TER General Board

Do you like to pick up girls?
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 197 reads

Literally pick them up off the floor?
Do you like snails?
How much do you bench press?

Just curious.

One more thing: why did you change your name to tubbo in the first place?

Why is it people are so quick to say your not hobbying or doing it correctly?  
Another line I get often  You need to see a therapist and get your head examined.

None of you lived in my shoes. So how is it you are so quick to judge my thoughts and actions?
I thought this was a judge free community.

Let me give examples of how I get judged by others
I might write something outlandish like yesterday when I said I would go after my money if a pimp provider combo tried to rob me. I'm sticking with that comment 1000%
I don't fit your idea of what proper etiquette entails and I know I stick out like a sore thumb  
I use my real email
I don't use a hobby phone
"Shes just a hooker" No she isn't she is a person with feelings who goes thru the same struggles as the rest of us.

I wish I could open up my email for everyone to see how many people tell me I am an idiot daily.

I thought we were an open community and I don't mean open as in gay bisexual or any other sexual orientation. Keep your comments on how I play this game to yourself. I'm having fun and making connections daily.  
I do what I am comfortable doing not giving a hoot about the masses.

Not everyone is you. I use to like the boards when you didn't have to be politically correct and it was OK to be different.  

I'm changing my name back to Zak0326. I'm going to see anyone I want who is willing to see me.
You can kiss my ass if you got a problem with anything I say.  

Zak Out.....

One of my co-workers in the 70's was stationed with a guy who was trying to re-enlist. He had a snag with the local authorities for beating up a call girl. His division officer said that the incident should not be an obstacle to the guy's re-enlistment because, after all, the girl he beat up "......was only a whore" I've never forgotten that story and it's changed the way I deal with people in general, and with providers specifically. They're flesh-and-blood people too. If one doesn't like their line of work, stay away from them.

GaGambler409 reads

When EVERYBODY tells you the same thing, you might try looking inward for your answers.

Let's take a couple of the statements you just made

"I thought this was a judge free community"

What, are you on fucking crack? What would EVER give you the idea this was a "judge free" zone? hookers and johns are every bit as narrow minded and judgmental as any other sector of society, you've been here plenty long to know this.

Going after a "pimp provider" is a move for an idiot with a death wish. Just what the fuck are you going to do with her/him when you catch up to them? I don't know how to say this nicely, so I won't even try, You are a fatass, not a badass, the only thing you would manage to do is get your stupid ass killed.

"I use to like the boards when you didn't have to be politically correct and it was OK to be different."

Once again, are you on crack? I have been here a LOT fucking longer than you, and this place was always politically correct. You must have TER confused with a non PC board.  

One of the few things I agree with is your decision to go back to your old handle Zak, either that or you could change your handle to "Scoed Junior" and  you can tell us your rape story for the umpteenth time.

Lastly, telling people to "keep their comments to themselves" is like telling the sun to rise in the west, it's never going to happen and actually it's more like putting blood in the water, it's going to get you a lot more posts like mine than it's going to stop anyone from commenting.  Now please, grow the fuck up and quit whining.

The person that keep bringing up my rape is YOU! You use it as a weapon. It is pathetic and feeble.  You try to hurt me with it. Truth is your a coward. Always on the attack as your afraid of what ever it is causing you to act like an ass 24/7. Same damn thing causing you to drink 24/7, and killed every relationship you ever had. You need help.

One last thing you have brought up my rape as often as I over the last two years. Three time someone else brought it up, two of which was you trying to be an ass, and twice I did because It was reliant to the discussion. Yes I responded when it was brought up. Given you are talking about it as often as I and you brought it up the last two times and it was my life who is the posting about it for the "umpteen" time? God man grow up. Quit obsessing over my rape. That is sick. I am beginning wonder if it turns you on or something.

I will agree with you you can't expect understanding here. That is true

LasVegan345 reads

you are still figuring out that some on here simply make ridiculous comments/judgements just to piss people off or for their own personal entertainment.  Others ARE complete ASSHOLES and express the views indicated in your posts because they are ignorant and have no clue.

On both counts, those people immediately flag themselves as people who do not deserve the time of day from you.

Finally, there ARE people who agree with you on many of the points you make, especially that; 1) it is your money and you should see whoever you choose, for whatever services please you, as long as they are between two consenting adults and that 2) providers deserve the utmost respect and consideration......without them too many hobbyists would not be able to take the edge off.

Thank you for your post Zak and please remember to consider the source before you allow others to influence your feelings.

I just want people to open there eyes and hearts.  

With so much love we shouldn't be spewing out such nastiness.  
I'm just sad to see what this board is coming to.  

Want people to treat other views as just that other ideas. You don't have to agree with what everyone say's but you don't need to go out of your way to blast someone for being different.  

Posted By: LasVegan
you are still figuring out that some on here simply make ridiculous comments/judgements just to piss people off or for their own personal entertainment.  Others ARE complete ASSHOLES and express the views indicated in your posts because they are ignorant and have no clue.  
 On both counts, those people immediately flag themselves as people who do not deserve the time of day from you.  
 Finally, there ARE people who agree with you on many of the points you make, especially that; 1) it is your money and you should see whoever you choose, for whatever services please you, as long as they are between two consenting adults and that 2) providers deserve the utmost respect and consideration......without them too many hobbyists would not be able to take the edge off.  
 Thank you for your post Zak and please remember to consider the source before you allow others to influence your feelings.

should get a room together.  Just sayin', not judging.

GaGambler245 reads

Besides which one of these BSU's would be the "top"? They can't both be bottoms, can they?

and yes, I suppose I am judging too.

And that's exactly why you keep getting those emails. Some people enjoy pissing other people off. Especially here lol

This reminds me of yesterday
when I saw a baby bird teeter out on a limb and attempt to fly.  
           He flew a few yards, then plopped to the ground,
where my cats were waiting to scoop him up and play with him
                  til he was dead.

Hafiz217 reads

That's just... creepy.

Posted By: GYBOpower
       This reminds me of yesterday  
 when I saw a baby bird teeter out on a limb and attempt to fly.    
            He flew a few yards, then plopped to the ground,  
 where my cats were waiting to scoop him up and play with him  
                   til he was dead.

That being said, there are a few opinions that will get a person in hot water around here.  Here is a short list:

Treating providers as a cum receptacle

Endorsing and boasting about barebacking

Insisting that Transsexuals are men and their clients are gay

Getting off on making women uncomfortable

I've fallen for a hooker and can't get up.

All clients suck.

I'm sure you can see a pattern here.  If it's disrespectful or foolish, people WILL jump on you about it.

Posted By: vantheman666
That being said, there are a few opinions that will get a person in hot water around here.  Here is a short list:  
 Treating providers as a cum receptacle  
 Endorsing and boasting about barebacking  
 Insisting that Transsexuals are men and their clients are gay  
 Getting off on making women uncomfortable  
 I've fallen for a hooker and can't get up.  
 All clients suck.  
 I'm sure you can see a pattern here.  If it's disrespectful or foolish, people WILL jump on you about it.

And I've been rooting for you ever since the Wedding Story.

-- Modified on 4/26/2016 1:52:24 PM

There is no such thing anywhere, not even Shangri-La or Brigadoon.

Many people virtue signal about their non-judgmental nature, but in fact they are judgmental in other areas.  In fact the more someone proclaims to be non-judgmental, the more you know they are judging you for your perceived flaws.  

Posted By: Tubbo01
I thought this was a judge free community.

GaGambler208 reads

I judge him on what comes out of his mouth, and there is nothing "perceived" about some of his flaws.

I guess one of my own character flaws is a low tolerance for both bullshit and idiocy. What can I say?  No one is perfect. lol

Perceived -not equal to- illusionary.

Posted By: GaGambler
I judge him on what comes out of his mouth, and there is nothing "perceived" about some of his flaws.

have a tough job and they have to wear ugly black dresses, I say they can fuck hookers too!  Poor things, I am all about inclusion

Literally pick them up off the floor?
Do you like snails?
How much do you bench press?

Just curious.

One more thing: why did you change your name to tubbo in the first place?

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