But we will remain and we will appreciate the sacrifice- just stay in motion.

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