TER General Board

redsox2017 7 Reviews 5745 reads
1 / 62

How often do you all hobby and how much do you spend per month? If money is a restriction, how do you hold yourself accountable when your urges take over and lead you to booking more often than you should?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 314 reads
2 / 62

chance I get, which is typically three or four times a week. I don't really hold myself accountable on the spending, but I might get married again someday, and then that will be HER job.  However, I always pay my electric bill first, because I don't like watching TV in the dark.

trex44 9 Reviews 289 reads
3 / 62

...which for this year has been about every 6 weeks or so. It takes me a while to clear some time to be able to travel the 2-4+ hours one way to a town large enough to have a selection of reputable providers. If I can get a 3-day weekend to myself (have to get Sis to watch my elderly mother), then I can get in some multiple sessions.

Planning my annual vacation for June, so I might just do a tour of available providers I've been thinking about for a while.
A few days of away time will give me more time for play! ;)

ReadyFreddie069 15 Reviews 352 reads
4 / 62

I probably see someone 1 to 2 times a month. Of course there have been some months I have not booked anyone, and there have been a few months where I booked 3.  If I was rich, it would probably be more often.

I have not found a good way to hold myself accountable for the spending. I am in the process of working on a system where I can save up gradually, and I have been able to do without the SO noticing. If I was more frequent it would hurt financially and she would probably notice. I have started working on controlling the saving and regulating the frequency so I can be more consistent and avoid spending when I should not. There have been a few times when the urge took over and I spent more than I should have, and I regretted it and decided I need to control that.

However, I am trying to meet higher-end providers, and that takes longer to save up for. Just recently, for instance, I decided I couldn't wait until I had the money for this lovely lady that I have my eyes on and opted to go to one of my regular spots to see the nice asian women I have been enjoying. While I had a good time, that only delayed my ability to see the one I really want to meet right now. Soon.

micktoz 41 Reviews 285 reads
5 / 62

Today, then there was  last Tuesday. Then last weekend there was Friday afternoon, then late Friday night through Sunday morning.  
Prior to that there was Wednesday night and before that the Saturday night. Wednesday night before that.  
Like everything on the Internet, the above may or may not be true.  
Finances for recreation come,  like CDL, after my bills and other responsibilities are looked after.  

Oh crap, what hobby were you talking about?

impposter 49 Reviews 308 reads
6 / 62

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
However, I always pay my electric bill first, because I don't like watching TV in the dark.
But you get some of the best programming that way.

20strojl 13 Reviews 206 reads
7 / 62

About 2x per month. I use my SS money which is 1K. Not married and own my own business so no need to hide.
I see 2/3  girls regularly for approx $500 for 2 hrs each and all this works fine cause it`s all about the connecting with them for me. Because of this tight knit cadre of girls I can`t find reasons to write redundant reviews.  
Life is good.

josulli 15 Reviews 211 reads
8 / 62

I have twice a week.... once a-week.. once every few weeks.. right now not so much.. I had a huge 5 figure tax bill.. so it will be awhile before I  can...

DT_lover 188 Reviews 212 reads
9 / 62

Now money is my restricting factor.  When I spend too much, I run out of money...that sort of keeps me accountable.

I have plenty of good luck at 300/hr, by doing good research, being respectful, and knowing what I want.

Senator.Blutarsky 214 reads
11 / 62

...but I do fuck women as often as I can. Any funds that aren't spent on wine, women, or song, I piss away.

DatyRookie 170 reads
12 / 62

I know my budget and I know what I want and like. I spend on average 300 per date, but Wil go as high as 500. So 600 to 1,000 depending on the month.

I could date dice times that if I hit up backpage, but the quality (visit and ) is not there. Plenty of bp options though. My money, my fantasy, I will damn well make sure she is worth every dollar.

A few years ago I went through an out of control phase and hobbied outside of my budget, hell, I did not have a budget. I paid  my bills, but when I started using credit card cash  advances to get off I realized I had to reassess my situation. Fortunate for me the damage was limited to $4,000. I took a few months off, paid that off and learned to play responsibly and with self control.  

Know your limits and boundaries. Some guys want to play early and often and don't mind 80 backpage specials, some want quality and super model types at 500 a pop, some can afford both  (lucky bastards).

wrps07 211 reads
13 / 62

It is hard to be disciplined but I only hobby with funds in my PIT (pussy investment trust).  These are capitals gains from stock trading, mutual fund distributions, and interest/dividend income.  I started trading with penny and sub penny stocks for stock trading. I have migrated to small caps and larger for stock trading. The downside of stock trading is that you have to keep an eye on things during trading hours, meaning you can't sneak out from work to hobby.  

Sticking to a budget is important. Don't going shopping unless you have the funds. Otherwise you will be dipping into emergency savings and other cash reserves.

subrob27 83 Reviews 142 reads
14 / 62

attempt to see a 1-2 providers a week.  As I work in the government, work hours can be erratic so at times do not meet the goal.  Looking at reserving elite women in the coming weeks.  Finances are not an issue.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 207 reads
15 / 62
donbecker54 19 Reviews 197 reads
16 / 62

I have to travel to another city, so I book four hours with one provider. It usually costs $1500 for the four hours, sometimes a bit more.  

I would love to do once a week, but finances don't permit.

GaGambler 246 reads
17 / 62
lopaw 29 Reviews 231 reads
18 / 62

... and what i spend ranges from $100 to $700 depending on the services offered.

-- Modified on 5/21/2017 7:52:15 AM

JakeFromStateFarm 235 reads
19 / 62

So you're a squirter, eh?
Well, you had to know someone would jump on that.

-- Modified on 5/21/2017 10:35:40 AM

scb19 10 Reviews 222 reads
20 / 62

I spend from $300 to $1000 depending on availability.  I don't hold myself accountable since I have to go with what's available.  I have had some very dry months.

mangoballs78 14 Reviews 141 reads
21 / 62

a week now but I try to only do it once a month. I know, I have really good self-control. I recently decided to rent out my basement to help finance the hobby. I am trying to get back to seeing 1 girl a month or 2 girls for FBSM. I am trying to keep my budget at around 300 or so.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 207 reads
22 / 62
scb19 10 Reviews 215 reads
23 / 62

Take it from someone that lost his family because of the hobby.  My wife divorced me and my kids haven't talked to me in 8 years.  It was the most devastating thing to ever happen in my life.  If you have any feelings for your wife at all, I beg you to stop hobbying NOW.  I will never lose the image of the hurt in her eyes when she found me out.  

scb19 10 Reviews 180 reads
24 / 62

Of course they aren't....you work for the government.  

Posted By: subrob27
Re: Typically  
attempt to see a 1-2 providers a week.  As I work in the government, work hours can be erratic so at times do not meet the goal.  Looking at reserving elite women in the coming weeks.  Finances are not an issue.

lopaw 29 Reviews 254 reads
25 / 62
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 235 reads
26 / 62

Penny stocks are a sucker's game.  90% of the time, insiders are manipulating prices because they are thinly traded.  If you're an insider, then the rewards can be great until you're indicted by a grand jury.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 226 reads
27 / 62

you would consider giving any of us an "opening?"  Doesn't sound like the Lopaw I know.  Lol

lopaw 29 Reviews 228 reads
28 / 62
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 188 reads
29 / 62
richy9 16 Reviews 222 reads
30 / 62

Depending where I'm at.  If I'm in a good area, I may go out 3 times in a month.  Also I try to keep it under $300 a month.  I have gone out 3 times in a week before, I think in Panama.  Talking about urges, I lived about 200 Foot from a beauty queen for awhile, and that made it tough to save money.  But when you run out of money, you quit spending, unless you're the government.  
If I get married, then the marriage would be where my time and money would be going.  It might be cheaper to stay single.  You all have a good day.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 251 reads
31 / 62

I have Hobbied 4 times in the past 6 years. Always extended time, which includes Dinner. My range of spending winds up being 1500-2500 at a crack. I have no want to ever do anything under 3 hours.

Reason I don't Hobby much? I don't have the urge often where I find a lady that I feel I "must" see. I don't actively look and when I find someone I am highly attracted to, I tend to not like her personality, so I don't book... or I may want to but not so bad that I will. I am also pretty busy getting what I enjoy out of the men I see. Busy life at times. The only time it has ever been about money is when I wanted to see a lady who was charging 1500$/hr. I really don't feel like spending 8k for something like this!!!

Also several ladies on my wish list have retired over the years. That's another factor. Many are also out of state and may not tour near me.

On the plus side, I do have 2 "musts" and 1 "possible" that I aiming to see when I tour this year. I am sure there are plenty of other great choices that fit into the whole attraction factor for me but unless I know her personality and find that attractive, I am not going to book.

redsox2017 7 Reviews 210 reads
32 / 62

Where do I sign up for this kind of money? Jealous of you!

JakeFromStateFarm 232 reads
33 / 62

You are wracked with guilt and sound miserable.  You should work on yourself and your feelings of guilt and stop telling others what to do or not do.

davincib1 85 Reviews 180 reads
35 / 62

Posted By: redsox2017

How often do you all hobby and how much do you spend per month? If money is a restriction, how do you hold yourself accountable when your urges take over and lead you to booking more often than you should?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 221 reads
36 / 62

If you just told her the fairy tale that the girl(s) you cheated with came onto you, and that you are the victim, you were weak, and it won't happen again.  Women are always quick to blame another woman's behavior for mistakes men make.  Women love it when men own that they fucked up and want to repent.  Women get married hoping they can change a man into the guy they want.  You just have to convince them that something like this is just a bump in the road on your journey to perfection and that you will continue to make progress if she continues to work on you to make you into the man she wants.  

EvaFantasy See my TER Reviews 222 reads
37 / 62

First off who are you to judge what other people do with there lives? If your marriage failed that was you that made that happen no one else. Also, if I were you I would suggest you fix yourself then to start telling people how to run there lives.

TheGovernor 110 Reviews 167 reads
38 / 62

Sometime I will have a Wednesday pm rendezvous followed by a Thursday am rendezvous.  Other times I may go 3-4 weeks without pleasure.... it is not that $$$$ are limited.  I am in an industry where I travel coast to coast, and my free time is restricted, due to T&E with clients.  And I am not willing or able to share this part of my world with them.  Playing Tennis and Golf has certainly paid dividends and afforded me business opportunities, which in turn has contributed to more disposable income to play with.  
Try to stay within a certain limit. I have lived off a trust fund the last 15 years,  so affordability is never an issue, it's  just that $1K per hour ladies aren't that much better than $300 per hour ladies. Great Quality is a commodity once you liberate yourself from the temptation of BP.

micktoz 41 Reviews 198 reads
39 / 62

Hahaha, you are correct CDL. People don't change, no matter how much someone else tries to make them change.

micktoz 41 Reviews 168 reads
40 / 62

Mate, you are 27 years old, right? When I was your age, I had been happily married for two years. Fucking every night working on making a baby. I had a full time job and she did too. We bought a starter house and were really happy.  
I'm 56 now, twice divorced and not trying build a future. I live very frugally. I don't have big debt. My kid is older than you and I work, go to the gym and I fuck some really amazing ladies.  

Long story short, earn your pleasures and you will appreciate them.  
Jealousy is a foolish state of mind. The only person it really hurts is you.  

Have fun.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 181 reads
41 / 62

She's the hot girlfriend that always wants to have sex (every man's dream) and doesn't give you shit about hanging out with your friends at a pub or doing other "guy" stuff away from her.  However, she's making silent note of your faults, just not bringing them up.  You eventually get married.  She's hoping she can cure your faults and make you into the man she wants.  You, on the other hand, are hoping SHE NEVER changes from the hot girlfriend.  In most marriages, NEITHER of you gets what you want, you don't change and she does, and that's why a lot of them eventually fail.  

-- Modified on 5/21/2017 7:30:12 PM

redsox2017 7 Reviews 230 reads
43 / 62

I definitely have earned my pleasures, I just want more and don't want to fuck up my future to do it haga

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 204 reads
44 / 62

Jake is a troll?  I know as one of my LA "buds" you would NEVER say that about me!

Allstar 9 Reviews 179 reads
45 / 62

Every 90 days at the moment. I'm keeping up appearances, but hyper focused on accomplishing some personal goals and my disposable income is tied up until the end of the year. After the holidays I'll start saving for a down payment on a house, but I'll be able to have fun every month while I'm doing that.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 301 reads
46 / 62

I already figure I will never retire and I'll die homeless on a park bench some day, but if you have to be homeless, Hawaii is not a bad place.

discretionist 180 reads
47 / 62

Which I've been good at sticking to lately...after a 3 session binge in January.

My minimum time for a session is 90 minutes and I have a hard ceiling of $1000 for 90 minutes (which I rarely hit).  I probably average closer to $750 for 90 minutes.

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 206 reads
48 / 62

I pretty much only hobby a couple times a year, usually when my ATF is in town or when I',m on vacation. I would hobby more but my new job has weird hours and that cuts into my free time.

I'm usually good about not booking a lot, but I don't have a wife or kid, nor other big recurring expenses in my life.

scb19 10 Reviews 324 reads
49 / 62

I can't argue with that, just trying to help someone else not go through what I did.

scb19 10 Reviews 192 reads
50 / 62

We were married for 25 years, so any molding that was to be done had already been done.  My ex was waaaaaay to smart for that kind of bullshit.

scb19 10 Reviews 186 reads
51 / 62

was not judgement...as I stated above, just wanted to help someone not go through what I did.

ReadyFreddie069 15 Reviews 231 reads
52 / 62

I took you comment for what it was meant to be, simply as a fair warning. I could see you were coming from a place of deep pain and regret, and I was not offended. We are all different, however, and we are all at a different place in our lives. I try to be very careful with this "hobby" and will continued to do so.  Peace.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 238 reads
53 / 62

One of these days we will have to trade notes! As I do doubles with some or personally been with outside the Hobby! Although we are in completely different areas!

fantasyman 3 Reviews 191 reads
54 / 62

i only get a chance every 6 weeks or so when someone is touring. Have not been able to find someone local
yet. i've spent 400/hour & usually go for a minimum of 90 minutes.

GaGambler 71 reads
55 / 62

You make Droopy Dog look like a fucking ray of sunshine in comparison.

I NEVER fucked around on my wife when I was married, but I don't feel obliged to tell every other guy to live by my moral compass. If you hadn't noticed, it kind of makes you look like a douche bag loser.

Ok, it most DEFINITELY makes you look like a douche bag loser, especially since you are still fucking hookers even after you claim doing so "cost you everything". You aren't just a loser, you're a loser who can't seem to learn from his own mistakes. lmao

Here_I_Go 169 reads
56 / 62

If you want to help out, then explaining how you got caught would be a good place to start.  

GaGambler 162 reads
57 / 62

She not only married your lame ass, but stayed married to you for a quarter of a century, Not the kind of life decision a "smart" woman makes.

OTOH, she does get props for finally dumping you, but since you still have enough money to keep seeing hookers, I guess she wasn't smart enough to totally clean you out.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 168 reads
58 / 62

After 60 years of marriage, my mom says my dad is still "a work in progress."  Just sayin.

JakeFromStateFarm 143 reads
59 / 62

You're also mis-characterizing what he's doing now.  When he said his philandering cost him everything he meant his marriage.  Well, now that he's lost his marriage why shouldn't he continue to monger?  Let the poor guy find solace between a hooker's legs, would ya? LOL!

JakeFromStateFarm 175 reads
60 / 62

But your reply is to my post.  I've been married twice and never cheated.  Or got caught.

GaGambler 166 reads
61 / 62

Unless during one of your rare sober moments you switched to flat mode, it should be pretty obvious he was talking to  scb19 and not you.

Come on Jake, at least try to keep up.

JakeFromStateFarm 177 reads
62 / 62

Yes, I was sober.  But not for long. LOL!

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