TER General Board

Depends on the mood and the person -eom
Fridays117 27 Reviews 302 reads


I was having a conversation yesterday w/a friend about Sex & she said: Sensual Sex is better then Raunchy Sex: It's more about intimacy & passion.. Hmmmmm...... Interesting....  (Btw: She doesn't know my Secret TER life)

So, Hobbyists & Providers-Which one do you prefer when in a session.....  

Me, I like Raunchy sex... I think being Raunchy, kinky, dirty, sweaty bring out more PASSION!!!  


-- Modified on 4/1/2014 6:42:51 AM

Sensual is nice too because it adds to the realism and the illusion but in the end I'm not looking for a fake girlfriend to chit chat or have dinner with. I'm just looking for a hot 451 fahrenheit steamy raunchy session.... and then get back to my life afterwards. :D

My philosophy exactly.....although these days I don't always go around quoting Woody. But I also very much enjoy sensual and I have found someone that delivers both to the highest degree imaginable. Sort of like having my cake and eating it too. I would also say that for the first couple times meeting someone raunchy is the preference. Sensual gets better as the chemistry, comfort and trust grows.

I am soooo lucky  :)

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 9:24:28 AM

Senator.Blutarsky550 reads

Sometimes I feel like a nice candle light evening with soft jazz playing in the background and sometimes I like to rock out to that old time rock n roll. Both are great and have equal appeal to me. It really comes down to my mood at the time.

When I'm with my ATF, who is game for anything, Round One is usually Hot and Raunchy.
Round 2 is sensual and loving, with a little raunch thrown-in

I used to prefer gfe .... but now I daydream of PSE from my providers.  I am I to kinkier acts as I get older

so sometimes the mood and chemistry is right for sensual, sometimes it's right for a raunch-fest. Do what works in the moment, Be the Passion.

leads to Raunch if the passion exists for two people, although some just jump right into the Raunch LOL. Really just depends on each individual and each scenario.  

But the question at hand, what do 'I' really like? Shhhh, it's a secret. ;)

...sensual and raunchy are one. It's called Brut's S&R! You should try it sometime!

One day Mr. Client may be down, stressed, tired... may need a lot more lovin' on,  
Another day Mr. Client comes sailing in the door, grinning, on top of the world, wound up like a tiger ready to pounce!

Reading Mr. Client & his moods is a whole lot more important than my own preferences, however it is very nice when both can feed off of each-other... without sounding all hippy-crap, but kind of on the same  frequency, if this even makes sense... Mood-alignment :)  
It's good when that happens. Kind of like orgasming at the same time lol


I'd swear I am more sensual, but those kitty claws have accidentally come out at time or two lol


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