TER General Board

Does anyone really get enough?
runningman65 7 Reviews 775 reads

I"m single, no girlfriend, and can only afford to hobby once per month.  Talk about frustration!

It seems the older I get (59) the more I want/need "it". Between wifey, the girlfriend and the odd provider, it's not enough. The providers are the best and most satisfying but I can't afford to see them more than once a month. Once a week would make me happier. Any ideas? PS: On dry days I can masterbate 3 times a day but I especially enjoy eating pussy.

I"m single, no girlfriend, and can only afford to hobby once per month.  Talk about frustration!

See a therapist.

You have enough issues in your short post for a man your age to set off numerous alarms.

Past that, exercise, meditate, and learn how to spell something you do three times a day.

Of course, all of this only is relevant if this is for real, and my skeptic-o-meter is is the red.

hornung788 reads

Find cheaper dates.....

I always figured that a man's libido would decrease with age.  It's good to know that it gets larger.

I assume that finding a higher paying job and/or working a second job or more hours is a non-starter or you'd be doing that already.

Perhaps there is something you can do for a provider so that you can barter services?

Just a thought.

I can understand being stuck with a wife but why would you keep a girlfriend around if a provider is more satisfying? Heck, why do you even need to see providers? I think we are getting our collective chains yanked here....

As far as sex drive decreasing with age? Not a problem here. I turn fifty next month and I want it (and get it) more than ever....

i agree since i am 59. This post sounds fishy

Sophomoric Humorist663 reads

though it could be.

As MSD points out, the fellow may have unresolved problems in his life, and his coping mechanism is sexual release.  It's not that his libido has increased, it's possibly compensating for something else?

Just a thought, but I find myself in a similar situation, and i'm sure i'm not the only 50+ male in North America who tries to assuage his life hurts through sex.

PS.  It doesn't really work all that well.  Back to exercise i guess.  Where did I put the sweat pants?

Ditch the wife and the girlfriend and then you'll have enough money to hire a full time provider(s)!

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