TER General Board

Different strokes for different folks
swimtrekr 58 Reviews 2865 reads
1 / 20

I am just curious, why do so many hobbyists feel the need to declare one provider their ATF?  What happens when the next one treats you better than her?  Do you get a new ATF?  And on and on and on...

Why do you want other ladies to know you prefer someone else over her?  I don't understand that.  Some of the girls do read reviews.

Consider this scenario.  A has been declared your ATF in your review of her.  You make an appointment with B for a session next week.  She reads your reviews in the course of her research of you to find out if you are a good guy. When you go to see B, she now knows that you prefer A over her because A is your ATF.  Granted, this should not affect your meeting with B, but will it, or will it not?  You can't tell me this knowledge is not playing in B's mind.  She might be wondering, why is he here with me when he prefers her?  Or wondering, do I have to out-perform A?  Or, will I become his new ATF, and how long will I last?

Along the same line, why see one lady exclusively?  Isn't the hobby also about new experiences?  Are you apprehensive about checking out others?  If I wanted to see just one lady, I could get married again.  I have seen a couple of providers more than once, but still want to see many others, even though I will probably see the repeats again.

Just my thoughts, thanks for reading.

runningman65 7 Reviews 457 reads
2 / 20

Being new to the hobby, I seem to have seen the "ATF" acronym quite frequently, and figured it was kind of part of the vocabulary here.  I"ve only seen a few providers in my brief time of doing this, and one provider stands out from all the others I've seen.  I haven't referred to any of the providers I"ve seen as my ATF in my reviews, so I'm not worried about the others' perceptions.

Why see one lady exclusively? For me, I've had a few experiences with ladies I haven't seen before and I'll just say those experiences were not the best for me. And, of the few I've seen, a very high percentage of those have retired, so I couldn't see them again even if I wanted to.

Recently, I met one provider who I get along with very well, and the sessions are amazing. I can only hobby once per month, and I want to try to get the best experience possible. So, I'm very happy seeing the provider that I see now, once per month(hopefully more if I can find some extra money!)
Those are my thoughts  on this.

Nick Carraway 484 reads
3 / 20

hobbyists do what feels good.  This is a guilt-free zone.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1218 reads
4 / 20

and I've been one of the worst offenders.

From now on, I will just use the term "favorite" for a provider that I think enough of to want to repeat with and, in fact, do so.

cleanmachine 29 Reviews 544 reads
5 / 20

my problem is my ATF's keep retiring at a very young age..lets see, Kay, Janna, now Madisyn..
I'm on the hunt for some new ones !!

bakdorman 25 Reviews 1214 reads
6 / 20

Excellent points all, and probably good advise to stay away from using the term ATF in any review, as ATF is always subject to change.

I however really don't take the term literally. Just as a way of saying that this particular provider is someone I really like and would see multiple time, and who's company I enjoy even when I'm not banging her!!

moorepassion See my TER Reviews 1782 reads
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and isn't that what's really important.  :)
Actually, when I see the term ATF used by someone who has set up an appt to see me in reference to another provider, I have a very positive response to it.  First of all, it definitely elevates that client in my mind especially if I know the provider and already know that she is wonderful.  
We already are prepared for the fact that you engage in relations with other women.  Don't most of you have wives or SOs?  
Plus, you better believe that we providers have our own ATF's.  The first time one of my all time favorite men told the discussion board that I was his ATF I was smiling for a week.  And man, when he came to see me after that.... WOW!!  The fireworks went off.  
It's not a popularity contest.  Everybody has their own unique tastes and when I realize that I connect with someone so much that he counts me his ATF it just makes both of our experiences that much better.

filmat11 6 Reviews 359 reads
8 / 20

swimtrekr - please read moorepassion's response. Providers don't care if you have a "thing" for another provider, and it doesn't really matter how you label it.  They know that the reasons two people click are ineffable and idiosyncratic.  If a provider is good and sane (as moorepassion obviously is) she is not thinking about living up to some ideal or competing with someone else while she is f*cking you.  She has not memorized your reviews or looked for clues about your life and loves.  She is thinking about making you happy at that moment.

As others have said, the term ATF is overused and not to be taken too seriously.  I have always interpreted it to mean,  "This is a person I really click with, close to my personal ideal."  If one is reading another hobbyist's reviews, this is sometimes useful information.

To answer your question about exclusivity, I do pretty thorough research and basically know that a lady is going to excite me when I walk through the door.  I rarely have a less-than-fulfilling experience.  Still, I probably see less than 10% of providers twice, so exclusivity is not an issue.  I suspect this is true for most hobbyists.  But sometimes you meet someone you want to see again and again - that you would see as often as time and money allow.  Currently, I have one person like this and I have been seeing her for years.  I am lucky that she lives in another state or I would be broke.


-- Modified on 8/16/2007 9:39:21 AM

Hannah Heath GFE See my TER Reviews 337 reads
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as ATF's can change as often as your Jr. High School gf's did.  It is not a life time commitment and does not imply anything more or less than we gals rock their worlds.  I for one have no problem with a guy refereing to another provider as his ATF and seeing me as well.  It is not like she turned him down for the prom and I am second best!

This is supposed to be FUN!  Lighten up and enjoy it!

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 817 reads
10 / 20

My ATF wasn't my ATF when I reviewed her last year and I didn't refer to her that way. She is now but I still see other ladies as well.  Not only is it not an issue but when we get together after I've been on a road trip one of the first things she asks me is "did you get any?". Yeah, this is a huge part of the reason why she is my ATF!
OK, seriously. It's just words, or a group of words. Don't attach too much significance to it.
Any good lady knows that many guys hobby for variety. Your donation and treating her with respect when you are with her is all they can or should ask. If you do happen to get a gal who is giving you grief about seeing other providers I would suggest that you are in for trouble down the road in one way or another.

FatherFollowme 389 reads
13 / 20

How many time do I have to tell you that I have the franchise on BINGO ! ! !
There will be real big trouble if BishopFollowme finds out.

You had best see me in the confessional very soon ! ! !

Thank You


BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 366 reads
15 / 20

I feel closer than to others and would definately declare them an ATF.  BUT Would I call them an ATF publically?  I suppose - Do I see them exclusively ?  NO, BUT - and here is the catch, I see them DIFFERENTLY (that is on different types of appointments - more relaxed and more like a civie date)!  Our time is a bit more about all of the aspects of being human.  Date like?  you bet.  and with them, I know that I am in for a great time - What is strange about that is that at one time - someone said to me "you like them young"  well - I suppose so, as almost everyone I've seen under my current handle is younger than me... so I guess they are young... not hard to do... as I was born in the 1st half of the last century! lol!!!  

Now my question, does declaring someone an ATF hurt or help their business ??? with other dudes?

MikeRH 2 Reviews 807 reads
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I've been seeing the same provider almost exclusively for the past three years.

At first, it was mainly due to shyness on my part, I felt REALLY comfortable with her the first few times I saw her.  So I took her on my first ever extended date, took her to dinner & a show.  Saw her again for a short appointment, & the next time I saw her was another dinner/show date.  We had so much fun on that date I've only done dinner/show dates with her since.

Which I guess is another reason I end up only seeing her, I choose to spend my hobby money on 3 dinner/show dates with her per year (she lives in Vegas, I live in Chicago).

In December, I found out a few days before I left that there was going to be an ice skating rink in the parking lot at the Hard Rock, so I told her we'd do that on our date.  Somebody in TER chat was giving her a hard time about it, asking if I was paying her for her time (I was), & stating that HE'D never do something like that with a provider.

To me it's still one of my favorite things I've ever done with her.:D

wormwood 17 Reviews 996 reads
17 / 20

Pretty similar situation for me. I now only see one lady and that's almost always for longer dates. We just spent the afternoon at the local botanical gardens, went shopping for a birthday present, cooked dinner together, etc. Such a a truly wonderful experience that I plan to cut out the short dates completely (if the will holds up!) and only do the longer ones, preferably overnight.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 566 reads
18 / 20

Thanks to all for you responses.  I just was thinking about the ATF name, and wanted to get your opinions.  You responded, and I respect all your feelings about the subject.

It is our hobby, both males and females, so let's enjoy it to the fullest.  If you guys want an ATF, then by all means, for whatever the reason, get one and enjoy her.  If you girls like being a guy's ATF, then relish the memories of your sessions with him.

I did not ask this question to judge anyone, and I hope no one judged me, but I wanted to see what people thought about it.

Happy Hobbyin'

zorbaelgreeko 1774 reads
19 / 20

everytime I meet a new lady she becomes my new atf. what can I say, I love em all.

Gaijin64 6 Reviews 547 reads
20 / 20

Wow.  I may be a bit of an emotional wasteland when it comes to relationships, but it seems to be that we've picked the wrong playground if we don't like to share!

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