TER General Board

Derogatory words
King_of_Love 2278 reads

What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

If they offend or are uncomfortable for your partner don't use them!

Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

Some gals just seem to be into the dirty talk...others not so much.

I've never used dirty talk as part of my session with a gal...just didn't ever seem to work for me.  However there have been some gals who are so comfortable to spew out dirty talk and seemed to really make it fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed that.

But it really has to be done with ease or I just find the whole scene to be a turn-off.

Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

JackDunphy704 reads

I can think of a few expletives I would utter...then I would just walk off the set! lol

I'd be fine as long as Jen was role playing.

I'm not great at the whole "dirty talk" thing. I like it when guys do it, I just feel silly when I try to though. The worst is when someone says "talk dirty to me." I immediately go into awkward mode like "Umm. Okay...well...fuck me? Fuck me with your dick, or something?" I'm not trying to be a buzzkill when that happens, I just can't handle being put on the spot like that. It's silly.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Some gals just seem to be into the dirty talk...others not so much.  
 I've never used dirty talk as part of my session with a gal...just didn't ever seem to work for me.  However there have been some gals who are so comfortable to spew out dirty talk and seemed to really make it fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed that.  
 But it really has to be done with ease or I just find the whole scene to be a turn-off.  
Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

89Springer1048 reads

I guess your board persona is very different from your professional one, which is probably very different from your real life one.

That said, there's a sizable difference between the occasional (or frequent, in my case) expletive in day-to-day conversation, and trying to say things that are both sexy and non-awkward in the heat of the moment.  

Posted By: 89Springer
I guess your board persona is very different from your professional one, which is probably very different from your real life one.

89Springer765 reads

I swear like a motherfucker all day, but can't say "slut" BCD without feeling like an idiot.

I'm very conservative at work, I have to be, so it's nice to let loose

GaGambler740 reads

and in person during normal "clothes on" conversations, but try to get me to say something like "come fuck me you dirty little slut" and I would probably just break up laughing right in the middle of it. It's just so NOT ME. lmao

Damn it, I really should retract this post, I do have a reputation to uphold you know. lol

There has really only been ONE gal that I played with that was really great at the "dirty talk".  You'd look at her and wonder "where in the fuck did that come from"?

But it was so incredibly fun and she just had a blast spewing shit and more shit.  And I was having a blast with her doing this.

A few others are like you are...kind of blab some shit..but it's not what she is good at, so I move the activity into a direction that I know she (they) are more comfortable with.

Most that I've known simply avoid that activity altogether...which is just as well from my POV.

I would think that the worst "dirty talk" I could spew is at lunch if I said "You're paying the check...right"?   But I wouldn't let any gal do that...well, if she really insisted..nah!!  Unless she felt she owed me something for some reason...then I would  LOL

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm not great at the whole "dirty talk" thing. I like it when guys do it, I just feel silly when I try to though. The worst is when someone says "talk dirty to me." I immediately go into awkward mode like "Umm. Okay...well...fuck me? Fuck me with your dick, or something?" I'm not trying to be a buzzkill when that happens, I just can't handle being put on the spot like that. It's silly.  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
Some gals just seem to be into the dirty talk...others not so much.  
  I've never used dirty talk as part of my session with a gal...just didn't ever seem to work for me.  However there have been some gals who are so comfortable to spew out dirty talk and seemed to really make it fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed that.  
  But it really has to be done with ease or I just find the whole scene to be a turn-off.  
Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

beg me to COF while looking up at me while playing with your lady boner (because I know COF gives you a lady boner). I'll gladly do the dirty talking for you....yummy

However, I wouldn't recommend blurting out any of those without making sure she's not going to throw you out for it.  

Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

Robert_BadenPowell681 reads

I'm old fashioned in some ways.  (Goes with being old, I suppose!)  Even if a lady doesn't mind use of words like that, I'll pass.

No good scout would would use those words.

it's a fantasy, I make sure the lady always knows I don't mean any of it, and regulars of mine will stop me before I even start to ask, one says to me "yes I know you don't mean it, you're so sweet".

I like to role play too, and dirty talk fits in a lot of role play

- slut is a good example - the use of the word is always derogatory and thus ill mannered in my opinion -    and I think if most women, provider or otherwise,  were honest about it, they would say so as well.   But it's a cheap price to pay for the money I suppose....

I have no problems with dirty talk -  if it comes naturally at the time it can enhance things - if it's artificial and stilted I would imagine not.....

89Springer779 reads

This is one problematic area when providers say what they think the customer wants.  I've asked about dirty talk like that, wondering if the provider likes it. I've gotten a "yes" answer, talked dirty, and sensed she didn't like it.  

If I knew with certainty it was something she liked, I'd go ahead with it, even though I think it's derogatory. If I don't know with absolute certainty, then I won't.

GaGambler749 reads

and she calls me her favorite "man whore" in return, there is nothing the least bit derogatory meant by either of us, it's just the way we talk to each other, and I am sure she would disagree with you strongly on this subject as well.

Even "cunt" can be used without an intent to be derogatory, but it's a little tougher I will admit. I think I have called both Hotplants and H+T "man hating cunts" at one time or another, and I know neither of them took offense because they judged my intent, not just the actual words I used.

That said, I am just no good at dirty talk in the bedroom. It just doesn't do a thing for me when a woman does it, and quite frankly I would never be able to keep a straight face if I were to try it myself.

It adds to the moment, and when I toss in a few of my own down and dirty words, The thrill is an overflow of excitement!!

.....if your holdin back from what truly turns ya on, ??? your not getting your fantasy.
As I was sucking one of my favorite guys balls, he says 'YOU BITCH', I didn't know what to think for a second, I'm sure he noticed my eyes raise up as I went back up to his cock, he continued 'nobody can do to me what you do girl' ....then again 'you bitch'. He's one of my favorites, he doesn't hold back- he jus blurts out how he feels & I love it!!!!
Altho I've had moments where someone has asked me for some dirty talk & yeah,being put on the spot &  I'm like uh ....... but if were in the mood or getting in the mood, sitting on the bed & he leans over & wispers 'I want my little whore to start on her knees sucking daddy's big cock'- hell yeah!!! I'm all for it, the dirtier the more fun.....
I like romantic times but to me that just means I like getting really intimate with someone (nothing held back-I'm the one who keeps your secrets- I don't go back chanelling saying you kno so & so wants this or that- our session is private & I want to get as messy & dirty as we can). If guys want boring isn't that what the wife is for? I personally don't want someone to just see my body as a toy but treat me like we know each other...& then play with my body like it's a toy (one that talks- he he)

Posted By: King_of_Love
What's your opinion on using derogatory words like slut, tramp, bitch, whore or the like during the act?

I love dirty talk both her and me, the nastier the better. The important thing to remember is that it's best to ask her before doing it. I always explain to the lady that I don't mean any of it, it's all fantasy and after all this is all just fantasy.

such a gentlemen. But for me you don't have to take the time to explain anything to me, I am here for your fantasy & I will groove into whatever mood you want.  
Some guys don't understand why I like to establish a type of connection before we get started or even meet, it's just so that it's easier for both of us to groove into the moments, I dont need anyone to explain why they want me to do @#$%, if the mood is there, let us gooooooo for it.  
I am here for your fantasy whatever it is, & generally the ones who see me a 2nd time, a 3rd time, etc.....the more we get to know each other the more exciting it gets.

I personally will mention it if in that kind of mood. I d suggest allowing the lady to be the one to request it and wouldnt suggest the man be the one to suggest that idea. I dont know just my opinion, But i lean on enjoying being the one in charge of how the appt will go. I dont like having to act like I am having fun if I am not and i definetly am not ALWAAYS up for that , Usually by the end of session when its getting supern intense i begin spouting off really super vulgar , humiliation, type phrases and banter. Sort of out blue un expectedly. No ones EVER suggested it tome. Actually being like with clients that dont put any pressure on me to act or perform a certain way I get super relaxed and am way more likely to get more into it and excited.  
    I think allowing the provider to kinda travel where the mood is taking her naturally and if she is moving in that direction then go with it, That kind of talk during sex you reallly got be hot n heavy and having animalistic hot sex. If there is pressure to get it that way it just isnt as fun.Also if the customer is just not into it either and behaving like a crabby pants dead fish its very difficult to get enthusiastic,  
   I talk like that SOMETIMES at end part when its getting heavy and rigorous and super fun and hot, Thats just me i dont like being pressure to do an act just cuz the guy wants it, I do way better if i do what I am gonna be most horniest at that day. Sometimes the degridation talk wouldnt be fun for me, Its a certain chemistry a certain pace Its a certain tone and mood.  
     For that. My biggest pet peeve is the customers pressuring you to cum. I physically cant cum with every client when i do its draining intense and I just also think faking it for me i look so fake when i attempt to fake an orgasm.  
    I can still be horny and enjoy the act of sex with out having to reach climax, My pet peeve is the guy actin all disapointed i just dont wanna cum at that appt, I dont get it, The customer is oaying me to help him have pleasure. I am not the one going toa provider for a release, I have more than enough sex and dont get going to see an escort to need to make her cum, I know thats just how it is but i hate that part of it....................................................................................................Then i hate when they read a good review and they think that will happen with every client, .. It takes two to tango and if one isnt into it you can only try so hard to impress and try and make some one happy, It gets to a certain point and if they arent showing any response you just cant show the same performance if a customer is acting like they dont like you from the moment they arrive.  
 I sometimes wonder why they are even there because once in a blue moon you get one and they dont even seem like they like you!!!!!!!'
 Your like i dont get it why are they even here they are acting like they cant stand me? what is goin on!@

between "dirty talk" and "derogatory talk".  

It's one thing to say "Fuck me harder", etc. in the heat of the moment. Quite another to say "Fuck me harder you (insert derogatory term of choice)".  

Dirty talk when the chemistry and mood is right: awesome and hot. Derogatory talk at any time is just not who I am, and would sound, and be, forced, fake and most probably a mood killer.  

I mean, the word derogatory literally means "expressing a low opinion or disrespect of someone or something." I get it, for some it works... just not for me.

Dirty Talk

There are two ways to talk dirty: aggressive and tame.

Aggressive, in which you order her around and even degrade her a little bit. You must start small and feed off of her reactions and replies.

Tame, in which you comment on her body and things you imagine doing to her without using any derogatory words.

Be sure to gauge how she reacts to what you say. If you've been dating for months and suddenly break out the dirty talk in bed, she might be a little taken aback by your potty mouth

To get me to give you the side eye and back the fuck up. Not a fan and will ask the guy to drop it.

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 9:46:36 AM

As far as myself, I prefer the tame, and the dirty talk is directed towards the act, and not at the person.  

With that aside, I think Ask Men was addressing a specific audience that this type of talk appealed to. They were conservation enough to suggest that the derogatory talk take place between a couple that has been seeing each other over time, and not a one night stand, first time encounter with a provider, etc. (Although, after reading some of the posters’ comments here, seems the derogatory role play is on the table)

Anyway, it leads me to think that when people do the same thing with same partner, or go through similar motions with multiple partners over a period of time, they eventually get bored. They want to spice things up, take sexuality to a higher level; different level. They want to try something new and exciting that is more edgy; more risky. They want to push the envelope, so to speak. Maybe that’s human nature? (But then that’s another thread.

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