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Disgusting cultureangry_smile
sunandsand 9 Reviews 660 reads

Fucking disgusting. Kill whales, dolphins, eat animals while they're still alive, broke up the Beatles, sell the panties of 14 year old girls in vending machines and this clown in Japan cooked and served his penis and balls and Japanese people paid to eat them:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2149879/Japanese-man-22-cooks-genitals-serves-paying-dinner-party-guests.htm

So who would be sponsors for a USA-based version of this Japanese tradition?

Mr-Blonde602 reads

If something like that happened in the USA, it would be in San Francisco, and you wouldn't see women sucking on those lollipops, if you know what I mean.  Count me out.

Pimpathy572 reads

Posted By: Dave76015
So who would be sponsors for a USA-based version of this Japanese tradition?

GaGambler843 reads

That would explain a lot

Fucking disgusting. Kill whales, dolphins, eat animals while they're still alive, broke up the Beatles, sell the panties of 14 year old girls in vending machines and this clown in Japan cooked and served his penis and balls and Japanese people paid to eat them:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2149879/Japanese-man-22-cooks-genitals-serves-paying-dinner-party-guests.htm

AnotherDonJohn730 reads

Agree on the whaling in principle but I wouldn't have characterized the culture that way.

I don't begrudge you your pickup truck, white pointed hood, and cross burning...

Posted By: sunandsand
Fucking disgusting. Kill whales, dolphins, eat animals while they're still alive, broke up the Beatles, sell the panties of 14 year old girls in vending machines and this clown in Japan cooked and served his penis and balls and Japanese people paid to eat them:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2149879/Japanese-man-22-cooks-genitals-serves-paying-dinner-party-guests.html  

GaGambler633 reads

Needs to shut the fuck up about other cultures.

and doesn't S&S sound just like someone stupid and inbred enough to have actually watched both Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo? and this fucktard probably lives on Big Macs.

but he does have me where it comes to Yoko Ono, I tried to think of a way to support her, but I got nothing, lol

Where DD and Honey fucking Poo Poo come from and I am embarrassed as hell to admit it. Have I watched those shows, fuck no! Would not serve a big Mac to my pets let alone eat one myself. And I am not a hood wearing soul either. Just your common garden import that now calls this place "home". Doesn't mean I have to embrace the stupidity though just cause I live here.

GaGambler467 reads

and we are no exception. My comments were directed at the "Ugly American" who thinks that other cultures are "disgusting" because they are different than ours. Lots of other cultures think we are disgusting, and from their POV, maybe they are right.

I live here too, well at least most of the time, and I accept the good and the bad. We are what we are, racists pukes like S&S are one of the few things about this country that I am actually a bit ashamed of.

I did miss your point. Although I can also admit that I am a racist, bigoted cunt loving asshole. I hate being forced to like something about some culture etc just because I don't want to be labeled one of the above. I now embrace the shitty side of me and life is good.

GaGambler547 reads

but if you detest all races equally, are you still technically a racist?

I admit I love getting my white bread friends into situations where they are the minority and then start ragging on them for being white, and telling "white people" jokes. You get to find out who has a sense of humor and who doesn't.

there are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis.

GaGambler567 reads

and one who definitely has a sense of humor.

If you can't rag on your friends, who can you rag on? Well I guess there are always board trolls like Fungy and Pimpy, and Turdy and Tardy, but I am talking about in person, and somehow I doubt I will ever be in the same room with any of them.

Pimpathy580 reads

Consciously mutilating your own sexual organs for is a sign of self loathing. I'm referencing the amputation of reproductive equipment, and gender reassignment surgeries. I don't hate the people who, choose to go through such surgeries. People can do what they wish, I don't think that is the solution.

You are born the way you are born. Accept yourself the way you were made. Males are born male, Hermaohrodites are born hermaphrodite, Females are born female, Gays are born gay, Straights are born straight.

For those trapped in a body they despise is usually suicide. Lopping off a cock they don't want and hate is nothing to them. Same goes for the ladies who lop off their breasts and cut out their uteruses.  

I am happy being who I am and have no desire to change however, I cannot speak for those who feel disgusted or trapped in a body with parts they hate.

Pimpathy414 reads

What if they are still unhappy after the surgery?

I would think some are, and some aren't.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
For those trapped in a body they despise is usually suicide. Lopping off a cock they don't want and hate is nothing to them. Same goes for the ladies who lop off their breasts and cut out their uteruses.  
 I am happy being who I am and have no desire to change however, I cannot speak for those who feel disgusted or trapped in a body with parts they hate.

It is not just Kawasaki Japan that has this annual event. While stationed in Japan many years ago I attended a festival in Toyoko and my nearby city. They are normally in April each year. A big parade and 23 day event was in Toyoko. There are also shrines and temples.
This will never happen in the USA, to bad, they Japanese have a good time, and half of the population in the USA has one.

It's called May Day.

I'm not talking about the one where the Russians trot out all their missiles and parade them down the street (Although the imagery is suggestive come to think of it.)  but rather the Anglo-Saxon tradition of dancing around the May Pole.  Yup, that's what the May Pole is basically, a big dick.

And to show that there are other branches of this tree, here's the Mothers of Invention's take on the subject:

CAn't show penetration in porn or nether parts, but by gosh can have a kid friendly penis festival!!!

In Singapore, the hobby is legal, but porn, even soft core and even academic books regarding it are highly illegal.

Go figure.

Was catching some STD from said dicks way back in the 17th century. Hmmm nothing much has changed.

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