TER General Board

Ditto: Some people start their day at 6AM; others at 6PM. Partaaay! (eom)
impposter 49 Reviews 547 reads


So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?

You can't base her volume on review quantity here, since it's probably only a fraction of the business she's really doing. For me it's inconsequential either way.

And seeing her post that she's "low volume" is pretty much meaningless. It's just another BS marketing term like "upscale" and the plethora of other buzz words used to make an ad look more appealing.

Good point, as very few of the men I have seen in my few months in the business have been review writers, if you notice by my lack of reviews. But it seems that guys still book alot, based on the reviews. So some of the info matters in the review, but the low-volume aspect does not so much to you?

The low volume aspect means nothing to me. I know I'm not the first and I know that I won't be the last. It's irrelevant.

AFA reviews go-  the only thing in reviews that I care about are the basic details such as: did she match her pictures? Is her place easy to find and is parking a problem? Did she give the full time paid for? Things like that. The sex act details in reviews don't impact me because my sessions are very different than most reviewers have.

well with my busy schedule, taking 6 classes right now...and being a single mom... I have no choice but to be low volume... & honestly I dont get as much as about 2-5 calls a week. Im freaking low volume....as fk. lol

Personally I would consider a provider who sees clients once a day or less as low volume, but there are plenty here who would disagree with me.  Volume is not a consideration for me when it comes to seeing a provider.  I'm more concerned about her appearance, the donation amount, and the reviews.

GaGambler860 reads

If I can't tell, it's hardly a concern of mine.

As most here know, I have dated a lot of hookers in my life. One of them was a "high volume" Thai girl who worked for an agency. She most likely averaged 5-6 clients a day, I am just guessing about the exact number, but she would complain how slow it was if she "only" had three appointments in a day.

AAR, we spent almost every night together and she always had "enough gas in the tank" for me.  

In short, some women are "burnt out" if they see only a single client a day, while others can fuck all day and still be up for more. As long as the lady is not obviously burnt out, not "fresh", or otherwise overworked and unable to be her best for me. I couldn't care less how much she works.

Lol...very simple mrfisher. Nice :)

Posted By: mrfisher
Otherwise, she's high volume.  

Not necessary, I considered myself low volume since I meet one person a day... some times I don't meet anyone.  
I cannot be available at ALL TIMES because I have a civvie job and a civvie life that requires time as well.  

If I have a request I make reservations on a location to meet with that person and that's it.  

Posted By: mrfisher
Otherwise, she's high volume.  
-- Modified on 12/2/2016 5:42:37 PM

Some of our lives fluctuate from high volume to low volume. I can literally take on maybe 4 more clients this entire month of December, and two of those weeks - I can take zero. Some months I can take 10, and use that month to drag it out a couple months. Due to personal obligations, my December is fucked. lol

So you can't really judge by her availability by assuming she is swallowing another man's cum, or tasting a woman's clam.

It just doesn't work that way. I know you guys like to fantasize about us constantly with a hitachi wand glued to our clitoris, or out there being sex-minded super woman every moment we aren't available - when we're picking up kids from school, and standing in line at the grocery store with a screaming 4-year old, attending family events, golfing, taking a night off, working a 9-5 job, tending to sick family members, etc etc

and that's fine if you want to think every time we're not available, we're out having sex and getting paid - it's your world - your fantasy lol.


-- Modified on 12/2/2016 7:46:14 PM

If you are super low volume and only see one client a month, and this month that happens to be Monday at 6 pm and I contact you today and say I want to see you Monday at 6:30 pm and you say "not available," that obviously doesn't make you high volume!

However that does bring up another issue, one I have always wondered about (maybe it's time to start a thread?) I'm talking about the whole spiel of "make sure you include the date and time you want to see the Provider in your first correspondence."

-- Modified on 12/2/2016 8:54:21 PM

Oh well you know that people who say "Hi I'd like to schedule a date but I have some questions" never really get to scheduling the date.

That commitment needs to be there, because let's face it. Clients will see a shiny new object and make a request to them too, and forget about you. If they don't make the commitment, they can be easily swayed by the next. We call that flaky lol.

It's just a waste of time and stupid. That's like me stopping the register lady at Walgreens like "Hey - I just wanted you to know I really want that item in the back of the store. Can you store that in your head? Then I can come back and talk to you about how much I want that item every day for the next month". I just tell them I've removed their form and to get back to me when they decide. i.e. I am telling them I am giving it no more thought until I see the evidence of a real date. Otherwise they use the open ended date request to obtain a pen-pal, then find a reason to get pissed at her so he doesn't have to commit.

Not going to lie, there are some weird people out there. lol


Posted By: perfectstorm

 However that does bring up another issue, one I have always wondered about (maybe it's time to start a thread?) I'm talking about the whole spiel of "make sure you include the date and time you want to see the Provider in your first correspondence."

-- Modified on 12/2/2016 8:54:21 PM

-- Modified on 12/2/2016 8:12:31 PM

I often send a request with a date and time, but other times I have questions that I need to have answered before booking.  If you have the answers to my questions (they're usually pretty simple) then of course I'd want to see you; otherwise why would I ask.  

But if your answers suggest that you don't offer what I'm looking for or you don't answer me at all, then why would I want to see you?  I just don't think it makes sense for me to book first and then ask the question.

If you think answering questions is a waste of time, then I guess that's up to you, but I've never experienced a problem with it from anyone I've contacted.

If you need to know if I offer FIV or anal, and you can't foot a few bucks for VIP, then you should move on to someone else.

Of course - you would want to see me because you ask questions is not my experience at all in this industry. Per my recollection, the people who booked the date, researched, read reviews, and filled out the form first have been the ones who weren't one and done's, and become long standing regulars.  

Maybe some women don't have a lot of stuff up on their websites, but my media presence is so vast, you really have zero questions to ask.

Talking to anonymous people privately really creeps me out. It's never turned out lucrative or beneficial to me.  

Another thing - people who email and ask questions that are easily answered online a lot of times try to build a rapport via email, then manipulate out of screening. "Oh, but I'm so nice - you know I'm not out to hurt you." So to me, I'd rather just invest in the people who are likely to return over and over again. It works great for me.

Again, I'm not the only hot, smart brunette in Chicago. There are tons and tons of them. And many have a lower minimum - and are just as good a companion as I am. So seeing them should be no harm to you.

After I know who you are and that you are legit, I can answer questions. But again - with my online presence, you really shouldn't have to ask much.

-- Modified on 12/6/2016 12:13:32 AM

and that's why in my booking form I have 2 different places for possible dates... so if one doesn't work, the other one can be an option. but.....

not everyone can read our websites, etiquette and more....lol just see the pictures LOL  

Posted By: perfectstorm
If you are super low volume and only see one client a month, and this month that happens to be Monday at 6 pm and I contact you today and say I want to see you Monday at 6:30 pm and you say "not available," that obviously doesn't make you high volume!  
 However that does bring up another issue, one I have always wondered about (maybe it's time to start a thread?) I'm talking about the whole spiel of "make sure you include the date and time you want to see the Provider in your first correspondence."

-- Modified on 12/2/2016 8:54:21 PM

to be none of my business.  As long as she has properly cleaned up after the last guy and her pussy doesn't still smell like latex, then it doesn't matter to me if the last customer was yesterday or 15 minutes ago.  If I suspect a girl is not diligent in her hygiene between customers, I simply won't repeat.  I have seen hundreds of high-volume providers and I can count on one hand the number of times there was a problem that might be related to volume level.  The 5% bad sessions I have had almost always have nothing to do with how many customers she sees or when she saw the last one.  Any hobbyist that asks you about your volume level is a jerk, IMO.  It should be a red flag that puts him on your DNS list.

When doing research it doesn't matter to me how many pages of reviews she has, that really is not an accurate indication of the total anyway. But yea like lopaw said, it's a bunch of crap anyways all these BS catch phrases and marketing key words.
Lots of ladies say low volume but yet will have hundreds of reviews.. lol

It's mind over matter, if I don't mind, it don't matter. i just don't want to walk in a place and see wet towels all over, used wrapperS on the floor, the bed looking like shit and her looking like she got rammed by a 2X4. That screams "Ok, Next"....Other then that...I'm good.

ValuedCustomer690 reads

Not sure the reviews and looks really factor into that...

only ONE dude in the room at ANY point and that ONE dude is JACK!!!

As to how many dudes she fucks before or after me, IDK and IDC bc I couldn't possibly know for certain, but getting an early morning appointment certainly helps my chances. lol

...that I don't pay any attention to.  What is important to me is does she cause me to feel like the only guy in the world while we're together, and that she has impeccable hygiene.  One can usually pick up nuances from scrutiny of reviews to determine probability of a quality encounter, and choose companionship accordingly.  Beyond that, her volume is none of my business as I wish all of my provider friends success.

When you show up at the appointed time and she doesn't answer the phone, then takes a half hour to get back to you with an excuse, then that's a problem.

Honestly it's never really bothered me. If a provider I'm interested in can see me then great, if she can't then the reason, whether that is another client or a 'real world' obligation is none of my business unless she choses to tell me.

It's the quality of the lady that wins out, I certainly wouldn't let her volume influence me.

Although, to personalise, I have found that meeting a provider with a full life outside of the hobby has made the meetings much more stimulating as learning about her life makes her more interesting to me and greatly enhances my interest in seeing her again

John_Laroche528 reads

and she says "no problem..." she's low volume.

If she's running late, well that's another story.

Looks, price, and quality of reviews mean more, but TBH, there's something about an escort hitting that century mark in number of reviews that's a bit of a turn-off

2Pop3Pop744 reads

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?
Never seen anybody discuss the sweet spot in here. Only low volume vs. high volume yada yada yada...
I think there's a sweet spot volume and appointment time. Sweet spot volume is somewhere between no clients and a revolving door. Sweet spot appointment time is somewhere between first client of the day and last client of the day. Reaching a state of nirvana for the provider and client aka "once in a lifetime encounter" is very possible when the session occurs at sweet spot volume and sweet spot appointment time. That's because the it is the occasion when the provider is the ripest and readiest to deliver a once in a lifetime type session. In other words, she's at her horniest and her lady parts are in their most responsive state. Let me explain further.
I had an ATF that I could tell, simply from the feel of her inside, had either seen few or no clients for awhile (she would be too tight to max my enjoyment) or a lot of clients (honestly she felt too loose for my enjoyment.) On occasion, I would see her during her sweet spot volume, when she had seen neither too few or too many clients. The same was true for her sweet spot appointment time. She wouldn't be quite warmed up if it were the first appointment of the day. She'd be a bit tired if it were her last of the day and she'd seen more than two. The sweet spot would be the appointment time when she was warmed up and ready to be taking over the edge again and again and she was ready for someone like me that knew how to do that.  So, the perfect time for me as a client with her is when her lady parts were warmed up but not over used. And when she really wanted to play. The times I remember most with her were the occasions when it was obvious, simply by the feel of her, to me that I wasn't the first of the day and she behaved as if I arrived at the perfect time and commenced to have multiple full body AUTHENTIC O's that moved me to release the most memorable pops in my life in terms of fluid volume and body affects. I'm talking full body male orgasms that seemed to last for minutes resulting in pops that could leave many men dehydrated.

So, my question to providers and hobbyist is what do you think of these ideas I describe about sweet spots?

2Pop3Pop578 reads

To add a bit...

Most memorable time with that ATF was an occasion when I sensed she had been with another client maybe only minutes before I arrived although nothing in her behavior towards me was different. Conversation and foreplay were briefer than usual. She was ready for me in a take me NOW kind of way. She felt like a snug fire hot cauldron of liquid lust when I entered her body in one long slow sack deep stroke to the bottom of her. She immediately went into full body convulsion type O's as I entered. Every few strokes she'd have another. You know the kind when her legs quiver and convulse uncontrollably. She tried to speak but couldn't form sentences. The intensity was off the charts and it was all I could do to not let off too soon. When I did, it was one of those that feel like they come from your toes on the wind up. I had only one pop that day that was more like a power flush of every drop I had in me. All was good in the world for the rest of the day and most of the next.

GaGambler675 reads

Please don't give up your day job, you suck at this.

2Pop3Pop589 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Please don't give up your day job, you suck at this.
I did not write letters to Penthouse. Read a few when I was a kid. Just trying to interject some nuance into the tired old provider volume discussion. I know you of all people get these subtle nuances that make for memorable sessions.

Hey, I'm just trying to convey that feeling you have in the midst of a once in a lifetime type encounter that does something to your mind and body that you never forget. Never used hard drugs but maybe it's like the high addicts describe when they first hit their drug of choice. I know it kept me going back to her although every session wasn't a once in a lifetime.

Posted By: 2Pop3Pop
I think there's a sweet spot volume and appointment time.
A lot of guys seem to think that everyone keeps the same hours and life style. "I only book her before 10 AM so I can be the first of the day." and such.  

Some people (which includes Providers!), get up at 3 PM in order to be ready to start partying at 7 PM and then hit the sack at 8 AM.  Others get up 7 AM do personal stuff (work, classes, family) and start their hooking at 4 PM.  YOUR daily schedule is not necessarily her daily schedule.

Clients (M and F) can strategize about the best time of day to meet someone and consult their astrologer or psychic for advice but, mostly, we don't know our hostess's schedules. We know if we have an enjoyable time and that's the most important thing to me. THAT'S the sweet spot I'm looking for.

It is alleged that AMP girls are very busy - I won't pick a number per day - but most of my AMP experiences have been very enjoyable. There is the occasional "I'm so tired." or "I'm so sore." but it is either a ruse they use on everyone and those girls don't last or it is true, but rare

NinjaThisPost455 reads

I'm definitely not a morning person and I roll my eyes everytime someone tries to book an early morning with the hopes that it will be my first appointment.  Well you could have just booked before 6 pm if that's what you wanted...  I see at the most 2 maybe 3 clients a day depending on whether I have an incall or I'm doing outcall.  Usually it's just one or so.  I consider myself low to moderate volume and I don't feel like it's something to brag about.  If I wasn't so uncomfortable meeting new clients and didn't have anxiety I would welcome more clients into my schedule as it's more money but I just can't do that without feeling frazzled and stressed out.

This topic comes up often and low volume is a meaningless term. If she is clean and treats me like I am the only one that matters while I am with her, and she is not exhausted, tired, or hurt from over work then I could give 2 shits how many people she sees. Aside from that, I don't want to really run into her last or next client in the hallway on the way in or out, but truthfully even if that happened, the afore mentioned items are more important.

Low volume vs high volume is all relative. A lady who sees 5 clients a day is low volume compared to one who sees 10 a day. One who only sees 1 a day is high volume compared to one who sees 1 a week. Then what about the lady who sees 5 or 6 a day but only works 3 days a month? Is that high or low volume? 🤔

Then there's the guys who think booking the first appointment of the day is the best way to insure she,s fresh...except when her overnight appointment just left 10 minutes before Mr. first of the day shows up, or better yet she just barebacked her boyfriend and didn't have time to jump in the shower before Mr. first knocks.

I use the CDC'S definition of high volume of 5 or more unique parters in a year. All providers, most hobbyist,  and a great many people outside of this game exceed this threshold including both me and my wife. It doesn't bother me how many parters my sexual parter has had nor how recently they had them as long as she cleaned herself well between her last time with someone else and my visit and we play safe and use condoms. I am not foolish enough to expect exclusivity or a virgin or similar.

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?

Low volume to me means 1-2 a day, maybe every other day.  I think it all depends if she has a civvie job and a family.

On the other hand a regular of mine, even though I know she can have up to 4-6 " visitors" a day, she will always give me preference of time in scheduling.


...talk to my ex-wife!

Sad but true, she was (by any definition) ULTRA low volume and it was not a pleasant experience for me.

I'd rather a woman be into it, into me (or act well enough that I can feel that way) and we can both have a great time.

she doesn't care how many women I see, I don't care how many men and women she sees

Asian agencies make it seem like you're the only guy seeing her in the day.  Just like hotels fold the toilet paper, fresh towels, and freshly vacuumed.  

A smart provider doesn't throw the wrapper, condom, and tissues in the waste basket.  Just kind of disheartening to look in the trash and seeing it half full of condoms, wipes and toilet paper/tissues.

Likewise, shower is still wet with a wet towel on the ground, etc.

You can see 10 guys a day and still be 'low' volume, as long as it appears you're low volume.  You can have three guys a day and look like you're high volume.

Just make me FEEL like you're the only guy you're seeing that day, and that's low volume.  Its not the actual number.  That also includes not being really late, or cutting time short, or starting to prep for your next date while I'm still in the room.

Do we have a full, no-rush session without her phone going off constantly while we are together?  Is her attitude laid back and easy, or hurry up and rush?  Does she even pretend she wants to be there?  Is it mechanical service due to not.giving a shit.anymore she is so worn out?  Does she yawn when you try to make her cum?  Does she smell fresh and clean or does she have the musk of other dudes on/in her?  All that is more important than how many meatsticks she has had shoved up her cooch in a week.  Because:
A.  Its not my business, its hers
B.  If we, or at least I, have a good time right now, what difference does it make that she made a bunch of other somebodies feel good

I was in contact with a provider who said, "I've been very low volume recently, so scheduling shouldn't be any problem." I took it mean something like, "Not very busy so whenever you want." That's a plus for low volume.

But when I see low volume in an ad, it mans nothing special to me. Since she's running am ad it means she wants to increase her volume to some appreciative degree.

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?
In Houston a lady has to compete with many other providers.  This type of work is either feast or famine.  Personally I am low volume 1)  because I am picky about who I see, 2)  I have a day job that sometimes I work 7 days a week.  3)  I only do outcall.

Yes...I have discovered Houston to be a challenge, in many ways!!

Would you please book me first, in the day, before anyone else?  

My reply, "I'm a "Low Volume Companion" which means, I don't rendezvous more than once in a single day. Therefore, to me...You Are Always Number One!"

This has always been how I rendezvous. Perhaps someday that will change, and if it does...that is the day I will tour. With my one rendezvous a day policy, I can't afford to tour because my expenses would be more than my income.

Choosing a lady with a full-time day job is a great way to ensure she is (and stays) low-volume. Even if I WANTED to be busier, I couldn't be because I simply do not have the time. My availability is very limited.

Posted By: JennaEvans
Choosing a lady with a full-time day job is a great way to ensure she is (and stays) low-volume. Even if I WANTED to be busier, I couldn't be because I simply do not have the time. My availability is very limited.
You are right don't make this business the only income.I have full time  legit job and professional..Your availability might be limited you are still marketing business like rest of professionals.None of client's business how many clients hookers see in the business.Get a girlfriend not a hooker.

I could care less about volume. Good reviews are a must. Her pictures are real, she provides what I  want etc. The #1 must for me is that on any given day I absolutely have to be the "lead off batter." I will not see a girl as the 2nd or 3rd in line. Don`t care how many she saw yesterday, today is a brand new game

Posted By: 20strojl
I could care less about volume. Good reviews are a must. Her pictures are real, she provides what I  want etc. The #1 must for me is that on any given day I absolutely have to be the "lead off batter." I will not see a girl as the 2nd or 3rd in line. Don`t care how many she saw yesterday, today is a brand new game

Posted By: 20strojl
I Don`t care how many she saw yesterday, today is a brand new game
Can I ask why? Not trying to argue the point, just to understand the logic. If you don't care how many were yesterday, and you don't care about her lifetime total, why is it so important to be the first of the day? And why is today a brand new game? Are you thinking she sleeps hooked up to an automated douche-inator machine?

That, and that we're incapable of bathing after an appointment.  

Where's GaG on this one? He'll tell our friend here all about the inanity of the "first of the day" requests

GaGambler562 reads

Yeah, I still wonder if that one guy enjoyed the taste of my jizz as he went down on my GF as her "first appointment" of the day at 7 AM that one morning, not knowing that I dropped a load in her barely five minutes before his appointment. lmao

I am also glad she doesn't read these boards to hear me talk about it too. lol

Not to mention of course the coke heads where 8 AM is "Late at night" after a long night of drinking, fucking and doing lines or worse and he actually ends up as her LAST appointment of the evening, instead of the FIRST appointment of the morning.  

Sometimes I am embarrassed to even be a guy as guys can be so fucking dumb. lol

Rasha Industries is the exclusive distributor for the all new “Hymenator 5000.”  

At bedtime, simply set the calibration unit based on body weight and insert the activation wand. It not only cleanses and freshens, but the transdermal sleeve delivers a precise dose of magnesium, zinc, molybdenum and vitamin D to tone, tighten and restore elasticity. By morning, you’ll be squeaky clean, tight as a drum and sealed with a synthetic membrane.  

 Make every time the first time – Hymenator 5000    

(If you offer Greek, be sure to ask about our all-natural line of ass holistic formulas)

-- Modified on 12/3/2016 7:14:44 PM

And I suppose if you didn't have any sex for a month your hymen would grow back, right Tobi?

Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Thanks for the input. Plus you got gag kinda fired up!

You'll figure out later that your "I have to be first for the day" is a fools errand. Believe it as long as you need to but eventually you'll learn it just doesn't matter and you'll never, ever actually know unless she's your GF as well as a provider you see. (Which is typically an indication that the first though is incorrect ;-)

Just book an overnight, that way its guaranteed.

Posted By: 20strojl
I could care less about volume. Good reviews are a must. Her pictures are real, she provides what I  want etc. The #1 must for me is that on any given day I absolutely have to be the "lead off batter." I will not see a girl as the 2nd or 3rd in line. Don`t care how many she saw yesterday, today is a brand new game

Performance is the most important thing.  I don't want to feel like you just concluded a session before mine.  ;-)

souls_harbor641 reads

Unless you are banging virgins, someone has gone before.

I understand some men rather meet with low volume provider because she meets with less men so that makes her better?

I don't think it's the clients place to know how many men a provider is seing, if she meets 1 men a week or 20, that is not your concern. If you want a female who is less sexually open then you should consider getting a girlfriend not an hooker

Posted By: Kikiloverkink
I understand some men rather meet with low volume provider because she meets with less men so that makes her better?  
 I don't think it's the clients place to know how many men a provider is seing, if she meets 1 men a week or 20, that is not your concern. If you want a female who is less sexually open then you should consider getting a girlfriend not an hooker.  
Good point get a girlfriend not a hooker. F***** up hookers try to run away business from other hookers.

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?
High or low volume professionals in the business make money.F**** up run away business from other professionals.

Wonky_Portals596 reads

But, sometimes when she says "I'm so glad you are with me now, the last guy never makes me cum. And you do!" Is just the fuel for a great session.

So number of clients is none of my business.

And I always thought volume was about whether the lady takes a fisting.

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
So, what do you guys consider low-volume? Does it determine whether or not you will see a girl if she moves outside of what you consider to be in the low-volume range? Or do her reviews and looks matter more than the amount of men she is seeing?

This is like the pot calling the Kettle black. In my humble opinion it's up to the provider to decide how many clients she can handle and what kind of client rapport she wants establish.  Personally,  I'm more interested in her hygiene, great service, and the attributes that i prefer in how I like my woman to look.  If she clean and is focused on me during our time together, that's good enough for me. I could care less whether she sees 1 or 10 guys a day. Totally her business.

I know often most make the leap of logic to correlate high volume with not good hygiene or poor client service.  I'm not sure that's a correlation that should be made all the time. I've seen ladies that I know see a lot of clients and they are some of my All Time Favorites.

FatVern574 reads

Generally speaking, shouldn't the number of partners. have an impact on a lady's hygiene?

No, not true.

I use to work for a high volume agency with average 5-6 clients a day.  
After every session if you go in shower and wash your body and coochie with warm water and soap or body wash, your good as new! Hehe. That's what showers are for, to make you clean

So, when I've learned real numbers from ladies I've seen, it goes like this:

Touring escorts who are "low volume" see 3-5 gents/day while touring. At least that's the number they want. When you think about the economics, the number can't be much lower than that, unless all the appointments are really long.

At the other end, some agency girls and most K-girls will see 10-12/day. Again, that's the top end.

Anyone else want to contribute numbers? Otherwise, this isn't just a bullshit discussion.

NomdeAmour646 reads

I've been told by ATFs more than once, that the best appointment is the LAST one of the day. The lady isn't worrying about getting you out and the next one in, reapplying make up, having to get "up" for the appointment, change into requested attire, and if she's really into sex (especially if you're a regular) there's more relaxation, she's "warmed up", etc, and you have a real shot at some OTC time if you're a regular and she wants to relax after a hard day at the office.

This never occurred to me until I heard it several times. And, seriously, if all this volume shit really bothers you, maybe you shouldn't be here at all?

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