TER General Board

Don't be so quick to brush off the Dew Man's point.
JackDunphy 919 reads

Some girls are just into the booze, the rubbers and the Florida sun.  

The money is secondary to these upper scale girls who have been around for a very, very, long time. Only problem is sitting out in that Florida sun, the popping veins tend to be more noticeable.

But getting "jacked" in the gym usually takes care of that.

Lord_of_the_Board2357 reads

How do you determine if it was really successful?  

I see posts on local boards by escorts that toured a new city thanking them for the great times, and no one posts to it.

Seems like that is an indicator that the tour was a bust.

Other times I see lots of the local guys shilling for an escort and I assume that means she did well and will return.

JackDunphy1079 reads

Any girl that says thank you on a regional board is flooded with numerous wimpy johns telling her how great she is, how beautiful, etc and within a few mins, no more than a few hours.

A girl would have to be OTH and most likely BSC to not get any replies.

I am sure you are making this up.  

Or maybe she made up she was booked solid for that trip?

Those are the only two possibilities I can see.

Lord_of_the_Board960 reads

But it really is odd to not see any replies when a lady put's up the "thank you" thread.

No I'm not making this up either.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Any girl that says thank you on a regional board is flooded with numerous wimpy johns telling her how great she is, how beautiful, etc and within a few mins, no more than a few hours.  
 A girl would have to be OTH and most likely BSC to not get any replies.  
 I am sure you are making this up.  
 Or maybe she made up she was booked solid for that trip?  
 Those are the only two possibilities I can see.

JackDunphy1116 reads

But in my experience, hookers rarely lie. By "rarely" I mean often.

Well there was this one girl who got caught using fake pics but then blasted the guys for being hateful towards women and bullying them but other than that, she is very "Sweet" or at least she refers to herself as such.

Back to your point, maybe something happened on the trip that pissed off her johns? Maybe she put up a meltdown thread bashing guys and acting all BSC?

But that is all highly unlikely, I think you will admit.

Posted By: Lord_of_the_Board
How do you determine if it was really successful?    
 I see posts on local boards by escorts that toured a new city thanking them for the great times, and no one posts to it.  
 Seems like that is an indicator that the tour was a bust.  
 Other times I see lots of the local guys shilling for an escort and I assume that means she did well and will return.

Lord_of_the_Board886 reads

I think the escorts are here to make money.  

Why would an escort that posted a "thank you" thread not be looking to make money?  It would seem that the escorts wouldn't post anything if they were there on vacation.

This is really confusing.

Some girls are just into the booze, the rubbers and the Florida sun.  

The money is secondary to these upper scale girls who have been around for a very, very, long time. Only problem is sitting out in that Florida sun, the popping veins tend to be more noticeable.

But getting "jacked" in the gym usually takes care of that.

Lord_of_the_Board1179 reads

Aren't steroids a bad thing?

Why would someone want to put that poison in their bodies?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Some girls are just into the booze, the rubbers and the Florida sun.  
 The money is secondary to these upper scale girls who have been around for a very, very, long time. Only problem is sitting out in that Florida sun, the popping veins tend to be more noticeable.  
 But getting "jacked" in the gym usually takes care of that.

Not sure about the Roids but we did have a gal here recently whose thread was full of rage so I can't totally rule it out.  

I won't go into all the details but from what I read, one of her johns lost his dentures into her vag when he was eating her out.

I hope they turn up soon though. Poor old bastard. Eighty something years young and lost his teeth in a jacked up hookers cave.

Ugh...that couldn't of been pretty

I still have my CDL A just no will hire some who runs over cop cars. love sc Love raspberries

A.Pismo.Clam809 reads

Frankly, I bleed for her.  It makes me want to find her and pick her up, to carry her somewhere she'll be safe from your horrible ridicule.  Shame on you both, you heartless basterds. If I knew where to get some rope, I'd.....
Fucking fuckers.

Lord_of_the_Board768 reads

I humbly apologize for any angst I may have caused you...or any gals that have been in that situation.

Posted By: A.Pismo.Clam
Frankly, I bleed for her.  It makes me want to find her and pick her up, to carry her somewhere she'll be safe from your horrible ridicule.  Shame on you both, you heartless basterds. If I knew where to get some rope, I'd.....  
 Fucking fuckers.

hotplants995 reads

You don't. And no need for you to care, one way or the other, if her tour was a bust or a success.

hmm...not the most subtle, or artful hooker bashing.  But I'll give you a 5 for effort.  


Posted By: Lord_of_the_Board
How do you determine if it was really successful?    
 I see posts on local boards by escorts that toured a new city thanking them for the great times, and no one posts to it.  
 Seems like that is an indicator that the tour was a bust.  
 Other times I see lots of the local guys shilling for an escort and I assume that means she did well and will return.

A.Pismo.Clam714 reads

So it's understandable you don't know what's going on.

Hotplants doesn't know what the fk is going on even when she hasn't been away.

Not sure why you got bent over his question.  

Maybe the animal dick sized thread was more to your liking?

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 11:55:14 PM

hotplants665 reads

I do understand that waving a can of sardines in front of a herd of hungry cats is risky. But, how you cats divvy-up the reward is entirely up to you.  

It's the only can I have. Sorry.

Yep, that would explain the sour mood.  

Tell me. Does a hooker bail on you every night of your life?

Lucky for you, there is a gal fresh off a big Florida tour that has a few openings.

If you find dentures in one of them, can you let us know?

Response to a thread is absolutely no indication of a bad tour, and lots of nice words from posters is no indication that a tour did well

JackDunphy1067 reads

Do they tell you? Is it just a guess?

You wouldn't be the first hooker here who thinks they know what their johns do. I had a broad here tell me NONE of her guys post or review. Lol. Kinda reminded me of the time the nut job from Iran said there were no gays in his country. Lol.

So I asked her how she knew and she said "I know my guys. THATS how I know."  Oh, ok. Lol.

So let me ask...how do YOU know?

As for zero responses to a thank you thread...well..honestly, do you think the girl that got stiffed of ANY replies feels like you or do you think she was disappointed? If the tour went nifty, don't you think guys would be gaga to tell her publically?

Think about it.

hotplants673 reads

Is that the pain speaking?  I know. It's OK.

Why do you continue to see escorts if they're such pieces of shit? They lie, steal, cheat and on down the line with you. Seems like there isn't a lady on TER who would be able to meet your high standards. It's soooo typical to create an alias and to go around blasting everyone with **zero** accountability. How do you sleep at night being SO angry and SO hostile toward half the demographic in the world?? Or are you really just another provider hiding behind a male persona so you can secretly fire on your sisters in the business???  

How long have you been a participating member of TER? Do you write reviews? Does bashing innocent people you've never met and know nothing about help you sleep at night? Are you **really** the expert on all things provider and all things hobbyist? Is going below the belt your daily modus operandi? Is that how you operate at work – kicking your teammates in the shins while they're breaking their back to please you?

I'd say that unless you've been the one to pull your pants down for money and unless you've been in an actual situation where you bring some real and valid points to an argument or conversation re: escort behind closed doors that you have NO real knowledge at all. How could you possibly begin to know what we girls do, think or experience on a day to day basis? We're human beings for gods sake --- not cattle that herd and not a computer formula that generates exactness.  

Offended by all of your degrading posts toward escorts and women in general -  

Or did mommy and daddy name you Laney? Lol. Yes, the argument of every clueless dolt. Lol.

And sorry sweety you don't have the right to not be offended on a fk board so grow up a bit and lighten up to. It's just a fk board, nothing more.

And if you know how a hooker knows or doesn't know how many if any of her guys post maybe you can share it with us? Or is Tarot cards or crystals? Lol

If you read my posts, which obviously you haven't, you would read I bash the db johns here too, but as a typical person with self esteem issues, of course your eyes only let you see half of what I post.  

Now it's obvious you are short cash and thus the tirade so I would suggest you offer a winter discount.

Go to Florida too. I heard an old washed up hooker left and didn't get any replies to her thank you thread so there may be a market gap to fill there?

That's my girl! Go get 'em tiger

....except for the fact that you offer your services for free.  

I feel sorry for any offspring you may have pushed out into the world. They are seriously lacking a good role model. Perhaps it's the angry person who thinks they own the board and that they are the end all, be all when it comes to posting who needs to check themselves?  

And sure - Laney is an alias (duh!!!! we escorts have been using fake names forever and WELL before YOU EVER thought of becoming a hobbyist and creating one of your own!). AT LEAST I'm reachable and accountable for what I say. Doesn't seem like you're brave enough to do that so perhaps it's you who might need a little growing up?? Honestly - to go around calling people names, to tell providers when YOU feel they've reached their expiration date, to bark about having to tell "older providers they look good on the photo only board" or to be mean for the sake of being mean is a tell-tale sign of the kind of dreary person you really must be. A person with no life outside of TER??!!! So --- you sit at your keyboard all day while life keeps passing you by making you more and more angry and bitter?

What happened to a sense of renewal and positivity around the new year? Were your holidays so lonely and empty that you forgot to take time out to reflect upon life and what's really important? I mean seriously --- if something happened today that put you in a hospital bed facing death would you be able to go inside of yourself and say that you're proud of the way you treat people? Would you be able to ask God to make room for you in heaven when all you do is go around bulldozing over people? Just ****think**** once in a while what kind of person you'd really like to be??? If it's truly the pathological, serial cyber bully you choose then you are a waste of time and lost because we all know that those personality traits are rarely reconcilable with the way the rest of the world operates and thinks. I'm sorry that life is so ugly in your world. Check out my post on the Florida board about how people will be challenging themselves in 2015. It seems like you're in need of some serious inspiration!!! Let the lovely ladies of TER help you (even though you hate all of us). LOL!!!!! (yes, I can use LOL sarcastically too. Wow!!! Now am I as cool as you are???)

So somebody is digging me and I can tell you from bc communication I get, lots of hookers here dig me too. No worries ladies, I wont "out" you. ;)

But if "renewal" is what you are looking for, go to a spa.  

People rarely get "renewed" on a fk board but maybe you'll be the first

Do you go to a game circle or maybe a science forum to get your rocks off with other guys because it doesn't seem like we women do it for you??

JackDunphy1052 reads

the numerous women I help out bcd why I "hate" them so much or my numerous posts here about how women should protect themselves or my numerous posts smacking down stalker and creeper johns.

Yes, all "proof" I hate women. LOL

But keep going with your senseless drivel and obsession with me if you must.  

Its quite flattering actually.

I await your next lack of facts post with great eagerness.

Now get to that spa! Women your age need every bit of down time you can get!

Instead of M&G's you can hold secret meetings in your basement –– or are you more of a cave man like Bin Laden was?  Smarten up - verbal abuse and cyber bullying are a form of terrorism i.e. making you a terrorist. Wear that title proud baby!!!  

I usually step past the dog smear on the sidewalk. Forgive me - I should have avoided you like everyone else seems to do.

Everyone I know wipes their shoes off on the first encounter with shit.

Who knew you were into scat play? And dog scat play to boot. LOL

Maybe that animal dick sized thread IS for you

.... I'm everything you say I am and am the example of every below the belt, uncalled for, negative, degrading thing you've ever said about women. Okay fine, whatever. You'll sleep like a baby tonight. I get it.  

Can we move on and enjoy the rest of the day now please

JackDunphy1033 reads

And I actually think you are very nice. A bit judgmental and prejudiced maybe, but nice nonetheless.

I hope you enjoy your day!

GaGambler719 reads

Well except for a couple of BSC, ubersensitive hookers and a certain so called "nice guy", the rest of us are having a great time.

Why is it that us "assholes" always seem to be having fun, while others seem to be constantly miserable? And by "assholes" I am not leaving out the female variety, like Tobi, Steph, H+T, our latest member KissesJones, and even that "old broad" Robin, all of whom along with many other women who seem to be doing just fine  with the "board boys" here who are constantly being accused of being "woman haters"

Why is it when you pick on just one, obviously BSC woman, you immediately get labeled as a woman hater?

I simply asked a girl how she knew if her guys post or not and Looney went hysterical. Apparently that is a question I am not suppose to ask.

You see, BSC's just assume all questions posed to a wrong or simply confused hooker are "mean" and "angry." They don't like to be challenged at all.

Then ironically, they snap back with all this anger and "woman hating" nonsense.  

You are right about all the women you mention. All good girls who "get it" here.

I am particularly impressed with Ms. Jones as she thinks we are fun and entertaining. I guess its all perspective.  

If you are happy with your life, you'll think this place is great. If things are down for you and you are mad at the world, well then the "guys club" here will just look like the rest of your life; hateful and mean.  

If they only knew what goes on BCD, right? LOL

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 5:16:08 PM

So having an opinion on a fuck board is equal to barging into a newspaper office in France and gunning down people in cold blood. I would say that saying ignorant things is a form of ignorance. Making you ignorant. Where the title proud!

Jack and GaG are the founding members.  Jack is on the right

You asked for input from providers who tour, and then challenge that a provider who tours could actually give you input?!  Sheesh!  If you don't want to hear from us, don't ask.

Look, I can only speak for my experience - I can work like normal, including doing tours and posting thank you's for my tours, and sometimes will not have replies or even a review for extended periods of time.  Do you think I'm destitute?  No.
Many clients do not use the discussion boards at all.  They find me via advertising malls, internet searches, banners on other ladies websites, or word of mouth.
Many clients who use the discussion boards only use them for research and do not post.  How do I know?  They tell me so.  Could they be lying?  Sure.  Then again, if most clients posted, why wouldn't we have ten thousand + active posters on this site, vs. what seems like *maybe* 50-100?
Many "clients" who respond to my posts on the boards are fellows that I haven't seen in a good five years, if at all - but they still adore me.  I don't consider those guys clients.
The numbers are pretty clear - MANY CLIENTS DO NOT POST.
How does another lady feel about all that?  Don't know.

Yep! We had a major train wreck on the NY board where a guy asked that question and numerous girls said they screen out for board posts. So guys have a built in reason to lie to you.

Your statement that "many clients do not use the discussion boards at all" is absurd on its face. You would have no idea that is the case.  

And your faulty logic continues since you keep wavering back in forth when discussing clients in general and YOUR clients. What may hold true for the business at large may or may not hold true for you.  

You have zero clue how many of your guys post up and you will never know. It's is unknowable but hookers like you never cease to amaze that they KNOW their guys.

You fit right in here honey. Lol

Yes, as I said, clients can lie and I assume that happens.  

And again, with the thousands of members here even on just this site (ignoring the many, many other sites clients use to find us), and the very few posters who are active... it is clear - most clients do not post.

So.  With YOUR vast experience as a touring escort, how is it that YOU have so much insight on how well a ladies tour has gone based on replies to her thank you post?

I'm sorry I actually tried to answer your question, I was under the mistaken impression that you were actually curious.

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